Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Write images to specified unity image directory.
        public void WriteImages()
            foreach (var img in data)
                string meta = img.Value.ToString().Split(',')[0];
                string data = img.Value.ToString().Split(',')[1];
                data = data.Trim('"');

                // Make sure our base64 string is padded
                switch (data.Length % 4)
                case 2: data += "=="; break;

                case 3: data += "="; break;


                byte[] imgbytes = Convert.FromBase64String(data);

                // Write file
                File.WriteAllBytes(Application.dataPath + "/" + CastleDBConfig.Instance().ImagesFolder + "/" + img.Key + "." + GetFileExtension(meta), imgbytes);

                data = null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Rebuilds defines based on what dbs are currently built. This allows for conditional compilation directives in the sample, so the sample doesn't cause compile errors, but is probably useful elsewhere.
        /// </summary>
        public static void RefreshDefines()
            // Get all defines
            string        definesString = PlayerSettings.GetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup(EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedBuildTargetGroup);
            List <string> allDefines    = definesString.Split(';').ToList();

            // Delete all defines that are CDBIMPORT tags.
            allDefines.RemoveAll(u => u.EndsWith("_CDBIMPORT"));

            // Get all db dirs
            var path = Application.dataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + CastleDBConfig.Instance().GeneratedTypesLocation;

            // If our dir exists, add import defines
            if (Directory.Exists(path))
                var info        = new DirectoryInfo(path);
                var directories = info.GetDirectories();

                // Add each db we currently have imported
                foreach (var d in directories)
                    allDefines.Add(d.Name.ToUpper() + "_CDBIMPORT");

            // Replace our define string
            PlayerSettings.SetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup(EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedBuildTargetGroup, string.Join(";", allDefines.ToArray()));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void SetImporterOptions()
            var guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("CastleDBConfig t:CastleDBConfig");
            var path  = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guids[0]);

            Config = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(CastleDBConfig)) as CastleDBConfig;
        public static void InitTypePath(CastleDBConfig config)
            var path = $"{Application.dataPath}/{config.GeneratedTypesLocation}";

            if (Directory.Exists(path))
                //we've generated this before, so delete the assets in the folder and refresh the DB
                var files = Directory.GetFiles(path);
                foreach (var file in files)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void OnImportAsset(AssetImportContext ctx)
            // Make sure this .img file is part of a CastleDB database
            if (!HasCorrespondingCDBFile(ctx.assetPath))

            // Make Images Folder

            // Import as TextAsset
            TextAsset images = new TextAsset(File.ReadAllText(ctx.assetPath));

            ctx.AddObjectToAsset("main obj", images);

            // Decode and import images as assets
            data = JSON.Parse(images.text);
            EditorApplication.delayCall += new EditorApplication.CallbackFunction(WriteImages);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private void GenerateTypes()
     CastleDBGenerator.GenerateTypes(parser.Root, CastleDBConfig.Instance(), dbname);
     parser = null;
     dbname = "";
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static void InitTypePath(CastleDBConfig config)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static void GenerateTypes(CastleDBParser.RootNode root, CastleDBConfig configFile, string dbname)
            // Create scripts
            List <string>  scripts     = new List <string>();
            CastleDBConfig config      = configFile;
            String         FieldIndent = "        ";

            InitPath(configFile.GeneratedTypesLocation + $"/{dbname}/");
            foreach (CastleDBParser.SheetNode sheet in root.Sheets)
                string scriptPath = $"Assets/{config.GeneratedTypesLocation}/{dbname}/{sheet.Name}.cs";

                //generate fields
                string fieldText = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < sheet.Columns.Count; i++)
                    fieldText += FieldIndent;
                    CastleDBParser.ColumnNode column = sheet.Columns[i];
                    string fieldType = CastleDBUtils.GetTypeFromCastleDBColumn(column);
                    if (fieldType != "Enum") //non-enum, normal field
                        if (CastleDBUtils.GetTypeNumFromCastleDBTypeString(column.TypeStr) == "8")
                            fieldText += ($"public List<{fieldType}> {column.Name}List = new List<{fieldType}>();");
                            fieldText += ($"public {fieldType} {column.Name};");
                    else //enum type
                        string[] enumValueNames = CastleDBUtils.GetEnumValuesFromTypeString(column.TypeStr);
                        string   enumEntries    = "";
                        if (CastleDBUtils.GetTypeNumFromCastleDBTypeString(column.TypeStr) == "10") //flag
                            fieldText += ($"public {column.Name}Flag {column.Name};");
                            for (int val = 0; val < enumValueNames.Length; val++)
                                enumEntries += (enumValueNames[val] + " = " + (int)Math.Pow(2, val));
                                if (val + 1 < enumValueNames.Length)
                                    enumEntries += ",";
                            fieldText += ($"[FlagsAttribute] public enum {column.Name}Flag {{ {enumEntries} }}");
                            fieldText += ($"public {column.Name}Enum {column.Name};");
                            for (int val = 0; val < enumValueNames.Length; val++)
                                enumEntries += (enumValueNames[val] + " = " + val);
                                if (val + 1 < enumValueNames.Length)
                                    enumEntries += ",";
                            fieldText += ($"public enum {column.Name}Enum {{  {enumEntries} }}");

