Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the square at the specified side of the specified square.  If there is no square at that side (for example, if side isUpRight and the square is at the top of the board) then returns null.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="square"></param>
 /// <param name="side"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static Square AdjacentSquare(Square[,] board, Square square, Directions side)
     switch (side) {
     case Directions.UpRight:
       //If there is a square to the up right and square is not on the right or top sides of the board.  If not then returns null.
       if (square.Left < 7 && square.Top > 0)
         return board[square.Left + 1, square.Top - 1];
     case Directions.UpLeft:
       //If there is a square to the up left of square and square is not on the left side or the top side.
       if (square.Left > 0 && square.Top > 0)
         return board[square.Left - 1, square.Top - 1];
     case Directions.DownRight:
       //If there is a square to the down right of square and square is not on the right or bottom sides of the board.
       if (square.Left < 7 && square.Top < 7)
         return board[square.Left + 1, square.Top + 1];
     case Directions.DownLeft:
       //If there is a square to the down left of square and square is not on the left or bottom sides of the board.
       if (square.Left > 0 && square.Top < 7)
         return board[square.Left - 1, square.Top + 1];
     //If there is no such square because square is on the wrong side of the board and the appropriate condition was false (otherwise, the function would no longer be running) then return null.
     return null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static Move Go(Square[,] board)
            Move retVal = new Move( );
            Dictionary<Players, List<Piece>> piecesOf = new Dictionary<Players, List<Piece>>( );	    //A dictionary of lists of pieces.  piecesOf[Colors.Red] contains a list of all red pieces.
            piecesOf.Add(Players.Black, new List<Piece>( ));	    //Initialize the list of black pieces in piecesOf.
            piecesOf.Add(Players.Red, new List<Piece>( ));
            //Sort the pieces and add them into the respective list in PiecesOf.
            foreach (Square oItem in board) 	  //For each square.
            if (oItem.Piece != null)	    //If the square has a piece in it.
              piecesOf[oItem.Piece.Player].Add(oItem.Piece);		//Add the piece to the respective list in piecesOf.

