Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static NonUniformRationalBSpline NonUniformRationalBSpline(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
            // P1: (integer) spline order (=m)
            // P2: (integer) number of control points (=n)
            // P(3)-P(2+n): (points) array of control points
            // P(3+n)-P(2+2n+m): (real) list of knots, of length n+m.
            // P(3+2n+m): (real) parameter start value
            // P(4+2n+m): (real) parameter end value
            // P(5+2n+m)-P(4+3n+m): (real) list of weights, of length n.
            int splineOrder           = reader.ReadInteger();
            int numberOfControlPoints = reader.ReadInteger();
            var controlPoints         = new List <PointF>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfControlPoints; i++)
            var knots = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < splineOrder + numberOfControlPoints; i++)
            double start   = reader.ReadReal();
            double end     = reader.ReadReal();
            var    weights = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfControlPoints; i++)
            return(new NonUniformRationalBSpline(splineOrder, controlPoints.ToArray(), knots.ToArray(), start, end, weights.ToArray()));
 public static BeginTileArray BeginTileArray(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (point) position
     // P2: (enumerated) cell path direction: valid values are
     //      0 0°
     //      1 90°
     //      2 180°
     //      3 270°
     // P3: (enumerated) line progression direction: valid values are
     //      0 90°
     //      1 270°
     // P4: (integer) number of tiles in pth direction
     // P5: (integer) number of tiles in line direction
     // P6: (integer) number of cells/ tile in path direction
     // P7: (integer) number of cells/ tile in line direction
     // P8: (real) cell size in path direction
     // P9: (real) cell size in line direction
     // P10: (integer) image offset in path direction
     // P11: (integer) image offset in line direction
     // P12: (integer) image number of cells in path direction
     // P13: (integer) image number of cells in line direction
     return(new BeginTileArray(
                reader.ReadEnum <CellPathDirection>(),
                reader.ReadEnum <LineProgressionDirection>(),
                reader.ReadInteger(), reader.ReadInteger(),
                reader.ReadInteger(), reader.ReadInteger(),
                reader.ReadReal(), reader.ReadReal(),
                reader.ReadInteger(), reader.ReadInteger(),
                reader.ReadInteger(), reader.ReadInteger()));
        public static FontProperties FontProperties(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
            // FONT PROPERTIES: has a variable number of parameter 3-tuples (P1,P2,P3); each parameter 3-tuple contains
            // P1: (index) property indicator, valid values are
            //      1 font index
            //      2 standard version
            //      3 design source
            //      4 font family
            //      5 posture
            //      6 weight
            //      7 proportionate width
            //      8 included glyph collections
            //      9 included glyphs
            //      10 design size
            //      11 minimum size
            //      12 maximum size
            //      13 design group
            //      14 structure
            //      >14 reserved for registered values
            // P2: (integer) priority, valid values are non-negative integers.
            // P3: (structured data record) property value record, each record contains a single member and is comprised of
            // [data type indicator, data element count, data element(s)].
            var properties = new List <FontProperty>();

            while (reader.HasMoreData((reader.Descriptor.IndexPrecision + reader.Descriptor.IntegerPrecision) / 8))
                int propertyIndicator = reader.ReadIndex();
                int priority          = reader.ReadInteger();
                // The SDR for each of the standardized properties contains only one member (typed sequence) [ISO/IEC 8632-1 7.3.21]
                var record = ApplicationStructureDescriptorReader.ReadStructuredDataRecord(reader);
                properties.Add(new FontProperty(propertyIndicator, priority, record.Elements.First()));
            return(new FontProperties(properties.ToArray()));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static VdcRealPrecision VdcRealPrecision(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (enumerated) form of representation for real values: valid values are
     //      0 floating point format
     //      1 fixed point format
     // P2: (integer) field width for exponent or whole part (including 1 bit for sign)
     // P3: (integer) field width for fraction or fractional part
     return(new VdcRealPrecision(reader.ReadEnum <RealRepresentation>(), reader.ReadInteger(), reader.ReadInteger()));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static PatternTable PatternTable(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
            // P1: (index) pattern table index
            // P2: (integer) nx, the dimension of colour array in the direction of the PATTERN SIZE width vector
            // P3: (integer) ny, the dimension of colour array in the direction of the PATTERN SIZE height vector
            // P4: (integer) local colour precision: valid values are as for the local colour precision parameter of CELL ARRAY.
            // P5: (colour array) pattern definition
            int index = reader.ReadIndex();
            int nx    = reader.ReadInteger();
            int ny    = reader.ReadInteger();
            int localColorPrecision = reader.ReadInteger();

