Ejemplo n.º 1
         * Static factory method for creating a new NetBarrier with a given index
         * @param localEnroll
         *            The number of locally enrolled processes
         * @param remoteEnroll
         *            The number of remote processes to wait for enrolls from
         * @param barrierIndex
         *            The index to create the barrier with
         * @return A new NetBarrier
         * @//throws ArgumentException
         *             Thrown if the any of the arguments are outside the desired ranges.
        internal static NetBarrier create(int localEnroll, int remoteEnroll, int barrierIndex)
        ////throws ArgumentException
            // First, the sanity checks.
            if (localEnroll < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Tried to create a NetBarrier with fewer than one locally enrolled process");
            if (remoteEnroll < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Tried to create a NetBarrier with negative remote enrollments");

            // Now create the BarrierData structure
            BarrierData data = new BarrierData();

            // Set state to OK_SERVER
            data.state = BarrierDataState.OK_SERVER;
            // Create the connecting channel
            Any2OneChannel chan = Channel.any2one(new InfiniteBuffer());

            // Add the output end to the structure
            data.toBarrier = chan.Out();
            // Initialise the structure with the BarrierManager, using the given index
            BarrierManager.getInstance().create(barrierIndex, data);
            // Return a new NetBarrier
            return(new NetBarrier(data, localEnroll, remoteEnroll, null, chan.In(), null));
Ejemplo n.º 2
         * Allocates a new number to the Barrier, and stores it in the table.
         * @param bd
         *            The BarrierData for the Barrier
        /*synchronized*/ internal void create(BarrierData bd)
            // First allocate the next available number for the Barrier index (VBN).
            int objIndex = index;

            while (this.barriers[objIndex] != null)
                //objIndex = new Integer(++index);

            // Now set the index of the BarrierData to the required index
            bd.vbn = index;

            // And add the BarrierData at the given index in the Hashtable
            this.barriers.Add(objIndex, bd);

            // Increment the index for the next allocation
Ejemplo n.º 3
         * Stores a barrier with the given index in the table.
         * @param idx
         *            The index to use for the barrier
         * @param bd
         *            The BarrierData representing the barrier
         * @//throws ArgumentException
         *             If a barrier of the given index already exists.
        /*synchronized*/ internal void create(int idx, BarrierData bd)
        ////throws ArgumentException
            int objIndex = idx;

            // First, ensure that no barrier of the given index already exists. If it does, throw an exception
            if (this.barriers[objIndex] != null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Barrier of given number already exists.");

            // Now allocate the index to the BarrierData object
            bd.vbn = idx;

            // And put the new barrier into the list of barriers, and increment the next index if necessary
            this.barriers.Add(objIndex, bd);
            if (idx == BarrierManager.index)
Ejemplo n.º 4
         * Static factory method for creating a client end of a NetBarrier
         * @param loc
         *            The location of the server end of the connection
         * @param localEnroll
         *            The number of locally enrolled processes
         * @return A new NetBarrier client end
         * @//throws JCSPNetworkException
         *             Thrown if something goes wrong in the underlying architecture
         * @//throws ArgumentException
         *             Thrown if local enrolled is less than 1
        internal static NetBarrier create(NetBarrierLocation loc, int localEnroll)
        ////throws JCSPNetworkException, ArgumentException
            // First, the sanity check.
            if (localEnroll < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Tried to create a NetBarrier with fewer than one locally enrolled process");

            // Next, create the BarrierData structure
            BarrierData data = new BarrierData();

            // Set the state to OK_CLIENT
            data.state = BarrierDataState.OK_CLIENT;
            // Create the connecting channel between this object and the Links
            Any2OneChannel chan = Channel.any2one(new InfiniteBuffer());

            // Attach the output end to the structure
            data.toBarrier = chan.Out();
            // Initialise the barrier with the BarrierManager

            // Now check if this is a locally connected barrier
            if (loc.getNodeID().equals(Node.getInstance().getNodeID()))
                // We are locally connected, so create a new NetBarrier. The constructor will connect to the Barrier server
                // end for us.
                return(new NetBarrier(data, localEnroll, 0, loc, chan.In(), null));

            // We are not locally connected. Continue.

