Ejemplo n.º 1
        public byte[] toDJZ20()

            //u32	FileSize	;	//文件大小
            //u32   EndTime     ;   //结束时间
            //u32	NoteCount	;	//音符数量
            //Note*	Notes       ;	//音符数据
            //u32	MetaCount	;	//控制数量
            //Meta*	Controls	;	//控制数据

            ////文件字节流按照 高位存高字节 低位存低字节的顺序

            ////音符结构体 (就是游戏中落下的块)
            //typedef struct {
            //u32	Time	;	//时间 单位 ms , 该音符在什么时间激发
            //u8	Line	;	//游戏中的轨道:将由编辑器编辑
            //u8	Data	;	//发音 (就是MIDI事件的发音)

            ////控制结构体 (就是游戏中落下的块)
            //typedef struct {
            //u32	Time	;	//时间 单位 ms , 在什么时间激发
            //u8	Type	;	//类型
            //u32   Data    ;   //数据

            EventComparerDJZTime ec = new EventComparerDJZTime();


            Int32 FileSize = 4 + 4 + 4 + Events.Count * 6 + 4 + Controls.Count * 9;

            byte[] data = new byte[FileSize];
            int    P    = 0;

            Midi.write32(data, P, (Int32)FileSize); P += 4;     //文件大小
            Midi.write32(data, P, (Int32)EndTime); P  += 4;     //结束时间

            Midi.write32(data, P, (Int32)Events.Count); P += 4; //音符数量
            for (int i = 0; i < Events.Count; i++)              //音符数据序列
                Midi.write32(data, P, (Int32)(((EventDJZ)Events[i]).time)); P += 4;
                Midi.write8(data, P, ((EventDJZ)Events[i]).pos); P            += 1;
                Midi.write8(data, P, ((EventDJZ)Events[i]).note); P           += 1;

            Midi.write32(data, P, (Int32)Controls.Count); P += 4; //控制数量
            for (int i = 0; i < Controls.Count; i++)              //控制数据序列
                Midi.write32(data, P, (Int32)(((EventDJZ)Controls[i]).time)); P += 4;
                Midi.write8(data, P, ((EventDJZ)Controls[i]).note); P           += 1;
                Midi.write32(data, P, ((EventDJZ)Controls[i]).metadata); P      += 4;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public byte[] toDJZ10()

            //u32	FileSize	;	//文件大小
            //u32	BPM		    ;	//歌曲速度 (Beat Per Min 拍/分钟)
            //u32	NoteCount	;	//音符数量
            //Node*	Notes       ;	//音符数据

            ////文件字节流按照 高位存高字节 低位存低字节的顺序

            ////音符结构体 (就是游戏中落下的块)
            //typedef struct {
            //u32	Time	;	//时间 单位 ms , 该音符在什么时间激发
            //u8	Line	;	//游戏中的轨道 :将由编辑器编辑
            //u8	Data	;	//发音 (就是MIDI事件的发音)

            EventComparerDJZTime ec = new EventComparerDJZTime();


            Int32 FileSize = 4 + 4 + 4 + Events.Count * 6;

            byte[] data = new byte[FileSize];
            int    P    = 0;

            Midi.write32(data, P, (Int32)FileSize); P += 4;     //文件大小
            Midi.write32(data, P, (Int32)BPM); P      += 4;     //歌曲速度 (Beat Per Min 拍/分钟)

            Midi.write32(data, P, (Int32)Events.Count); P += 4; //音符数量
            for (int i = 0; i < Events.Count; i++)              //音符数据序列
                Midi.write32(data, P, (Int32)(((EventDJZ)Events[i]).time)); P += 4;
                Midi.write8(data, P, ((EventDJZ)Events[i]).pos); P            += 1;
                Midi.write8(data, P, ((EventDJZ)Events[i]).note); P           += 1;
                //Console.WriteLine("Note[" + i + "].time = " + (Int32)(((Event)Events[i]).time));

