private Cylinder[] CreateCylinders(Minutia minutia)
     Cylinder3D value = new Cylinder3D();
     Cylinder3D mask = new Cylinder3D();
     for (int i = 1; i <= BaseCuboid; i++)
         for (int j = 1; j <= BaseCuboid; j++)
             if (IsValidPoint(GetPoint(i, j, minutia), minutia))
                 for (int k = 1; k <= HeightCuboid; k++)
                     mask.SetValue(i, j, k, 1);
                     value.SetValue(i, j, k, StepFunction(Sum(
                         GetPoint(i, j, minutia),
                         GetNeighborhood(GetPoint(i, j, minutia), minutia),
     return new[]
         new Cylinder(value.Cylinder, minutia.Angle, Math.Sqrt(CylinderHelper.GetOneBitsCount(value.Cylinder))),
         new Cylinder(mask.Cylinder, minutia.Angle, Math.Sqrt(CylinderHelper.GetOneBitsCount(mask.Cylinder)))
 private static double DetermineAngle(Minutia begin, Minutia end)
     var dx = end.X - begin.X;
     var dy = begin.Y-end.Y;
     return Math.Atan2(dy, dx);
 public static List<Minutia> GetMinutias(int[,] data, PixelwiseOrientationField oField)
     int width = data.GetLength(1);
     int height = data.GetLength(0);
     List<Minutia> minutias = new List<Minutia>();
     for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
             if (IsMinutia(data, x, y))
                 Minutia m = new Minutia();
                 m.X = x;
                 m.Y = y;
                 m.Angle = (float) GetCorrectAngle(
     return minutias;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static double GetValue(Minutia currentMinutia, int k)
            double result = 0;

            for (int counter = 0; counter < neighbourMinutiae.Count; counter++)
                double spatialContribution = GetSpatialContribution(neighbourMinutiae[counter], currentСoordinate);
                double directionalContribution = GetDirectionalContribution(currentMinutia.Angle, neighbourMinutiae[counter].Angle, k);
                result += spatialContribution * directionalContribution;

            return result;
 public static List<Minutia> FindMinutiae(double[,] picture)
     List<Minutia> minutiae = new List<Minutia>();
     double[,] area = new double[3, 3];
     for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
         for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
             area[k, l] = 255;
     double[,] newPicture = new double[picture.GetLength(0) + 2, picture.GetLength(1) + 2];
     for (int i = 0; i < newPicture.GetLength(0); i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < newPicture.GetLength(1); j++)
             newPicture[i, j] = 255;
     for (int i = 1; i < newPicture.GetLength(0) - 1; i++)
         for (int j = 1; j < newPicture.GetLength(1) - 1; j++)
             newPicture[i, j] = picture[i - 1, j - 1];                              //Вставляем входную картинку в более широкий массив для удобства рассмотрения граничных случаев 
     for (int i = 1; i < newPicture.GetLength(0) - 1; i++)
         for (int j = 1; j < newPicture.GetLength(1) - 1; j++)
             if (newPicture[i, j] == 0)
                 for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                     for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                         area[k, l] = newPicture[i - 1 + k, j - 1 + l];    //Проходим по массиву и проверяем для каждого черного пикселя, является ли он минуцией. 
                 if (CheckMinutiae(area) > 0)
                     Minutia newMinutiae = new Minutia();                 //Если да, то добавляем минуцию в стек
                     newMinutiae.X = j - 1;
                     newMinutiae.Y = i - 1;
     return minutiae;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void SimpleTestMcc()
            List<Minutia> twoMinutiae = new List<Minutia>();
            Minutia firstMinutia = new Minutia();
            firstMinutia.X = 40;
            firstMinutia.Y = 60;
            firstMinutia.Angle = 0;

            Minutia secondMinutia = new Minutia();
            secondMinutia.X = 70;
            secondMinutia.Y = 100;
            secondMinutia.Angle = Math.PI / 6;

            Dictionary<Minutia, Tuple<int[, ,], int[, ,]>> response = MCC.MCCMethod(twoMinutiae, 364, 256);

            SaveResponse(response, twoMinutiae);
        public static List<Minutia> LoadMinutiae(string filename)
            var result = new List<Minutia>();
            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                using (BinaryReader sr = new BinaryReader(fs))
                    int i = sr.ReadInt32();
                        Minutia m = new Minutia();
                        m.X = sr.ReadInt32();
                        m.Y = sr.ReadInt32();
                        //m.Angle = sr.ReadDouble();

