Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves Ax=b where A is symmetric positive definite; b is overwritten with
        /// solution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b">right hand side, b is overwritten with solution</param>
        /// <returns>true if successful, false on error</returns>
        public bool Solve(double[] b)
            if (b == null || numFactor == null)
                return(false);                                // check inputs
            double[] x = new double[n];

            Common.InversePermute(symFactor.pinv, b, x, n); // x = P*b
            Triangular.SolveL(numFactor.L, x);              // x = L\x
            Triangular.SolveLt(numFactor.L, x);             // x = L'\x
            Common.Permute(symFactor.pinv, x, b, n);        // b = P'*x

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves Ax=b, where A is square and nonsingular. b overwritten with
        /// solution. Partial pivoting if tol = 1.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b">size n, b on input, x on output</param>
        /// <returns>true if successful, false on error</returns>
        public bool Solve(double[] b)
            if (b == null || numFactor == null)
                return(false);                              // check inputs
            double[] x = new double[n];                     // get workspace

            Common.InversePermute(numFactor.pinv, b, x, n); // x = b(p)
            Triangular.SolveL(numFactor.L, x);              // x = L\x
            Triangular.SolveU(numFactor.U, x);              // x = U\x
            Common.InversePermute(symFactor.q, x, b, n);    // b(q) = x

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Solve a least-squares problem (min ||Ax-b||_2, where A is m-by-n with m
        /// >= n) or underdetermined system (Ax=b, where m &lt; n)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b">size max(m,n), b (size m) on input, x(size n) on output</param>
        /// <returns>true if successful, false on error</returns>
        public bool Solve(double[] b)
            double[] x;

            if (b == null)
                return(false); // check inputs

            if (m >= n)
                x = new double[symFactor != null ? symFactor.m2 : 1]; // get workspace

                Common.InversePermute(symFactor.pinv, b, x, m);       // x(0:m-1) = b(p(0:m-1)
                for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)                           // apply Householder refl. to x
                    ApplyHouseholder(numFactor.L, k, numFactor.B[k], x);
                Triangular.SolveU(numFactor.U, x);           // x = R\x
                Common.InversePermute(symFactor.q, x, b, n); // b(q(0:n-1)) = x(0:n-1)
                x = new double[symFactor != null ? symFactor.m2 : 1]; // get workspace

                Common.Permute(symFactor.q, b, x, m);                 // x(q(0:m-1)) = b(0:m-1)
                Triangular.SolveUt(numFactor.U, x);                   // x = R'\x
                for (int k = m - 1; k >= 0; k--)                      // apply Householder refl. to x
                    ApplyHouseholder(numFactor.L, k, numFactor.B[k], x);
                Common.Permute(symFactor.pinv, x, b, n); // b(0:n-1) = x(p(0:n-1))

Ejemplo n.º 4
        // [L,U,pinv]=lu(A, [q lnz unz]). lnz and unz can be guess
        static NumericFactorization Factorize(SparseMatrix A, SymbolicFactorization S, double tol)
            int i, n = A.n;

            int[] q = S.q;

            int lnz = S.lnz;
            int unz = S.unz;

            int[] pinv;

            NumericFactorization N = new NumericFactorization(); // allocate result

            SparseMatrix L, U;

            N.L    = L = new SparseMatrix(n, n, lnz, true); // allocate result L
            N.U    = U = new SparseMatrix(n, n, unz, true); // allocate result U
            N.pinv = pinv = new int[n];                     // allocate result pinv

            double[] x  = new double[n];                    // get double workspace
            int[]    xi = new int[2 * n];                   // get int workspace

            for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                pinv[i] = -1; // no rows pivotal yet

            lnz = unz = 0;

            int    ipiv, top, p, col;
            double pivot, a, t;

            int[]    Li, Ui, Lp = L.p, Up = U.p;
            double[] Lx, Ux;

            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) // compute L(:,k) and U(:,k)
                // Triangular solve
                Lp[k] = lnz; // L(:,k) starts here
                Up[k] = unz; // U(:,k) starts here
                if ((lnz + n > L.nzmax && !L.Resize(2 * L.nzmax + n)) ||
                    (unz + n > U.nzmax && !U.Resize(2 * U.nzmax + n)))
                Li  = L.i;
                Lx  = L.x;
                Ui  = U.i;
                Ux  = U.x;
                col = q != null ? (q[k]) : k;
                top = Triangular.SolveSp(L, A, col, xi, x, pinv, true);  // x = L\A(:,col)

                // Find pivot
                ipiv = -1;
                a    = -1;
                for (p = top; p < n; p++)
                    i = xi[p];       // x(i) is nonzero
                    if (pinv[i] < 0) // row i is not yet pivotal
                        if ((t = Math.Abs(x[i])) > a)
                            a    = t; // largest pivot candidate so far
                            ipiv = i;
                    else // x(i) is the entry U(pinv[i],k)
                        Ui[unz]   = pinv[i];
                        Ux[unz++] = x[i];
                if (ipiv == -1 || a <= 0)

                if (pinv[col] < 0 && Math.Abs(x[col]) >= a * tol)
                    ipiv = col;

                // Divide by pivot
                pivot      = x[ipiv];     // the chosen pivot
                Ui[unz]    = k;           // last entry in U(:,k) is U(k,k)
                Ux[unz++]  = pivot;
                pinv[ipiv] = k;           // ipiv is the kth pivot row
                Li[lnz]    = ipiv;        // first entry in L(:,k) is L(k,k) = 1
                Lx[lnz++]  = 1;
                for (p = top; p < n; p++) // L(k+1:n,k) = x / pivot
                    i = xi[p];
                    if (pinv[i] < 0)              // x(i) is an entry in L(:,k)
                        Li[lnz]   = i;            // save unpermuted row in L
                        Lx[lnz++] = x[i] / pivot; // scale pivot column
                    x[i] = 0;                     // x [0..n-1] = 0 for next k

            // Finalize L and U
            Lp[n] = lnz;
            Up[n] = unz;
            Li    = L.i; // fix row indices of L for final pinv
            for (p = 0; p < lnz; p++)
                Li[p] = pinv[Li[p]];
            L.Resize(0); // remove extra space from L and U

            return(N); // success