            //Find the cmove which jumps the most pieces.
            //Evaluate the moves of each of the computer's pieces.
            foreach (Piece currentPiece in piecesOf[Players.Black])		//For each of the computer player's pieces (the computer player is black).
            foreach (var item in Library.PossibleMoves(board, currentPiece)) {		  //For each of the squares that currentPiece can move to.
              Move currentMove = new Move(currentPiece, item.Key, item.Value, 0);
              currentMove.Rating = RateMove(currentMove);
              //Determine the human player's best response after the proposed move.
              Square[,] contingency = new Square[8, 8];
              for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++) {
                for (int column = 0; column < 8; column++) {
                    contingency[row, column] = board[row, column].Clone( );
              contingency[item.Key.Left, item.Key.Top].Piece = contingency[currentPiece.Location.Left, currentPiece.Location.Top].Piece;	    //The piece being moved should be moved to the proposed destination.
              contingency[currentPiece.Location.Left, currentPiece.Location.Top].Piece = null;	  //Remove currentPiece from it's old location.
              Move bestResponse = new Move( );
              foreach (Square iItem in contingency) {
                if (iItem.Piece != null && iItem.Piece.Player == Players.Red) {
                    foreach (var iiItem in Library.PossibleMoves(contingency, iItem.Piece)) {
                      int rating = RateMove(new Move(iItem.Piece, iiItem.Key, iiItem.Value, 0));
                      if (bestResponse.PieceMoved == null || rating > bestResponse.Rating)
                        bestResponse = new Move(iItem.Piece, iiItem.Key, iiItem.Value, rating);
              currentMove.Rating -= bestResponse.Rating;
              if (retVal.PiecesJumped == null || currentMove.Rating > retVal.Rating)		    //If retVal was never set before or currentMove jumps more pieces than the previously found best move.
                retVal = currentMove;
            return retVal;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a dictionary with the key the squares that the specified piece can move to and the value a list of the pieces that would be jumped if that piece moves to the key.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="board">A 2-dimensional array of squares representing the board.</param>
 /// <param name="currentPiece">The piece that is being moved.</param>
 /// <returns>A dictionary with the key the squares that the piece on the specified square can move to and the value a list of the pieces that would be jumped if that piece moves to the key.</returns>
 public static Dictionary<Square, List<Piece>> PossibleMoves(Square[,] board, Piece pieceMoved)
     return RecursivePossibleMoves(board, pieceMoved, pieceMoved.Location, new Dictionary<Square, List<Piece>>( ));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a dictionary with the key the squares that the specified piece can move to from the specified square and the value a list of the pieces that would be jumped if that piece moves to the key.  It is recursive.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">The square to determine the possible moves from.  It does not necessarily contain a piece.</param>
 /// <param name="PieceMoved">The piece that is being moved, even if it is moved from a different square.</param>
 /// <param name="movesFound">A dictionary of the results found so far.  If it is not called recursively then it should be an empty list.</param>
 /// <returns>A dictionary with the key the squares that the piece on the specified square can move to and the value a list of the pieces that would be jumped if that piece moves to the key.</returns>
 private static Dictionary<Square, List<Piece>> RecursivePossibleMoves(Square[,] board, Piece pieceMoved, Square source, Dictionary<Square, List<Piece>> movesFound)
     Dictionary<Square, List<Piece>> retVal = new Dictionary<Square, List<Piece>>(movesFound);
     List<Directions> directions = PossibleDirections(pieceMoved);		  //A list of all directions that source.Piece can move in if the surrounding squares are empty and it is not in that edge of the board.
     foreach (Directions direction in directions) {		//For each direction in which source.Piece might be able to move.
     Square adjSquare = AdjacentSquare(board, source, direction);		//The square on direction's side from source.
     if (adjSquare == null)	    //If source is on the edge of the board.
     //If  this function was called for a single move (and wasn't called for the second move of a multi-jump) and adjSquare is empty the source.Piece can move there, so add adjSquare to movesFound.
     if (pieceMoved.Location == source && adjSquare.Piece == null) {
       retVal.Add(adjSquare, new List<Piece>( ));		//The list of pieces jumped should be empty.
     //If adjSquare belongs to the opponent of source.Piece.Player and the next square (if it exists) in direction is empty then source.Piece can jump adjSquare.Piece
     if (adjSquare.Piece != null && adjSquare.Piece.Player != pieceMoved.Player) {
       Square nextSquare = AdjacentSquare(board, adjSquare, direction);
       //If adjSquare is at the edge of the board then nextSquare would be null.  If nextSquare is not null and it is empty and nextSquare was not found before and it is not the orignal square then add nextSquare to movesFound.
       if (nextSquare != null && nextSquare.Piece == null && !retVal.ContainsKey(nextSquare) && nextSquare != pieceMoved.Location) {
         retVal.Add(nextSquare, new List<Piece> { adjSquare.Piece });	    //Add the nextSquare as the key because source.Piece can move there and adjSquare.Piece as the value because it would be jumped.
         //Implement double-jumps by calling PossibleMoves on nextSquare.  Add all items that jump in the return value to retVal.
         foreach (KeyValuePair<Square, List<Piece>> item in RecursivePossibleMoves(board, pieceMoved, nextSquare, retVal)) {
             if (item.Value != null && !retVal.ContainsKey(item.Key)) {
               item.Value.Add(adjSquare.Piece);		//This move will also jump adjSquare.
               retVal.Add(item.Key, item.Value);
     return retVal;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public Boolean checkMove(CheckersGame game, Square origin, Square destination, Boolean mustJump = false)
            if (origin.tl != null && destination == origin.tl && !mustJump)
                if (isLegalMove(game, origin, MoveDirs.TLEFT))
                    move(game, origin, destination);
                    return true;
                    return false;

            else if (origin.tr != null && destination == origin.tr && !mustJump)
                if (isLegalMove(game, origin, MoveDirs.TRIGHT))
                    move(game, origin, destination);
                    return true;
                    return false;

            else if (origin.bl != null && destination == origin.bl && !mustJump)
                if (isLegalMove(game, origin, MoveDirs.BLEFT))
                    move(game, origin, destination);
                    return true;
                    return false;

            else if (origin.br != null && destination == origin.br && !mustJump)
                if (isLegalMove(game, origin, MoveDirs.BRIGHT))
                    move(game, origin, destination);
                    return true;
                    return false;