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public string toBMS(Boolean isOld, String mainSong)
            //    01 = 背景NOTE音。
            //    03 = 0~255(0h~FFh)整数BPM变化。
            //    04 = 改变BGA的图片索引。
            //    06 = 改变POOR的图片索引。
            //    07 = 改变Layer的图片索引。
            //    08 = 改变的BPM索引。表示小数的BPM变化或者大于255的BPM。(前方定义的 #BPMXX)
            //    09 = STOP停止的时间索引。(前方定义的 #STOPXX)
            //    11 = 1P KEY 1
            //    12 = 1P KEY 2
            //    13 = 1P KEY 3
            //    14 = 1P KEY 4
            //    15 = 1P KEY 5
            //    16 = 1P KEY SC
            //    18 = 1P KEY 6
            //    19 = 1P KEY 7
            //    21 = 2P KEY 1
            //    22 = 2P KEY 2
            //    23 = 2P KEY 3
            //    24 = 2P KEY 4
            //    25 = 2P KEY 5
            //    26 = 2P KEY SC
            //    28 = 2P KEY 6
            //    29 = 2P KEY 7
            //    51 = 1P LONG KEY 1
            //    52 = 1P LONG KEY 2
            //    53 = 1P LONG KEY 3
            //    54 = 1P LONG KEY 4
            //    55 = 1P LONG KEY 5
            //    56 = 1P LONG KEY SC
            //    58 = 1P LONG KEY 6
            //    59 = 1P LONG KEY 7
            //    61 = 2P LONG KEY 1
            //    62 = 2P LONG KEY 2
            //    63 = 2P LONG KEY 3
            //    64 = 2P LONG KEY 4
            //    65 = 2P LONG KEY 5
            //    66 = 2P LONG KEY SC
            //    68 = 2P LONG KEY 6
            //    69 = 2P LONG KEY 7

            //    *---------------------- HEADER FIELD
            //    #PLAYER 2
            //    #GENRE 123
            //    #TITLE 123
            //    #ARTIST 123
            //    #BPM 120
            //    #PLAYLEVEL 1
            //    #RANK 3
            //    #TOTAL 123
            //    #VOLWAV 123
            //    #STAGEFILE 123
            //    #WAV01 Ba_b_4.wav
            //    #WAV02 Ba_b_8.wav
            //    #WAV03 Ba_c#_4.wav
            //    #BMP00 123
            //    #BMP01 back.bmp
            //    #BMP02 end01.bmp
            //    #BMP03 Fade01.bmp
            //    #BPM01 256
            //    #STOP01 123
            //    *---------------------- MAIN DATA FIELD
            //    #00008:0001
            //    #00009:00010000
            //    #00022:00010000
            //    #00061:01
            //    #00161:01

            EventComparerDJZTime ecT = new EventComparerDJZTime();
            EventComparerDJZChannelProgramNote ecCPN = new EventComparerDJZChannelProgramNote();
            EventComparerDJZMetaBPM            ecBPM = new EventComparerDJZMetaBPM();


            Hashtable WAV = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable BPM = new Hashtable();

            int HDBPMIndex = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < Controls.Count; i++)
                switch (((EventDJZ)Controls[i]).note)
                case EventDJZ.CONTROL_BPM:
                    if (!haveValue(BPM, (EventDJZ)Controls[i], ecBPM))
                            if (isOld)
                                BPM.Add((EventDJZ)Controls[i], valTo00FF(HDBPMIndex));
                                BPM.Add((EventDJZ)Controls[i], valTo00ZZ(HDBPMIndex));
                        catch (Exception err)
                            Util.println(err.Message + " Out Of Head Max ! " + HDBPMIndex);

            int HDWAVIndex = 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < Events.Count; i++)
                if (!haveValue(WAV, (EventDJZ)Events[i], ecCPN))
                        if (isOld)
                            WAV.Add((EventDJZ)Events[i], valTo00FF(HDWAVIndex));
                            WAV.Add((EventDJZ)Events[i], valTo00ZZ(HDWAVIndex));
                    catch (Exception err)
                        Util.println(err.Message + " Out Of Head Max ! " + HDWAVIndex);

            String str = "";
            String ret = "\r\n";

            str += ret;
            str += "*---------------------- HEADER FIELD" + ret;
            str += ret;
            str += "#PLAYER 2" + ret;
            str += "#GENRE WAZA" + ret;
            str += "#TITLE " + ret;
            str += "#ARTIST " + ret;
            str += "#BPM 120" + ret;
            str += "#PLAYLEVEL 1" + ret;
            str += "#RANK " + ret;
            str += "#TOTAL " + Events.Count + ret;
            str += "#STAGEFILE " + ret;
            str += ret;

            str += "#WAV01 " + mainSong + ret;

            IDictionaryEnumerator ide_wav = WAV.GetEnumerator();

            while (ide_wav.MoveNext())
                String wav =
                    "c" + ((EventDJZ)ide_wav.Key).channel.ToString("D2") +
                    "p" + ((EventDJZ)ide_wav.Key).program.ToString("D3") +
                    "n" + ((EventDJZ)ide_wav.Key).note.ToString("D3") +

                str += "#WAV" + ((String)ide_wav.Value)
                       + " " +
                       wav + ret;

            str += ret;

