Simple query.
Inheritance: Castle.ActiveRecord.Queries.HqlBasedQuery
Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static IList<InteractiveMap> FindAllByQuery(string q)
     string terms = QueryParser.BuildContainsTerms(q);
     SimpleQuery<InteractiveMap> query = new SimpleQuery<InteractiveMap>(QueryLanguage.Sql,
             SELECT        *
             FROM          web_interactive_maps as interactive_map
             WHERE         CONTAINS (interactive_map.title, '{0}')
             OR            CONTAINS (interactive_map.abstract, '{0}')",
     query.AddSqlReturnDefinition(typeof(InteractiveMap), "interactive_map");
     return query.Execute();
        public void Can_delete_instances()
            using (new SessionScope())

            var query = new SimpleQuery<BlogLazy>("from BlogLazy b where b.Author = ?", "Mort");
            using (new StatelessSessionScope())
                foreach (var blog in query.Execute())

            Assert.AreEqual(0, BlogLazy.FindAll().Length);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static Template[] FindAllPublic()
     SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(Template), @"from Template where Public = true");
     Template[] allpublic = (Template[]) ExecuteQuery(q);
     return allpublic;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void Money()
     ActiveRecordMediator<Form>.Create(new Form {Qty = 5, Price = 29.95m});
     var totals = new SimpleQuery<object>(typeof (Form), "select sum(f.Price * f.Qty) from Form f").Execute();
     Assert.IsInstanceOfType(typeof (decimal), totals.First());
 public static ScheduledEvent[] FindByDateAndUser(string datetime, User user)
     if ((datetime.Length > 0) && (user != null))      
         /* This works on hibernate but not in nhibernate yet:
         return (ScheduledEvent[]) ActiveRecordBase.FindOne(typeof(ScheduledEvent), 
             Expression.geProperty("StartDate", datetime), 
             Expression.ltProperty("EndDate", datetime),
             Expression.eq("Schedule", user.Schedule));
         SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(ScheduledEvent), @"
             from ScheduledEvent S
               where S.StartDate < ? and 
             S.EndDate > ? and
             S.Schedule.Owner = ?", datetime, datetime, user);
         return (ScheduledEvent[]) ExecuteQuery(q);
         return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Return all events in year and month
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sdel">Schedule where search</param>
        /// <param name="year">Year where search</param>
        /// <param name="month">Month to get the events</param>
        public static ScheduledEvent[] GetEventsInMonth(Schedule sdle, int year, int month)
//            DateTime sd = new DateTime(year, month, System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month), 23, 59, 59);
//            DateTime ed = new DateTime(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0);

            DateTime beginMonth = new DateTime(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0);
            DateTime endMonth = new DateTime(year, month, System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month), 23, 59, 59);

            SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(ScheduledEvent), @"
                FROM ScheduledEvent S
                    S.Schedule = ? AND
                    S.StartDate < ? AND
                      S.EndDate > ?
                ", sdle, endMonth, beginMonth);

            return (ScheduledEvent[]) ExecuteQuery(q);
 //                and S.StartDate <= ?
 //               and S.EndDate >= ?
        public static ScheduledEvent[] GetOrderedEvents(Schedule sdle)
            SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(ScheduledEvent), @"
                from ScheduledEvent S
                where S.Schedule = ?
                order by S.StartDate", sdle.Id);

            return (ScheduledEvent[]) ExecuteQuery(q);
        public void Collections_can_be_fetched_with_queries()

            var blog = new BlogLazy { Author = "Mort", Name = "Hourglass" };
            var post = new PostLazy { Blog = blog, Title = "...", Created = DateTime.Now };


            var query = new SimpleQuery<BlogLazy>("from BlogLazy b join fetch b.Posts");

            using (new StatelessSessionScope())
                var result = query.Execute();
                Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Length);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, result[0].Posts.Count);
                var queriedPost = result[0].Posts[0] as PostLazy;
                Assert.AreEqual("...", queriedPost.Title);
        public void Querying_works_with_HQL()
            using (new SessionScope())

            var query = new SimpleQuery<BlogLazy>("from BlogLazy b where b.Author = ?", "Mort");
            using (new StatelessSessionScope())
                Assert.AreEqual(1, query.Execute().Length);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static Forum[] FindAllOrderByDateTime()
            SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(Forum), @"
                from Forum F
                order by F.Date");

            return (Forum[]) ExecuteQuery(q);
		public void TestExceptionNotThrownWhenOverrideProvided()
			var results = new SimpleQuery<ProductWithGuid>(Query, new ValueAndTypeTuple(NHibernateUtil.String, Key1.ToString()[0] + "%")).Execute();
			Assert.That(results.Length, Is.EqualTo(1));
Ejemplo n.º 12
    public static Menu FindByCode(string code)
        SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(Menu), @"
            from Menu M
            where M.Code = ?", code);