            else if (origin.tl != null && origin.tl.tl != null && destination == origin.tl.tl)
                if (isLegalCapture(game, origin, MoveDirs.TLEFT))
                    singleCapture(game, origin, MoveDirs.TLEFT);
                    return false;
            else if (origin.tr != null && origin.tr.tr != null && destination == origin.tr.tr)
                if (isLegalCapture(game, origin, MoveDirs.TRIGHT))
                    singleCapture(game, origin, MoveDirs.TRIGHT);
                    return false;
            else if (origin.bl != null && origin.bl.bl != null && destination == origin.bl.bl)
                if (isLegalCapture(game, origin, MoveDirs.BLEFT))
                    singleCapture(game, origin, MoveDirs.BLEFT);
                    return false;
            else if (origin.br != null && origin.br.br != null && destination == origin.br.br)

                if (isLegalCapture(game, origin, MoveDirs.BRIGHT))
                    singleCapture(game, origin, MoveDirs.BRIGHT);

                    return false;
                return false;

            //Check for multiple jump
            if (canCapture(game, destination) == MoveDirs.NONE)
                jumpRequired = false;
                multipleJumpInProgress = false;
                return true;
                originSquare = destination;
                jumpRequired = true;
                multipleJumpInProgress = true;
                multipleJumper = destination;
                return false;

Ejemplo n.º 6
         * @param capDir MoveDirs single direction
         * @return whether proposed capture is legal 
        private Boolean isLegalCapture(CheckersGame game, Square origin, MoveDirs capDir, Square ignore = null)
            Boolean isWhite = (
                (origin.squareType == CheckerType.whiteChecker ||
                 origin.squareType == CheckerType.whiteKing) ?
                 true : false
            Square toCapture, stop;

            if (capDir == MoveDirs.TLEFT)
                if (origin.squareType == CheckerType.redChecker)
                    return false;
                stop = origin.tl.tl;
                toCapture = origin.tl;

            else if (capDir == MoveDirs.TRIGHT)
                if (origin.squareType == CheckerType.redChecker)
                    return false;
                stop = origin.tr.tr;
                toCapture = origin.tr;
            else if (capDir == MoveDirs.BLEFT)
                if (origin.squareType == CheckerType.whiteChecker)
                    return false;
                stop = origin.bl.bl;
                toCapture = origin.bl;
            else if (capDir == MoveDirs.BRIGHT)
                if (origin.squareType == CheckerType.whiteChecker)
                    return false;
                stop = origin.br.br;
                toCapture = origin.br;
                return false;

            if (toCapture == null || stop == null)
                return false;

            if (toCapture.squareType == CheckerType.empty)
                return false;

            if (stop.squareType != CheckerType.empty && stop != ignore)
                return false;

            if ((toCapture.squareType == CheckerType.redChecker ||
                toCapture.squareType == CheckerType.redKing) ^
                return false;
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private Boolean isLegalMove(CheckersGame game, Square origin, MoveDirs destination)
            var stop = (destination == MoveDirs.TLEFT ? origin.tl :
                        (destination == MoveDirs.TRIGHT ? origin.tr :
                        (destination == MoveDirs.BLEFT ? origin.bl : origin.br)));
            if (stop == null || stop.squareType != CheckerType.empty)
                return false;
            if (origin.squareType == CheckerType.whiteKing ||
                origin.squareType == CheckerType.redKing)
                return true;

            else if (origin.squareType == CheckerType.whiteChecker)
                if (stop == origin.tl || stop == origin.tr)
                    return true;
                    return false;
            else if (origin.squareType == CheckerType.redChecker)
                if (stop == origin.bl || stop == origin.br)
                    return true;
                    return false;
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private MoveDirs canCapture(CheckersGame game, Square origin)
            MoveDirs capDirs = MoveDirs.NONE;
            if (origin.tl != null && origin.tl.tl != null && isLegalCapture(game, origin, MoveDirs.TLEFT))
                capDirs = capDirs | MoveDirs.TLEFT;
            if (origin.tr != null && origin.tr.tr != null && isLegalCapture(game, origin, MoveDirs.TRIGHT))
                capDirs = capDirs | MoveDirs.TRIGHT;
            if (origin.bl != null && origin.bl.bl != null && isLegalCapture(game, origin, MoveDirs.BLEFT))
                capDirs = capDirs | MoveDirs.BLEFT;
            if (origin.br != null && origin.br.br != null && isLegalCapture(game, origin, MoveDirs.BRIGHT))
                capDirs = capDirs | MoveDirs.BRIGHT;
            return capDirs;

Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void initSquares(Square[] squares)
            for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                squares[i] = new Square();
                squares[i].squareNumber = i;
            squares[0].tl = null;
            squares[0].tr = squares[4];
            squares[0].bl = null;
            squares[0].br = null;
            squares[1].tl = squares[4];
            squares[1].tr = squares[5];
            squares[1].bl = null;
            squares[1].br = null;
            squares[2].tl = squares[5];
            squares[2].tr = squares[6];
            squares[2].bl = null;
            squares[2].br = null;
            squares[3].tl = squares[6];
            squares[3].tr = squares[7];
            squares[3].bl = null;
            squares[3].br = null;
            squares[4].tl = squares[8];
            squares[4].tr = squares[9];
            squares[4].bl = squares[0];
            squares[4].br = squares[1];
            squares[5].tl = squares[9];
            squares[5].tr = squares[10];
            squares[5].bl = squares[1];
            squares[5].br = squares[2];
            squares[6].tl = squares[10];
            squares[6].tr = squares[11];
            squares[6].bl = squares[2];
            squares[6].br = squares[3];
            squares[7].tl = squares[11];
            squares[7].tr = null;
            squares[7].bl = squares[3];
            squares[7].br = null;
            squares[8].tl = null;
            squares[8].tr = squares[12];
            squares[8].bl = null;
            squares[8].br = squares[4];
            squares[9].tl = squares[12];
            squares[9].tr = squares[13];
            squares[9].bl = squares[4];
            squares[9].br = squares[5];
            squares[10].tl = squares[13];
            squares[10].tr = squares[14];
            squares[10].bl = squares[5];
            squares[10].br = squares[6];
            squares[11].tl = squares[14];
            squares[11].tr = squares[15];
            squares[11].bl = squares[6];
            squares[11].br = squares[7];
            squares[12].tl = squares[16];
            squares[12].tr = squares[17];
            squares[12].bl = squares[8];
            squares[12].br = squares[9];
            squares[13].tl = squares[17];
            squares[13].tr = squares[18];
            squares[13].bl = squares[9];
            squares[13].br = squares[10];
            squares[14].tl = squares[18];
            squares[14].tr = squares[19];
            squares[14].bl = squares[10];
            squares[14].br = squares[11];
            squares[15].tl = squares[19];
            squares[15].tr = null;
            squares[15].bl = squares[11];
            squares[15].br = null;
            squares[16].tr = null;
            squares[16].tl = squares[20];
            squares[16].bl = null;
            squares[16].br = squares[12];
            squares[17].tl = squares[20];
            squares[17].tr = squares[21];
            squares[17].bl = squares[12];
            squares[17].br = squares[13];
            squares[18].tl = squares[21];
            squares[18].tr = squares[22];
            squares[18].bl = squares[13];
            squares[18].br = squares[14];
            squares[19].tl = squares[22];
            squares[19].tr = squares[23];
            squares[19].bl = squares[14];
            squares[19].br = squares[15];
            squares[20].tl = squares[24];
            squares[20].tr = squares[25];
            squares[20].bl = squares[16];
            squares[20].br = squares[17];
            squares[21].tl = squares[25];
            squares[21].tr = squares[26];
            squares[21].bl = squares[17];
            squares[21].br = squares[18];
            squares[22].tl = squares[26];
            squares[22].tr = squares[27];
            squares[22].bl = squares[18];
            squares[22].br = squares[19];
            squares[23].tl = squares[27];
            squares[23].tr = null;
            squares[23].bl = squares[19];
            squares[23].br = null;
            squares[24].tl = null;
            squares[24].tr = squares[28];
            squares[24].bl = null;
            squares[24].br = squares[20];
            squares[25].tl = squares[28];
            squares[25].tr = squares[29];
            squares[25].bl = squares[20];
            squares[25].br = squares[21];
            squares[26].tl = squares[29];
            squares[26].tr = squares[30];
            squares[26].bl = squares[21];
            squares[26].br = squares[22];
            squares[27].tl = squares[30];
            squares[27].tr = squares[31];
            squares[27].bl = squares[22];
            squares[27].br = squares[23];
            squares[28].tl = null;
            squares[28].tr = null;
            squares[28].bl = squares[24];
            squares[28].br = squares[25];
            squares[29].tl = null;
            squares[29].tr = null;
            squares[29].bl = squares[25];
            squares[29].br = squares[26];
            squares[30].tl = null;
            squares[30].tr = null;
            squares[30].bl = squares[26];
            squares[30].br = squares[27];
            squares[31].tl = null;
            squares[31].tr = null;
            squares[31].bl = squares[27];
            squares[31].br = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                if (i < 12)
                    squares[i].squareType = CheckerType.whiteChecker;
                else if (i >= 20)
                    squares[i].squareType = CheckerType.redChecker;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void singleCapture(CheckersGame game, Square origin, MoveDirs capDir)

