Ejemplo n.º 1
        public virtual async  Task<WeatherInfo> GetWeatherInfoAsync()

            System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer jsonsr = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(WeatherInfoBase));
            //          Command /get_dev_list /get_dev_list /get_dev_list
            //Parameters - - -
            //Response Body {  list: [  {    addr: “”,    type: “”,    pan: “”,    mac: “”,    visibility: 1,  },...] }
            //string string string string int
            //device id
            //device id device type device pan id MAC Address visibility
            WeatherInfoBase info  = null;
            MyWebClient wc = new MyWebClient();
            using (Stream stream = await wc.OpenReadTaskAsync(WeatherUriBase + "/env_sensor.get_dev_info"))
                info = jsonsr.ReadObject(stream) as WeatherInfoBase; ;
            info.info.Humidity *= 0.001;
            info.info.Temperature *= 0.1;
            info.info.PM25 *= 0.1;
            info.info.WindDirection *= 0.1;
            info.info.WindSpeed *= 0.1;
            info.info.WaterLevel *= 0.1;
            info.info.RainFall *= 0.1;
            return info.info;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public  CorrdinatorInfo GetDeviceInfo()
            MyWebClient wc = new MyWebClient();
            System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer jsonsr = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(CorrdinatorInfo));

            Stream stream;
            CorrdinatorInfo retInfo = jsonsr.ReadObject(stream = wc.OpenRead(UriBase + "/info")) as CorrdinatorInfo;
            return retInfo;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public virtual WeatherInfo GetWeatherInfo()

            MyWebClient wc = new MyWebClient();
            System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer jsonsr = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(WeatherInfoBase));

            Stream stream;
            WeatherInfoBase retInfo = jsonsr.ReadObject(stream = wc.OpenRead(WeatherUriBase + "/env_sensor.get_dev_info")) as WeatherInfoBase;
            retInfo.info.Humidity *= 0.001;
            retInfo.info.Temperature *= 0.1;
            retInfo.info.PM25 *= 0.1;
            retInfo.info.WindDirection *= 0.1;
            retInfo.info.WindSpeed *= 0.1;
            retInfo.info.WaterLevel *= 0.1;
            retInfo.info.RainFall *= 0.1;
            return retInfo.info;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public StreetLightInfo[] GetStreetLightList(string devid)

            //         Command /street_light.get_dev_list /street_light.get_dev_list /street_light.get_dev_list
            //Parameters dev (optional) string device id
            //Response Body {  list: [  {    dev: “”,    lt: “2013-03-01-15:00:00”,    to: true,    rr: 0,    rt: 0,    rtc: “13-03-01-15-33-32”,    l: [0,...],    r: [0,...],    t: [0,...],    sch: {      enable: 0,      time: [0,...],      level: [0,...]    },    pm: [    {      v: 0,      a: 0,      w: 0,      pf: 0,      f: 0,      ap: 0,      kwh_p: 0,      kwh_n: 0    },...],    cmt: “000000....”  },...] }
            //string string boolean int int string array(int) array(int) array(int) object int int int
            //int int int int int int int int
            //device status
            //device id last report time time out RSSI Rx (%) RSSI Tx (%) rtc time dim level light sensor temp. sensor dimming schedule  boolean  time code  dim level
            //power meter
            //  voltage  current  walt  power factor  frequency  apparent power  kwh positive  kwh negative
            MyWebClient wc = new MyWebClient();

            System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer jsonsr = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(StreetLightInfoList));

            StreetLightInfoList infolist = null;
            if (devid == "*")
                using (Stream stream = wc.OpenRead(UriBase + "/street_light.get_dev_list"))
                    Console.WriteLine(UriBase + "/street_light.get_dev_list");
                    infolist = jsonsr.ReadObject(stream) as StreetLightInfoList; ;
                using (Stream stream = wc.OpenRead(UriBase + "/street_light.get_dev_list?dev="+devid))
                    infolist = jsonsr.ReadObject(stream) as StreetLightInfoList; ;
            int len = infolist.list.Length;
            return infolist.list.Take(len - 1).ToArray();

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task<DeviceInfo[]> GetDeviceListAsync()