                    fieldText += "\r\n";

                #region ("Row Values Field")
                string possibleValuesText = "";
                if (!sheet.NestedType)
                    possibleValuesText += $"public enum RowValues {{";

                    for (int i = 0; i < sheet.Rows.Count; i++)
                        string rowName = sheet.Rows[i][config.GUIDColumnName];
                        possibleValuesText += rowName;
                        if (i + 1 < sheet.Rows.Count)
                            possibleValuesText += " , ";
                    possibleValuesText += " }\r\n";

                //generate the constructor that sets the fields based on the passed in value
                string constructorText   = "";
                string constructorIndent = "            ";
                if (!sheet.NestedType)
                    constructorText += $"{constructorIndent}SimpleJSON.JSONNode node = root.GetSheetWithName(\"{sheet.Name}\").Rows[(int)line];\r\n";
                for (int i = 0; i < sheet.Columns.Count; i++)
                    constructorText += constructorIndent;
                    CastleDBParser.ColumnNode column = sheet.Columns[i];
                    string castText = CastleDBUtils.GetCastStringFromCastleDBTypeStr(column.TypeStr);
                    string enumCast = "";
                    string typeNum  = CastleDBUtils.GetTypeNumFromCastleDBTypeString(column.TypeStr);
                    if (typeNum == "8")
                        //list type
                        constructorText += $"foreach(var item in node[\"{column.Name}\"]) {{ {column.Name}List.Add(new {column.Name}(root, item));}}";
                    else if (typeNum == "6")
                        //working area:
                        //ref type
                        string refType = CastleDBUtils.GetTypeFromCastleDBColumn(column);
                        //look up the line based on the passed in row
                        constructorText += $"{column.Name} = new {refType}(root,{refType}.GetRowValue(node[\"{column.Name}\"]));";
                    else if (typeNum == "7") // Image
                        constructorText += $"{column.Name} = Resources.Load<Texture>(node[\"{column.Name}\"]) as Texture;";
                    else if (typeNum == "11") // Color
                        constructorText += $"{column.Name} = CastleDBUtils.GetColorFromString( node[\"{column.Name}\"]);";
                        if (typeNum == "10")
                            enumCast = $"({column.Name}Flag)";
                        else if (typeNum == "5")
                            enumCast = $"({column.Name}Enum)";
                        constructorText += $"{column.Name} = {enumCast}node[\"{column.Name}\"]{castText};";

                    constructorText += "\r\n";

                string getMethodText = "";
                if (!sheet.NestedType)
                    getMethodText += $@"
        public static {sheet.Name}.RowValues GetRowValue(string name)
            var values = (RowValues[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(RowValues));
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                if(values[i].ToString() == name)
                    return values[i];
            return values[0];

                string ctor = "";
                if (!sheet.NestedType)
                    ctor = $"public {sheet.Name} (CastleDBParser.RootNode root, RowValues line)";
                    ctor = $"public {sheet.Name} (CastleDBParser.RootNode root, SimpleJSON.JSONNode node)";
                // string usings = "using UnityEngine;\r\n using System;\r\n using System.Collections.Generic;\r\n using SimpleJSON;\r\n using CastleDBImporter;\r\n";
                string fullClassText = $@"
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SimpleJSON;
using CastleDBImporter;
using {config.GeneratedTypesNamespace}.{dbname};

namespace {config.GeneratedTypesNamespace}.{dbname}
    public class {sheet.Name}
                if (!config.SuppressBuildInfo)
                    Debug.Log("Generating CDB Class: " + sheet.Name);

                File.WriteAllText(scriptPath, fullClassText);

            //build the CastleDB file
            string cdbscriptPath = $"Assets/{config.GeneratedTypesLocation}/{dbname}/{dbname}.cs";
            string cdbfields          = "";
            string cdbconstructorBody = "";
            string classTexts         = "";
            foreach (CastleDBParser.SheetNode sheet in root.Sheets)
                if (sheet.NestedType)
                }                               //only write main types to CastleDB
                cdbfields          += $"        public {sheet.Name}Type {sheet.Name};\r\n";
                cdbconstructorBody += $"            {sheet.Name} = new {sheet.Name}Type();\r\n";

