Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Calculates the texture range, offset, pixel offset and width of the animation data
        private void DataRangeOffsetWidth(CG_KeyframeBaker.AnimationData animData, CG_KeyframeBaker.AnimationClipData animClipData, out float range, out float textureOfset, out float texturePixelOffset, out int textureWidth)
            float start = (float)animClipData.textureStart / animData.textures[0].width + (1f / animData.textures[0].width) * 0.5f;
            float end   = (float)animClipData.textureEnd / animData.textures[0].width + (1f / animData.textures[0].width) * 0.5f;

            texturePixelOffset = (1f / animData.textures[0].width);
            textureWidth       = animData.textures[0].width;
            range        = end - start;
            textureOfset = start;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Initialise the texture animator
        private void InitializeTextureAnimator()
            // if initialised, return to stop multiple initialisationss
            if (bInit)

            // Create the clip baked data variable with a persistant allocator
            animationClipBakedData = new NativeArray <AnimationClipDataBaked>(AnimArraySize, Allocator.Persistent);

            // Get the characterSkining prefab located in the game manager
            GameObject charPrefab = CG_GameManager.Instance.GetCharacterPrefab();

            // if a character prefab exists
            if (charPrefab)
                // Get the character data
                CG_CharacterSkinner charSkinner          = charPrefab.GetComponentInChildren <CG_CharacterSkinner>();
                GameObject          bakingChar           = GameObject.Instantiate(charSkinner.characterToSkin);
                SkinnedMeshRenderer characterSkinnedMesh = bakingChar.GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>();

                // Get the baking data from the skinned mesh renderer of the character and the material
                BakedData = CG_KeyframeBaker.BakeAnimation(characterSkinnedMesh);
                Material  = charSkinner.characterMat;

                // initilise the character drawer class
                Drawer = new CG_CharacterDrawer(this, BakedData.NewMesh);

                // loop through the number of animation clips
                for (int i = 0; i < BakedData.animationClipData.Count; i++)
                    // set the animation clip data to each animation
                    AnimationClipDataBaked data = new AnimationClipDataBaked();
                    data.animationLength = BakedData.animationClipData[i].Clip.length;

                    // Get the texture range and offset and return the range, offset, pixel offset and widths of the texture
                    DataRangeOffsetWidth(BakedData, BakedData.animationClipData[i], out data.textureRange, out data.textureOfset, out data.texturePixelOffset, out data.textureWidth);

                    // Get whether the animation should loop
                    data.bAnimationLoops = BakedData.animationClipData[i].Clip.isLooping;
                    animationClipBakedData[(int)0 * 25 + i] = data;

                // Destroy the baking character

            // Initialisation is complete
            bInit = true;