Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Updated the Ball and Paddle
        private void UpdateGameObjects(float fTimeSinceLastUpdateInSeconds, Graphics cBackBuffer)
            // Subtract the Time Passed from the Time to Wait before changing Target Pitches
            mfTimeBeforeChangingTargetPitchInSeconds -= fTimeSinceLastUpdateInSeconds;

            // Move the Target Pitch by it's Velocity
            float fOldUnitTargetPitch = mfCurrentUnitTargetPitch;

            mfCurrentUnitTargetPitch += mfTargetPitchChangeVelocity * fTimeSinceLastUpdateInSeconds;

            // If the moving Target Pitch passed it's desired Pitch
            if (mfTargetPitchChangeVelocity != 0.0f &&
                ((fOldUnitTargetPitch <= mfUnitTargetPitchToAchieve && mfCurrentUnitTargetPitch >= mfUnitTargetPitchToAchieve) ||
                 (fOldUnitTargetPitch >= mfUnitTargetPitchToAchieve && mfCurrentUnitTargetPitch <= mfUnitTargetPitchToAchieve)))
                // Set the Current Target Pitch to the Pitch To Achieve
                mfCurrentUnitTargetPitch = mfUnitTargetPitchToAchieve;

                // Randomly specify how long we should wait at this Target Pitch for
                mfTimeBeforeChangingTargetPitchInSeconds = ((float)mcRandom.NextDouble() * mfMAX_TARGET_PITCH_WAIT_TIME);

                // Set the Target Pitch Velocity to zero
                mfTargetPitchChangeVelocity = 0.0f;

            // If the Pitch To Match should change, AND it's not changing already
            if (mfTimeBeforeChangingTargetPitchInSeconds <= 0.0f && mfTargetPitchChangeVelocity == 0.0f)
                // Specify the new Target Pitch to achieve
                mfUnitTargetPitchToAchieve = (float)mcRandom.NextDouble();

                // Specify the new Target Pitch Velocity
                mfTargetPitchChangeVelocity = (float)(mcRandom.Next(1, 10) * 0.1f);

                // If the Velocity should be negative
                if (mfUnitTargetPitchToAchieve < mfCurrentUnitTargetPitch)
                    mfTargetPitchChangeVelocity *= -1.0f;

            // Update the Pitch Meter to Match

            // Update the Players Pitch Meter

            // Get how far away from the Target Pitch the Player is
            float fPitchDifference = Math.Abs(mcPitchMeter.mfPitchIndicatorUnitPosition - mfCurrentUnitTargetPitch);

            // If the Player is close enough to the Target Pitch
            if (fPitchDifference <= mfMAX_UNIT_PITCH_DIFFERENCE_TO_EARN_POINTS)
                // Give the Player points based on how close they are to the Target Pitch
                miScore += (int)(Math.Abs(fPitchDifference - mfMAX_UNIT_PITCH_DIFFERENCE_TO_EARN_POINTS) * 1000);

            // Subtract the Time passed from the Remaining Game Time
            mfGameTimeRemaining -= fTimeSinceLastUpdateInSeconds;

            // If the Game should be over
            if (mfGameTimeRemaining < 0.0f)
                // If the Player beat their old High Score
                if (miScore > CProfiles.Instance().mcCurrentProfile.iScorePitchMatcher)
                    // Update and save the Players new High Score
                    CProfiles.Instance().mcCurrentProfile.iScorePitchMatcher = miScore;

                // Restart the Game
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Update the Bow And Arrow and the Arrow
        private void UpdateGameObjects(float fTimeSinceLastUpdateInSeconds, Graphics cBackBuffer)
            // If the Player is Aiming
            if (meTargetPracticeState == ETargetPracticeGameStates.Aiming)
                // Use the Players current Pitch as the Bow And Arrow Rotation Amount
                miBowAndArrowRotation = (int)(mcPitchMeter.mfPitchIndicatorUnitPosition * -45.0f);

