Ejemplo n.º 1
 internal ComBuffer(Connection.CLICommand cmd, int id)
     int size = 12;
     buf = new byte[size];
     pos = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 internal object getObject(Connection.CLICommand cmd, int n)
     if (stmt == null) {
     throw new CliError("ObjectSet was aleady closed");
     if (stmt.con == null) {
     throw new CliError("Statement was closed");
     ComBuffer buf = new ComBuffer(cmd, stmt.stmtId);
     if (cmd == Connection.CLICommand.cli_cmd_skip) {
     stmt.con.receive(buf, 4);
     int len = buf.getInt();
     if (len == (int)Connection.CLIStatus.cli_not_found) {
     return null;
     } else if (len <= 0) {
     throw new CliError("Failed to get object");
     stmt.con.receive(buf, len-4);
     currOid = buf.getInt();
     if (currOid == 0) {
     return null;
     updated = false;
     return currObj = stmt.tableDesc.readObject(buf);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 internal Statement(Connection con, string sql, int stmtId)
     this.stmtId = stmtId;
     int src = 0, dst = 0, len = sql.Length;
     int p = sql.IndexOf("from");
     if (p < 0 && (p  = sql.IndexOf("FROM")) < 0) {
     throw new CliError("Bad statment: SELECT FROM expected");
     p += 5;
     while (p < len && sql[p] == ' ') {
     p += 1;
     int q = p;
     while (++q < len && sql[q] != ' ');
     if (p+1 == q) {
     throw new CliError("Bad statment: table name expected after FROM");
     string tableName = sql.Substring(p, q-p);
     lock (Connection.tableHash) {
     tableDesc = (TableDescriptor)Connection.tableHash[tableName];
     if (tableDesc == null) {
         Type tableClass = Type.GetType(tableName);
         if (tableClass == null) {
             if (con.pkgs != null)
                 foreach (string pkg in con.pkgs) {
                     tableClass = Type.GetType(pkg + '.' + tableName);
                     if (tableClass != null)
             if (tableClass == null)
                 foreach (Assembly ass in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
                     foreach (Module mod in ass.GetModules())
                         foreach (Type t in mod.FindTypes(new TypeFilter(FindTypeByName), tableName))
                             if (tableClass != null)
                                 throw new CliError("Class " + tableName + " exists in more than one scope");
                             tableClass = t;
             if (tableClass == null) {
                 throw new CliError("Class " + tableName + " not found");
         tableDesc = new TableDescriptor(tableClass);
         Connection.tableHash[tableName] = tableDesc;
     byte[] buf = new byte[len];
     while (src < len) {
     char ch = sql[src];
     if (ch == '\'') {
         do {
             do {
                 buf[dst++] = (byte)sql[src++];
                 if (src == len) {
                     throw new CliError("Unterminated string constant in query");
             } while (sql[src] != '\'');
             buf[dst++] = (byte)'\'';
         } while (++src < len && sql[src] == '\'');
     } else if (ch == '%') {
         int begin = src;
         do {
             if (++src == len) {
             ch = sql[src];
         } while ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')
                  || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '_');
         if (ch == '%') {
             throw new CliError("Invalid parameter name");
         Parameter param = new Parameter(sql.Substring(begin, src-begin));
         if (lastParam == null) {
             parameters = param;
         } else {
             lastParam.next = param;
         lastParam = param;
         nParams += 1;
         buf[dst++] = (byte)'\0';
     } else {
         buf[dst++]= (byte)sql[src++];
     stmt = buf;
     stmtLen = dst;
     this.con = con;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary> 
 /// Close the statement. This method release all resource assoiated with statement
 /// at client and server. f close method will not be called, cleanup still
 /// will be performed later when garbage collector call finilize method of this
 /// object 
 /// </summary>
 public void close()
     if (con == null) {
     throw new CliError("Statement already closed");
     ComBuffer buf = new ComBuffer(Connection.CLICommand.cli_cmd_free_statement, stmtId);
     con = null;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 internal ComBuffer(Connection.CLICommand cmd)
     : this(cmd, 0)