            if (localColorPrecision == 0)
                if (reader.Descriptor.ColorSelectionMode == ColorModeType.Direct)
                    localColorPrecision = reader.Descriptor.ColorPrecision;
                    localColorPrecision = reader.Descriptor.ColorIndexPrecision;
            // might be either 1/2/4 or 8/16/32 here; but we want byte-sizes in ReadColor
            if (localColorPrecision >= 8)
                localColorPrecision /= 8;

            var colors = new List <MetafileColor>();
            int count  = nx * ny;

            while (reader.HasMoreData() && count-- > 0)

            return(new PatternTable(index, nx, ny, colors.ToArray()));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static HatchStyleDefinition HatchStyleDefinition(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader header)
            // P1: (index) hatch index, valid values are negative.
            // P2: (enumerated) style indicator: valid values are
            //      0 parallel
            //      1 cross hatch
            // P3: (4(size specification)) hatch direction vectors specifier (x,y,x,y): see Part 1, subclause 7.1 for its form.
            //      hatch direction vectors specifier is affected by INTERIOR STYLE SPECIFICATION MODE
            // P4: (size specification) duty cycle length: see Part 1, subclause 7.1 for its form.
            //      duty cycle length is affected by INTERIOR STYLE SPECIFICATION MODE
            // P5: (integer) number of hatch lines (=n)
            // P6-P(5+n): (integers) list of n gap widths
            // P(6+n)-P(5+2n): (integers) list of n line types
            int hatchIndex = reader.ReadIndex();
            HatchStyleIndicator styleIndicator = reader.ReadEnum <HatchStyleIndicator>();
            double hatchDirectionStartX        = reader.ReadSizeSpecification(reader.Descriptor.InteriorStyleSpecificationMode);
            double hatchDirectionStartY        = reader.ReadSizeSpecification(reader.Descriptor.InteriorStyleSpecificationMode);
            double hatchDirectionEndX          = reader.ReadSizeSpecification(reader.Descriptor.InteriorStyleSpecificationMode);
            double hatchDirectionEndY          = reader.ReadSizeSpecification(reader.Descriptor.InteriorStyleSpecificationMode);
            double dutyCycleLength             = reader.ReadSizeSpecification(reader.Descriptor.InteriorStyleSpecificationMode);
            int    n         = reader.ReadInteger();
            var    gapWidths = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            var lineTypes = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            return(new HatchStyleDefinition(hatchIndex, styleIndicator,
                                            new PointF((float)hatchDirectionStartX, (float)hatchDirectionStartY),
                                            new PointF((float)hatchDirectionEndX, (float)hatchDirectionEndY),
                                            dutyCycleLength, gapWidths.ToArray(), lineTypes.ToArray()));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static LineAndEdgeTypeDefinition LineAndEdgeTypeDefinition(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader header)
            // P1: (index) line type, valid values are negative.
            // P2: (size specification) dash cycle repeat length: see Part 1, subclause 7.1 for its form.
            //      dash cycle repeat length is affected by LINE WIDTH SPECIFICATION MODE
            // P3-P(n+2): (integer) list of n dash elements
            int    lineType = reader.ReadIndex();
            double dashCycleRepeatLength = reader.ReadSizeSpecification(reader.Descriptor.LineWidthSpecificationMode);
            var    dashElements          = new List <int>();