            return result;
        internal static double TranslateAndMatch(List<Minutia> minutiae1, Minutia referenceMinutia1, List<Minutia> minutiae2, Minutia referenceMinutia2, double rotationAngle)
            //from m1 to m2. I DEMAND IT
            var m1 = minutiae1.Select(x => new Minutia() { Angle = x.Angle, X = x.X - referenceMinutia1.X, Y = x.Y - referenceMinutia1.Y }).Reverse();
            var m2 = minutiae2.Select(x => new Minutia() { Angle = x.Angle, X = x.X - referenceMinutia2.X, Y = x.Y - referenceMinutia2.Y }).Reverse().ToList();

            var cos = Math.Cos(rotationAngle);
            var sin = -Math.Sin(rotationAngle);
            foreach (var m in m1)
                var xDash = cos * m.X - sin * m.Y;
                var yDash = sin * m.X + cos * m.Y;

                if (m2.Any(x => (xDash - x.X) * (xDash - x.X) + (yDash - x.Y) * (yDash - x.Y) < MatchingToleranceBox * MatchingToleranceBox))
                    m2.Remove(m2.OrderBy(x => (xDash - x.X) * (xDash - x.X) + (yDash - x.Y) * (yDash - x.Y)).First());
            var total = (minutiae2.Count - m2.Count) ;
            return total;
 private double Sum(PointF point, double anglePoint, List<Minutia> neighborhood, Minutia middleMinutia)
     double sum = 0;
     foreach (var minutia in neighborhood)
         sum += GaussianLocation(minutia, point) * GaussianDirection(middleMinutia, minutia, anglePoint);
     return sum;
 private bool IsValidPoint(PointF point, Minutia middleMinutia)
     return VectorHelper.PointDistance(new PointF(middleMinutia.X, middleMinutia.Y), point) < Radius &&
            FieldFiller.IsPointInsideHull(point, _convexHull);
 private PointF GetPoint(int i, int j, Minutia minutia)
     return new PointF(
             (minutia.X + BaseCell *
              (Math.Cos(minutia.Angle) * (i - (BaseCuboid + 1) / 2.0f) +
               Math.Sin(minutia.Angle) * (j - (BaseCuboid + 1) / 2.0f))),
             (minutia.Y + BaseCell *
              (-Math.Sin(minutia.Angle) * (i - (BaseCuboid + 1) / 2.0f) +
               Math.Cos(minutia.Angle) * (j - (BaseCuboid + 1) / 2.0f)))
 private List<Minutia> GetNeighborhood(PointF point, Minutia middleMinutia)
     List<Minutia> neighborhood = new List<Minutia>();
     foreach (var minutia in _minutiaeList)
         if (VectorHelper.PointDistance(new PointF(minutia.X, minutia.Y), point) < 3 * SigmaLocation &&
             !EqualsMinutae(minutia, middleMinutia))
     return neighborhood;
 public static extern void createTemplate(Minutia[] minutiae, int minutiaeLenght, out Cylinder[] cylinders,
     out int cylinderLenght);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int countmax = 0;
            int countmin = 0;
            int max = 0;
            int min = 100;
            /*for (int i = 1; i <= 110; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j <= 7; j += 4)
                    double[,] imgDoubles = ImageHelper.LoadImage<double>("d://DB2_bmp//" + i + "_" + j + ".bmp");
                    double[,] a = CreatTemplateTest(imgDoubles);
                    int[,] bytes = Thinner.Thin(a, a.GetLength(1), a.GetLength(0)).Select2D(x => (int)x);
                    PixelwiseOrientationField field = new PixelwiseOrientationField(bytes, 16);
                    List<Minutia> minutias = MinutiaDetector.GetMinutias(bytes, field);
                    foreach (var minutia in minutias)
                        Console.WriteLine(minutia.X + ", " + minutia.Y + ", " + minutia.Angle + ", ");
                    TemplateCreator creator = new TemplateCreator(minutias);
                    Template[] t = { creator.CreateTemplate() };
                    foreach (var template in t)
                        for (int k = 0; k < template.Cylinders.Length; k+=2)
                            PrintCylinder(template.Cylinders[k].Values, template.Cylinders[k + 1].Values);
                    if (BinTemplateSimilarity.GetTemplateSimilarity(t[0], t)[0].Equals(1))
                        min = min > t[0].Cylinders.Count() ? t[0].Cylinders.Count() : min;
                        max = max < t[0].Cylinders.Count() ? t[0].Cylinders.Count() : max;
            /*double[,] imgDoubles = ImageHelper.LoadImage<double>("d://DB2_bmp//DB2_bmp//1_1.bmp");
            double[,] a = CreatTemplateTest(imgDoubles);
            int[,] bytes = Thinner.Thin(a, a.GetLength(1), a.GetLength(0)).Select2D(x => (int)x);
            PixelwiseOrientationField field = new PixelwiseOrientationField(bytes, 16);
            List<Minutia> minutias = MinutiaDetector.GetMinutias(bytes, field);