                // Save the amount of Power being used
                mfUnitBowAndArrowPower = ((CSoundInput.Instance().fAmplitude - 90.0f) / 20.0f);

                // Make sure the Power is in a valid range of Zero to One
                if (mfUnitBowAndArrowPower < 0.0f)
                    mfUnitBowAndArrowPower = 0.0f;
                else if (mfUnitBowAndArrowPower > 1.0f)
                    mfUnitBowAndArrowPower = 1.0f;
            // Else the Arrow has been fired
                // If the Arrow is not "dead" yet
                if (mfResetArrowWaitTime <= 0.0f)
                    // Update the Arrows Velocity by Gravity
                    mcArrowVelocity += (mcGRAVITY_ACCELERATION * fTimeSinceLastUpdateInSeconds);

                    // Calculate the Arrows new Position
                    mrArrow.X += (mcArrowVelocity.X * fTimeSinceLastUpdateInSeconds);
                    mrArrow.Y += (mcArrowVelocity.Y * fTimeSinceLastUpdateInSeconds);

                    // Get the Rotation angle of the Arrow so that it faces the direction it is travelling
                    float fArrowRotationInRadians = 0.0f;
                    bool  bChangeRotation         = true;
                    if (mcArrowVelocity.Y < 0.0f)
                        fArrowRotationInRadians = (float)(Math.PI + Math.Atan(mcArrowVelocity.X / mcArrowVelocity.Y));
                    else if (mcArrowVelocity.Y > 0.0f)
                        fArrowRotationInRadians = (float)(Math.Atan(mcArrowVelocity.X / mcArrowVelocity.Y));
                    // Else the Arrow has no Y Velocity
                        if (mcArrowVelocity.X > 0.0f)
                            fArrowRotationInRadians = (float)(Math.PI / 2.0f);
                        else if (mcArrowVelocity.X < 0.0f)
                            fArrowRotationInRadians = (float)((3.0f * Math.PI) / 2.0f);
                        // Else the Arrow has no X Velocity
                            // Rotation is undefined, so leave rotationa as is
                            bChangeRotation = false;

                    // If the Rotation should be updated
                    if (bChangeRotation)
                        // Convert the Radians to Degrees and store the result
                        miArrowRotation = 90 - (int)(fArrowRotationInRadians * (180.0f / Math.PI));

                // If the Arrow should be reset
                if (mrArrow.IntersectsWith(mrTarget) || mrArrow.X > 800 || mrArrow.Y > 485)
                    // If the Arrow just "died"
                    if (mfResetArrowWaitTime == 0.0f)
                        // If the Arrow hit the Target
                        if (mrArrow.IntersectsWith(mrTarget))
                            // Record it as a hit
                            mbArrowHitTarget = true;

                            // Update the Players Score

                            // If the Players Score is more than their current High Score
                            if (miScore > CProfiles.Instance().mcCurrentProfile.iScoreTargetPractice)
                                // Update the Players High Score and Save
                                CProfiles.Instance().mcCurrentProfile.iScoreTargetPractice = miScore;

                            // Play the Hit sound
                            CFMOD.PlaySound(msSoundHit, false);
                        // Else if the Arrow did not hit anything
                        else if (mrArrow.X > 800 || mrArrow.Y > 485)
                            // Record that it was not a hit
                            mbArrowHitTarget = false;

                            // Reset the Players Score
                            miScore = 0;

                            // Play the Miss sound
                            CFMOD.PlaySound(msSoundMiss, false);

                        // Reset the Arrows Velocity to zero
                        mcArrowVelocity *= 0.0f;

                    // Update how long we have waited for
                    mfResetArrowWaitTime += fTimeSinceLastUpdateInSeconds;

                    // If we have waited long enough since the Arrow "died"
                    if (mfResetArrowWaitTime > 1.0f)
                        // Reset the Arrows Position

                        // If the Arrow hit the Target
                        if (mbArrowHitTarget)
                            // Create a new Target to hit

                        // Reset the Arrow Wait Time
                        mfResetArrowWaitTime = 0.0f;