            while (reader.HasMoreData())
            return(new LineAndEdgeTypeDefinition(lineType, dashCycleRepeatLength, dashElements.ToArray()));
        public static MetafileElementsList MetafileElementsList(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
            // P1: (integer) number of elements specified
            // P2: (index-pair array) List of metafile elements in this metafile. Each element is represented by two values:
            //      the first is its element class code (as in Table 2)
            //      the second is its element id code (as in Table 3 to Table 10).
            int numberOfElements = reader.ReadInteger(); // unused
            var elements         = new List <string>();

            while (reader.HasMoreData())
                int elementClass = reader.ReadIndex();
                int elementId    = reader.ReadIndex();
                elements.Add(GetMetafileElementsListName(elementClass, elementId));
            return(new MetafileElementsList(elements));
        public static StructuredDataRecord ReadStructuredDataRecord(MetafileReader reader)
            // overall length seems to be encoded similar to the string length [ISO/IEC 8632-3 7, Table 1, Note 12]
            // (ie. one byte, followed by one word if its 255).
            int length = reader.ReadByte();

            if (length == 255)
                // FIXME: does an SDR also have a long form similar to a string?
                length = reader.ReadWord();

            var  elements      = new List <StructuredDataElement>();
            long startPosition = reader.Position;

            // require at least the number of bytes for the enum and the count; which depends on integer/index precision:
            // > The integer of the "data count" and the index of the "data type index" are represented respectively at the current
            // > Integer Precision and the current Index Precision of the metafile. [ISO/IEC 8632-1 H.2.2]
            // some files seem to include padding or similar, which throws this off by having an extra byte available at the end
            while (reader.HasMoreData((reader.Descriptor.IndexPrecision + reader.Descriptor.IntegerPrecision) / 8))
                // enum is an index at the current index precision for SDR [ISO/IEC 8632-1 H.2.2]
                DataTypeIndex type = (DataTypeIndex)Enum.ToObject(typeof(DataTypeIndex), reader.ReadIndex());
                // count is an interger at the current integer precision for SDR [ISO/IEC 8632-1 H.2.2]
                int      count  = reader.ReadInteger();
                object[] values = new object[count];
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    values[i] = ReadValue(reader, type);
                elements.Add(new StructuredDataElement(type, values));
                // only read as much as specified by length
                if (reader.Position - startPosition >= length)
            return(new StructuredDataRecord(elements));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static EscapeCommand Escape(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
            // P1: (integer) escape identifier
            // P2: (data record) escape data record; data records are bound as strings in this encoding.
            int identifier = reader.ReadInteger();

            // attempt to parse the data record as structured record, in case it is a known one
            // otherwise it is probably application specific and cannot be assumed to be a structured record
            StructuredDataRecord dataRecord;

