Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void Start()
            int layerCount = m_animator.layerCount;

            //  Initialize animator layer names.
            m_animatorLayerNames = new string[layerCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < layerCount; i++)
                m_animatorLayerNames[i] = m_animator.GetLayerName(i);

            m_previousTransitions   = new AnimatorTransitionInfo[layerCount];
            m_previousStates        = new AnimatorStateInfo[layerCount];
            m_animatorStateData     = new AnimatorStateData[layerCount];
            m_animatorDefaultStates = new AnimatorStateData[layerCount];

            //  Set up actions list.
            int count = m_controller.CharActions.Length;

            m_actions = new CharacterAction[count];
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                m_actions[i] = m_controller.CharActions[i];

            //  Setup all the animatior state data.
            AnimatorController animatorController = m_animator.runtimeAnimatorController as AnimatorController;

            for (int i = 0; i < animatorController.layers.Length; i++)
                AnimatorStateMachine stateMachine = animatorController.layers[i].stateMachine;
                AnimatorState        defaultState = stateMachine.defaultState;
                if (defaultState == null)
                    defaultState = stateMachine.AddState("Empty", Vector3.zero);
                m_animatorStateData[i]     = new AnimatorStateData(defaultState.nameHash, defaultState.name, 0.2f);
                m_animatorDefaultStates[i] = new AnimatorStateData(defaultState.nameHash, defaultState.name, 0.2f);

            //  Register all m_animator states.
            foreach (AnimatorControllerLayer layer in animatorController.layers)
                RegisterAnimatorStates(layer.stateMachine, layer.name);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine the state that the specified layer should be in.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">The layer to determine the state of.</param>
        /// <param name="defaultState">The default state to be in if no other states should run.</param>
        /// <param name="checkAction">Should the action be checked to determine if they have control?</param>
        /// <param name="baseStart">Is the base layer being set at the same time?</param>
        /// <returns>True if the state was changed.</returns>
        public virtual bool DetermineState(int layer, AnimatorStateData defaultState, bool checkAction, bool baseStart = false)
            bool stateChanged = false;
            // pull our current transition and state into temporary variables, since we may not need to do anything with them
            AnimatorTransitionInfo currentTransition = m_animator.GetAnimatorTransitionInfo(layer);
            AnimatorStateInfo      currentState      = m_animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(layer);

            // if we have a new transition...
            int previousTransition = m_previousTransitions[layer].fullPathHash;

            if (currentTransition.fullPathHash != previousTransition)
                //Debug.LogFormat("Transitioning. normalized time: {0}", currentTransition.normalizedTime);

                //if (m_activeStateAction)
                //    //  Determine if the character action has control of the animator.
                //    if (checkAction) {
                //        if (m_activeStateAction.HasAnimatorControl(layer)) {
                //            //  State action has control, so animator is not transitioning to new action state.
                //            return false;
                //        }
                //    }


                ////  --  Determine next animator state.

                //  Check if character has an item equipped.
                string nextState = FormatStateName(layer, m_controller.isMoving ? m_controller.MoveStateName : defaultState.StateName);
                int    stateHash = GetStateHash(nextState);
                if (layer == 0)
                    Debug.LogFormat("<b>[Transitioning]</b> Next state is <color=blue>{0}</color> ({1}", nextState, stateHash);
                //if (stateHash != -1) {
                //    m_animator.CrossFade(stateHash, 0.2f, layer, 0);
                //} else {
                //    m_animator.CrossFade(Animator.StringToHash(defaultState.StateName), 0.2f, layer, 0);

                // fire off our end callback, if any, for our previous transition...
                //  Next state is starting.

                // fire off our begin call back for our new transition...

                // and remember that we are now in this transition.
                m_previousTransitions[layer] = currentTransition;

            // if we have a new state, things go similarly.
            int previousState = m_previousStates[layer].fullPathHash;

            if (currentState.fullPathHash != previousState)
                if (layer == 0)
                    if (debugStateChanges)
                        Debug.LogFormat("Transitioning from <color=blue>{0}</color> to <color=blue>{1}</color>.", GetStateName(previousState), GetStateName(currentState.fullPathHash));

                //  Current state is ending.

                //  Next state is starting.
                //if(m_activeStateAction != null)
                //    //Debug.Break();
                //    m_controller.TryStopAction(m_activeStateAction, true);
                //    m_activeStateAction = null;

                // recall what state we were in
                m_previousStates[layer] = currentState;
                // State has changed.
                stateChanged = true;

            Delegate endCallback;

            if (m_stateEndCallbackMap.TryGetValue(previousState, out endCallback))

            Delegate beginCallback;

            if (m_stateBeginCallbackMap.TryGetValue(currentState.fullPathHash, out beginCallback))