            IDictionaryEnumerator ide_bpm = BPM.GetEnumerator();

            while (ide_bpm.MoveNext())
                float  value = ((float)((EventDJZ)ide_bpm.Key).BPM1000) / 1000;
                String bpm   = value.ToString("F");

                str += "#BPM" +
                       ((String)ide_bpm.Value) + " " +
                       bpm + ret;

            str += ret;
            str += "*---------------------- MAIN DATA FIELD" + ret;
            str += ret;

            str += "#00001:" + "01" + ret;

            int fulldiv  = curDJZ.midi.header.Division * 4;
            int fullnote = 0;

            while (true)
                // bpm
                String LineBPM = setKey(Controls, fullnote, fulldiv, BPM, ecBPM, 0);
                if (LineBPM != "")
                    str += "#" + fullnote.ToString("D3") + "08:" + LineBPM + ret;

                // 1p
                String Line1PKeySC = setKey(Events, fullnote, fulldiv, WAV, ecCPN, 0);
                if (Line1PKeySC != "")
                    str += "#" + fullnote.ToString("D3") + "16:" + Line1PKeySC + ret;

                String Line1PKey1 = setKey(Events, fullnote, fulldiv, WAV, ecCPN, 1);
                if (Line1PKey1 != "")
                    str += "#" + fullnote.ToString("D3") + "11:" + Line1PKey1 + ret;

                String Line1PKey2 = setKey(Events, fullnote, fulldiv, WAV, ecCPN, 2);
                if (Line1PKey2 != "")
                    str += "#" + fullnote.ToString("D3") + "12:" + Line1PKey2 + ret;

                String Line1PKey3 = setKey(Events, fullnote, fulldiv, WAV, ecCPN, 3);
                if (Line1PKey3 != "")
                    str += "#" + fullnote.ToString("D3") + "13:" + Line1PKey3 + ret;

                String Line1PKey4 = setKey(Events, fullnote, fulldiv, WAV, ecCPN, 4);
                if (Line1PKey4 != "")
                    str += "#" + fullnote.ToString("D3") + "14:" + Line1PKey4 + ret;

                String Line1PKey5 = setKey(Events, fullnote, fulldiv, WAV, ecCPN, 5);
                if (Line1PKey5 != "")
                    str += "#" + fullnote.ToString("D3") + "15:" + Line1PKey5 + ret;

                String Line1PKey6 = setKey(Events, fullnote, fulldiv, WAV, ecCPN, 6);
                if (Line1PKey6 != "")
                    str += "#" + fullnote.ToString("D3") + "18:" + Line1PKey6 + ret;

                String Line1PKey7 = setKey(Events, fullnote, fulldiv, WAV, ecCPN, 7);
                if (Line1PKey7 != "")
                    str += "#" + fullnote.ToString("D3") + "19:" + Line1PKey7 + ret;

                // 2p
                String Line2PKey1 = setKey(Events, fullnote, fulldiv, WAV, ecCPN, 8);
                if (Line2PKey1 != "")
                    str += "#" + fullnote.ToString("D3") + "21:" + Line2PKey1 + ret;

                String Line2PKey2 = setKey(Events, fullnote, fulldiv, WAV, ecCPN, 9);
                if (Line2PKey2 != "")
                    str += "#" + fullnote.ToString("D3") + "22:" + Line2PKey2 + ret;

                String Line2PKey3 = setKey(Events, fullnote, fulldiv, WAV, ecCPN, 10);
                if (Line2PKey3 != "")
                    str += "#" + fullnote.ToString("D3") + "23:" + Line2PKey3 + ret;

                String Line2PKey4 = setKey(Events, fullnote, fulldiv, WAV, ecCPN, 11);
                if (Line2PKey4 != "")
                    str += "#" + fullnote.ToString("D3") + "24:" + Line2PKey4 + ret;

                String Line2PKey5 = setKey(Events, fullnote, fulldiv, WAV, ecCPN, 12);
                if (Line2PKey5 != "")
                    str += "#" + fullnote.ToString("D3") + "25:" + Line2PKey5 + ret;

                String Line2PKey6 = setKey(Events, fullnote, fulldiv, WAV, ecCPN, 13);
                if (Line2PKey6 != "")
                    str += "#" + fullnote.ToString("D3") + "28:" + Line2PKey6 + ret;

                String Line2PKey7 = setKey(Events, fullnote, fulldiv, WAV, ecCPN, 14);
                if (Line2PKey7 != "")
                    str += "#" + fullnote.ToString("D3") + "29:" + Line2PKey7 + ret;

                String Line2PKeySC = setKey(Events, fullnote, fulldiv, WAV, ecCPN, 15);
                if (Line2PKeySC != "")
                    str += "#" + fullnote.ToString("D3") + "26:" + Line2PKeySC + ret;

                str += ret;
                if (fullnote > 999)
                if (Controls.Count <= 0 && Events.Count <= 0)
