Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void UpdateResourceCount(RollResourcesModel rrModel, LogState logState)
            int mult = 1;

            if (logState == LogState.Undo)
                mult = -1;

            if (rrModel.BlockedByBaron)
                CardsLostToBaron += (rrModel.Value * mult);
                ResourcesAcquired += (rrModel.Value * mult);
                PlayerTurnResourceCount.AddResourceCount(rrModel.ResourceType, rrModel.Value * mult);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //  given a roll and a multiplier (which should be 1 or -1), do a bunch of calculations.  this is the main "worker" function of the class
        private static Dictionary <string, PlayerRollData> GetResourceModelForRoll(MainPage mainPage, int roll)
            Dictionary <string, PlayerRollData> dict = new Dictionary <string, PlayerRollData>();

            // set up the dictionary and record MaxRollsNoResources

            foreach (var player in mainPage.MainPageModel.PlayingPlayers)
                PlayerRollData rollData = new PlayerRollData()
                    MaxRollNoResources = player.GameData.MaxNoResourceRolls,
                dict[player.PlayerName] = rollData;
            //  get all information about the resources
            foreach (TileCtrl tile in mainPage.GameContainer.AllTiles)
                if (tile.Number == roll)
                    tile.HighlightTile(mainPage.CurrentPlayer.GameData.PlayerColor); // shows what was rolled
                if (tile.Number != roll)

                //  the tile has the right number - see what settlements are on it
                foreach (BuildingCtrl building in tile.OwnedBuilding)
                    if (building.Owner == null)
                        //  not owned -- continue
                        Debug.Assert(false, "Unowned buildings shouldn't be in the Owned Buildings collection!");
                    //  owned...it should be a settlement or a city
                    Debug.Assert(building.BuildingState == BuildingState.Settlement || building.BuildingState == BuildingState.City, "Owned buildings should be Settlements or Cities!");

                    //  get its value and add it to the dictionary that maps players to resources acquired
                    int value   = building.BuildingState == BuildingState.Settlement ? 1 : 2;
                    var rrModel = new RollResourcesModel(tile.ResourceType, value, tile.HasBaron);
                    //  we added all the players above, so they need to be here.

                     *  this updates
                     *  1) the per turn resources a player acquired
                     *  2) the toal # of resources a player has acquired (control notified via an event in PlayerResourceModel
                     *  3) the global count for each resource (via an event in PlayerResourceModel)
                     *  4) Cards Lost to Baron
                    building.Owner.GameData.UpdateResourceCount(rrModel, LogState.Normal);

            //  go through players and update the good/bad roll count
            foreach (var player in mainPage.MainPageModel.PlayingPlayers)
                if (player.GameData.PlayerTurnResourceCount.Total == 0)
                    player.GameData.GoodRoll = false;
                    player.GameData.NoResourceCount = 0;
                    player.GameData.GoodRoll        = true;
