Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TryStitch_NoXC_Stitchable()
            var xcStitcherXcRequired = GetXCStitcher();

            //Reads without XC tags that do overlap should be added separately in XC stitcher when xc is required
            var alignmentSet = StitcherTestHelpers.GetOverlappingReadSet();

            StitcherTestHelpers.TryStitchAndAssertFailed(xcStitcherXcRequired, alignmentSet);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TryStitch_NoXC_Unstitchable()
            var read1 = TestHelper.CreateRead("chr1", "ATCGATCG", 12345, new CigarAlignment("8M"), qualityForAll: 30);

            var read2_noOverlap = TestHelper.CreateRead("chr1", "A", 2384, new CigarAlignment("1M"), qualityForAll: 30);

            var read2_overlap = TestHelper.CreateRead("chr1", "ATCGTT", 12349, new CigarAlignment("6M"), qualityForAll: 30);

            var read2_diffChrom = TestHelper.CreateRead("chr2", "ATCGTT", 12349, new CigarAlignment("6M"), qualityForAll: 30);

            var read2_nonOverlap_border = TestHelper.CreateRead("chr1", "AT", 12343, new CigarAlignment("2M"), qualityForAll: 30);

            var stitcher = StitcherTestHelpers.GetStitcher(10, true);

            // -----------------------------------------------
            // Either of the partner reads is missing*
            // *(only read that could be missing is read 2, if read 1 was missing couldn't create alignment set)
            // -----------------------------------------------
            // Should throw an exception
            var alignmentSet = new AlignmentSet(read1, null);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => stitcher.TryStitch(alignmentSet));

            // -----------------------------------------------
            // No overlap, reads are far away
            // -----------------------------------------------
            // Shouldn't stitch
            alignmentSet = new AlignmentSet(read1, read2_noOverlap);
            StitcherTestHelpers.TryStitchAndAssertFailed(stitcher, alignmentSet);

            // -----------------------------------------------
            // No overlap, reads are directly neighboring
            // -----------------------------------------------
            // Shouldn't stitch
            alignmentSet = new AlignmentSet(read1, read2_nonOverlap_border);
            StitcherTestHelpers.TryStitchAndAssertFailed(stitcher, alignmentSet);

            // -----------------------------------------------
            // No overlap, reads on diff chromosomes
            // -----------------------------------------------
            // Should throw exception
            alignmentSet = new AlignmentSet(read1, read2_diffChrom);
            var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => stitcher.TryStitch(alignmentSet));

            Assert.Contains("Partner reads are from different chromosomes", ex.Message, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); // This is brittle but since a variety of exceptions can happen in this process want to make sure it's this specific one
        public static void TestSuccesfullyStitchedRead(Read read1, Read read2, int minQscore, string xcTag, Action <Read> assertions)
            var alignmentSet = new AlignmentSet(read1, read2);
            var stitcher     = StitcherTestHelpers.GetStitcher(minQscore);


            // -----------------------------------------------
            // Basic Stitcher, No XC tag
            // -----------------------------------------------

            CheckMergedRead(xcTag, assertions, alignmentSet);

            // -----------------------------------------------
            // XC Stitcher (XC Req), No XC tag
            // -----------------------------------------------

            alignmentSet = new AlignmentSet(read1, read2);
            stitcher     = StitcherTestHelpers.GetStitcher(minQscore, true);
            StitcherTestHelpers.TryStitchAndAssertFailed(stitcher, alignmentSet);

            // -----------------------------------------------
            // Basic Stitcher, With XC tag
            // -----------------------------------------------
            read1.StitchedCigar = new CigarAlignment(xcTag);
            read2.StitchedCigar = new CigarAlignment(xcTag);

            alignmentSet = new AlignmentSet(read1, read2);
            stitcher     = StitcherTestHelpers.GetStitcher(minQscore);

            CheckMergedRead(xcTag, assertions, alignmentSet);

            // -----------------------------------------------
            // XC Stitcher (XC Req), With XC tag
            // -----------------------------------------------
            alignmentSet = new AlignmentSet(read1, read2);
            stitcher     = StitcherTestHelpers.GetStitcher(minQscore, true);

            CheckMergedRead(xcTag, assertions, alignmentSet);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void TryStitch_CalculateStitchedCigar()
            // -----------------------------------------------
            // Read position maps disagree
            // -----------------------------------------------

            var read1 = TestHelper.CreateRead("chr1", "ATCGATCG", 12345, new CigarAlignment("2M2D3M1D3M"), qualityForAll: 30);

            var read2 = TestHelper.CreateRead("chr1", "ATCGATCG", 12349, new CigarAlignment("8M"), qualityForAll: 30);

            // [If require XC]
            // We never calculate stitched cigar anyway. Bounce out to processing separately.
            var stitcher     = GetXCStitcher();
            var alignmentSet = new AlignmentSet(read1, read2);

