Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Causes the player to interact with the closest object within reach.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentRoom"></param>
 public void action(RoomLevelBase currentRoom)
     RoomObjectBase obj = findClosestObject(currentRoom);
     //TODO: Finish player-object interaction
     //if(obj is RoomObjectButton)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Update(KeyboardState keyboard, RoomLevelBase currentRoom)
            //Save last position
            lastXPos = xPos;
            lastYPos = yPos;

            //Player movement / action
            if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Config.keyLeft))
                xPos -= Config.playerMoveSpeed;
            if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Config.keyRight))
                xPos += Config.playerMoveSpeed;
            if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Config.keyUp))
                yPos -= Config.playerMoveSpeed;
            if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Config.keyDown))
                yPos += Config.playerMoveSpeed;

            if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Config.keyAction))
                if (!wasDoingActionLast)
                    currentRoom.doPlayerAction = true;
                    wasDoingActionLast = true;
                wasDoingActionLast = false;

            //Determines the texture of the player depending on movement
            if (xPos != lastXPos || yPos != lastYPos)
                //If player has moved
                if (xPos < lastXPos)
                    spriteDir = MoveDir.LEFT;
                else if (xPos > lastXPos)
                    spriteDir = MoveDir.RIGHT;

                if (yPos < lastYPos)
                    spriteDir = MoveDir.UP;
                else if (yPos > lastYPos)
                    spriteDir = MoveDir.DOWN;

                //If player has not moved

            //Get Room objects
            Dictionary<String, RoomObjectBase> roomObjects = currentRoom.getRoomObjects();
            //Get exit gate position and size
            RoomObjectGate exitGate = (RoomObjectGate) roomObjects[Names.Objects.GATE_EXIT];
            Point exitGateTilePos = exitGate.getTilePosition();
            exitGateTilePos.X += 1; //Gate size is manually adjusted to make more realistic collisions to get through it
            Point exitGateTileMaxPos = new Point(exitGateTilePos.X + exitGate.getTileSize().X - 3, exitGateTilePos.Y + exitGate.getTileSize().Y - 1);

            //Get background sprites
            TextureManager.DUNGEON_SPRITES[,] bgSprites = currentRoom.getBackgroundTexture();
            //Get player tile position
            int halfTileSize = Reference.PIXELS_PER_GRID_SQUARE / 2;
            xTilePos = (int) Math.Floor((xPos + halfTileSize) / Reference.PIXELS_PER_GRID_SQUARE);
            yTilePos = (int) Math.Floor((yPos + halfTileSize) / Reference.PIXELS_PER_GRID_SQUARE);
            //Check tile in direction of movement for wall, unless the gate is there
            if (xPos < lastXPos)
                //Moving Left
                if (xPos <= (xTilePos * Reference.PIXELS_PER_GRID_SQUARE))
                    if (bgSprites[xTilePos - 1, yTilePos] == TextureManager.DUNGEON_SPRITES.WALL_L || bgSprites[xTilePos - 1, yTilePos] == TextureManager.DUNGEON_SPRITES.WALL_TL || bgSprites[xTilePos - 1, yTilePos] == TextureManager.DUNGEON_SPRITES.WALL_BL)
                        //If there's a WALL_L, WALL_TL, or WALL_BL to the left of the player
                    //Check for object here
                    if (checkForObject(roomObjects, MoveDir.LEFT))

            else if (xPos > lastXPos)
                //Moving Right
                if (xPos >= (xTilePos * Reference.PIXELS_PER_GRID_SQUARE))
                    if (bgSprites[xTilePos + 1, yTilePos] == TextureManager.DUNGEON_SPRITES.WALL_R || bgSprites[xTilePos + 1, yTilePos] == TextureManager.DUNGEON_SPRITES.WALL_TR || bgSprites[xTilePos + 1, yTilePos] == TextureManager.DUNGEON_SPRITES.WALL_BR)
                        //If there's a WALL_R, WALL_TR, or WALL_BR to the right of the player
                    if (checkForObject(roomObjects, MoveDir.RIGHT))
            if (yPos < lastYPos)
                //Moving Up
                if (yPos <= (yTilePos * Reference.PIXELS_PER_GRID_SQUARE))
                    if (bgSprites[xTilePos, yTilePos - 2] == TextureManager.DUNGEON_SPRITES.WALL_T || bgSprites[xTilePos, yTilePos - 2] == TextureManager.DUNGEON_SPRITES.WALL_TL || bgSprites[xTilePos, yTilePos - 2] == TextureManager.DUNGEON_SPRITES.WALL_TR)
                        if (!((xTilePos >= exitGateTilePos.X && xTilePos <= exitGateTileMaxPos.X) && (yTilePos - 1 >= exitGateTilePos.Y && yTilePos - 1 <= exitGateTileMaxPos.Y)))
                            //If there's a WALL_T, WALL_TL, or WALL_TR above the player and there's no gate
                            Console.WriteLine("Stopping player at top!");
                    if (checkForObject(roomObjects, MoveDir.UP))
            else if (yPos > lastYPos)
                //Moving Down
                if (yPos >= (yTilePos * Reference.PIXELS_PER_GRID_SQUARE))
                    if (bgSprites[xTilePos, yTilePos + 1] == TextureManager.DUNGEON_SPRITES.WALL_B || bgSprites[xTilePos, yTilePos + 1] == TextureManager.DUNGEON_SPRITES.WALL_BL || bgSprites[xTilePos, yTilePos + 1] == TextureManager.DUNGEON_SPRITES.WALL_BR)
                        //If there's a WALL_B, WALL_BL, or WALL_BR below the player
                    if (checkForObject(roomObjects, MoveDir.DOWN))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the closest object to the player within reach (Config.playerActionRange) which can be interacted with.
 /// Returns the object or null if none are found.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentRoom"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public RoomObjectBase findClosestObject(RoomLevelBase currentRoom)
     //Point playerCenter = new Point((int)xPos + (Reference.PIXELS_PER_GRID_SQUARE / 2), (int)yPos + (Reference.PIXELS_PER_GRID_SQUARE / 2));
     Dictionary<String, RoomObjectBase> roomObjects = currentRoom.getRoomObjects();
     RoomObjectBase closestObject = null;
     double distToClosest = double.MaxValue;
     foreach (RoomObjectBase obj in roomObjects.Values)
         if (obj.canBeInteractedWith())
             Point objPos = obj.getAbsolutePosition();
             if (closestObject == null)
                 closestObject = obj;
                 distToClosest = getDist(new Point((int)xPos, (int)yPos), objPos);
                 //Check if obj is closer than current closest
                 Point closestPos = closestObject.getTilePosition();
                 double thisDist = getDist(new Point((int)xPos, (int)yPos), objPos);
                 if (thisDist < distToClosest)
                     closestObject = obj;
                     distToClosest = thisDist;
     if (distToClosest < Reference.playerActionRange)
         return closestObject;
         return null;