Ejemplo n.º 1
        public LineData(IBlock[,] layout, ISimulationEnvironment env, ResourceWrapper res)
            _env = env;
            _res = res;
            _trains = new List<ITrainModel>();
            _blocks = new List<IBlock>();
            _layout = new LayoutCellDataContainer[layout.GetUpperBound(0) + 1,layout.GetUpperBound(1) + 1];

            //for each item in the 1st dimension (row)
            for (int i = 0; i <= layout.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                //for each item in the 2nd dimension (col)
                for (int j = 0; j <= layout.GetUpperBound(1); j++)
                    //make a new container
                    var container = new LayoutCellDataContainer();

                    //determine tile
                    if (layout[i, j] == null)
                        //null container
                        container.BaseTile = _res.Unpopulated;
                        container.Tile = container.BaseTile;
                        container.Block = null;
                        container.Train = null;
                        container.Train = null;
                        _blocks.Add(layout[i, j]);
                        container.Block = layout[i, j];

                        //expand after prototype
                        if (layout[i, j].Line.CompareTo("Red") == 0 || layout[i, j].Line.CompareTo("red") == 0 ||
                            layout[i, j].Line.CompareTo("R") == 0 || layout[i, j].Line.CompareTo("r") == 0)
                            //red line
                            container.BaseTile = GetBlockType(container.Block);
                            container.Tile = container.BaseTile;
                        else if (layout[i, j].Line.CompareTo("Green") == 0 || layout[i, j].Line.CompareTo("green") == 0 ||
                                 layout[i, j].Line.CompareTo("G") == 0 || layout[i, j].Line.CompareTo("g") == 0)
                            //green line
                            container.BaseTile = GetBlockType(container.Block);
                            container.Tile = container.BaseTile;
                            container.BaseTile = _res.TrackError;
                            container.Tile = container.BaseTile;
                            env.SendLogEntry("CTC Office: Line Data - IBlock.Line is invalid");
                    } //end determine tile

                    //add the container to the layout panel
                    _layout[i, j] = container;
                } //end for 2nd dimension
            } //end for 1st dimentsion
 public TileContainerStats(int i, int j, int x, int y, LayoutCellDataContainer c, Panel drawingPanel)
     _gridI = i;
     _gridJ = j;
     _gridX = x;
     _gridY = y;
     _container = c;
     _drawingPanel = drawingPanel;
     MyPictureBox pane = new MyPictureBox(_panelRedLine,this);
     pane.Name = "_imgGridRed_" + i + "_" + j;
     pane.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage;
     pane.Size = new Size(20, 20);
     pane.Location = new Point(x, y);
     pane.Image = _redLineData.Layout[i, j].Tile;
     pane.Tag = _redLineData.Layout[i, j];
     _redLineData.Layout[i, j].Panel = pane;
     pane.MouseClick += _layoutPiece_MouseClick;
     //pane.MouseHover += new EventHandler(this._layoutPiece_MouseHover);
     x += 20;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the request that is sent to the PTC's
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void HandleMenuClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var s = (MenuItem)sender;
            var c = (LayoutCellDataContainer)s.Tag;

            //assing last right click container
            _lastRightClickContainer = c;

            if (s.Text.CompareTo("Open Track") == 0)
                _ctcOffice.openTrackBlockRequest(c.Block.TrackCirID, c.Block);
            else if (s.Text.CompareTo("Close Track") == 0)
                _ctcOffice.closeTrackBlockRequest(c.Block.TrackCirID, c.Block);
            else if (s.Text.CompareTo("Display Track Info") == 0)
                IBlock block = c.Block;
            else if (s.Text.CompareTo("Assign Train Route") == 0)
                //get route somehow
                OpenRoutingTool(c.Block, RoutingMode.Update);
                //_ctcOffice.assignTrainRouteRequest(c.Train.TrainID, c.Block.TrackCirID, null, c.Block);
            else if (s.Text.CompareTo("Set Train Authority") == 0)
            else if (s.Text.CompareTo("Set Train Speed") == 0)
            else if (s.Text.CompareTo("Set Train OOS") == 0)
                _ctcOffice.setTrainOutOfServiceRequest(c.Train.TrainID, c.Block.TrackCirID, c.Block);
            else if (s.Text.CompareTo("Display Train Info") == 0)
                if (ShowTrain != null)
                    ShowTrain(this, new ShowTrainEventArgs(c.Train));
            //else do noting
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public CTCOfficeGUI(ISimulationEnvironment env, CTCOffice ctc)
            //set refs to ctc office and environment
            _ctcOffice = ctc;
            _environment = env;
            _speedState = 0;

            _res = _ctcOffice.Resource;

            _ctcOffice.LoadData += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(_ctcOffice_LoadData);
            _ctcOffice.UnlockLogin += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(_ctcOffice_UnlockLogin);
            _ctcOffice.MessagesReady += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(_ctcOffice_MessagesReady);
            _ctcOffice.UpdatedData += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(_ctcOffice_UpdatedData);
            _loginState = false;

            _btnLoginLogout.Enabled = _loginState;
            _txtPassword.Enabled = _loginState;
            _txtUsername.Enabled = _loginState;

            _rate = 100;
            _tickCount = 0;

            //init routing vars
            _routeTool = null;
            _inRoutingPoint = false;
            _routingToolOpen = false;
            _routeToolMode = RoutingMode.Dispatch;

            _lastRightClickContainer = null;

            _keyForm = null;
            _keyOpen = false;

            //subscribe to Environment Tick
            _environment.Tick += _environment_Tick;

            //ensure the user is logged out
            //change button text
            _btnLoginLogout.Text = "Login";

            //show team logo (block out user)
            _loginStatusImage.Image = _res.RedLight;
            _imageTeamLogo.Image = Properties.Resources.TerminalVelocity;


            //populate red line and green line panel

            //enables double buffering for control drawings
            //this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);

            //post to log that the gui has loaded
            _environment.SendLogEntry("CTCOffice: GUI Loaded");

            _tt = null;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public MyPictureBox MakePane(int i, int j, int x, int y, LayoutCellDataContainer c, Panel drawingPanel)
            if (this.InvokeRequired)
                //this.Invoke(new Action(this.MakePane(i,j,x,y,c,drawingPanel)));

            MyPictureBox pane = new MyPictureBox(drawingPanel, this);
            pane.Name = "_imgGridGreen_" + i + "_" + j;
            pane.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage;
            pane.Size = new Size(20, 20);
            pane.Location = new Point(x, y);
            pane.Tag = c;
            pane.Image = c.Tile;
            c.Panel = pane;
            TileContainerStats attribs = new TileContainerStats(i, j, x, y, c, drawingPanel);
            pane.Attributes = attribs;
            pane.MouseClick += _layoutPiece_MouseClick;

            if (c.Train != null)
                pane.MouseHover += new EventHandler(pane_MouseHover);
                pane.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(pane_MouseLeave);
            else if (c.Block != null)
                if (c.Block.hasStation())
                    pane.MouseHover += new EventHandler(pane_MouseHover);
                    pane.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(pane_MouseLeave);

            pane.ForceRedraw += _layoutPiece_ForceRedraw;
            return pane;