            if (EscapeCommand.KnownEscapeTypes.ContainsKey(identifier))
                dataRecord = ApplicationStructureDescriptorReader.ReadStructuredDataRecord(reader);
                dataRecord = new StructuredDataRecord(new[]
                    new StructuredDataElement(DataTypeIndex.String, new object[] { reader.ReadString() }),
            return(new EscapeCommand(identifier, dataRecord));
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public static SegmentPickPriority SegmentPickPriority(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (name) segment identifier
     // P2: (integer) segment pick priority: valid values are non-negative integers
     return(new SegmentPickPriority(reader.ReadName(), reader.ReadInteger()));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public static ApplicationData ApplicationData(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (integer) identifier
     // P2: (data record) application data record; data records are bound as strings in this encoding.
     return(new ApplicationData(reader.ReadInteger(), reader.ReadString()));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public static VdcIntegerPrecision VdcIntegerPrecision(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (integer) VDC integer precision; legal values are 16, 24 or 32; the value 8 is not permitted.
     return(new VdcIntegerPrecision(reader.ReadInteger()));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static CellArray CellArray(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
            // P1: (point) corner point P
            // P2: (point) corner point Q
            // P3: (point) corner point R
            // P4: (integer) nx
            // P5: (integer) ny
            // P6: (integer) local colour precision: valid values are 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 32. If the value is zero (the
            //      'default colour precision indicator' value), the COLOUR (INDEX) PRECISION for the picture indicates the
            //      precision with which the colour list is encoded. If the value is non-zero, the precision with which the colour
            //      data is encoded is given by the value.
            // P7: (enumerated) cell representation mode: valid values are
            //      0 run length list mode
            //      1 packed list mode
            // P8: (colour list) array of cell colour values.
            //      If the COLOUR SELECTION MODE is 'direct', the values will be direct colour values. If the COLOUR
            //      SELECTION MODE is 'indexed', the values will be indexes into the COLOUR TABLE.
            //      If the cell representation mode is 'packed list', the colour values are represented by rows of values, each
            //      row starting on a word boundary. If the cell representation mode is 'run length', the colour list values are
            //      represented by rows broken into runs of constant colour; each row starts on a word boundary. Each list
            //      item consists of a cell count (integer) followed by a colour value. With the exception of the first run of a
            //      row, the integer count of each run immediately follows the colour specifier of the preceding run with no
            //      intervening padding.
            var p = reader.ReadPoint();
            var q = reader.ReadPoint();
            var r = reader.ReadPoint();

            int nx = reader.ReadInteger();
            int ny = reader.ReadInteger();

            int localColorPrecision = reader.ReadInteger();

            if (localColorPrecision == 0)
                if (reader.Descriptor.ColorSelectionMode == ColorModeType.Direct)
                    localColorPrecision = reader.Descriptor.ColorPrecision;
                    localColorPrecision = reader.Descriptor.ColorIndexPrecision;
            // might be either 1/2/4 or 8/16/32 here; but we want byte-sizes in ReadColor
            if (localColorPrecision >= 8)
                localColorPrecision /= 8;

            var cellRepresentationMode = reader.ReadEnum <CellRepresentationMode>();

            int totalCount = nx * ny;
            var colors     = new List <MetafileColor>();

            while (colors.Count < totalCount)
                // chunks are split into rows; each row is word-aligned
                // word-align the next read if necessary
                if (reader.Position % 2 == 1 && reader.HasMoreData())

                int rowCount = nx;
                while (rowCount > 0)
                    if (cellRepresentationMode == CellRepresentationMode.RunLengthList)
                        int cellCount = reader.ReadInteger();
                        rowCount -= cellCount;
                        var cellColor = reader.ReadColor(localColorPrecision);
                        colors.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(0, cellCount).Select(i => cellColor));
            return(new CellArray(p, q, r, nx, ny, colors.ToArray()));
 public static SegmentPriorityExtent SegmentPriorityExtent(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (integer) minimum segment priority value: valid values are non-negative integers
     // P2: (integer) maximum segment priority value: valid values are non-negative integers
     return(new SegmentPriorityExtent(reader.ReadInteger(), reader.ReadInteger()));
 public static MetafileVersion MetafileVersion(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (integer) metafile version number: valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4
     return(new MetafileVersion(reader.ReadInteger()));
        private static object ReadValue(MetafileReader reader, DataTypeIndex type)
            switch (type)
            case DataTypeIndex.StructuredDataRecord:

            case DataTypeIndex.ColorIndex:

            case DataTypeIndex.ColorDirect:

            case DataTypeIndex.Name:

            case DataTypeIndex.Enumerated:

            case DataTypeIndex.Integer:

            case DataTypeIndex.Reserved:
                // TODO: what exactly does reserved mean in terms of advancing position?

