public void SubscribeToNewsHeadlineStream()
            string searchKeywords = SearchTextBox.Text;

            App.ctx.BeginLogIn(App.USERNAME, App.PASSWORD, a =>

                //Next we create a connection to the streaming api, using the authenticated session
                streamingClient = App.StreamingClient;

                //And instantiate a listener for news headlines on the appropriate topic
                //You can have multiple listeners on one connection
                newsListener = streamingClient.BuildNewsHeadlinesListener(searchKeywords);

                //The MessageRecieved event will be triggered every time a new News headline is available,
                //so attach a handler for that event, and wait until something comes through
                NewsDTO recievedNewsHeadline = null;
                newsListener.MessageReceived += (s, e) =>
                    recievedNewsHeadline = e.Data;
                    //Add this new news headline to the main items collection.
                    ItemViewModel item = new ItemViewModel();
                    item.Headline = recievedNewsHeadline.Headline;
                    item.PublishDate = recievedNewsHeadline.PublishDate.ToString();
                    recievedNewsHeadline.StoryId = recievedNewsHeadline.StoryId;


            }, null);
        private void BuildClients()
            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => listBox1.Items.Add("creating rpc client"));
            RpcClient = new Client(RPC_URI, "CI-WP7");
            RpcClient.BeginLogIn(USERNAME, PASSWORD, ar =>
                var session = RpcClient.EndLogIn(ar);

                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ =>
                    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => listBox1.Items.Add("creating listeners"));
                    StreamingClient = StreamingClientFactory.CreateStreamingClient(STREAM_URI, USERNAME, session.Session);
                    MarketPricesStream = StreamingClient.BuildPricesListener(new[] { MarketId });
                    MarketPricesStream.MessageReceived += OnMarketPricesStreamMessageReceived;
                    OrdersStream = StreamingClient.BuildOrdersListener();
                    OrdersStream.MessageReceived += OnOrdersStreamMessageReceived;

                    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => listBox1.Items.Add("getting account info"));
                    RpcClient.AccountInformation.BeginGetClientAndTradingAccount(ar2 =>
                        Account = RpcClient.AccountInformation.EndGetClientAndTradingAccount(ar2);

                        Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => listBox1.Items.Add("getting market info"));
                        RpcClient.Market.BeginGetMarketInformation(MarketId.ToString(), ar3 =>
                            Market = RpcClient.Market.EndGetMarketInformation(ar3).MarketInformation;
                            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => button1.IsEnabled = true);
                        }, null);
                    }, null);
            }, null);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void SetupFixture()
     _rpcClient = BuildRpcClient();
     _streamingClient = _rpcClient.CreateStreamingClient();
     _CFDmarketId = GetAvailableCFDMarkets(_rpcClient)[0].MarketId;
     _accounts = _rpcClient.AccountInformation.GetClientAndTradingAccount();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public MainPage()

            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                StartButton.IsEnabled = false;
                StopButton.IsEnabled  = false;

            // need to set up the serializer to be used by stream listeners
            StreamingClientFactory.SetSerializer(new Serializer());

            // build an rpc client and log it in.
            rpcClient = new Client(new Uri(StaticTestConfig.RpcUrl), new Uri(StaticTestConfig.StreamingUrl), StaticTestConfig.AppKey);

            // get a session from the rpc client
            rpcClient.BeginLogIn(StaticTestConfig.ApiUsername, StaticTestConfig.ApiPassword, ar =>


                Debug.WriteLine("creating client");

                // build a streaming client.
                _streamingClient = StreamingClientFactory.CreateStreamingClient(new Uri(StaticTestConfig.StreamingUrl), StaticTestConfig.ApiUsername, rpcClient.Session);

                Debug.WriteLine("connecting client");

                // note: due to internal changes the 'connect' method
                // name is a misnomer: no actual network activity is occuring,
                // only the building of the necessary client connections for
                // each of the published data adapters. Actual connection is
                // performed on demand for each adapter. This minimizes startup time.

                // the upside to this is that there is no need to run .Connect in a separate thread.