                //get a list of all the row names
                classTexts += $"        public class {sheet.Name}Type \r\n        {{\r\n";
                for (int i = 0; i < sheet.Rows.Count; i++)
                    string rowName = sheet.Rows[i][config.GUIDColumnName];
                    classTexts += $"           public {sheet.Name} {rowName} {{ get {{ return Get({configFile.GeneratedTypesNamespace}.{dbname}.{sheet.Name}.RowValues.{rowName}); }} }} \r\n";

                classTexts += $"           private {sheet.Name} Get({sheet.Name}.RowValues line) {{ return new {sheet.Name}(parsedDB.Root, line); }}\r\n";
                classTexts += $@"
           public {sheet.Name}[] GetAll() 
               var values = ({sheet.Name}.RowValues[])Enum.GetValues(typeof({sheet.Name}.RowValues));
               {sheet.Name}[] returnList = new {sheet.Name}[values.Length];
               for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                   returnList[i] = Get(values[i]);
               return returnList;
                classTexts += $"\r\n        }} //END OF {sheet.Name} \r\n\r\n";

            string fullCastle = $@"
using UnityEngine;
using CastleDBImporter;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using {config.GeneratedTypesNamespace}.{dbname};

namespace {config.GeneratedTypesNamespace}.{dbname}
    public class {dbname}
        static CastleDBParser parsedDB;

        public {dbname}(TextAsset castleDBAsset)
            parsedDB = new CastleDBParser(castleDBAsset);
            if (!config.SuppressBuildInfo)
                Debug.Log("Generating CastleDB class");

                if (CastleDBConfig.NamesHaveSpaces)
                    Debug.Log("Your CastleDB file contains spaces in names! These spaces will be automatically converted to '_'.");

                Debug.Log("To suppress log messages from import, check the CastleDBConfig flag 'Suppress Import Messages'");

            File.WriteAllText(cdbscriptPath, fullCastle);
        public static void GenerateTypes(CastleDBParser.RootNode root, CastleDBConfig configFile)
            // Create scripts
            List <string>  scripts = new List <string>();
            CastleDBConfig config  = configFile;


            foreach (CastleDBParser.SheetNode sheet in root.Sheets)
                Debug.Log("Doinog: " + sheet.Name);
                string scriptPath = $"Assets/{config.GeneratedTypesLocation}/{sheet.Name}.cs";

                //generate fields
                string fieldText = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < sheet.Columns.Count; i++)
                    CastleDBParser.ColumnNode column = sheet.Columns[i];
                    string fieldType = CastleDBUtils.GetTypeFromCastleDBColumn(column);
                    if (fieldType != "Enum") //non-enum, normal field
                        if (CastleDBUtils.GetTypeNumFromCastleDBTypeString(column.TypeStr) == "8")
                            fieldText += ($"public List<{fieldType}> {column.Name}List = new List<{fieldType}>();\n\t\t");
                            fieldText += ($"public {fieldType} {column.Name};\n\t\t");
                    else //enum type
                        string[] enumValueNames = CastleDBUtils.GetEnumValuesFromTypeString(column.TypeStr);
                        string   enumEntries    = "";
                        if (CastleDBUtils.GetTypeNumFromCastleDBTypeString(column.TypeStr) == "10") //flag
                            fieldText += ($"public {column.Name}Flag {column.Name};\n");
                            for (int val = 0; val < enumValueNames.Length; val++)
                                enumEntries += (enumValueNames[val] + " = " + (int)Math.Pow(2, val));
                                if (val + 1 < enumValueNames.Length)
                                    enumEntries += ",";
                            fieldText += ($"[FlagsAttribute] public enum {column.Name}Flag {{ {enumEntries} }}");
                            fieldText += ($"public {column.Name}Enum {column.Name};\n");
                            for (int val = 0; val < enumValueNames.Length; val++)
                                enumEntries += (enumValueNames[val] + " = " + val);
                                if (val + 1 < enumValueNames.Length)
                                    enumEntries += ",";
                            fieldText += ($"public enum {column.Name}Enum {{  {enumEntries} }}");