                        // Change the Game State to Aiming
                        meTargetPracticeState = ETargetPracticeGameStates.Aiming;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Function to Draw the Game in it's current state to the Back Buffer
        private void DrawGame(float fTimeSinceLastUpdateInSeconds, Graphics cBackBuffer)
            // Brush and Pen to draw with
            Brush cBrush;
            Pen   cPen;

            // Clear the screen to Black

            // Loop though all Targets in the Target List
            int iTargetIndex     = 0;
            int iNumberOfTargets = mcTargetList.Count;

            for (iTargetIndex = 0; iTargetIndex < iNumberOfTargets; iTargetIndex++)
                // Save a handle to this Target for readability
                CTarget cTarget = mcTargetList[iTargetIndex];

                // Rectangle used to draw Target to the screen
                Rectangle rRect = new Rectangle((int)cTarget.rRect.X, (int)cTarget.rRect.Y, (int)cTarget.rRect.Width, (int)cTarget.rRect.Height);

                // If the Target is Facing Left
                if (cTarget.bFacingLeft)
                    // Draw this Target to the screen facing Left
                    cBackBuffer.DrawImage(mcTargetFacingLeftImage, rRect, 0, 0, mcTargetFacingLeftImage.Width, mcTargetFacingLeftImage.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, mcTargetImageAttributes);
                // Else the Target is Facing Right
                    // Draw this Target to the screen facing Right
                    cBackBuffer.DrawImage(mcTargetFacingRightImage, rRect, 0, 0, mcTargetFacingLeftImage.Width, mcTargetFacingLeftImage.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, mcTargetImageAttributes);

            // Draw the Pitch Meter

            // Draw the area in which the Targets can be "hit"
            cPen = new Pen(Color.White);

            // Display to press Space Bar to Pause the game
            cBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.LightBlue);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString("Pause - Space Bar", mcFontText, cBrush, 475, 530);

            // Display to press R to Restart the game
            cBackBuffer.DrawString("Restart - R", mcFontText, cBrush, 150, 530);

            // Display the players Score
            cBackBuffer.DrawString("Score " + miScore, mcFontText, cBrush, 10, 10);

            // Display the instructions
            cBackBuffer.DrawString("Try and hit as many ducks as possible", mcFontText, cBrush, 190, 10);

            // If the Song is still loading
            if (mcWindowsMediaPlayer.status == "Connecting...")
                cBackBuffer.DrawString("Loading Tune", mcFontChooseMusicTitle, cBrush, 230, 200);

            // Clean up the Brush and Pen resources
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // Update this form
        private void UpdateForm(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            // Get a handle to this forms Graphics object so we can draw to it
            Graphics cGraphics = e.Graphics;

            // Get input from PD (audio input from player), without keeping the Pitch within range

            // If we should be Detecting the Pitch
            if (mbDetectingPitch)
                // Get the Players current Pitch
                int iPitch = (int)CSoundInput.Instance().fPitch;

                // Increment the Hits on the Players current Pitch

                // If this is the lowest Pitch heard so far and it's been hit at least 10 times
                if ((CSoundInput.Instance().fPitch < CSoundInput.Instance().iLowerPitchRange ||
                     CSoundInput.Instance().iLowerPitchRange <= 10) && CSoundInput.Instance().fPitch > 1.0f &&
                    miaPitchHits[iPitch] >= 10)
                    // Record this as the new lowest Pitch
                    CSoundInput.Instance().iLowerPitchRange = iPitch;

                    // If the Pitch is too low
                    if (CSoundInput.Instance().iLowerPitchRange < 0)
                        CSoundInput.Instance().iLowerPitchRange = 0;

                // If this is the highest Pitch heard so far
                if ((CSoundInput.Instance().fPitch > CSoundInput.Instance().iUpperPitchRange ||
                     CSoundInput.Instance().iUpperPitchRange <= 10) && CSoundInput.Instance().fPitch > 1.0f &&
                    miaPitchHits[iPitch] >= 10)
                    // Record this as the new highest Pitch
                    CSoundInput.Instance().iUpperPitchRange = iPitch;