            case DataTypeIndex.SignedInteger8bit:
                return(reader.ReadInteger(1, false));

            case DataTypeIndex.SignedInteger16bit:
                return(reader.ReadInteger(2, false));

            case DataTypeIndex.SignedInteger32bit:
                return(reader.ReadInteger(4, false));

            case DataTypeIndex.Index:

            case DataTypeIndex.Real:

            case DataTypeIndex.String:
            case DataTypeIndex.StringFixed:
                // TODO: difference between S and SF? charset/escape code handling?

            case DataTypeIndex.ViewportCoordinate:

            case DataTypeIndex.VDC:

            case DataTypeIndex.ColorComponent:

            case DataTypeIndex.UnsignedInteger8bit:
                return(reader.ReadInteger(1, true));

            case DataTypeIndex.UnsignedInteger32Bit:
                return(reader.ReadInteger(4, true));

            case DataTypeIndex.UnsignedInteger16bit:
                return(reader.ReadInteger(2, true));

            case DataTypeIndex.BitStream:
            case DataTypeIndex.ColorList:
                // FIXME: how are those implemented?
 public static IntegerPrecision IntegerPrecision(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (integer) integer precision: valid values are 8, 16, 24 or 32
     return(new IntegerPrecision(reader.ReadInteger()));
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public static InterpolatedInterior InterpolatedInterior(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
            // P1: (index) style: valid values are
            //      1 parallel
            //      2 elliptical
            //      3 triangular
            //      >3 reserved for registered values
            // P2: (2n(size specification)) reference geometry: see part 1, subclause 7.1 for its form.
            // P3: (integer) number of stages (=m)
            // P4: (real) array of m stage designators
            // P5: (colour) array of k colour specifiers: k=3 for triangular, m+1 otherwise.

            int style             = reader.ReadIndex();
            var referenceGeometry = new List <PointF>();
            var stageDesignators  = new List <double>();
            var colorSpecifiers   = new List <MetafileColor>();

            // Legal values of the style parameter are positive integers. [ISO/IEC 8632-1 7.7.43]
            // Values greater than 3 are reserved for future standardization and registration.
            if (style >= 1 && style <= 3)
                // parallel: the number of scalars shall be 2. The FILL REFERENCE POINT is one defining
                //      point of a reference line. A second defining point of the reference line is defined by
                //      the 2 scalars, which are respectively the x and y offset of the second point from the
                //      FILL REFERENCE POINT.
                // elliptical: the number of scalars shall be 4. The FILL REFERENCE POINT is the centre of a
                //      reference ellipse. The first pair of scalars are respectively the x and y offset from
                //      the FILL REFERENCE POINT to the first CDP of ellipse and the second pair are
                //      respectively the x and y offset from the FILL REFERENCE POINT to the second
                //      CDP of ellipse.
                // triangular: the number of scalars shall be 4. The first pair of scalars are respectively the x and
                //      y offset from the FILL REFERENCE POINT to the second corner of a reference
                //      triangle and the second pair are respectively the x and y offset from the FILL
                //      REFERENCE POINT to the third corner of the reference triangle. The number of
                //      stages shall be 0 and the list of stage designators shall be empty.
                int geoCount;
                if (style == 1)
                    geoCount = 2;
                    geoCount = 4;
                for (int i = 0; i < geoCount / 2; i++)
                    double rgX = reader.ReadSizeSpecification(reader.Descriptor.InteriorStyleSpecificationMode);
                    double rgY = reader.ReadSizeSpecification(reader.Descriptor.InteriorStyleSpecificationMode);
                    referenceGeometry.Add(new PointF((float)rgX, (float)rgY));

                int numberOfStages = reader.ReadInteger();
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStages; i++)

                int numberOfColors = style == 3 ? 3 : numberOfStages + 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfColors; i++)
            return(new InterpolatedInterior(style, referenceGeometry.ToArray(), stageDesignators.ToArray(), colorSpecifiers.ToArray()));
 public static ColorIndexPrecision ColorIndexPrecision(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (integer) Colour index precision: valid values are 8, 16, 24 or 32
     return(new ColorIndexPrecision(reader.ReadInteger()));