            System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer jsonsr = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(DeviceInfoList));
            //          Command /get_dev_list /get_dev_list /get_dev_list
            //Parameters - - -
            //Response Body {  list: [  {    addr: “”,    type: “”,    pan: “”,    mac: “”,    visibility: 1,  },...] }
            //string string string string int
            //device id
            //device id device type device pan id MAC Address visibility
            DeviceInfoList infolist = null;
            MyWebClient wc = new MyWebClient();
            using (Stream stream = await wc.OpenReadTaskAsync(UriBase + "/get_dev_list"))
                infolist = jsonsr.ReadObject(stream) as DeviceInfoList; ;
            return infolist.list.Where(n => n != null).ToArray();

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void AddDeviceByMAC(string MAC)
            //          Command /add_device /add_device /add_device
            //Parameters mac string MAC address
            //Response Body - - -
            //Add device 0x4d38100301020304: Add device 0x4d38100301020304: Add device 0x4d38100301020304:
            MyWebClient client = new MyWebClient();
            using (Stream stream = client.OpenRead(UriBase + "/add_dev_by_mac?mac=" + MAC))
                while (stream.ReadByte() != -1) ;

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Kick(string dev_id)
            //          Command /kick /kick /kick
            //Parameters name string device id
            //Response Body - - -
            //Remove device 8011 Remove device 8011 Remove device 8011
            MyWebClient wc = new MyWebClient();

            using (Stream stream = wc.OpenRead(UriBase + "/kick?name=" + dev_id))
                while (stream.ReadByte() != -1) ;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void PermitJoinNode(int secs)
            MyWebClient wc = new MyWebClient();

            using (Stream stream = wc.OpenRead(UriBase + "/permit_join_node?seconds=" + secs.ToString()))
                while (stream.ReadByte() != -1) ;

            //System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer jsonsr = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Coordinator2.CoordinatorResult));

            //Stream stream;
            //Coordinator2.CoordinatorResult res = jsonsr.ReadObject(stream = wc.OpenRead(UriBase + "/info")) as CorrdinatorInfoBase;

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void SetStreetLightRemark(string devid, string remark)
            MyWebClient wc = new MyWebClient();
            string result = "";
            if (remark.Length > 64)
                result = remark.Substring(0, 64);
                result = remark.PadRight(64, '0');
            using (Stream stream = wc.OpenRead(UriBase + "/street_light.set_remark?dev=" + devid + "&remark=" + result))
                while (stream.ReadByte() != -1) ;

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void SetDeviceScheduleEnable(string devid, bool enable)

            MyWebClient wc = new MyWebClient();
            Stream stream;
            if (devid == "*")
                stream = wc.OpenRead(UriBase + "/street_light.set_dev_schedule?enable=" + (enable ? "1" : "0"));
                stream = wc.OpenRead(UriBase + "/street_light.set_dev_schedule?dev=" + devid + "&enable=" + (enable ? "1" : "0"));
            while (stream.ReadByte() != -1) ;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public async void SetDeviceScheduleAsync(string devid, string timeStr, string levelStr)

            MyWebClient wc = new MyWebClient();
            Stream stream;
            if (devid == "*")
               stream = await  wc.OpenReadTaskAsync(new Uri(UriBase + "/street_light.set_dev_schedule?time=" + timeStr + "&level=" + levelStr));

                stream = await wc.OpenReadTaskAsync(UriBase + "/street_light.set_dev_schedule?dev=" + devid + "&time=" + timeStr + "&level=" + levelStr);
            while (stream.ReadByte() != -1) ;

Ejemplo n.º 12
        private  StreetLightInfo[] GetDeviceSchedule(string devid)  //version 2
            MyWebClient wc = new MyWebClient();

            System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer jsonsr = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(StreetLightInfoListBase));

            StreetLightInfoListBase infolist = null;
            if (devid == "*")
                using (Stream stream = wc.OpenRead(UriBase + "/street_light.get_dev_info"))
                    Console.WriteLine(UriBase + "/street_light.get_dev_info");
                    infolist = jsonsr.ReadObject(stream) as StreetLightInfoListBase; ;
                using (Stream stream = wc.OpenRead(UriBase + "/street_light.get_dev_info?dev=" + devid))
                    infolist = jsonsr.ReadObject(stream) as StreetLightInfoListBase; ;
            int len = infolist.list.Length;
            return infolist.list.Take(len - 1).ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public virtual DeviceInfo[] GetDeviceList()  //version 2

            MyWebClient wc = new MyWebClient();