            switch (capDir)
                case MoveDirs.TLEFT:
                    origin.tl.tl.squareType = origin.squareType;
                    origin.tl.squareType = CheckerType.empty;
                    origin.squareType = CheckerType.empty;
                    kingMe(game, origin.tl.tl);
                case MoveDirs.TRIGHT:
                    origin.tr.tr.squareType = origin.squareType;
                    origin.tr.squareType = CheckerType.empty;
                    origin.squareType = CheckerType.empty;
                    kingMe(game, origin.tr.tr);
                case MoveDirs.BLEFT:
                    origin.bl.bl.squareType = origin.squareType;
                    origin.bl.squareType = CheckerType.empty;
                    origin.squareType = CheckerType.empty;
                    kingMe(game, origin.bl.bl);
                case MoveDirs.BRIGHT:
                    origin.br.br.squareType = origin.squareType;
                    origin.br.squareType = CheckerType.empty;
                    origin.squareType = CheckerType.empty;
                    kingMe(game, origin.br.br);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public void move(CheckersGame game, Square origin, Square destination)
     destination.squareType = origin.squareType;
     origin.squareType = CheckerType.empty;
     kingMe(game, destination);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void kingMe(CheckersGame game, Square loc)
     if (loc.squareNumber < 4)
         if (loc.squareType == CheckerType.redChecker)
             loc.squareType = CheckerType.redKing;
     else if (loc.squareNumber >= 28)
         if (loc.squareType == CheckerType.whiteChecker)
             loc.squareType = CheckerType.whiteKing;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void mouseHandler()
            var mouseState = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Mouse.GetState();
            var mousePosition = new Point(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y);
            if (mouseState.LeftButton == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Pressed)
                for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                    if (this.squares[i].location.Contains(mousePosition))
                        var curChecker = this.squares[i].squareType;
                        if (!originSelected &&
                            curChecker != CheckerType.empty &&
                            //Piece color matches player color
                            (curPlayerIsWhite ^ (curChecker == CheckerType.redChecker || curChecker == CheckerType.redKing)))
                            if (jumpRequired && canCapture(this, this.squares[i]) == MoveDirs.NONE)
                            this.squares[i].highlighted = true;
                            originSelected = true;
                            originSquare = this.squares[i];

                        else if (originSelected && i != originSquare.squareNumber)
                            if (checkMove(this, originSquare, this.squares[i], jumpRequired))
                                curPlayerIsWhite = !curPlayerIsWhite;
                                jumpRequired = false;
                                for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++)
                                    if (this.squares[j].squareType != CheckerType.empty &&
                                        (curPlayerIsWhite ^
                                        (this.squares[j].squareType == CheckerType.redChecker ||
                                        this.squares[j].squareType == CheckerType.redKing)))
                                        if ((canCapture(this, this.squares[j])) != MoveDirs.NONE)
                                            jumpRequired = true;
                            originSquare.highlighted = false;
                            originSelected = false;
                        else { }
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public CheckersGame(Square[] squares)
     this.squares = squares;