               Minutia minutia = new Minutia();
            List<Minutia> minutiae = new List<Minutia>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    minutia.X = i+11;
                    minutia.Y = j+11;
                    minutia.Angle = (float) (i);
            TemplateCreator creator = new TemplateCreator(minutiae);
            Template[] t = { creator.CreateTemplate() };
            /*    int count = 1;
            foreach (var template in t)
                for (int k = 0; k < template.Cylinders.Length; k += 2)
                    PrintCylinder(template.Cylinders[k].Values, template.Cylinders[k + 1].Values, count);

               /*     Console.WriteLine("min count fot 1 - {0} ({1})", min, countmin);
            Console.WriteLine("max count for < 1 - {0} ({1})", max, countmax);*/
            // ImageHelper.SaveArrayToBitmap(CreatTemplateTest(a)).Save("d://hglf23.bmp");

            /* imgDoubles = ImageHelper.LoadImage<double>("d://DB2_bmp//DB2_bmp//3_4.bmp");
             a = CreatTemplateTest(imgDoubles);
             bytes = Thinner.Thin(a, a.GetLength(1), a.GetLength(0)).Select2D(x => (int)x);
             field = new PixelwiseOrientationField(bytes, 16);

             List<Minutia> minutiae2 = MinutiaDetector.GetMinutias(bytes, field);
             TemplateCreator creator2 = new TemplateCreator(minutiae2);*/
            // seg.SaveSegmentation(seg.MakeBitmap(seg.Segmentate()),"d://123.bmp");
 private static double DetermineDistance(Minutia m1, Minutia m2)
     return Math.Sqrt((m1.X - m2.X) * (m1.X - m2.X) + (m1.Y - m2.Y) * (m1.Y - m2.Y));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private static double GetSpatialContribution(Minutia m, Tuple<int, int> currentCell)

            double distance = GetDistance(m.X, m.Y, currentCell.Item1, currentCell.Item2);

            return Gaussian.Gaussian1D(distance, Constants.SigmaS);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void SimpleTestNumerationMcc()
            List<Minutia> twoMinutiae = new List<Minutia>();
            Minutia firstMinutia = new Minutia();
            firstMinutia.X = 40;
            firstMinutia.Y = 60;
            firstMinutia.Angle = 0;

            Minutia secondMinutia = new Minutia();
            secondMinutia.X = 70;
            secondMinutia.Y = 100;
            secondMinutia.Angle = Math.PI / 6;

            Dictionary<Minutia, Tuple<int[, ,], int[, ,]>> response = MCC.MCCMethod(twoMinutiae, 364, 256);

            for (int i = 0; i < response.Count; i++)
                int[] valueN = Numeration.numerizationBlock(response[twoMinutiae[i]].Item1);
                int[] maskN = Numeration.numerizationBlock(response[twoMinutiae[i]].Item2);
                for (int j = 0; j < maskN.GetLength(0); j++)
                    //System.Console.Write(valueN[j] + " ");
                    BitArray b = new BitArray(new int[] { maskN[j] });
                    bool[] bits = new bool[b.Count];
                    b.CopyTo(bits, 0);

                    if (j % (maskN.Count() / 6) == 0)
       //                 System.Console.Write(" j = " + j + "\n");

                    for (int k = 0; k < bits.GetLength(0); k++)
                        System.Console.Write(bits[k]? 1 : 0);
                        if (k == 15)
                            System.Console.Write(" i = "+i+"\n");
                    System.Console.Write(" j = "+j+"\n");
                for (int j = 0; j < valueN.GetLength(0); j++)
                    //System.Console.Write(valueN[j] + " ");
                    BitArray b = new BitArray(new int[] { valueN[j] });
                    bool[] bits = new bool[b.Count];
                    b.CopyTo(bits, 0);

                    if (j % (valueN.Count() / 6) == 0)
         //               System.Console.Write(" j = " + j + "\n");

                    for (int k = 0; k < bits.GetLength(0); k++)
                        System.Console.Write(bits[k]? 1 : 0);
                        if (k == 15)
                            System.Console.Write(" i = "+i+"\n");
                    System.Console.Write(" j = "+j+"\n");
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private static List<Minutia> GetNeighbourMinutiae(List<Minutia> minutiae, Minutia minutia, Tuple<int, int> currentCell)
            List<Minutia> result = new List<Minutia>();

            for (int i = 0; i < minutiae.Count; i++)
                if (minutiae[i] != minutia &&
                    GetDistance(minutiae[i].X, minutiae[i].Y, currentCell.Item1, currentCell.Item2) <= 3 * Constants.SigmaS)