                    // If the High Pitch isn't at least 10 Pitches louder than the low
                    if ((CSoundInput.Instance().iUpperPitchRange - CSoundInput.Instance().iLowerPitchRange) < 10)
                        // Increase the High Pitch to 10 Pitches louder
                        CSoundInput.Instance().iUpperPitchRange = CSoundInput.Instance().iLowerPitchRange + 10;

                        // If the Pitch is too high
                        if (CSoundInput.Instance().iUpperPitchRange > 130)
                            CSoundInput.Instance().iUpperPitchRange = 130;
            // Else we are not Detecting the Pitch
                // Draw the Pitch Meter

            // Show the Current Pitch
            textCurrentPitch.Text = CSoundInput.Instance().fPitch.ToString();

            // Show the High and Low Pitch Values
            numericHighPitch.Value = CSoundInput.Instance().iUpperPitchRange;
            numericLowPitch.Value  = CSoundInput.Instance().iLowerPitchRange;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Update the Ball and Paddle
        private void UpdateGameObjects(float fTimeSinceLastUpdateInSeconds, Graphics cBackBuffer)
            // Temp local variables
            int       iBallXDistanceTravelled = 0;      // How far the Ball has moved in the X direction
            int       iBallYDistanceTravelled = 0;      // How far the Ball has moved in the Y direction
            Rectangle rBallOldPosition        = mrBall; // Rectangle used to test Ball against collisions
            Rectangle rBallCollisionRect;               // Rectangle used to test Ball against collisions

            // Move the Pitch Meter according to any Input Pitch

            // If some Pitch Input was received
            if (CSoundInput.Instance().bInputReceived)
                // Calculate what Percent of force should be used to move the Paddle
                float fPercentToMove = mcPitchMeter.mfPitchIndicatorUnitPosition - 0.5f;
                fPercentToMove *= 2.0f;

                // Calculate how many pixels to move the Paddle
                float fAmountToMove = fPercentToMove * (-miPADDLE_MAX_SPEED_PER_SECOND * fTimeSinceLastUpdateInSeconds);

                // Move the Paddle
                mrPaddle.Y += (int)fAmountToMove;

            // Calculate how far the Ball should move
            iBallXDistanceTravelled = (int)(mcBallDirection.X * fTimeSinceLastUpdateInSeconds);
            iBallYDistanceTravelled = (int)(mcBallDirection.Y * fTimeSinceLastUpdateInSeconds);

            // Move the Ball
            mrBall.X += iBallXDistanceTravelled;
            mrBall.Y += iBallYDistanceTravelled;

            // Test for collision between the Ball and the Walls

            // Rectangle to use to test collisions against the Ball
            rBallCollisionRect = mrBall;

            // If the Ball has travelled further than it's width or height in the last frame
            if (Math.Abs(iBallXDistanceTravelled) >= mrBall.Width ||
                Math.Abs(iBallYDistanceTravelled) >= mrBall.Height)
                // If the Ball is moving right
                if (iBallXDistanceTravelled > 0)
                    // If the Ball is moving down
                    if (iBallYDistanceTravelled > 0)
                        rBallCollisionRect.Location = rBallOldPosition.Location;
                        rBallCollisionRect.Width    = mrBall.Right - rBallOldPosition.Left;
                        rBallCollisionRect.Height   = mrBall.Bottom - rBallOldPosition.Top;
                    // Else the Ball is moving up
                        rBallCollisionRect.X      = rBallOldPosition.X;
                        rBallCollisionRect.Y      = mrBall.Top;
                        rBallCollisionRect.Width  = mrBall.Right - rBallOldPosition.Left;
                        rBallCollisionRect.Height = rBallOldPosition.Bottom - mrBall.Top;
                // Else the Ball is moving left
                    // If the Ball is moving down
                    if (iBallYDistanceTravelled > 0)
                        rBallCollisionRect.X      = mrBall.Left;
                        rBallCollisionRect.Y      = rBallOldPosition.Top;
                        rBallCollisionRect.Width  = rBallOldPosition.Right - mrBall.Left;
                        rBallCollisionRect.Height = mrBall.Bottom - rBallOldPosition.Top;
                    // Else the Ball is moving up
                        rBallCollisionRect.Location = mrBall.Location;
                        rBallCollisionRect.Width    = rBallOldPosition.Right - mrBall.Left;
                        rBallCollisionRect.Height   = rBallOldPosition.Bottom - mrBall.Top;

