Ejemplo n.º 1
        LineTextSymbol CreateLineTextSymbol(OcadObject obj, TextSymDef symdef)
            if (symdef == null)
                throw new OcadFileFormatException("Object has unknown or inconsistent symbol type {0}", obj.Sym);

            if (obj.coords == null || obj.coords.Length < 2)
                return null;

            SymPath path = CreateSymPath(obj.coords);
            string text = obj.text;


            return new LineTextSymbol(symdef, path, text);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Create an image graphics object ---- an line object created from an image import
        ImageLineSymbol CreateLineImageObject(OcadObject obj, ImageSymDef symdef)
            if (obj.coords == null || obj.coords.Length < 2)
                return null;

            SymPath path = CreateSymPath(obj.coords);

            LineStyle lineStyle = ImportLineStyle(obj.DiamFlags);

            return new ImageLineSymbol(symdef, path, ColorFromCompressedCMYK(obj.Col), ToWorldDimensions(obj.LineWidth), lineStyle);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        LineSymbol CreateLineSymbol(OcadObject obj, LineSymDef symdef)
            if (symdef == null)
                throw new OcadFileFormatException("Object has unknown or inconsistent symbol type {0}", obj.Sym);

            if (obj.coords == null || obj.coords.Length < 2)
                return null;

            SymPath path = CreateSymPath(obj.coords);

            return new LineSymbol(symdef, path);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // Create a iamge object -- an object created  from an image import operations
        void CreateImageObject(OcadObject obj)
            ImageSymDef def = GetImageSymDef();    // Get the symdef.
            Symbol sym = null;

            if (obj.Otp == 3) {
                sym = CreateAreaImageObject(obj, def);
            else if (obj.Otp == 2) {
                sym = CreateLineImageObject(obj, def);

            if (sym != null) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Create an line graphics object ---- an line object created from an object broken apart with the To Graphics command.
        GraphicsLineSymbol CreateLineGraphicsObject(OcadObject obj, GraphicsSymDef symdef)
            if (obj.coords == null || obj.coords.Length < 2)
                return null;

            SymPath path = CreateSymPath(obj.coords);

            LineStyle lineStyle = ImportLineStyle(obj.DiamFlags);

            return new GraphicsLineSymbol(symdef, path, GetColor((int) obj.Col), ToWorldDimensions(obj.LineWidth), lineStyle);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        // Create an area iamge object ---- an area object created from an image import
        ImageAreaSymbol CreateAreaImageObject(OcadObject obj, ImageSymDef symdef)
            SymPathWithHoles path = CreateAreaSymPath(obj.coords);

            return new ImageAreaSymbol(symdef, path, ColorFromCompressedCMYK(obj.Col));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        AreaSymbol CreateAreaSymbol(OcadObject obj, AreaSymDef symdef)
            if (symdef == null)
                throw new OcadFileFormatException("Object has unknown or inconsistent symbol type {0}", obj.Sym);

            SymPathWithHoles path = CreateAreaSymPath(obj.coords);

            return new AreaSymbol(symdef, path, AngleToDegrees(obj.Ang));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 void ReadAndCreateObjects(OcadIndexBlocks b)
     for (int i = 0; i < b.indexes.Length; ++i) {
         if (b.indexes[i].Sym != 0 && (version <= 8 || b.indexes[i].Status == 1)) {
             OcadObject obj = new OcadObject();
             reader.BaseStream.Seek(b.indexes[i].Pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
             obj.Read(reader, version);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        // Create an area graphics object ---- an area object created from an object broken apart with the To Graphics command.
        GraphicsAreaSymbol CreateAreaGraphicsObject(OcadObject obj, GraphicsSymDef symdef)
            SymPathWithHoles path = CreateAreaSymPath(obj.coords);

            return new GraphicsAreaSymbol(symdef, path, GetColor((int) obj.Col));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        TextSymbol CreateTextSymbol(OcadObject obj, TextSymDef symdef, bool formatted)
            if (symdef == null)
                throw new OcadFileFormatException("Object has unknown or inconsistent symbol type {0}", obj.Sym);

            string text = obj.text;

            PointF location;
            float width, topAdjust;
            float angle = AngleToDegrees(obj.Ang);

            if (formatted) {
                location = PointFromOcadCoord(obj.coords[3]);
                width = Util.DistanceF(location, PointFromOcadCoord(obj.coords[2]));