                //generate the constructor that sets the fields based on the passed in value
                StringBuilder constructorText = new StringBuilder();

                for (int i = 0; i < sheet.Columns.Count; i++)
                    CastleDBParser.ColumnNode column = sheet.Columns[i];
                    string castText = CastleDBUtils.GetCastStringFromCastleDBTypeStr(column.TypeStr);
                    string enumCast = "";
                    string typeNum  = CastleDBUtils.GetTypeNumFromCastleDBTypeString(column.TypeStr);
                    if (typeNum == "8")
                        //list type
                        if (CastleDBUtils.DoesSheetContainImages(root, root.GetSheetWithName(column.Name)))
                            constructorText.Append($"\t\t\tforeach(var item in node[\"{column.Name}\"]) {{ {column.Name}List.Add(new {column.Name}(root, item, DatabaseImages));}}\n");
                            constructorText.Append($"\t\t\tforeach(var item in node[\"{column.Name}\"]) {{ {column.Name}List.Add(new {column.Name}(root, item));}}\n");
                    else if (typeNum == "6")
                        //working area:
                        //ref type
                        string refType = CastleDBUtils.GetTypeFromCastleDBColumn(column);
                        //look up the line based on the passed in row
                        if (CastleDBUtils.DoesSheetContainImages(root, sheet))
                                $"{column.Name} = new {config.GeneratedTypesNamespace}.{refType}(root, root.GetSheetWithName(\"{refType}\")." +
                                $"Rows.Find( pred => pred[\"{config.GUIDColumnName}\"] == node[\"{column.Name}\"]), DatabaseImages);\n"
                                $"{column.Name} = new {config.GeneratedTypesNamespace}.{refType}(root, root.GetSheetWithName(\"{refType}\")." +
                                $"Rows.Find( pred => pred[\"{config.GUIDColumnName}\"] == node[\"{column.Name}\"]));\n"
                    else if (typeNum == "7") // Image type
                        constructorText.Append($"\t\t\t{column.Name} = DatabaseImages[node[\"{column.Name}\"]];\n");
                        if (typeNum == "10")
                            enumCast = $"({column.Name}Flag)";
                        else if (typeNum == "5")
                            enumCast = $"({column.Name}Enum)";
                        constructorText.Append($"\t\t\t{column.Name} = {enumCast}node[\"{column.Name}\"]{castText};\n");

                string ctor = "";
                if (CastleDBUtils.DoesSheetContainImages(root, sheet))
                    ctor = $"public {sheet.Name} (CastleDBParser.RootNode root, SimpleJSON.JSONNode node, Dictionary<string, Texture> DatabaseImages)";
                    ctor = $"public {sheet.Name} (CastleDBParser.RootNode root, SimpleJSON.JSONNode node)";
                string fullClassText = $@"
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SimpleJSON;
using CastleDBImporter;
namespace {config.GeneratedTypesNamespace}
    public class {sheet.Name}
                Debug.Log("Generating CDB Class: " + sheet.Name);
                File.WriteAllText(scriptPath, fullClassText);

            //build the CastleDB file
            string cdbscriptPath = $"Assets/{config.GeneratedTypesLocation}/CastleDB.cs";

            string cdbfields          = "";
            string cdbconstructorBody = "";

            foreach (CastleDBParser.SheetNode sheet in root.Sheets)
                if (sheet.NestedType)
                }                                //only write main types to CastleDB
                cdbfields          += $"public Dictionary<string, {sheet.Name}> {sheet.Name};\n";
                cdbconstructorBody += $"{sheet.Name} = new Dictionary<string, {sheet.Name}>();\n";

                //get a list of all the row names
                cdbconstructorBody += $"\t\t\tforeach( var row in root.GetSheetWithName(\"{sheet.Name}\").Rows ) {{\n";

                if (CastleDBUtils.DoesSheetContainImages(root, sheet))
                    cdbconstructorBody += $"\t\t\t\t{sheet.Name}[row[\"id\"]] = new {sheet.Name}(root, row, parsedDB.DatabaseImages);\n\t\t\t}}";
                    cdbconstructorBody += $"\t\t\t\t{sheet.Name}[row[\"id\"]] = new {sheet.Name}(root, row);\n\t\t\t}}";

            string fullCastle = $@"
using UnityEngine;
using CastleDBImporter;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;

namespace {config.GeneratedTypesNamespace}
    public class CastleDB
        static CastleDBParser parsedDB;
        public CastleDB(TextAsset castleDBAsset, TextAsset castleDBImagesAsset = null)
            parsedDB = new CastleDBParser(castleDBAsset, castleDBImagesAsset);
            CastleDBParser.RootNode root = parsedDB.Root;
            { cdbconstructorBody }

            Debug.Log("Generating CastleDB class");
            File.WriteAllText(cdbscriptPath, fullCastle);