Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void evScanbrcode(string ebarcode)
            bool        flOkscan = true;
            ResulthScan rscan    = new ResulthScan();

            rscan.Barcode = ebarcode;

            BrcScanner.SendingData = false;
                flOkscan = flOkscan & DimScanner.Scan(ref rscan);
                flOkscan = flOkscan & WeightScanner.Scan(ref rscan);
                if (flOkscan)
                    Message ordermsg = new Message();
                    ordermsg.Formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(new Type[] { typeof(string) });

                    JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    string json = serializer.Serialize(rscan);

                    ordermsg.Label    = "ScanDimention";
                    ordermsg.Priority = MessagePriority.Normal;
                    ordermsg.Body     = json;
                    //для начала создадим очередь
                    // Create the transacted MSMQ queue if necessary.
                    MessageQueue Queue = new MessageQueue(StartProgram.queueName);

            catch (Exception error)
                BrcScanner.SendingData = true;

            BrcScanner.SendingData = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void evScanbrcode(string ebarcode)
            bool        flOkscan = false;
            ResulthScan rscan    = new ResulthScan();

            rscan.Barcode = ebarcode;

            Barcode.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => Barcode.Text = ebarcode), "newText");
            BrcScanner.SendingData = false;

            if (!checkBox1.Checked)
                 *      //BrcScanner.SendingData = false;
                 *      lblError.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => lblError.Text = "укажите измеритель"), "newText");
                 *      //flOkscan = true;
                 *      BrcScanner.SendingData = true;
                 *      return;
                 *  } */

                Weight.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => Weight.Text = ""), "newText");
            DimX.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => DimX.Text         = ""), "newText");
            DimY.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => DimY.Text         = ""), "newText");
            DimZ.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => DimZ.Text         = ""), "newText");
            lblError.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => lblError.Text = ""), "newText");

            if (!checkBox1.Checked)
                    flOkscan = flOkscan | DimScanner.Scan(ref rscan);
                    flOkscan = flOkscan | WeightScanner.Scan(ref rscan);
                    if (flOkscan)
                        System.Messaging.Message ordermsg = new System.Messaging.Message();
                        ordermsg.Formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(new Type[] { typeof(string) });

                        //test only

                        /*rscan.Height = 12.3;
                         * rscan.Length = 10.3;
                         * rscan.Weight = 9.3;
                         * rscan.Width  = 7.2;*/

                        rscan.MeasureCreater = "65e29293-f4e2-11e5-85c0-005056b649b2";

                        JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                        string json = serializer.Serialize(rscan);

                        //Uri connecturi = new Uri("activemq:tcp://localhost:61616");

                        //Console.WriteLine("About to connect to " + connecturi);

                        // NOTE: ensure the nmsprovider-activemq.config file exists in the executable folder.
                        IConnectionFactory factory = new NMSConnectionFactory("activemq:tcp://");

                        /* ((Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.ConnectionFactory)((Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory)factory).ConnectionFactory).UserName = StartProgram.userNameMq;
                         * ((Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.ConnectionFactory)((Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory)factory).ConnectionFactory).Password = StartProgram.passwordMq;*/
                        using (IConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection(StartProgram.userNameMq, StartProgram.passwordMq))

                            using (ISession session = connection.CreateSession())
                                IDestination destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session, StartProgram.queueName);
                                Console.WriteLine("Using destination: " + destination);

                                // Create a consumer and producer
                                //using (IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination));
                                using (IMessageProducer producer = session.CreateProducer(destination))

                                    producer.DeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent;

                                    // Send a message
                                    ITextMessage request = session.CreateTextMessage(json);
                                    request.NMSCorrelationID          = "Store";
                                    request.Properties["NMSXGroupID"] = "StoreLibra";
                                    request.Properties["myHeader"]    = "Sending measurements";


                        //ActiveMQ.Publisher publisher;

                        /*ordermsg.Label = "ScanDimention";
                         * ordermsg.Priority = MessagePriority.Normal;
                         * ordermsg.Body = json;
                         * //для начала создадим очередь
                         * // Create the transacted MSMQ queue if necessary.
                         * MessageQueue Queue = new MessageQueue(StartProgram.queueName);
                         * Queue.Send(ordermsg);*/

                        Weight.Text = rscan.Weight.ToString();
                        DimX.Text   = rscan.Length.ToString();
                        DimY.Text   = rscan.Width.ToString();
                        DimZ.Text   = rscan.Height.ToString();
                        Weight.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => Weight.Text = ""), "newText");
                        DimX.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => DimX.Text     = ""), "newText");
                        DimY.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => DimY.Text     = ""), "newText");
                        DimZ.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => DimZ.Text     = ""), "newText");
                catch (Exception error)
                    BrcScanner.SendingData = true;

                    this.lblError.Text = error.Message;

                BrcScanner.SendingData = true;
                try {
                    flOkscan = flOkscan | DoMeizure.Scan(ref rscan);

                    // Откроем повторно COM порт Cubiscan для получения новых порций событий
                    DoMeizure.Open(Settings.Default.PortCubiscan, 9600, 8);

                    if (flOkscan)
                        System.Messaging.Message ordermsg = new System.Messaging.Message();
                        ordermsg.Formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(new Type[] { typeof(string) });

                        JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                        string json = serializer.Serialize(rscan);

                        ordermsg.Label    = "ScanDimentionCubiscan";
                        ordermsg.Priority = MessagePriority.Normal;
                        ordermsg.Body     = json;

                        MessageQueue Queue = new MessageQueue(StartProgram.queueName);


                        Weight.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => Weight.Text = rscan.Weight.ToString()), "newText");

                        DimX.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => DimX.Text = rscan.Length.ToString() + " Д"), "newText");
                        DimY.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => DimY.Text = rscan.Width.ToString() + " Ш"), "newText");
                        DimZ.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => DimZ.Text = rscan.Height.ToString() + " В"), "newText");
                        Weight.Text = "";
                        DimX.Text   = "";
                        DimY.Text   = "";
                        DimZ.Text   = "";
                catch (Exception error)
                    BrcScanner.SendingData = true;

                    this.lblError.Text = error.Message;

                    Weight.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => Weight.Text = ""), "newText");
                    DimX.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => Weight.Text   = ""), "newText");
                    DimY.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => Weight.Text   = ""), "newText");
                    DimZ.Invoke(new OutputText((s) => Weight.Text   = ""), "newText");

                    BrcScanner.SendingData = true;

                BrcScanner.SendingData = true;