        Menu[] menus = (Menu[])ExecuteQuery(q);

        if ((menus != null) && (menus.Length > 0))
            return menus[0];
            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static Chat[] FindByUser(IList groups)
            IList tmp = new ArrayList();
            foreach (Group g in groups)

            SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(Chat), @"
            from Chat C
               C.OGroup.Id in (select Id from Acl)

         return (Chat[])ExecuteQuery(q);
Ejemplo n.º 14
    public static Field[] FindAllOrderByCode()
        SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(Field), @"
            from Field F
            order by F.Code");

        return (Field[])ExecuteQuery(q);
Ejemplo n.º 15
    public static Field FindByCode(string code)
        SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(Field), @"
            from Field
            where F.Code = ?", code);

        Field[] fields = (Field[])ExecuteQuery(q);

        if ((fields != null) && (fields.Length > 0))
            return fields[0];
            return null;
        public void Enumerating_with_queries_doesnt_work()
            using (new SessionScope())

            var query = new SimpleQuery<BlogLazy>("from BlogLazy b where b.Author = ?", "Mort");
            using (new StatelessSessionScope())
        public void Nonlazy_collections_can_be_fetched_with_queries()
            ActiveRecordStarter.Initialize(GetConfigSource(), typeof(SimpleBlog), typeof(SimplePost));

            var blog = new SimpleBlog { Name = "Blog" };
            var post = new SimplePost { Blog = blog, Title = "Post" };

            var query = new SimpleQuery<SimpleBlog>("from SimpleBlog b join fetch b.Posts");

            using (new StatelessSessionScope())
                var result = query.Execute();
                Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Length);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, result[0].Posts.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual("Post", result[0].Posts[0].Title);
                Assert.AreSame(result[0], result[0].Posts[0].Blog);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static Schedule FindByUser(User user)
            SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(Schedule), @"
                from Schedule S
                where S.Owner = ?", user);

            Schedule[] schedules = (Schedule[])ExecuteQuery(q);
            if (schedules.Length == 0)
                return null;
                return schedules[0];
Ejemplo n.º 19
		public QueryResults ExecuteQuery(string hql)
			var q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(ActiveRecordBase), typeof(object), hql);
			return new QueryResults(q);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public static User[] FindAllWithoutRoot()
     SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(User), @"from User where Name != 'root'");
     User[] allwithout = (User[]) ExecuteQuery(q);
     return (User[]) allwithout;
        public static ScheduledEvent[] GetEventsOverlap(Schedule s, ScheduledEvent sdle)
            SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(ScheduledEvent), @"
                from ScheduledEvent S
                where S.Schedule = ?
                and ((S.StartDate <= ? and S.EndDate >= ?)
                or (S.StartDate <= ? and S.EndDate >= ?)
                or (S.StartDate >= ? and S.EndDate <= ?))
                and S.Id != ?
                order by S.StartDate", s, sdle.StartDate, sdle.StartDate, sdle.EndDate, sdle.EndDate, sdle.StartDate, sdle.EndDate, sdle.Id);
//                order by S.StartDate", s, sdle.StartDate, sdle.StartDate, sdle.Id);