                // OCAD adds an extra internal leading (incorrectly).
                topAdjust = symdef.FontEmHeight - (symdef.FontAscent + symdef.FontDescent);
            else {
                location = PointFromOcadCoord(obj.coords[0]);
                width = 0;

                // OCAD positions by baseline of text, we position at top of ascent of text.
                topAdjust = symdef.FontAscent;

            location.Y += (float) (topAdjust * Math.Sin((angle + 90.0) / 360.0 * 2 * Math.PI));
            location.X += (float) (topAdjust * Math.Cos((angle + 90.0) / 360.0 * 2 * Math.PI));

            string[] lines = Util.SplitLines(text);


            return new TextSymbol(symdef, lines, location, angle, width);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        // Rectangle symbols may be translated into multiple symbols (if there is a grid).
        Symbol[] CreateRectangleSymbol(OcadObject obj, LineSymDef symdef, RectangleInfo rectinfo)
            List<Symbol> symlist = new List<Symbol>();  // list of symbols we're creating.

            if (symdef == null)
                throw new OcadFileFormatException("Object has unknown or inconsistent symbol type {0}", obj.Sym);

            if (obj.coords == null || obj.coords.Length < 2)
                return null;

            // Create the main rectangle symbol.
            // Determine size of the rectangle, and matrix needed to transform points to their correct location.
            PointF[] pts = {PointFromOcadCoord(obj.coords[0]), PointFromOcadCoord(obj.coords[1]), PointFromOcadCoord(obj.coords[2]), PointFromOcadCoord(obj.coords[3])};
            SizeF size = new SizeF(Util.DistanceF(pts[0], pts[1]), Util.DistanceF(pts[0], pts[3]));
            float angle = Util.Angle(pts[0], pts[1]);
            Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
            matrix.Translate(pts[0].X, pts[0].Y);

            SymPath path;
            PointKind[] kinds;
            PointF[] pathpts;
            if (rectinfo.cornerRadius == 0) {
                kinds = new PointKind[] {PointKind.Corner, PointKind.Corner, PointKind.Corner, PointKind.Corner, PointKind.Corner};
                pathpts = new PointF[] { new PointF(0,0), new PointF(0, size.Height), new PointF(size.Width, size.Height),
                                           new PointF(size.Width, 0), new PointF(0,0)};
            else {
                kinds = new PointKind[] {PointKind.Normal, PointKind.Normal, PointKind.BezierControl, PointKind.BezierControl,
                                            PointKind.Normal, PointKind.Normal, PointKind.BezierControl, PointKind.BezierControl,
                                            PointKind.Normal, PointKind.Normal, PointKind.BezierControl, PointKind.BezierControl,
                                            PointKind.Normal, PointKind.Normal, PointKind.BezierControl, PointKind.BezierControl,
                pathpts = new PointF[] { new PointF(rectinfo.cornerRadius, 0),
                                           new PointF(size.Width - rectinfo.cornerRadius, 0),
                                           new PointF(size.Width - (1-Util.kappa) * rectinfo.cornerRadius, 0),
                                           new PointF(size.Width, (1-Util.kappa) * rectinfo.cornerRadius),
                                           new PointF(size.Width, rectinfo.cornerRadius),
                                           new PointF(size.Width, size.Height - rectinfo.cornerRadius),
                                           new PointF(size.Width, size.Height - (1-Util.kappa) * rectinfo.cornerRadius),
                                           new PointF(size.Width - (1-Util.kappa) * rectinfo.cornerRadius, size.Height),
                                           new PointF(size.Width - rectinfo.cornerRadius, size.Height),
                                           new PointF(rectinfo.cornerRadius, size.Height),
                                           new PointF((1-Util.kappa) * rectinfo.cornerRadius, size.Height),
                                           new PointF(0, size.Height - (1-Util.kappa) * rectinfo.cornerRadius),
                                           new PointF(0, size.Height - rectinfo.cornerRadius),
                                           new PointF(0, rectinfo.cornerRadius),
                                           new PointF(0, (1-Util.kappa) * rectinfo.cornerRadius),
                                           new PointF((1-Util.kappa) * rectinfo.cornerRadius, 0),
                                           new PointF(rectinfo.cornerRadius, 0)};

