Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the retry decision based on the exception from Cassandra
        /// </summary>
        public RetryDecision GetRetryDecision(Exception ex)
            RetryDecision decision = RetryDecision.Rethrow();

            if (ex is SocketException)
                decision = RetryDecision.Retry(null);
            else if (ex is OverloadedException || ex is IsBootstrappingException || ex is TruncateException)
                decision = RetryDecision.Retry(null);
            else if (ex is ReadTimeoutException)
                var e = ex as ReadTimeoutException;
                decision = _retryPolicy.OnReadTimeout(_statement, e.ConsistencyLevel, e.RequiredAcknowledgements, e.ReceivedAcknowledgements, e.WasDataRetrieved, _retryCount);
            else if (ex is WriteTimeoutException)
                var e = ex as WriteTimeoutException;
                decision = _retryPolicy.OnWriteTimeout(_statement, e.ConsistencyLevel, e.WriteType, e.RequiredAcknowledgements, e.ReceivedAcknowledgements, _retryCount);
            else if (ex is UnavailableException)
                var e = ex as UnavailableException;
                decision = _retryPolicy.OnUnavailable(_statement, e.Consistency, e.RequiredReplicas, e.AliveReplicas, _retryCount);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///  Defines whether to retry and at which consistency level on a write timeout.
        ///  <p> This method triggers a maximum of one retry. If <c>writeType ==
        ///  WriteType.BATCH_LOG</c>, the write is retried with the initial consistency
        ///  level. If <c>writeType == WriteType.UNLOGGED_BATCH</c> and at least one
        ///  replica acknowleged, the write is retried with a lower consistency level
        ///  (with unlogged batch, a write timeout can <b>always</b> mean that part of the
        ///  batch haven't been persisted at' all, even if <c>receivedAcks > 0</c>).
        ///  For other <c>writeType</c>, if we know the write has been persisted on
        ///  at least one replica, we ignore the exception. Otherwise, an exception is
        ///  thrown.</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"> the original query that timeouted. </param>
        /// <param name="cl"> the original consistency level of the write that timeouted.
        ///  </param>
        /// <param name="writeType"> the type of the write that timeouted. </param>
        /// <param name="requiredAcks"> the number of acknowledgments that were required
        ///  to achieve the requested consistency level. </param>
        /// <param name="receivedAcks"> the number of acknowledgments that had been
        ///  received by the time the timeout exception was raised. </param>
        /// <param name="nbRetry"> the number of retry already performed for this
        ///  operation. </param>
        /// <returns>a RetryDecision as defined above.</returns>
        public RetryDecision OnWriteTimeout(IStatement query, ConsistencyLevel cl, string writeType, int requiredAcks, int receivedAcks, int nbRetry)
            if (nbRetry != 0)

            switch (writeType)
            case "SIMPLE":
            case "BATCH":
                // Since we provide atomicity there is no point in retrying

            case "COUNTER":
                // We should not retry counters, period!

            case "UNLOGGED_BATCH":
                // Since only part of the batch could have been persisted,
                // retry with whatever consistency should allow to persist all

            case "BATCH_LOG":
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public RetryDecision OnWriteTimeout(IStatement stmt, ConsistencyLevel cl, string writeType, int requiredAcks, int receivedAcks, int nbRetry)
     if (stmt != null && stmt.IsIdempotent == true)
         return(_childPolicy.OnWriteTimeout(stmt, cl, writeType, requiredAcks, receivedAcks, nbRetry));
 /// <summary>
 /// The default implementation triggers a retry on the next host in the query plan with the same consistency level,
 /// regardless of the statement's idempotence, for historical reasons.
 /// </summary>
 public RetryDecision OnRequestError(IStatement statement, Configuration config, Exception ex, int nbRetry)
     if (ex is OperationTimedOutException && !config.QueryOptions.RetryOnTimeout)
     return(RetryDecision.Retry(null, false));
        /// <summary>
        ///  Defines whether to retry and at which consistency level on a write timeout.
        ///  <p> This method triggers a maximum of one retry, and only in the case of a
        ///  <c>WriteType.BATCH_LOG</c> write. The reasoning for the retry in that
        ///  case is that write to the distributed batch log is tried by the coordinator
        ///  of the write against a small subset of all the node alive in the local
        ///  datacenter. Hence, a timeout usually means that none of the nodes in that
        ///  subset were alive but the coordinator hasn't' detected them as dead. By the
        ///  time we get the timeout the dead nodes will likely have been detected as dead
        ///  and the retry has thus a high change of success.</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"> the original query that timeouted. </param>
        /// <param name="cl"> the original consistency level of the write that timeouted.
        ///  </param>
        /// <param name="writeType"> the type of the write that timeouted. </param>
        /// <param name="requiredAcks"> the number of acknowledgments that were required
        ///  to achieve the requested consistency level. </param>
        /// <param name="receivedAcks"> the number of acknowledgments that had been
        ///  received by the time the timeout exception was raised. </param>
        /// <param name="nbRetry"> the number of retry already performed for this
        ///  operation. </param>
        /// <returns><c>RetryDecision.retry(cl)</c> if no retry attempt has yet
        ///  been tried and <c>writeType == WriteType.BATCH_LOG</c>,
        ///  <c>RetryDecision.rethrow()</c> otherwise.</returns>
        public RetryDecision OnWriteTimeout(IStatement query, ConsistencyLevel cl, string writeType, int requiredAcks, int receivedAcks,
                                            int nbRetry)
            if (nbRetry != 0)

