Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// transit prop appears as a negative literal in clause from true -> false,
 /// OR prop appears as a positive literal in clause from false -> true
 /// </summary>
 public override void UpdateTrueNegativeAndFalsePositive(BooleanSolver b)
     if (b.TrueDisjunctCount[Index] == 0)
         // We just satisfied it
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// transit prop appears as a negative literal in clause from false -> true,
        /// OR prop appears as a positive literal in clause from true -> false
        /// </summary>
        public override void UpdateTruePositiveAndFalseNegative(BooleanSolver b)
            var dCount = --b.TrueDisjunctCount[Index];

            if (dCount == 0)
                // It just transitioned from satisfied to unsatisfied
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// transit prop appears as a negative literal in clause from true -> false,
        /// OR prop appears as a positive literal in clause from false -> true
        /// </summary>
        public override void UpdateTrueNegativeAndFalsePositive(BooleanSolver b)
            var dCount = b.TrueDisjunctCount[Index]++;

            if (OneTooFewDisjuncts(dCount))
                // We just satisfied it
            else if (OneTooManyDisjuncts((ushort)(dCount + 1)))
                // It just transitioned from satisfied to unsatisfied
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// transit prop appears as a negative literal in clause from true -> false,
        /// OR prop appears as a positive literal in clause from false -> true
        /// </summary>
        public override void UpdateTrueNegativeAndFalsePositive(BooleanSolver b)
            var dCount    = ++b.TrueDisjunctCount[Index];
            var isEnabled = IsEnabled(b.Solution);

            if (b.UnsatisfiedClauses.Contains(Index))
                if (OneTooFewDisjuncts((ushort)(dCount - 1)) || !isEnabled)
                    // We just satisfied it or it was disabled
            // I think this needs to be !IsSatisfied rather than OneTooManyDisjuncts to handle
            // the case where the clause becomes enabled while it's satisfied by not at OneTooManyDisjuncts.
            else if (!IsSatisfied(dCount) && isEnabled)
                // It just transitioned from satisfied to unsatisfied, or condition just enabled
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the proposition from the specified clause that will do the least damage to the clauses that are already satisfied.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b">Current BooleanSolver</param>
        /// <returns>Index of the prop to flip</returns>
        public ushort GreedyFlip(BooleanSolver b)
            // If true, the clause has too few disjuncts true
            bool increaseTrueDisjuncts = IsNormalDisjunction ? b.TrueDisjunctCount[Index] <= 0 : b.TrueDisjunctCount[Index] <= MinDisjunctsMinusOne;
            //Signed indices of the disjuncts of the clause
            List <short> disjuncts = UnPredeterminedDisjuncts;
            //Variable that was last chosen for flipping in this clause
            ushort lastFlipOfThisClause = b.LastFlip[Index];

            var bestCount = int.MaxValue;
            var best      = 0;

            //Walk disjuncts in a reasonably random order
            var  dCount = (uint)disjuncts.Count;
            var  index  = Random.InRange(dCount);
            uint prime;

                prime = Random.Prime();
            } while (prime <= dCount);
            for (var i = 0; i < dCount; i++)
                var value = disjuncts[(int)index];
                index = (index + prime) % dCount;
                var selectedVar = (ushort)Math.Abs(value);
                var truth       = b.Propositions[selectedVar];
                if (value < 0)
                    truth = !truth;
                if (truth == increaseTrueDisjuncts)
                    // This is already the right polarity
                if (selectedVar == lastFlipOfThisClause)
                var threatCount = b.UnsatisfiedClauseDelta(selectedVar);
                if (threatCount <= 0)
                    // Fast path - we've found an improvement; take it
                    // Real WalkSAT would continue searching for the best possible choice, but this
                    // gives better performance in my tests
                    // TODO - see if a faster way of computing ThreatenedClauseCount would improve things.

                if (threatCount < bestCount)
                    best      = selectedVar;
                    bestCount = threatCount;

            if (best == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// transit prop appears as a negative literal in clause from true -> false,
 /// OR prop appears as a positive literal in clause from false -> true
 /// </summary>
 public abstract void UpdateTrueNegativeAndFalsePositive(BooleanSolver b);