            pathpts = GraphicsUtil.TransformPoints(pathpts, matrix);
            for (int i = 0; i < pathpts.Length; ++i)
                pathpts[i] = new PointF((float) Math.Round(pathpts[i].X, 2), (float) Math.Round(pathpts[i].Y, 2));   // round to 2 decimals, so round trip to OCAD without change.
            path = new SymPath(pathpts, kinds);
            symlist.Add(new LineSymbol(symdef, path));

            if (rectinfo.grid) {
                if (size.Width > 0 && size.Height > 0) {
                    int cxCells = (int) Math.Round(size.Width / rectinfo.cellWidth);
                    if (cxCells < 1)
                        cxCells = 1;
                    int cyCells = (int) Math.Round(size.Height / rectinfo.cellHeight);
                    if (cyCells < 1)
                        cyCells = 1;

                    float width = size.Width / cxCells;
                    float height = size.Height / cyCells;

                    CreateGridLines(size, matrix, cxCells, cyCells, width, height, rectinfo.gridLines, symlist);
                    CreateGridText(size, matrix, angle, cxCells, cyCells, width, height, rectinfo, symlist);

            return symlist.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 12
        PointSymbol CreatePointSymbol(OcadObject obj, PointSymDef symdef)
            if (symdef == null)
                throw new OcadFileFormatException("Object has unknown or inconsistent symbol type {0}", obj.Sym);

            PointF location = PointFromOcadCoord(obj.coords[0]);

            // Determine if there are any circle gaps.
            float[] gaps = null;
            if (obj.coords.Length > 1) {
                // The additional coordinates give circle gaps. They are expressed in pairs of OCAD angles, where the X is the start and
                // the Y is the end.
                gaps = new float[(obj.coords.Length - 1) * 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < obj.coords.Length - 1; ++i) {
                    OcadCoord ocadGap = obj.coords[i + 1];
                    gaps[i * 2] = AngleToDegrees(ocadGap.x);
                    gaps[i * 2 + 1] = AngleToDegrees(ocadGap.y);

            return new PointSymbol(symdef, location, AngleToDegrees(obj.Ang), gaps);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        void CreateObject(OcadObject obj)
            int symid;
            if (version >= 9) {
                if (obj.Sym == -1) {
                    return;             // imported object
                else if (obj.Sym == -2) {
                    // Graphics object -- from broken apart symbol.
                else if (obj.Sym == -3) {
                    // Image object -- from imported AI/WMF

                symid = obj.Sym;
            else {
                symid = (obj.Sym / 10) * 1000 + (obj.Sym % 10);

            if (! symdefids.ContainsKey(symid)) {
                // Unknown symbol definition.
                // CONSIDER: produce warning that at unsymbols object is being ignored?

            SymDef symdef = symdefids[symid] as SymDef;

            Symbol sym = null;

            switch (obj.Otp) {
                throw new OcadFileFormatException("Invalid Otp value {0} in object", obj.Otp);
            case 1:
                sym = CreatePointSymbol(obj, symdef as PointSymDef);
            case 2:
                // Line or line text symbols.
                if (symdef is LineSymDef)
                    sym = CreateLineSymbol(obj, symdef as LineSymDef);
                    sym = CreateLineTextSymbol(obj, symdef as TextSymDef);
            case 3:
                // Area symbols.
                sym = CreateAreaSymbol(obj, symdef as AreaSymDef);

            case 4:
                // Text symbols
                sym = CreateTextSymbol(obj, symdef as TextSymDef, false);

            case 6:
                // Line text symbol.
                sym = CreateLineTextSymbol(obj, symdef as TextSymDef);

            case 5: case 7:
                // formatted text or rectangle symbol
                if (symdef is TextSymDef)
                    sym = CreateTextSymbol(obj, symdef as TextSymDef, true);
                else {
                    RectangleInfo rectinfo = (RectangleInfo) rectangleInfos[symid];
                    Symbol[] syms = CreateRectangleSymbol(obj, symdef as LineSymDef, rectinfo);
                    if (syms != null) {
                        foreach (Symbol s in syms) {


            if (sym != null) {
Ejemplo n.º 14
        // Write a symbol, return nItem + nText.
        int WriteSymbol(Symbol sym, out OcadObject obj)
            obj = new OcadObject();
            obj.Sym = ConvertSymdefId(sym.Definition.OcadID);