            // If the batch log write failed, retry the operation as this might just be we were unlucky at picking candidtes
            return(writeType == "BATCH_LOG" ? RetryDecision.Retry(cl) : RetryDecision.Rethrow());
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public RetryDecision OnRequestError(IStatement stmt, Configuration config, Exception ex, int nbRetry)
     if (stmt != null && stmt.IsIdempotent == true)
         if (_extendedChildPolicy != null)
             return(_extendedChildPolicy.OnRequestError(stmt, config, ex, nbRetry));
         return(RetryDecision.Retry(null, false));
        /// <summary>
        ///  Defines whether to retry and at which consistency level on a read timeout.
        ///  <p> This method triggers a maximum of one retry, and only if enough replica
        ///  had responded to the read request but data was not retrieved amongst those.
        ///  Indeed, that case usually means that enough replica are alive to satisfy the
        ///  consistency but the coordinator picked a dead one for data retrieval, not
        ///  having detected that replica as dead yet. The reasoning for retrying then is
        ///  that by the time we get the timeout the dead replica will likely have been
        ///  detected as dead and the retry has a high change of success.</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"> the original query that timed out. </param>
        /// <param name="cl"> the original consistency level of the read that timed out.
        ///  </param>
        /// <param name="requiredResponses"> the number of responses that were required
        ///  to achieve the requested consistency level. </param>
        /// <param name="receivedResponses"> the number of responses that had been
        ///  received by the time the timeout exception was raised. </param>
        /// <param name="dataRetrieved"> whether actual data (by opposition to data
        ///  checksum) was present in the received responses. </param>
        /// <param name="nbRetry"> the number of retry already performed for this
        ///  operation. </param>
        /// <returns><c>RetryDecision.Retry(cl)</c> if no retry attempt has yet
        ///  been tried and <c>receivedResponses >= requiredResponses &amp;&amp;
        ///  !dataRetrieved</c>, <c>RetryDecision.Rethrow()</c>
        ///  otherwise.</returns>
        public RetryDecision OnReadTimeout(IStatement query, ConsistencyLevel cl, int requiredResponses, int receivedResponses,
                                           bool dataRetrieved, int nbRetry)
            if (nbRetry != 0)

            return(receivedResponses >= requiredResponses && !dataRetrieved
                       ? RetryDecision.Retry(cl)
                       : RetryDecision.Rethrow());
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private static RetryDecision MaxLikelyToWorkCl(int knownOk)
     if (knownOk >= 3)
     if (knownOk >= 2)
     if (knownOk >= 1)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        ///  Defines whether to retry and at which consistency level on a read timeout.
        ///  <p> This method triggers a maximum of one retry. If less replica responsed
        ///  than required by the consistency level (but at least one replica did
        ///  respond), the operation is retried at a lower consistency level. If enough
        ///  replica responded but data was not retrieve, the operation is retried with
        ///  the initial consistency level. Otherwise, an exception is thrown.</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"> the original query that timeouted. </param>
        /// <param name="cl"> the original consistency level of the read that timeouted.
        ///  </param>
        /// <param name="requiredResponses"> the number of responses that were required
        ///  to achieve the requested consistency level. </param>
        /// <param name="receivedResponses"> the number of responses that had been
        ///  received by the time the timeout exception was raised. </param>
        /// <param name="dataRetrieved"> whether actual data (by opposition to data
        ///  checksum) was present in the received responses. </param>
        /// <param name="nbRetry"> the number of retry already performed for this
        ///  operation. </param>
        /// <returns>a RetryDecision as defined above.</returns>
        public RetryDecision OnReadTimeout(IStatement query, ConsistencyLevel cl, int requiredResponses, int receivedResponses, bool dataRetrieved,
                                           int nbRetry)
            if (nbRetry != 0)