                Debug.WriteLine("client connected");

                // from this point there should be no need to stop, disconnect or dispose of the
                // client instance. But if you choose to disconnect a StreamingClient, it should
                // be disposed and reinstantiated. it is a one use object at this point as this is
                // the only usage pattern presented in the sample code.

                Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                    listBox1.Items.Add("logged in");

                    StartButton.IsEnabled = true;
                    StopButton.IsEnabled  = false;
            }, null);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void SetupFixture()
     _rpcClient       = BuildRpcClient();
     _streamingClient = _rpcClient.CreateStreamingClient();
     _CFDmarketId     = GetAvailableCFDMarkets(_rpcClient)[0].MarketId;
     _accounts        = _rpcClient.AccountInformation.GetClientAndTradingAccount();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public MainPage()

            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                StartButton.IsEnabled = false;
                StopButton.IsEnabled = false;

            // build an rpc client and log it in.
            rpcClient = new Client(new Uri(RpcServerHost));

            // get a session from the rpc client
            rpcClient.BeginLogIn(UserName, Password, ar =>

                    Debug.WriteLine("creating client");

                    // build a streaming client.
                    _streamingClient = StreamingClientFactory.CreateStreamingClient(new Uri(PushServerHost), UserName, rpcClient.Session);

                    Debug.WriteLine("connecting client");

                    // note: due to internal changes the 'connect' method
                    // name is a misnomer: no actual network activity is occuring,
                    // only the building of the necessary client connections for 
                    // each of the published data adapters. Actual connection is 
                    // performed on demand for each adapter. This minimizes startup time.

                    // the upside to this is that there is no need to run .Connect in a separate thread.

                    Debug.WriteLine("client connected");

                    // from this point there should be no need to stop, disconnect or dispose of the 
                    // client instance. But if you choose to disconnect a StreamingClient, it should
                    // be disposed and reinstantiated. it is a one use object at this point as this is 
                    // the only usage pattern presented in the sample code.

                    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                            listBox1.Items.Add("logged in");

                            StartButton.IsEnabled = true;
                            StopButton.IsEnabled = false;

                }, null);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static void ConnectCIAPI()
            CIAPI_Client = new CIAPI.Rpc.Client(RPC_URI);
            CIAPI_Client.LogIn(USERNAME, PASSWORD);

            StreamingClient = StreamingClientFactory.CreateStreamingClient(STREAMING_URI, USERNAME, CIAPI_Client.SessionId);

            IsConnected = true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void InitializeStreamingClient(ReliableAsyncResult ar)
            // need to set up the serializer to be used by stream listeners
            StreamingClientFactory.SetSerializer(new Serializer());

            StreamingClient = StreamingClientFactory.CreateStreamingClient(STREAMING_URI, RpcClient.UserName,
            LogToScreen("rpc client logged in");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void InitializeStreamingClient(ReliableAsyncResult ar)
            // need to set up the serializer to be used by stream listeners
            StreamingClientFactory.SetSerializer(new Serializer());

            StreamingClient = StreamingClientFactory.CreateStreamingClient(STREAMING_URI, RpcClient.UserName,
            LogToScreen("rpc client logged in");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static Dictionary <int, List <PriceDTO> > ListenToPricesFor(IStreamingClient streamingClient,
                                                                            IEnumerable <int> markets, TimeSpan within, int minPricesToCollect)
            var gates           = new Dictionary <int, ManualResetEvent>();
            var priceListeners  = new Dictionary <int, IStreamingListener>();
            var collectedPrices = new Dictionary <int, List <PriceDTO> >();

            foreach (var market in markets)
                var gate = new ManualResetEvent(false);
                gates.Add(market, gate);
                var prices = new List <PriceDTO>();
                collectedPrices.Add(market, prices);

                var priceListener = streamingClient.BuildPricesListener(new[] { market });
                priceListener.MessageReceived += (s, e) =>
                    if (prices.Count >= minPricesToCollect)

                priceListeners.Add(market, priceListener);

                foreach (var market in markets)
                    if (!gates[market].WaitOne(within))
                        Assert.Fail("Not enough prices were collected for {0} within {1}.  Required {2}.  Got {3}",
                                    market, within, minPricesToCollect, collectedPrices[market].Count);
                foreach (var market in markets)

Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void BuildClients()
            //Hook up a logger for the CIAPI.CS libraries
            LogManager.CreateInnerLogger = (logName, logLevel, showLevel, showDateTime, showLogName, dateTimeFormat)
                                           => new SimpleDebugAppender(logName, logLevel, showLevel, showDateTime, showLogName, dateTimeFormat);

            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => listBox1.Items.Add("creating rpc client"));
            RpcClient = new Client(RPC_URI, STREAM_URI, "CI-WP7");

            RpcClient.BeginLogIn(USERNAME, PASSWORD, ar =>
                _logger.Info("ending login");
                var session = RpcClient.EndLogIn(ar);

                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ =>
                    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => listBox1.Items.Add("creating listeners"));
                    StreamingClient    = RpcClient.CreateStreamingClient();
                    MarketPricesStream = StreamingClient.BuildPricesListener(new[] { MarketId });
                    MarketPricesStream.MessageReceived += OnMarketPricesStreamMessageReceived;
                    OrdersStream = StreamingClient.BuildOrdersListener();
                    OrdersStream.MessageReceived += OnOrdersStreamMessageReceived;

                    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => listBox1.Items.Add("getting account info"));
                    RpcClient.AccountInformation.BeginGetClientAndTradingAccount(ar2 =>
                        Account = RpcClient.AccountInformation.EndGetClientAndTradingAccount(ar2);

                        Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => listBox1.Items.Add("getting market info"));
                        RpcClient.Market.BeginGetMarketInformation(MarketId.ToString(), ar3 =>
                            Market = RpcClient.Market.EndGetMarketInformation(ar3).MarketInformation;
                            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => button1.IsEnabled = true);
                        }, null);
                    }, null);
            }, null);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void BuildClients()
            //Hook up a logger for the CIAPI.CS libraries
            LogManager.CreateInnerLogger = (logName, logLevel, showLevel, showDateTime, showLogName, dateTimeFormat)
                         => new SimpleDebugAppender(logName, logLevel, showLevel, showDateTime, showLogName, dateTimeFormat);

            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => listBox1.Items.Add("creating rpc client"));
            RpcClient = new Client(RPC_URI, STREAM_URI, "CI-WP7");
            RpcClient.BeginLogIn(USERNAME, PASSWORD, ar =>
                _logger .Info("ending login");
                var session = RpcClient.EndLogIn(ar);

                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ =>
                    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => listBox1.Items.Add("creating listeners"));
                    StreamingClient = RpcClient.CreateStreamingClient();
                    MarketPricesStream = StreamingClient.BuildPricesListener(new[] { MarketId });
                    MarketPricesStream.MessageReceived += OnMarketPricesStreamMessageReceived;
                    OrdersStream = StreamingClient.BuildOrdersListener();
                    OrdersStream.MessageReceived += OnOrdersStreamMessageReceived;

                    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => listBox1.Items.Add("getting account info"));
                    RpcClient.AccountInformation.BeginGetClientAndTradingAccount(ar2 =>
                        Account = RpcClient.AccountInformation.EndGetClientAndTradingAccount(ar2);

                        Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => listBox1.Items.Add("getting market info"));
                        RpcClient.Market.BeginGetMarketInformation(MarketId.ToString(), ar3 =>
                            Market = RpcClient.Market.EndGetMarketInformation(ar3).MarketInformation;
                            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => button1.IsEnabled = true);
                        }, null);
                    }, null);
            }, null);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        static void Main(string[] args)
                var adapter = new MyLoggerFactoryAdapter(null) { OnMessage = AddLogMessage };
                LogManager.Adapter = adapter;

                _client = new Client(RPC_URI);
                _client.LogIn(USERNAME, PASSWORD);

