Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static string GetPaymentUrlIfNeeded(Order order)
            if (order == null || order.OrderId <= 0)

            if (order.PaymentMethod == ProductConfiguration.OnePAYNoiDiaPaymentMethodId || order.PaymentMethod == ProductConfiguration.OnePAYQuocTePaymentMethodId) // Onepay
                // Thông số tài khoản cổng thanh toán:
                string urlPayment      = string.Empty;
                string hashcode        = string.Empty;
                string merchantId      = string.Empty;
                string accesscode      = string.Empty;
                string returnUrl       = string.Empty;
                string queryDRUser     = string.Empty;
                string queryDRPassword = string.Empty;

                if (GetOnePayParameter(order.PaymentMethod, out urlPayment, out hashcode, out merchantId, out accesscode, out returnUrl, out queryDRUser, out queryDRPassword))
                    // Khoi tao lop thu vien va gan gia tri cac tham so gui sang cong thanh toan
                    VPCRequest conn = new VPCRequest(urlPayment);
                    // Add the Digital Order Fields for the functionality you wish to use
                    // Core Transaction Fields
                    if (order.PaymentMethod == ProductConfiguration.OnePAYQuocTePaymentMethodId)
                        conn.AddDigitalOrderField("AgainLink", "http://onepay.vn");
                    conn.AddDigitalOrderField("Title", "onepay paygate");
                    conn.AddDigitalOrderField("vpc_Locale", "vn");//Chon ngon ngu hien thi tren cong thanh toan (vn/en)
                    conn.AddDigitalOrderField("vpc_Version", "2");
                    conn.AddDigitalOrderField("vpc_Command", "pay");
                    conn.AddDigitalOrderField("vpc_Merchant", merchantId);
                    conn.AddDigitalOrderField("vpc_AccessCode", accesscode);
                    conn.AddDigitalOrderField("vpc_MerchTxnRef", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                    conn.AddDigitalOrderField("vpc_OrderInfo", order.OrderCode.ToString());
                    conn.AddDigitalOrderField("vpc_Amount", Convert.ToDouble(order.OrderTotal * 100).ToString()); //*100?
                    if (order.PaymentMethod == ProductConfiguration.OnePAYNoiDiaPaymentMethodId)
                        conn.AddDigitalOrderField("vpc_Currency", "VND");
                    conn.AddDigitalOrderField("vpc_ReturnURL", returnUrl);
                    // Thong tin them ve khach hang. De trong neu khong co thong tin
                    //conn.AddDigitalOrderField("vpc_SHIP_Street01", order.BillingAddress);
                    //conn.AddDigitalOrderField("vpc_SHIP_Provice", billingProvinceName);
                    //conn.AddDigitalOrderField("vpc_SHIP_City", billingDistrictName);
                    //conn.AddDigitalOrderField("vpc_SHIP_Country", "Vietnam");
                    conn.AddDigitalOrderField("vpc_Customer_Phone", order.BillingPhone);
                    conn.AddDigitalOrderField("vpc_Customer_Email", order.BillingEmail);
                    if (order.UserGuid != Guid.Empty)
                        conn.AddDigitalOrderField("vpc_Customer_Id", order.UserGuid.ToString());
                    // Dia chi IP cua khach hang
                    conn.AddDigitalOrderField("vpc_TicketNo", order.CreatedFromIP);
                    // Chuyen huong trinh duyet sang cong thanh toan

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static string ProcessCallbackData(string hashcode)
            string hashvalidateResult = string.Empty;
            // Khoi tao lop thu vien
            VPCRequest conn = new VPCRequest("http://onepay.vn");

            // Xu ly tham so tra ve va kiem tra chuoi du lieu ma hoa
            hashvalidateResult = conn.Process3PartyResponse(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString);

            // Lay gia tri tham so tra ve tu cong thanh toan
            string vpc_TxnResponseCode = conn.GetResultField("vpc_TxnResponseCode", "Unknown");
            string txnResponseCode     = vpc_TxnResponseCode;

            //string merchTxnRef = conn.GetResultField("vpc_MerchTxnRef", "0");
            string orderInfo = conn.GetResultField("vpc_OrderInfo", "");

            Order order = null;

            if (orderInfo.Length > 0)
                order = Order.GetOrderByCode(orderInfo);
            if (order == null || order.OrderId < 0 || order.IsDeleted)
                order = null;

            // Sua lai ham check chuoi ma hoa du lieu
            if (hashvalidateResult == "CORRECTED" && txnResponseCode.Trim() == "0") // "Transaction was paid successful"
                if (order != null)
                    order.PaymentStatus = (int)OrderPaymentMethod.Successful;
                    if (order.OrderNote.Length == 0)
                        order.OrderNote = "Transaction was paid successful";

                return(SiteUtils.GetZoneUrl(ConfigHelper.GetIntProperty("OnePAY.ZoneID.TransactionSuccessful", 1)));
            else if (hashvalidateResult == "INVALIDATED" && txnResponseCode.Trim() == "0") // "Transaction is pending"
                if (order != null)
                    order.PaymentStatus = (int)OrderPaymentMethod.Pending;
                    if (order.OrderNote.Length == 0)
                        order.OrderNote = "Transaction is pending";

                return(SiteUtils.GetZoneUrl(ConfigHelper.GetIntProperty("OnePAY.ZoneID.TransactionPending", 1)));
            else // "Transaction was not paid successful"
                if (order != null)
                    order.PaymentStatus = (int)OrderPaymentMethod.NotSuccessful;
                    if (order.OrderNote.Length == 0)
                        order.OrderNote = "Transaction was not paid successful";

                return(SiteUtils.GetZoneUrl(ConfigHelper.GetIntProperty("OnePAY.ZoneID.TransactionNotSuccessful", 1)));