            return result;
 private bool EqualsMinutae(Minutia firstMinutia, Minutia secondMinutia)
     return (
         firstMinutia.X == secondMinutia.X &&
         firstMinutia.Y == secondMinutia.Y &&
         Math.Abs(firstMinutia.Angle - secondMinutia.Angle) < float.Epsilon
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private static int CalculateMaskValue(Minutia m, int i, int j, int rows, int columns)
            Tuple<int, int> point = GetCoordinatesInFingerprint(m, i, j);

            if (point.Item1 < 0 || point.Item1 >= rows ||
                point.Item2 < 0 || point.Item2 >= columns)
                return 0;

            return ((GetDistance(m.X, m.Y, point.Item1, point.Item2) <= Constants.R) && workingArea[point.Item1, point.Item2])
                    ? 1
                    : 0;
 private double GaussianDirection(Minutia middleMinutia, Minutia minutia, double anglePoint)
     double common = Math.Sqrt(2) * SigmaDirection;
     double angle = CylinderHelper.GetAngleDiff(anglePoint,
         CylinderHelper.GetAngleDiff(middleMinutia.Angle, minutia.Angle));
     double first = Erf(((angle + HeightCell / 2)) / common);
     double second = Erf(((angle - HeightCell / 2)) / common);
     return (first - second) / 2;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        private static Tuple<int, int> GetCoordinatesInFingerprint(Minutia m, int i, int j)
            double halfNs = (1 + Constants.Ns) / 2;
            double sinTetta = Math.Sin(m.Angle);
            double cosTetta = Math.Cos(m.Angle);
            double iDelta = cosTetta * (i - halfNs) + sinTetta * (j - halfNs);
            double jDelta = -sinTetta * (i - halfNs) + cosTetta * (j - halfNs);

            return new Tuple<int, int>((int)(m.X + deltaS * iDelta), (int)(m.Y + deltaS * jDelta));
 private double GaussianLocation(Minutia minutia, PointF point)
     return Gaussian.Gaussian1D(VectorHelper.PointDistance(new PointF(minutia.X, minutia.Y), point),
        public static List<Minutia> FindBigMinutiae(List<Minutia> source)
            int Radius = 5;

            // this structure is used for storing indices for minutiae
            // that are closed to the minutia of the selected index
            // key of the pair is the minutia index that is the center of the circle
            var listBigMinutiae = new List<KeyValuePair<int, List<int>>>(); 

            for (int i = 0; i < source.Count; i++)
                List<int> listSmallMinutiae = new List<int>();
                for (int j = 0; j < source.Count; j++)
                    int dX = source[i].X - source[j].X;
                    int dY = source[i].Y - source[j].Y;
                    if ((dX * dX + dY * dY) < Radius * Radius)
                listBigMinutiae.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, List<int>>(i, listSmallMinutiae));

            listBigMinutiae = listBigMinutiae.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value.Count).ToList();

            List<Minutia> result = new List<Minutia>();
            for (int i = 0; i < listBigMinutiae.Count; i++)
                if (listBigMinutiae[i].Value.Any())
                    Minutia newMinutia = new Minutia();

                    var circleList = listBigMinutiae[i].Value;

                    for (int j = 0; j < listBigMinutiae[i].Value.Count; j++)
                            newMinutia.X += source[circleList[j]].X;
                            newMinutia.Y += source[circleList[j]].Y;
                    newMinutia.X /= circleList.Count;
                    newMinutia.Y /= circleList.Count;

                    for (int j = i + 1; j < listBigMinutiae.Count; j++)
                            listBigMinutiae[j] = new KeyValuePair<int, List<int>>(listBigMinutiae[j].Key,

                    //    dX = newMinutia.X - listBigMinutiae[i][0].X;
                    //dY = newMinutia.Y - listBigMinutiae[i][0].Y;
                    //int min = dX*dX + dY*dY;
                    //Minutia newMinutia1 = new Minutia();
                    //newMinutia1.X = listBigMinutiae[i][0].X;
                    //newMinutia1.Y = listBigMinutiae[i][0].Y;
                    //for (int j = 0; j < listBigMinutiae[i].Count; j++)
                    //    dX = newMinutia.X - listBigMinutiae[i][j].X;
                    //    dY = newMinutia.Y - listBigMinutiae[i][j].Y;
                    //    int locmin = dX*dX + dY*dY;
                    //    if (min > locmin)
                    //    {
                    //        min = locmin;
                    //        newMinutia1.X = listBigMinutiae[i][j].X;
                    //        newMinutia1.Y = listBigMinutiae[i][j].Y;
                    //    }

            return result;
 private int GetCountMinutia(Minutia middleMinutia)
     int sum = 0;
     foreach (var minutia in _minutiaeList)
         if (VectorHelper.PointDistance(
             new PointF(minutia.X, minutia.Y),
             new PointF(middleMinutia.X, middleMinutia.Y)) <= Radius + 3 * SigmaLocation &&
             !EqualsMinutae(minutia, middleMinutia))
     return sum;