            StitcherTestHelpers.TryStitchAndAssertFailed(stitcher, alignmentSet);

            // -----------------------------------------------
            // When calculating stitched cigar, stitched cigar should have
            //  - everything from read1 before the overlap
            //  - everything from read2 starting from the overlap
            // But since we ensure that the position maps agree in the overlap region, it's really not a matter of one taking precedence over the other
            //  1234...   1 - - 2 3 4 5 6 - - 7 8 9 0
            //  Read1     X X X X X X X X - - - - -
            //  Read1     M I I M M M M M - - - - -
            //  Read2     - - - X X X X X X X X - -
            //  Read2     - - - M M M M M I M M - -
            // -----------------------------------------------

            // [If require XC]
            // No stitched cigar, and separate reads
            read1 = TestHelper.CreateRead("chr1", "ATCGATCG", 12341, new CigarAlignment("1M2I5M"), qualityForAll: 30);

            read2 = TestHelper.CreateRead("chr1", "ATCGATCG", 12342, new CigarAlignment("5M1I2M"), qualityForAll: 30);

            stitcher     = GetXCStitcher();
            alignmentSet = new AlignmentSet(read1, read2);
            StitcherTestHelpers.TryStitchAndAssertFailed(stitcher, alignmentSet);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void TryStitch_WithXCTag()
            const string xcTagDiffFromCalculated = "4M2I4M";
            const string expectedCalculatedCigar = "10M";

            var xcRequiredStitcher = GetXCStitcher();

            // -----------------------------------------------
            // XC tag is available, and matching between R1 and R2, and expected length,
            // but is different from the cigar string we would have calculated
            // -----------------------------------------------

            // [If require XC]
            // XC tag should be taken
            var alignmentSet = StitcherTestHelpers.GetOverlappingReadSet();

            alignmentSet.PartnerRead1.StitchedCigar = new CigarAlignment(xcTagDiffFromCalculated);
            alignmentSet.PartnerRead2.StitchedCigar = new CigarAlignment(xcTagDiffFromCalculated);

            Assert.Equal(1, alignmentSet.ReadsForProcessing.Count);
            var mergedRead = alignmentSet.ReadsForProcessing.First();

            Assert.Equal(xcTagDiffFromCalculated, mergedRead.CigarData.ToString());

            // -----------------------------------------------
            // XC tag is there, and matching between R1 and R2, but not expected length
            // -----------------------------------------------
            // [If not require XC]
            //bounce back to processing separately?
            //alignmentSet = GetOverlappingReadSet();
            //alignmentSet.PartnerRead1.StitchedCigarString = "8M";
            //alignmentSet.PartnerRead2.StitchedCigarString = "8M";
            //Assert.Equal(2, alignmentSet.ReadsForProcessing.Count);
            // [If require XC]

            // -----------------------------------------------
            // XC tag is there on one read but not the other
            // -----------------------------------------------

            // [If require XC]
            // should bounce back to separate processing
            alignmentSet = StitcherTestHelpers.GetOverlappingReadSet();
            alignmentSet.PartnerRead1.StitchedCigar = new CigarAlignment("4M2I4M");
            alignmentSet.PartnerRead2.StitchedCigar = null;

            StitcherTestHelpers.TryStitchAndAssertFailed(xcRequiredStitcher, alignmentSet);

            alignmentSet = StitcherTestHelpers.GetOverlappingReadSet();
            alignmentSet.PartnerRead1.StitchedCigar = null;
            alignmentSet.PartnerRead2.StitchedCigar = new CigarAlignment("4M2I4M");

            StitcherTestHelpers.TryStitchAndAssertFailed(xcRequiredStitcher, alignmentSet);

            // -----------------------------------------------
            // XC tag is not there
            // -----------------------------------------------

            // [If require XC]
            // should bounce back to separate processing
            alignmentSet = StitcherTestHelpers.GetOverlappingReadSet();
            alignmentSet.PartnerRead1.StitchedCigar = null;
            alignmentSet.PartnerRead2.StitchedCigar = null;

            StitcherTestHelpers.TryStitchAndAssertFailed(xcRequiredStitcher, alignmentSet);

            // -----------------------------------------------
            // XC tag does not match between read1 and read2
            // -----------------------------------------------

            // [If require XC]
            // should bounce back to separate processing
            alignmentSet = StitcherTestHelpers.GetOverlappingReadSet();
            alignmentSet.PartnerRead1.StitchedCigar = new CigarAlignment("4M2I4M");
            alignmentSet.PartnerRead2.StitchedCigar = new CigarAlignment("9M1I");

            StitcherTestHelpers.TryStitchAndAssertFailed(xcRequiredStitcher, alignmentSet);