Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void OnFunction(string unit, int streamOffset, IFunctionStream funcStream)
            BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(this.parser, funcStream, this.OnLocalFunction, this.switchBehavior);
            int           ccm      = 1 + analyzer.ConsumeBlockCalculateAdditionalComplexity();

            var metric = new ccMetric(this.filename, unit, ccm);

            metric.StartLineNumber = GetLineNumber(streamOffset);
            metric.EndLineNumber   = GetLineNumber(this.parser.StreamOffset);

            this.callback.OnMetric(metric, this.context);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void CatchCountedAsPath()
            string code = "{             " +
                    "  try { \r\n  " +
                    "  } " +
                    "  catch (const ex&){} " +

              LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));

              BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser);

              Assert.AreEqual(1, analyzer.ConsumeBlockCalculateAdditionalComplexity());
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void AnalyzerConsumesNestedBlocks()
            string code = "" +
            "{              \r\n" +
            "  { int x = 0; } \r\n" +
            "}              \r\n" +

              LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));

              BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser);


              Assert.AreEqual("{", parser.NextKeyword());
              Assert.AreEqual("}", parser.NextKeyword());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void SwitchCaseWithEmbeddedConditionals()
            string code = "" +
            "{ switch(x)   \r\n" +
            " {           \r\n" +
            "   case 1: return 2; break;\r\n" +
            "   case 2:          " +
            "           if (x > u) return 3; \r\n" +
            "           break;" +
            " } } }\r\n";

              LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));

              BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser);

              Assert.AreEqual(3, analyzer.ConsumeBlockCalculateAdditionalComplexity());
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void WhileWithoutScoping()
            string code = "" +
            "{           " +
            "  while(true)\r\n" +
            "    if (this.x.y)\r\n" +
            "      return u;\r\n" +
            "  return x;\r\n" +
            "} ";

            LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));

            BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, analyzer.ConsumeBlockCalculateAdditionalComplexity());
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void VariablesWithInitializationLists()
            string code = "" +
            "{           " +
            "  this.x = new List<string>( new string[] { \"if\", \"while\" } ); \r\n" +
            "  if (this.x.y) " +
            "    return u; " +
            "} more";

              LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));

              BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser);

              Assert.AreEqual(1, analyzer.ConsumeBlockCalculateAdditionalComplexity());
              Assert.AreEqual("more", parser.NextKeyword());
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void TestCaseInsideSwitchNotCounted_WhenSwitchBehaviorIgnoreCases()
            string code = "{             " +
                    "  switch(x)) {   " +
                    "     case 3: break; " +
                    "     case 4: break; " +
                    "     default: break; " +
                    "  } " +

              LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));
              BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser, null, null, ParserSwitchBehavior.IgnoreCases);

              Assert.AreEqual(0, analyzer.ConsumeBlockCalculateAdditionalComplexity());
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void TestBranchInCaseIncludedButNotCaseStatements_WhenSwitchBehaviorIgnoreCases()
            // with ParserSwitchBehavior.IgnoreCases we ignore switch cases and just include branches inside of case statements

              string code = "{             " +
                    "  switch(x)) {   " +
                    "     case 3: if (a) { // do something } ; " +
                    "     case 4: break; " +
                    "     default: break; " +
                    "  } " +

              LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));
              BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser, null, null, ParserSwitchBehavior.IgnoreCases);

              Assert.AreEqual(1, analyzer.ConsumeBlockCalculateAdditionalComplexity());
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void OnFunction(string unit, int streamOffset, IFunctionStream funcStream)
            BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(this.parser, funcStream, this.OnLocalFunction, this.switchBehavior);
              int ccm = 1 + analyzer.ConsumeBlockCalculateAdditionalComplexity();

              var metric = new ccMetric(this.filename, unit, ccm);
              metric.StartLineNumber = GetLineNumber(streamOffset);
              metric.EndLineNumber = GetLineNumber(this.parser.StreamOffset);

              this.callback.OnMetric(metric, this.context);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void EmptyStatement()
            string code = "{ }";

              LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));

              BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser);

              Assert.AreEqual(0, analyzer.ConsumeBlockCalculateAdditionalComplexity()); // I'm not adding a CC value based on { and }
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void StructInitializationAndAssignment()
            string code = "" +
            "{ \r\n" +
            " RECT rect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; \r\n" +
            " if (x) return; \r\n" +

              LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));

              BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser);

              Assert.AreEqual(1, analyzer.ConsumeBlockCalculateAdditionalComplexity());
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void CodeInCatchCounted()
            string code = "{             " +
                    "  try {       " +
                    "    int* p = 0 " +
                    "    *p = 2; " +
                    "  } " +
                    "  catch (const ex&) " +
                    "  {  " +
                    "     if (x > y) x++ " +
                    "  } " +

              LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));

              BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser);

              Assert.AreEqual(2, analyzer.ConsumeBlockCalculateAdditionalComplexity());
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void ReturnWithCreate()
            string code = "{  " +
                    " return new ParentOCModifiedEventArgs(items) { IsCommitResult = contextInCommitStage }; " +

              LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));

              BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser);

              Assert.AreEqual(0, analyzer.ConsumeBlockCalculateAdditionalComplexity());
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void PragmasRemoved()
            string code = "{             " +
                    "  #pragma warning (disable: 333) \r\n  " +
                    "  int j; \r\n " +
                    "  return j; \r\n " +

              LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));
              BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser);

              Assert.AreEqual(0, analyzer.ConsumeBlockCalculateAdditionalComplexity());
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void IfStatements()
            string code = "" +
            "{          \r\n" +
            "if (x > 2) \r\n" +
            "{ y = x; } \r\n" +
            "else if (x > 3)\r\n" +
            " y = 4; \r\n" +

              LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));

              BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser);

              Assert.AreEqual(2, analyzer.ConsumeBlockCalculateAdditionalComplexity()); // I'm not adding a CC value based on { and }
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void ExpressionCounterConsumesExpression()
            string code = "((x))(y)";

              LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));

              BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser);


              Assert.AreEqual("(", parser.NextKeyword());
              Assert.AreEqual("y", parser.NextKeyword());
              Assert.AreEqual(")", parser.NextKeyword());
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void ExpressionCountAndOr()
            string code = "((x > 2) && (y>2) || (b))";

              LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));

              BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser);

              Assert.AreEqual(2, analyzer.CalcNumExpressionConditions());
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void ConditionalBranchConsumesBranchOnly()
            string code = "" +
            "if (x > 2) \r\n" +
            "{ y = x; } \r\n" +

              LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));

              BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser);


              Assert.AreEqual("else", parser.PeekNextKeyword());
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void SwitchEmbeddedIntoWhile()
            string code = "{             " +
                    " while (true) {   " +
                    "  switch(x)) {   " +
                    "     case 3: break; " +
                    "     case 4: break; " +
                    "     default: break; " +
                    "  } " +
                    " }" +

              LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));

              BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser);

              Assert.AreEqual(3, analyzer.ConsumeBlockCalculateAdditionalComplexity());
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void SwitchStatementConsumes()
            string code = "" +
            "{ switch(x)   \r\n" +
            " {           \r\n" +
            "   case 1: return 2; \r\n" +
            "   case 2: return 3; \r\n" +
            " } } text \r\n";

              LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));

              BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser);


              Assert.AreEqual("text", parser.NextKeyword());
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void ConditionalExpressionEmbeddedCalls()
            string code = "" +
            "(x != this.parser.PeekNext()) \r\n" +

              LookAheadLangParser parser = LookAheadLangParser.CreateCppParser(TestUtil.GetTextStream(code));
              BlockAnalyzer analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(parser);


              Assert.AreEqual("this.parser.NextKeyword", parser.NextKeyword());