            if (receivedResponses < requiredResponses)
                // Tries the biggest CL that is expected to work

            return(!dataRetrieved?RetryDecision.Retry(cl) : RetryDecision.Rethrow());
Ejemplo n.º 10
        static RetryDecision GetRetryDecision(Query query, QueryValidationException exc, IRetryPolicy policy, int queryRetries)
            if (exc is OverloadedException)
            else if (exc is IsBootstrappingException)
            else if (exc is TruncateException)

            else if (exc is ReadTimeoutException)
                var e = exc as ReadTimeoutException;
                return(policy.OnReadTimeout(query, e.ConsistencyLevel, e.RequiredAcknowledgements, e.ReceivedAcknowledgements, e.WasDataRetrieved, queryRetries));
            else if (exc is WriteTimeoutException)
                var e = exc as WriteTimeoutException;
                return(policy.OnWriteTimeout(query, e.ConsistencyLevel, e.WriteType, e.RequiredAcknowledgements, e.ReceivedAcknowledgements, queryRetries));
            else if (exc is UnavailableException)
                var e = exc as UnavailableException;
                return(policy.OnUnavailable(query, e.Consistency, e.RequiredReplicas, e.AliveReplicas, queryRetries));

            else if (exc is AlreadyExistsException)
            else if (exc is InvalidConfigurationInQueryException)
            else if (exc is PreparedQueryNotFoundException)
            else if (exc is ProtocolErrorException)
            else if (exc is InvalidQueryException)
            else if (exc is UnauthorizedException)
            else if (exc is SyntaxError)

            else if (exc is ServerErrorException)
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        ///  Defines whether to retry and at which consistency level on an unavailable
        ///  exception. <p> This method triggers a maximum of one retry. If at least one
        ///  replica is know to be alive, the operation is retried at a lower consistency
        ///  level.</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"> the original query for which the consistency level
        ///  cannot be achieved. </param>
        /// <param name="cl"> the original consistency level for the operation. </param>
        /// <param name="requiredReplica"> the number of replica that should have been
        ///  (known) alive for the operation to be attempted. </param>
        /// <param name="aliveReplica"> the number of replica that were know to be alive
        ///  by the coordinator of the operation. </param>
        /// <param name="nbRetry"> the number of retry already performed for this
        ///  operation. </param>
        /// <returns>a RetryDecision as defined above.</returns>
        public RetryDecision OnUnavailable(IStatement query, ConsistencyLevel cl, int requiredReplica, int aliveReplica, int nbRetry)
            return(nbRetry != 0 ? RetryDecision.Rethrow() : MaxLikelyToWorkCl(aliveReplica));

            // Tries the biggest CL that is expected to work
 /// <summary>
 ///  Defines whether to retry and at which consistency level on an unavailable
 ///  exception. <p> This method never retries as a retry on an unavailable
 ///  exception using the same consistency level has almost no change of success.</p>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="query"> the original query for which the consistency level
 ///  cannot be achieved. </param>
 /// <param name="cl"> the original consistency level for the operation. </param>
 /// <param name="requiredReplica"> the number of replica that should have been
 ///  (known) alive for the operation to be attempted. </param>
 /// <param name="aliveReplica"> the number of replica that were know to be alive
 ///  by the coordinator of the operation. </param>
 /// <param name="nbRetry"> the number of retry already performed for this
 ///  operation. </param>
 /// <returns><c>RetryDecision.rethrow()</c>.</returns>
 public RetryDecision OnUnavailable(IStatement query, ConsistencyLevel cl, int requiredReplica, int aliveReplica, int nbRetry)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public RetryDecision OnRequestError(IStatement statement, Configuration config, Exception ex, int nbRetry)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 ///  Defines whether to retry and at which consistency level on a write timeout.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="query"> the original query that timeouted. </param>
 /// <param name="cl"> the original consistency level of the write that timeouted.
 ///  </param>
 /// <param name="writeType"> the type of the write that timeouted. </param>
 /// <param name="requiredAcks"> the number of acknowledgments that were required
 ///  to achieve the requested consistency level. </param>
 /// <param name="receivedAcks"> the number of acknowledgments that had been
 ///  received by the time the timeout exception was raised. </param>
 /// <param name="nbRetry"> the number of retry already performed for this
 ///  operation. </param>
 /// <returns><c>RetryDecision.rethrow()</c>.</returns>
 public RetryDecision OnWriteTimeout(IStatement query, ConsistencyLevel cl, string writeType, int requiredAcks, int receivedAcks, int nbRetry)