                _streamingClient = StreamingClientFactory.CreateStreamingClient(STREAMING_URI, USERNAME, _client.Session);


                var accountInfo = _client.AccountInformation.GetClientAndTradingAccount();
                var markets = _client.CFDMarkets.ListCfdMarkets("", "", accountInfo.ClientAccountId, -1).Markets;

                var marketIds = markets.Select(market => market.MarketId).ToArray();

                var listener = _streamingClient.BuildPricesListener(marketIds);
                listener.MessageReceived += OnMessageReceived;



            catch (Exception exc)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void SetupFixture()
     _authenticatedClient = new Client(Settings.RpcUri, Settings.StreamingUri, AppKey);
     _authenticatedClient.LogIn(Settings.RpcUserName, Settings.RpcPassword);
     _streamingClient = _authenticatedClient.CreateStreamingClient();
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void SetupFixture()
     var authenticatedClient = new CIAPI.Rpc.Client(Settings.RpcUri);
     authenticatedClient.LogIn(Settings.RpcUserName, Settings.RpcPassword);
     streamingClient = StreamingClientFactory.CreateStreamingClient(Settings.StreamingUri, Settings.RpcUserName, authenticatedClient.Session);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void SetUp()
            _streamingClient = StreamingClientFactory.CreateStreamingClient(new Uri(""),
                                                                            "username", "sessionId");

Ejemplo n.º 17
 public void SetupFixture()
     _authenticatedClient = new Client(Settings.RpcUri, Settings.StreamingUri, AppKey);
     _authenticatedClient.LogIn(Settings.RpcUserName, Settings.RpcPassword);
     _streamingClient = _authenticatedClient.CreateStreamingClient();
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private void ToggleSubscribeButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (ToggleSubscribeButtonlabel.Text == "Subscribe")
                _rcpClient = new Rpc.Client(new Uri(RpcUriTextbox.Text));

                var userName = UserNameTextbox.Text;
                var streamingUri = new Uri(StreamingUriTextbox.Text);
                var topic = TopicTextbox.Text;
                Log("Creating session...");
                _rcpClient.BeginLogIn(userName, PasswordTextbox.Text, loginResult =>

                        _logger.DebugFormat("Session is: {0}", _rcpClient.Session);
                        Log("Creating streaming client...");
                        _streamingClient = StreamingClientFactory.CreateStreamingClient(streamingUri, userName, _rcpClient.Session);
                        _streamingClient.StatusChanged += (s, message) 
                                                          => Log(string.Format("Status update: {0}", message.Status));

                        Log("Creating listener...");
                        _newsListener = _streamingClient.BuildNewsHeadlinesListener(topic);
                        Log("Starting listener...");
                        Log("Listening to news stream...");
                        _newsListener.MessageReceived += (s, message) =>
                                                                     NewsDTO receivedNewsHeadline = message.Data;
                                                                             "Received: NewsDTO: StoryId {0}, Headline {1}, PublishDate = {2}",
                                                                             // dates are currently strings
                                                                 catch (Exception exception)
                                                                     _logger.Error("Exception occured:", exception);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        _logger.Error("Exception occured:", exception);

                }, null);

                ToggleSubscribeButtonlabel.Text = "Stop";
                    Log("Stopping listening to news stream...");

                    // D: abbreviating conditionals makes it hard to step 
                    // and is also a good way to get bugs. you may notice that I always use
                    // blocks. 

                    if (_newsListener != null)
                    Log("Disconnecting from streaming server...");

                    if (_streamingClient != null)

                    Log("Deleting session...");

                    if (_rcpClient != null )
                        // REMOVEME: i commented this out and still getting the ObjectDisposed exception
                        // so it is not in the RpcClient

                        _rcpClient.BeginLogOut(logoutResult =>
                                                       // FIXME: id/session invalid - getting back LoggedOut: false

                                                        /*do nothing*/
                                                       var breakTarget = 0;
                                                   }, null);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    _logger.Error("Exception occured:", exception);

                ToggleSubscribeButtonlabel.Text = "Subscribe";