            System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer jsonsr = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(DeviceInfoListBase));
            //          Command /get_dev_list /get_dev_list /get_dev_list
            //Parameters - - -
            //Response Body {  list: [  {    addr: “”,    type: “”,    pan: “”,    mac: “”,    visibility: 1,  },...] }
            //string string string string int
            //device id
            //device id device type device pan id MAC Address visibility
            DeviceInfoListBase infolist = null;
            using (Stream stream = wc.OpenRead(UriBase + "/street_light.get_dev_info"))
                infolist = jsonsr.ReadObject(stream) as DeviceInfoListBase; ;
            return  infolist.list.Where(n => n != null).ToArray();

Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void SetDeviceDimLevel(string devid, int level)
            MyWebClient client = new MyWebClient();
            string args;
            //    args = "/street_light.set_dim_level?level=" + level;
            args = "/street_light.set_dim_level?dev=" + devid + "&level=" + level;
            using (Stream stream = client.OpenRead(new Uri(UriBase + args, UriKind.Absolute)))
                while (stream.ReadByte() != -1) ;
                //    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(UriBase + "/street_light.set_dim_level?dev=" + devid + "&level=" + level);

Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void PermitJoinNode(int secs)
            MyWebClient wc = new MyWebClient();

            using (Stream stream = wc.OpenRead(UriBase + "/permit_join_node?seconds=" + secs.ToString()))
                while (stream.ReadByte() != -1) ;

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public async void SetDeviceDimLevelAsync(string devid, int level)
            //          /street_light.set_dim_level /street_light.set_dim_level /street_light.set_dim_level
            //Parameters dev (optional) string device id Parameters
            //level int dim level
            //Response Body - - -
            //Remark dim level = 0 (off), 20~100 (level in %) dim level = 0 (off), 20~100 (level in %) dim level = 0 (off), 20~100 (level in %)
            //Example Set dimming level of device 8020 to 85% Set dimming level of device 8020 to 85% Set dimming level of device 8020 to 85%Example
            //    using (Stream stream = wc.OpenRead(UriBase + "/street_light.set_dim_level?level=" + level))
            //    {
            //        while (stream.ReadByte() != -1) ;
            //    }
            string args;
            //lock (this)
            MyWebClient client = new MyWebClient();
            //if (devid == "*")
            //    args = "/street_light.set_dim_level?level=" + level;
            args = "/street_light.set_dim_level?dev=" + devid + "&level=" + level;
            using (Stream stream = await client.OpenReadTaskAsync(new Uri(UriBase + args, UriKind.Absolute)))
                while (stream.ReadByte() != -1) ;
                // System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(UriBase + "/street_light.set_dim_level?dev=" + devid + "&level=" + level);


            //  client.Dispose();
            // client.Dispose();

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void ChangeRFChanel(int chanelno)
            //           /change_rf_channel /change_rf_channel /change_rf_channel
            //Parameters channel int channel index
            //Response Body - - -
            //Example Change RF channel to 13: Change RF channel to 13: Change RF channel to 13:Example
            MyWebClient wc = new MyWebClient();
            using (Stream stream = wc.OpenRead(UriBase + "/change_rf_channel?channel=" + chanelno.ToString()))
                while (stream.ReadByte() != -1) ;

Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void SetDeviceRTC(string devid, DateTime dt)
            // dev=8201&rtc=13-08-31-12-10-11 
            MyWebClient wc = new MyWebClient();
            Stream stream;
            if (devid == "*")
                stream = wc.OpenRead(UriBase + "/street_light.set_rtc?rtc=" + dt.ToString("yy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss"));
                stream = wc.OpenRead(UriBase + "/street_light.set_rtc?dev=" + devid + "&rtc=" + dt.ToString("yy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss"));

            while (stream.ReadByte() != -1) ;

Ejemplo n.º 19
        public virtual async void SetDeviceScheduleAsync(string devid, string timeStr, string levelStr)

            MyWebClient wc = new MyWebClient();
            Stream stream;
            System.DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
            if (devid == "*")
               stream = await  wc.OpenReadTaskAsync(new Uri(UriBase + "/street_light.set_dev_schedule?time=" + timeStr + "&level=" + levelStr/*+"&on="+dt.Year+"-"+dt.Month+"-"+dt.Day*/));

                stream = await wc.OpenReadTaskAsync(UriBase + "/street_light.set_dev_schedule?dev=" + devid + "&time=" + timeStr + "&level=" + levelStr/* + "&on=" + dt.Year + "-" + dt.Month + "-" + dt.Day*/);
            while (stream.ReadByte() != -1) ;