            // If the Ball hit the Top Wall
            if (rBallCollisionRect.IntersectsWith(mrTopWall))
                // Reverse it's Y direction
                mcBallDirection.Y = -mcBallDirection.Y;

                // Place it to be hitting the Wall (not in the Wall)
                mrBall.Y = mrTopWall.Bottom;

                // Play Sound
                CFMOD.PlaySound(msSoundBallBounce, false);
            // If the Ball hit the Bottom Wall
            else if (rBallCollisionRect.IntersectsWith(mrBottomWall))
                // Reverse it's Y direction
                mcBallDirection.Y = -mcBallDirection.Y;

                // Place it to be hitting the Wall (not in the Wall)
                mrBall.Y = mrBottomWall.Top - mrBall.Height;

                // Play Sound
                CFMOD.PlaySound(msSoundBallBounce, false);

            // If the Ball hit the Right wall
            if (rBallCollisionRect.IntersectsWith(mrRightWall))
                // Reverse it's X direction
                mcBallDirection.X = -mcBallDirection.X;

                // Place it to be hitting the Wall (not in the Wall)
                mrBall.X = mrRightWall.Left - mrBall.Width;

                // Play Sound
                CFMOD.PlaySound(msSoundBallBounce, false);

            // Test for collision between the Ball and the Paddle
            // NOTE: Test for collision between Paddle before left wall incase ball is
            //       travelling too fast and would pass through both
            if (rBallCollisionRect.IntersectsWith(mrPaddle))
                // Increase the Balls speed slightly
                float fSpeed = mcBallDirection.Length();
                fSpeed += miBALL_SPEED_INCREMENT;

                // Make sure Ball does not go too fast
                if (fSpeed > miBALL_MAX_SPEED)
                    fSpeed = miBALL_MAX_SPEED;

                // Reverse the Balls X direction
                mcBallDirection.X = -mcBallDirection.X;

                // Add some randomness to the Balls Y direction
                float fRandomness = mcRandom.Next(-25, 25);
                fRandomness /= 100.0f;
                mcBallDirection.Y += fRandomness;

                // Set the Balls speed

                // Place the Ball on the Paddle (not inside it)
                mrBall.X = mrPaddle.Right;

                // Play Sound
                CFMOD.PlaySound(msSoundBallBounce, false);
            // Else if the Ball hit the Left wall
            else if (rBallCollisionRect.IntersectsWith(mrLeftWall))
                // Player loses a life

                // If the Player is dead
                if (miLives == 0)
                    // Save the Players Score
                    int iScore = miScore;

                    // Restart the Game

                    // Restore the Players Score
                    miScore = iScore;

                    // Play Game Over sound
                    CFMOD.PlaySound(msSoundGameOver, false);

                    // Check if the Player has beat their High Score
                    if (CProfiles.Instance().mcCurrentProfile.iScoreSpong < miScore)
                        // Save the Players new High Score
                        CProfiles.Instance().mcCurrentProfile.iScoreSpong = miScore;

                    // Exit this function so the Game restarts now

                // Play sound of losing a Ball
                CFMOD.PlaySound(msSoundBallDied, false);

                // Reset the Balls position and direction

                // Reset the Next Ball Wait Timer
                mfNextBallWaitTime = 0.0f;

                // Enter the Wait For Next Ball state
                mePongState = EPongGameStates.WaitForNextBall;

            // Update the Players Score
            miScore += (int)(fTimeSinceLastUpdateInSeconds * 1000.0f);