Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ContactsListResponse CreateAndAddContactToAssessment([FromBody] ContactCreateParameters newContact)
            int          assessmentId = Auth.AssessmentForUser();
            TokenManager tm           = new TokenManager();
            string       app_code     = tm.Payload(Constants.Token_Scope);

            // Make sure the user is an admin on this assessment

            newContact.AssessmentId = assessmentId;
            newContact.PrimaryEmail = newContact.PrimaryEmail ?? "";

            ContactsManager      cm      = new ContactsManager();
            List <ContactDetail> details = new List <ContactDetail>(1);


            ContactsListResponse resp = new ContactsListResponse
                ContactList     = details,
                CurrentUserRole = cm.GetUserRoleOnAssessment(TransactionSecurity.CurrentUserId, assessmentId) ?? 0

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ContactsListResponse GetContactsForAssessment()
            int assessmentId = Auth.AssessmentForUser();
            int userId       = TransactionSecurity.CurrentUserId;

            ContactsManager      contactManager = new ContactsManager();
            ContactsListResponse resp           = new ContactsListResponse
                ContactList     = contactManager.GetContacts(assessmentId),
                CurrentUserRole = contactManager.GetUserRoleOnAssessment(userId, assessmentId) ?? 0

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ContactsListResponse RemoveContactFromAssessment([FromBody] ContactRemoveParameters contactRemove)
            if (contactRemove == null)
                var err = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
                    Content      = new StringContent("The input parameters are not valid"),
                    ReasonPhrase = "The input parameters are not valid"
                throw new HttpResponseException(err);

            int assessmentId  = contactRemove.Assessment_ID == 0 ? Auth.AssessmentForUser() : contactRemove.Assessment_ID;
            int currentUserId = Auth.GetUserId();

            if (contactRemove.UserId == 0)
                contactRemove.UserId = currentUserId;

            // Determine the current user's role.
            ContactsManager cm = new ContactsManager();
            int             currentUserRole = cm.GetUserRoleOnAssessment(TransactionSecurity.CurrentUserId, assessmentId) ?? 0;

            // If they are a USER and are trying to remove anyone but themself, forbid it
            if (currentUserRole == (int)ContactsManager.ContactRole.RoleUser && contactRemove.UserId != currentUserId)
                var err = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
                    Content      = new StringContent("The current user does not have administrative authority for the Assessment."),
                    ReasonPhrase = "The only contact that a user role can remove is themself."
                throw new HttpResponseException(err);

            // Do not allow the user to remove themself if they are the last Admin on the assessment and there are other users
            if (contactRemove.UserId == currentUserId &&
                var err = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
                    Content      = new StringContent("The current user is the only Administrator contact on the Assessment"),
                    ReasonPhrase = "An Assessment must have at least one Administrator contact."
                throw new HttpResponseException(err);

            List <ContactDetail> newList;

                newList = cm.RemoveContact(contactRemove.UserId, assessmentId);
            catch (NoSuchUserException)
                // This could happen if they try to remove a contact that wasn't on the assessment.
                // It's not critical.

                //Are we sure this is the ONLY CASE that could ever happen?
                //changing it to catch specific instance just in case there could be
                //anything else that could ever happen

            ContactsManager      contactManager = new ContactsManager();
            ContactsListResponse resp           = new ContactsListResponse
                ContactList     = contactManager.GetContacts(assessmentId),
                CurrentUserRole = contactManager.GetUserRoleOnAssessment(TransactionSecurity.CurrentUserId, assessmentId) ?? 0
