Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void btnFacebookLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("WowSocial", true);
            //key.SetValue("Licencia", textBox2.Text);
            //key.SetValue("Character", textBox1.Text);
            key.SetValue("Realm", comboBox1.Text);
            key.SetValue("Guild", textBox4.Text);
            key.SetValue("AppID", textBox2.Text);
            key.SetValue("PageID", textBox5.Text);
            //key.SetValue("FBID", textBox3.Text);
            //if (textBox2.Text == getMD5Hash(textBox3.Text))

                //var Variab = new Variables();
                //Variables.Character = textBox1.Text;
                Variables.Realm = comboBox1.Text;
                Variables.Guild = textBox4.Text;
                Variables.AppID = textBox2.Text;
                Variables.PageID = textBox5.Text;
                // open the Facebook Login Dialog and ask for user permissions.
                var fbLoginDlg = new FacebookLoginDialog(Variables.AppID, ExtendedPermissions);

                // The user has taken action, either allowed/denied or cancelled the authorization,
                // which can be known by looking at the dialogs FacebookOAuthResult property.
                // Depending on the result take appropriate actions.
            //    MessageBox.Show("Facebook ID or Licence is Wrong. Try Again","Information");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void btnFacebookLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // open the Facebook Login Dialog and ask for user permissions.
            var fbLoginDlg = new FacebookLoginDialog(AppId, ExtendedPermissions);

            // The user has taken action, either allowed/denied or cancelled the authorization,
            // which can be known by looking at the dialogs FacebookOAuthResult property.
            // Depending on the result take appropriate actions.
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void btnFacebookLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // open the Facebook Login Dialog and ask for user permissions.
            var fbLoginDlg = new FacebookLoginDialog(AppId, ExtendedPermissions);


            // The user has taken action, either allowed/denied or cancelled the authorization,
            // which can be known by looking at the dialogs FacebookOAuthResult property.
            // Depending on the result take appropriate actions.