Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void SetProgressBar(long value, long maximumvalue = 100,
                                    ProgressBarStyle barStyle     = ProgressBarStyle.Blocks, bool showProgressBar = true)
            if (this.progressBar1.InvokeRequired)
                SetProgressBarCallback d = new SetProgressBarCallback(SetProgressBar);
                this.Invoke(d, new object[] { value, maximumvalue, barStyle, showProgressBar });
                progressBar1.Visible = showProgressBar;
                if (showProgressBar)
                    progressBar1.Style = barStyle;

                    if (barStyle == ProgressBarStyle.Marquee)
                        progressBar1.MarqueeAnimationSpeed = 30;
                        progressBar1.Value = 10;
                        progressBar1.Style = barStyle;
                        int percentage = SharedFunctions.GetProgressPercentage(value, maximumvalue);
                        //if (percentage < 1)
                        //    percentage = 1;
                        progressBar1.Maximum = 100;
                        progressBar1.Value = percentage;
        } // SubsetJsonDetectorOutputbyQuery

        private JsonData SubsetJsonDetectorOutputbyConfidence(JsonData data, SubsetJsonDetectorOutputOptions options)
            if (options.ConfidenceThreshold == -1)

            var          imagesIn  = data.images;
            List <Image> imagesOut = new List <Image>();

            long count      = 0;
            int  maxChanges = 0;
            long totalCount = imagesIn.Count();

            string progressMsg = string.Empty;

            int[] progressPercentagesForDisplay = { 10, 20, 40, 80, 100 };

            progressMsg = string.Format("Subsetting by confidence >= {0}", options.ConfidenceThreshold.ToString());

            foreach (var item in imagesIn)

                int percentage = SharedFunctions.GetProgressPercentage(count, totalCount);
                if (progressPercentagesForDisplay.Contains(percentage))
                    SetLabelProgressMsg(progressMsg, count, totalCount, ProgressBarStyle.Blocks);

                dynamic          p;
                dynamic          pOrig      = item.max_detection_conf;
                List <Detection> detections = new List <Detection>();

                // detections = [d for d in im['detections'] if d['conf'] >= options.confidence_threshold]

                // Find all detections above threshold for this image
                foreach (var d in item.detections)
                    dynamic conf = d.conf;
                    if (conf >= options.ConfidenceThreshold)

                // If there are no detections above threshold, set the max probability
                // to -1, unless it already had a negative probability.
                if (detections.Count == 0)
                    if (pOrig <= 0)
                        p = pOrig;
                        p = -1;

                // Otherwise find the maximum confidence
                    p = -1;
                    foreach (var c in detections)
                        dynamic confidence = c.conf;
                        if (confidence > p)
                            p = confidence;

                item.detections = detections.ToArray();

                // Did this thresholding result in a max-confidence change?
                if (Math.Abs(pOrig - p) > 0.00001)
                    // We should only be *lowering* max confidence values (i.e., making them negative)
                    if (!(pOrig <= 0 || p < pOrig))
                        string errmsg = string.Format("Confidence changed from {0} to {1}", pOrig, p);

                        // This will get handled by the UI
                        throw new Exception(errmsg);
                    maxChanges += 1;

                item.max_detection_conf = p;
            } // for each image

            data.images = imagesOut;

            SetStatusMessage(string.Format("Finished confidence search, found {0} matches (of {1}), {2} max conf changes", data.images.Count().ToString(),
                                           imagesIn.Count().ToString(), maxChanges.ToString()));

        } // SubsetJsonDetectorOutputbyConfidence
        } // SubsetJsonDetectorOutputMain

        private JsonData SubsetJsonDetectorOutputbyQuery(JsonData data, SubsetJsonDetectorOutputOptions options)
            // Subset to images whose filename matches options.query; replace all instances of
            // options.query with options.replacement.
            string progressMsg = string.Empty;

            var          imagesIn  = data.images;
            List <Image> imagesOut = new List <Image>();

            long count      = 0;
            int  percentage = 0;
            long totalCount = imagesIn.Count();

            int[] progressPercentagesForDisplay = { 10, 20, 40, 80, 90, 100 };

            progressMsg = string.Format("Subsetting by query {0}, replacement {1} ...", options.Query, options.Replacement);

            SetLabelProgressMsg(progressMsg, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee);

            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            foreach (var image in imagesIn)

                string file = image.file.ToString();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Query) && !file.Contains(options.Query))

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Replacement))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Query))
                        file = file.Replace(options.Query, options.Replacement);
                        file = options.Replacement + file;
                percentage = SharedFunctions.GetProgressPercentage(count, totalCount);
                if (progressPercentagesForDisplay.Contains(percentage))
                    progressMsg = string.Format("Subsetting by query {0}, replacement {1} processed {2} of {3}...",
                                                options.Query, options.Replacement, count.ToString(), totalCount.ToString());

                    SetLabelProgressPercentageMsg(progressMsg, count, totalCount, ProgressBarStyle.Blocks);

                image.file = file;
            } // for each image

            data.images = imagesOut;

            SetStatusMessage(string.Format("Finished query search, found {0} matches (of {1})", data.images.Count(), imagesIn.Count()));


        } // SubsetJsonDetectorOutputbyQuery