            // This is the channel we will pass to the NetBarrier
            ChannelOutput toLink;

            // First, check if the LinkManager has a connection for us.
            Link link = LinkManager.getInstance().requestLink(loc.getNodeID());

            // The previous operation returns null if no connection exists.
            if (link == null)
                // No connection to the Link exists. Use the factory to get one.
                link = LinkFactory.getLink(loc.getNodeID());

                // The LinkFactory will have created and started the Link for us, if it could connect. We can continue

            // Retrieve the channel connecting to the TX process
            toLink = link.getTxChannel();

            // We now need to enroll with the server end. Send the enroll message
            NetworkMessage msg = new NetworkMessage();

            msg.type = NetworkProtocol.ENROLL;
            // Destination is the VBN of the location
            msg.attr1 = loc.getVBN();
            // Attribute 2 is not used
            msg.attr2 = -1;
            // Write the message to the Link
            // Register with the Link
            // Return a new NetBarrier
            return(new NetBarrier(data, localEnroll, 0, loc, chan.In(), toLink));
Ejemplo n.º 5
         * The constructor for a NetBarrier
         * @param barData
         *            The data structure defining the Barrier
         * @param numToEnroll
         *            The number of local processes to enroll
         * @param netNumToEnroll
         *            The number of network processes that will enroll
         * @param serverLocation
         *            The location of the server end of the NetBarrier
         * @param inToBar
         *            The channel into the NetBarrier from the Link
         * @param toLink
         *            The channel connecting the client end of a NetBarrierer to its Link
         * @//throws ArgumentException
         *             Thrown if the number of local enrolled processes is less than 1, or remote enrolled is less than 0
        private NetBarrier(BarrierData barData, int numToEnroll, int netNumToEnroll, NetBarrierLocation serverLocation, AltingChannelInput inToBar, ChannelOutput toLink)
        ////throws ArgumentException
            // First do some sanity checks
            if (numToEnroll < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("*** Attempt to set an enrollment of less than 1 on a NetBarrier *** \n");
            if (netNumToEnroll < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("*** Attempt to create a NetBarrier with negative remote enrolls *** \n");

            // Now set the standard parameters
            this.localEnrolled  = numToEnroll;
            this.localCountDown = numToEnroll;
            this.data           = barData;
            this.localLocation  = new NetBarrierLocation(Node.getInstance().getNodeID(), this.data.vbn);
            this.In             = inToBar;

            // Now check if we are a server or client end.
            if (this.data.state == BarrierDataState.OK_SERVER)
                // We are a server end. There is no remote location, and we must set the networked enrolls
                this.remoteLocation            = null;
                this.initialNetEnrollCountdown = netNumToEnroll;
                this.netEnrolled  = netNumToEnroll;
                this.netCountDown = netNumToEnroll;
                // We are a client end. Set the remote location
                this.remoteLocation = serverLocation;

                // Now, are we a locally connected barrier, or remote connected barrier
                if (serverLocation.getNodeID().equals(Node.getInstance().getNodeID()))
                    this.localBar = BarrierManager.getInstance().getBarrier(serverLocation.getVBN());
                    // We are remotely connected. Get the channel connected to the server end
                    this.toLinkTX = this.localBar.toBarrier;
                    // Now we need to check if we can still enroll with it
                    lock (this.localBar)
                        if (this.localBar.state != BarrierDataState.OK_SERVER)
                            throw new JCSPNetworkException(
                                      "Attempted to enroll with a NetBarrier that is not a server end.");
                        // Set the locally connected flag to true.
                        this.locallyConnected = true;
                        // Send an enroll message
                        NetworkMessage msg = new NetworkMessage();
                        msg.type = NetworkProtocol.ENROLL;
                        // Destination is the VBN of the location, although this isn't used as we are locally connected
                        msg.attr1 = serverLocation.getVBN();
                        // Attrubute 2 is not used
                        msg.attr2 = -1;
                        // Write the enroll to the server end
                        // We do not need to register with a Link, as we do not go down to that layer.
                    // Otherwise we are remotely connected. Set the link connection channel to the given one.
                    this.toLinkTX = toLink;
Ejemplo n.º 6
         * Removes the given barrier from the table of barriers.
         * @param data
         *            The BarrierData object of the barrier to be removed
        void removeBarrier(BarrierData data)
            int objIndex = data.vbn;
