Ejemplo n.º 1
 public PhysObject(int id, String desc, Coordinates location, double orientation, double width, double height)
     this.Id = id;
     this.Description = desc;
     this.Location = location;
     this.Orientation = orientation;
     this.Width = width;
     this.Height = height;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /* Get the location on the grid (actually the CellData object at that
         * location, which contains all the information)
        public CellData getGridLoc(Coordinates location)
            double epsilon = 0.00001; // to avoid numeric issues with double equality comparison
            int gridX;
            int gridY;

            // check for boundary conditions. If X location is at world boundaries, then grid should be
            // at last square
            if (location.X >= WorldWidth && location.X - WorldWidth <= epsilon) gridX = NumSquaresX - 1;
            // to avoid numeric issues of a 0 location as being recognized as slightly off the grid
            else if (location.X <= 0 && location.X >= -epsilon) gridX = 0;
            // range from [0, NumSquaresX - 1] as long as location.X != WorldWidth (case handled above)
            else gridX = (int)Math.Floor(NumSquaresX * location.X / WorldWidth);

            // check for boundary conditions. If X location is at world boundaries, then grid should be
            // at last square
            if (location.Y >= WorldHeight && location.Y - WorldHeight <= epsilon) gridY = NumSquaresY - 1;
            // to avoid numeric issues of a 0 location as being recognized as slightly off the grid
            else if (location.Y <= 0 && location.Y >= -epsilon) gridY = 0;
            // range from [0, NumSquaresY - 1] as long as location.Y != WorldHeight (case handled above)
            else gridY = (int)Math.Floor(NumSquaresY * location.Y / WorldHeight);

            return cellData[gridX, gridY];

            //    gridX = NumSquaresX - 1;
            ////else if (location.X < 0)
            ////    gridX = 0;
            //else if (location.X < 0 && location.X > -50)
            //    gridX = 0;
            //    gridX = (int)Math.Floor(NumSquaresX * location.X / WorldWidth);

            //if (location.Y >= WorldHeight)
            //    gridY = NumSquaresY - 1;
            ////else if (location.Y < 0)
            // //   gridY = 0;
            //else if (location.Y < 0 && location.Y > -50)
            //    gridY = 0;
            //    gridY = (int) Math.Floor(NumSquaresY * location.Y / WorldHeight);

            //Console.WriteLine("Location:" + location.X + " " + location.Y);
            //Console.WriteLine("grid [x, y]:" + gridX + " " + gridY);

            //return cellData[gridX, gridY];
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public Obstacle(int id, String desc, Coordinates location, double orientation, double width, double height)
     : base(id, desc, location, orientation, width, height)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public Food(int id, String desc, Coordinates location, double orientation, double width, double height)
     : base(id, desc, location, orientation, width, height)
     //TODO Add food-specific constructor parameters
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public Robot(int id, String desc, Coordinates location, double orientation, double width, double height)
     : base(id, desc, location, orientation, width, height)
Ejemplo n.º 6
        // Turn on continuous marking
        public void TurnOnContinuousMarking(Robot robot)
            // Make a copy of the location
            Coordinates locCopy = new Coordinates(robot.Location.X, robot.Location.Y);

            // Get location of robot and store in prevLocations
            prevLocations.Add(robot, locCopy);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void GridUpdate(Robot robot)
            // Console.WriteLine(robot.Id);

            Console.WriteLine("ROBOT's X in gridupdate : " + robot.Location.X);
            Console.WriteLine("ROBOT's Y in gridupdate : " + robot.Location.Y);
            // Take out robot from locations of where robot is in the grid

            CellData location = findObj(robot);
            if (location != null)

            // Add robot

            Coordinates newLoc = new Coordinates(robot.Location.X, robot.Location.Y);

            CellData finalSpot = getGridLoc(newLoc);

            // Update prevLocationsForMark so that they're synchronized. This assume that Mark is called AFTER GridUpdate
            foreach (Robot r in prevLocations.Keys)
                prevLocationsForMark[r] = new Coordinates(prevLocations[r].X, prevLocations[r].Y);

                prevLocations[robot] = newLoc;

            Coordinates prevLoc = new Coordinates(prevLocations[robot].X, prevLocations[robot].Y);
            Coordinates curLoc = new Coordinates(prevLocations[robot].X, prevLocations[robot].Y);

            CellData curSpot = getGridLoc(curLoc);
            CellData startSpot = getGridLoc(curLoc);

            if(finalSpot.row == curSpot.row && finalSpot.col == curSpot.col){
                // don't mark anything

             double incr = (double)Math.Min((WorldHeight / NumSquaresY), (WorldWidth / NumSquaresX)) / 5.0;
                double dX = robot.Location.X - prevLocations[robot].X;
                double dY = robot.Location.Y - prevLocations[robot].Y;
                double incrX = incr * dX / (double)Math.Sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY);
                double incrY = incr * dY / (double)Math.Sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY);

              //  Console.WriteLine("Prev location is " + curLoc.X + ", " + curLoc.Y + " trying to reach " + newLoc.X + ", " + newLoc.Y);
                    CellData nextSpot;
                    // Increment X and Y
                    curLoc.X += incrX;
                    curLoc.Y += incrY;

                    // Get next grid spot
                    nextSpot = getGridLoc(curLoc);
                 //   Console.WriteLine("Current spot: " + nextSpot.col + " " + nextSpot.row);

                    // If different mark it
                    if (nextSpot != curSpot)
                        curSpot = nextSpot;
                    //if (!inBounds(curSpot, startSpot, finalSpot))
                    //    break;
                    //} while (curSpot != finalSpot);
                } while (curSpot.row != finalSpot.row || curSpot.col != finalSpot.col);
                prevLocations[robot] = curLoc;