            if (sym is PointSymbol) {
                PointSymbol psym = sym as PointSymbol;

                obj.Otp = 1;
                obj.Ang = AngleToOcad(psym.Rotation);
                OcadCoord pointCoord = OcadCoordFromPoint(psym.Location);
                if (psym.Gaps == null) {
                    obj.coords = new OcadCoord[1] { pointCoord };
                else {
                    // object has circle gaps in it.
                    obj.coords = new OcadCoord[1 + psym.Gaps.Length / 2];
                    obj.coords[0] = pointCoord;
                    for (int i = 0; i < psym.Gaps.Length; i += 2) {
                        obj.coords[i / 2 + 1].x = AngleToOcad(psym.Gaps[i]);
                        obj.coords[i / 2 + 1].y = AngleToOcad(psym.Gaps[i + 1]);
            else if (sym is LineSymbol) {
                LineSymbol lsym = sym as LineSymbol;

                obj.Otp = 2;
                obj.coords = CoordsFromSymPath(lsym.Path);
            else if (sym is GraphicsLineSymbol) {
                GraphicsLineSymbol glsym = sym as GraphicsLineSymbol;

                obj.Sym = -2;
                obj.Otp = 2;
                obj.coords = CoordsFromSymPath(glsym.Path);
                obj.Col = (uint) NumberOfColor(glsym.LineColor);
                obj.LineWidth = (short) ToOcadDimensions(glsym.Thickness);
                obj.DiamFlags = OcadLineStyle(glsym.LineStyle);
            else if (sym is ImageLineSymbol) {
                ImageLineSymbol ilsym = sym as ImageLineSymbol;

                obj.Sym = -3;
                obj.Otp = 2;
                obj.coords = CoordsFromSymPath(ilsym.Path);
                obj.Col = CompressedCMYKFromColor(ilsym.LineColor);
                obj.LineWidth = (short) ToOcadDimensions(ilsym.Thickness);
                obj.DiamFlags = OcadLineStyle(ilsym.LineStyle);
            else if (sym is AreaSymbol) {
                AreaSymbol asym = sym as AreaSymbol;

                obj.Otp = 3;
                obj.coords = CoordsFromSymPathWithHoles(asym.Path);
                obj.Ang = AngleToOcad(asym.Angle);

                // UNDONE: if this symbol has a border and version <=8, need to create additional objects for the border.
            else if (sym is GraphicsAreaSymbol) {
                GraphicsAreaSymbol gasym = sym as GraphicsAreaSymbol;

                obj.Sym = -2;
                obj.Otp = 3;
                obj.coords = CoordsFromSymPathWithHoles(gasym.Path);
                obj.Col = (uint) NumberOfColor(gasym.FillColor);
            else if (sym is ImageAreaSymbol) {
                ImageAreaSymbol iasym = sym as ImageAreaSymbol;

                obj.Sym = -3;
                obj.Otp = 3;
                obj.coords = CoordsFromSymPathWithHoles(iasym.Path);
                obj.Col = CompressedCMYKFromColor(iasym.FillColor);
            else if (sym is TextSymbol) {
                TextSymbol tsym = sym as TextSymbol;

                obj.Otp = (byte) (tsym.Width > 0 ? 5 : 4);
                obj.text = string.Join("\r\n", tsym.Text);
                obj.Ang = AngleToOcad(tsym.Rotation);
                obj.coords = GetTextObjectCoords(tsym);
            else if (sym is LineTextSymbol) {
                LineTextSymbol ltsym = sym as LineTextSymbol;

                obj.Otp = (byte) ((version <= 8) ? 2 : 6);
                obj.text = ltsym.Text;
                obj.Ang = 0;
                obj.coords = CoordsFromSymPath(ltsym.Path);
            else {
                Debug.Fail("Unexpected symbol type");

            // UNDONE: deal with overflow of a short below.
            if (obj.coords != null)
                obj.nItem = (short) (obj.coords.Length);
            if (obj.text != null) {
                if (version >= 9 || obj.Unicode != 0)
                    obj.nText = (short) ((obj.text.Length / 4) + 1);
                    obj.nText = (short) ((obj.text.Length / 8) + 1);

            obj.Write(writer, version);
            return obj.nItem + obj.nText;