            return (ScheduledEvent[]) ExecuteQuery(q);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public Group[] NotGroups()
     SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(Group), @"from Group where Id not in (4)");
     Group[] allwithout = (Group[]) ExecuteQuery(q);
     return allwithout;
 public static ScheduledEvent[] GetNextOrderedEvents(Schedule sdle, DateTime d)
     //string dt = Shidix.PublicAPI.Date2Postgres(d);
     //Shidix.PublicAPI.Logger("Schedule id= " + sdle.Id);
     //Shidix.PublicAPI.Logger("datetime = " + dt);
     SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(ScheduledEvent), @"
         from ScheduledEvent S
         where S.Schedule = ?
         and S.StartDate > ?
         order by S.StartDate", sdle, d);
     return (ScheduledEvent[]) ExecuteQuery(q);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public static string FindPasswordByUsername(string username)
     SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(User), @"
                                     from User U
                                     where U.Name = ?", username);
     User u = (User) ExecuteQuery(q);
     return u.UserPassword;
        /// <summary>
        /// Return all events in a day 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sdel">Schedule where search</param>
        /// <param name="dt">DateTime with the day</param>
        public static ScheduledEvent[] GetEventsInDay(Schedule sdle, DateTime dt)
            DateTime dtNextDay = dt.AddDays(1);
            DateTime dtBeforeDay = dt.AddSeconds(-1);
            SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(ScheduledEvent), @"
                FROM ScheduledEvent S
                    S.Schedule = ? AND
                    ((S.StartDate >= ?) AND (S.EndDate < ?) OR
                    (S.StartDate > ?) AND (S.StartDate < ?) AND (S.EndDate > ?) OR
                    (S.StartDate < ?) AND (S.EndDate < ?) AND (S.EndDate > ?) OR
                    (S.StartDate < ?) AND (S.EndDate > ?))
                ", sdle, dt, dtNextDay, dtBeforeDay, dtNextDay, dt, dt, dtNextDay, dtBeforeDay, dt, dt);

            return (ScheduledEvent[]) ExecuteQuery(q);
    public static MenuTranslation FindByMenuAndLang(Menu menu, string lang)
        SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(MenuTranslation), @"
            from MenuTranslation T
                T.Menu = ? and
                T.Language = ?", menu, lang);

        MenuTranslation[] translations = (MenuTranslation[])ExecuteQuery(q);
        if (translations.Length > 0)
            return translations[0];
            return null;
        public void TestExpressionQuerySubProperty()
            Blog blog = new Blog();
            blog.Name = "hammett's blog";
            blog.Author = "hamilton verissimo";

            Blog blog2 = new Blog();
            blog2.Name = "hammett's blog other blog";
            blog2.Author = "hamilton verissimo 2";

            Post post1 = new Post(blog, "title1", "contents", "category1");
            Post post2 = new Post(blog, "title2", "contents", "category2");
            Post post3 = new Post(blog, "title3", "contents", "category3");

            Post post21 = new Post(blog2, "title21", "contents", "category21");
            Post post22 = new Post(blog2, "title22", "contents", "category22");
            Post post23 = new Post(blog2, "title23", "contents", "category23");



            //no idea how to make this style of query work.
            //Post[] posts = Post.FindAll(
            //            Expression.Eq("Blog.Name", blog2.Name)
            //        );
            //Assert.IsTrue(posts.Length > 0);

            SimpleQuery<Post> q =
                new SimpleQuery<Post>(typeof(Post), "from Post p where p.Id = ? or p.Blog.Name = ?", 1, "hammett's blog other blog");

            Post[] p = q.Execute();

            Assert.IsTrue(p.Length > 0);
    public static MenuTranslation[] FindByMenu(Menu menu)
        SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(MenuTranslation), @"
            from MenuTranslation T
            where T.Menu = ?", menu);

        return (MenuTranslation[]) ExecuteQuery(q);

Ejemplo n.º 29
   public static Category[] SearchByWord2(string s)
      string sql;
      char[] charSeparators = new char[] {',',' ',';','.'};
      string[] ssplit = s.Split(charSeparators);

      if (s == null)
         return new Category[0];

      sql = "from Category C where C.Description ~* '" + s;
      sql += "' or C.Name ~* '" + s;
      sql += "' or C.Information ~* '" + s;
      sql += "' or C.Description ~* '" + s;
      sql += "'";

      foreach (string substr in ssplit)
         if (substr != "") {
            sql += " or C.Description ~* '" + substr;
            sql += "' or C.Name ~* '" + substr;
            sql += "' or C.Information ~* '" + substr;
            sql += "'";

      SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(Category), sql);

      Category[] category = (Category[])ExecuteQuery(q);
      if (category.Length == 0) {
         return new Category[0];
      } else
         return category;
        public static ChatMessage[] FindLast(int chat, int id, int minutes)
            DateTime date = System.DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(- minutes);

            SimpleQuery q = new SimpleQuery(typeof(ChatMessage), @"
                FROM ChatMessage C
                    C.Chat = ? AND
                    C.Id > ? AND
                    C.Date > ?
                    ORDER BY date;", chat, id, date);

            return (ChatMessage[]) ExecuteQuery(q);