//a function to take in the input and process it
        private void RestartGame()
            _cgame = null;
            LogicDriver pOne = null, pTwo = null;
            var playerWantsToGoFirst = false;

            var newForm = new SplashScreen();
            var result = newForm.Result;

            //depending on the TypeOfMatch, the new CheckersGame must have appropriate logic drivers
            if(result.TypeOfMatch == MatchType.PvP)
                pOne = new PlayerLogicDriver(this);
                pTwo = new PlayerLogicDriver(this);

                CurrentGameState = GameState.SelectingPiece;
            else if (result.TypeOfMatch == MatchType.PvC)
                pOne = new PlayerLogicDriver(this);
                pTwo = new ComputerLogicDriver(result.ComputerOneDifficulty);

                CurrentGameState = GameState.WaitingForComputer;
                const string humanPlayerText = "Player One";

                var goFirstResult =
                    WinForms.MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Would you ({0}) like to go first?", humanPlayerText),
                                             "Choice", WinForms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);

                if (goFirstResult == WinForms.DialogResult.Yes)
                    playerWantsToGoFirst = true;

                    CurrentGameState = GameState.SelectingPiece;
            else if (result.TypeOfMatch == MatchType.CvC)
                pOne = new ComputerLogicDriver(result.ComputerOneDifficulty);
                pTwo = new ComputerLogicDriver(result.ComputerTwoDifficulty);

            _cgame = new CheckersGameDriver();
            _cgame.Start(6, pOne,
                        new GuiDrawer(_spriteBatch, Content),
        public override TurnResult GetNextMove(CheckersGameDriver gameDriver)
            if(_xnaCheckersDriver.CurrentGameState == GameState.WaitingForComputer)
                _xnaCheckersDriver.CurrentGameState = GameState.SelectingPiece;

            var result = TurnResult.NotDone;

            //let the player continue doing what hes doing until he makes a move
            // e.g. clicking a piece and then clicking a new place
            if (_xnaCheckersDriver.CurrentGameState == GameState.SelectingPiece || _xnaCheckersDriver.CurrentGameState == GameState.MovingPiece)
                if (InputManager.LeftMouseClick())
                    int mx = Mouse.GetState().X, my = Mouse.GetState().Y;
                    int ix = mx/XnaCheckersDriver.TileSize, iy = my/XnaCheckersDriver.TileSize;

                    if (_xnaCheckersDriver.IsWithinBoard(mx, my))
                        //see if mouse clicked on a piece
                        var piece = gameDriver.Board.Pieces.GetPieceAtPosition(ix, iy);

                        //see if piece is for the right player
                        if (piece != null && piece.Color == Color)
                            SetSelectedPiece(gameDriver, piece);
                        } //ignore the player trying to move a piece that is not his
                    } //ignore a click on the gameDriver that isnt on a piece
            if (_xnaCheckersDriver.CurrentGameState == GameState.MovingPiece)
                Debug.Assert(CurrentSelectedPiece != null);

                int mx = Mouse.GetState().X, my = Mouse.GetState().Y;
                int ix = mx/XnaCheckersDriver.TileSize, iy = my/XnaCheckersDriver.TileSize;

                //user dragged it to a new slot
                if (ix != CurrentSelectedPiece.X || iy != CurrentSelectedPiece.Y)
                    if (InputManager.LeftMouseClick()) //user clicked a new slot
                            //check if the clicked location matches one of the available moves for the currently selected piece
                            var clickedPiece = gameDriver.Board.Pieces.GetPieceAtPosition(ix, iy);
                            var appropriateMove =
                                _selectedAvailableMoves.FirstOrDefault(mr => mr.FinalPieceLocation.X == ix && mr.FinalPieceLocation.Y == iy);
                            var anyJumpsAvailable = _allAvailableMoves.Any(mr => mr.Type == MoveType.Jump);

                            if (clickedPiece != null && clickedPiece.Color == Color)
                                SetSelectedPiece(gameDriver, clickedPiece);
                            else if (appropriateMove != null)
                                if (!(anyJumpsAvailable && appropriateMove.Type == MoveType.Forward))
                                    result = gameDriver.Board.MovePiece(appropriateMove, Color);
                                    _xnaCheckersDriver.CurrentGameState = GameState.SelectingPiece;
                                    CurrentSelectedPiece = null;
                                    throw new InvalidMoveException(CurrentSelectedPiece, ix, iy);
                        catch (InvalidMoveException ex)
                            WinForms.MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Error: Invalid move (cannot move {0} to {1}).",
                                                                       ex.MovingPiece.X, ex.MovingPiece.Y),
                                                                       ex.AttemptedLocation)), "Error",

                            CurrentSelectedPiece = null;
                            _xnaCheckersDriver.CurrentGameState = GameState.SelectingPiece;

            return result;
        //must be implemented by all logic driver's
        // return true if it is done finding its next move
        public override TurnResult GetNextMove(CheckersGameDriver gameDriver)
            if (_logicThread == null)
                //starts up a new thread if it isnt already running and tells it to run alpha-beta search
                _finalResult = TurnResult.NotDone;
                _logicThread = new Thread(() =>
                                                  AlphaBetaStartTime = DateTime.Now;

                                                  var maxDepth = 0;
                                                  var move = AlphaBeta(gameDriver.Board, ref maxDepth);
                                                  if (move != null)
                                                      var result = gameDriver.Board.MovePiece(move, Color);

                                                      _finalResult = result;
                //if there is indeed a thread running, if it is done, then we are done and return the finalResult
                    _logicThread = null;

            return _finalResult;
 private void SetSelectedPiece(CheckersGameDriver gameDriver, CheckersPiece piece)
     _xnaCheckersDriver.CurrentGameState = GameState.MovingPiece;
     CurrentSelectedPiece = piece;
     _allAvailableMoves = gameDriver.Board.GetAllAvailableMoves(Color);
     _selectedAvailableMoves = gameDriver.Board.GetAvailableMovesForPiece(piece, false);