Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static decimal CalculateOffer(string itemCode, int quantity, SpecialOffer offer)
            int     numberForOffer = offer.Quantity;
            decimal priceForOffer  = offer.TotalPrice;
            decimal originalPrice  = offer.OriginalPrice;
            decimal totalItemCost;
            int     remainder;
            int     adjustedQuantity;

            if (quantity % numberForOffer == 0)
                // If the numbers divide perfectly, apply the offer.
                totalItemCost = ((quantity / numberForOffer) * priceForOffer);
                // Apply the offer to as many items as possible, the rest are calculated at a normal cost.
                remainder        = (quantity % numberForOffer);
                adjustedQuantity = quantity - remainder;
                totalItemCost    = ((quantity / adjustedQuantity) * priceForOffer);
                totalItemCost    = totalItemCost + (originalPrice * remainder);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected static List <SpecialOffer> UpdateSpecialOffer(string itemCode, int itemQuantity, decimal itemCost, decimal itemBaseCost, List <SpecialOffer> specialOffers)
            bool         passed          = false;
            bool         replaceExisting = false;
            SpecialOffer newOffer        = new SpecialOffer(itemCode, itemQuantity, itemCost, itemBaseCost);
            SpecialOffer oldOffer        = null;

            foreach (SpecialOffer offer in specialOffers)
                if (offer.ItemCode == itemCode)
                    oldOffer        = offer;
                    replaceExisting = true;

            if (!replaceExisting)
                // No offer existed, so just add new one.
                // Offer already existed, so replace the old one with the new one.
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Any classes added to this project are in place of the usual process I would use.
            // I would usually have a set of DBMLs containing stored procedures for data manipulation and object definitons.

            // Program variables used during processing.
            string             input;
            string             itemCode;
            int                itemQuantity;
            decimal            itemCost;
            decimal            itemBaseCost;
            ShoppingBasketItem itemToAdd;

            // Shopping basket stores a list of ShoppingBasketItems representing the current shopping basket.
            List <ShoppingBasketItem> currentBasket = new List <ShoppingBasketItem>();

            // Load the prices. Usually from an external source.
            List <ShoppingItem> prices = new List <ShoppingItem>();

            prices.Add(new ShoppingItem("A99", 0.5m));
            prices.Add(new ShoppingItem("B15", 0.3m));
            prices.Add(new ShoppingItem("C40", 1.8m));
            prices.Add(new ShoppingItem("T23", 0.99m));

            // Load the products. Usually from an external source.
            List <string> products = new List <string>();


            // Load the original offers. These can be changed via command line. Usually from an external source.
            List <SpecialOffer> specialOffers = new List <SpecialOffer>();
            SpecialOffer        offer         = new SpecialOffer("A99", 3, 1.30m, 0.5m);

            offer = new SpecialOffer("B15", 2, 0.45m, 0.3m);

            // Output the start up text.
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the shopping basket application.");
            Console.WriteLine("At any time, you can press 'q' to quit, or 'c' to checkout.");
            Console.WriteLine("Press 'o' to update offers or enter an item code to start shopping.");

                input = Console.ReadLine();

                // Check if the user is trying to go to the check out at any time.
                if (input == "c")
                    // Function calculates the total cost of the basket, taking special offers into account.
                    decimal totalPrice = Checkout(currentBasket, prices, specialOffers);

                    // Output total price and then allow user to quit or restart.
                    Console.WriteLine("Your total price is: £" + totalPrice + ". Press 'q' to quit or 'r' to restart the appliation.");
                    string finalStep = Console.ReadLine();

                    while ((finalStep != "q") && (finalStep != "r"))
                        Console.WriteLine("Your total price is: £" + totalPrice + ". Press 'q' to quit or 'r' to restart the appliation.");
                        finalStep = Console.ReadLine();

                    if (finalStep == "q")
                    else if (finalStep == "r")
                        var fileName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
                // Check if the user is trying to quit.
                else if (input == "q")
                // Check if user is trying to change the offers.
                else if (input == "o")
                    // Allow updating of offers.
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the item code to update the related offer.");
                    input = Console.ReadLine();

                    // Validate the input until the user enters a valid item code.
                    itemCode = ValidateItemCode(input, products);
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the quantity of the item relating to your offer.");
                    input = Console.ReadLine();

                    // Validate the input until the user enters a valid item quantity.
                    itemQuantity = ValidateQuantity(input);
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the total cost of the items relating to your offer.");
                    input = Console.ReadLine();

                    // Validate the input until the user enter a valid item cost.
                    itemCost     = ValidateCost(input);
                    itemBaseCost = GetItemBaseCost(prices, itemCode);

                    // Update special offers to contain the new offer.
                    specialOffers = UpdateSpecialOffer(itemCode, itemQuantity, itemCost, itemBaseCost, specialOffers);
                    Console.WriteLine("Offers updated. Please enter a product code to begin shopping.");
                // Else deal with new item to add.
                    itemCode = ValidateItemCode(input, products);
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter your desired quantity.");
                    input         = Console.ReadLine();
                    itemQuantity  = ValidateQuantity(input);
                    itemToAdd     = new ShoppingBasketItem(itemCode, itemQuantity);
                    currentBasket = AddItemToBasket(currentBasket, itemToAdd);
                    Console.WriteLine("Item added to basket. Enter another item code to add another item, press c to go to the check out or press q to quit.");
            } while ((input != "q") && (input != "c"));