Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static NVector operator *(double a, NVector B)
     NVector C = new NVector(B);
     for (int i = 0; i < B._n; i++)
         C._vector[i] *= a;
     return C;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public NVector(NVector A)
     _vector = new double[A._n];
     _n = A._n;
     for (int i = 0; i < A._n; i++)
         _vector[i] = A._vector[i];
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static NVector operator *(NVector A, NVector B)
     if (A._n != B._n) throw new Exception("NVector operator *: incompatable vector size");
     NVector C = new NVector(A);
     for (int i = 0; i < A._n; i++)
         C._vector[i] *= B._vector[i];
     return C;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public LevenbergMarquardt(Function func, JFunc Jfunc, NVector p_min, NVector p_max, NVector dp, double[] eps, UpdateType updateType)
     this.func = func;
     this.Jfunc = Jfunc;
     n = p_min.N;
     this.p_min = p_min;
     if (p_max.N != n) throw new Exception("LevenbergMarquardt: size mismatch p_max");
     this.p_max = p_max;
     if (Jfunc == null)
         if (dp.N != n) throw new Exception("LevenbergMarquardt: size mismatch dp");
         this.dp = dp;
     MaxIter = 50 * n;
     this.eps = eps;
     this.updateType = updateType;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public NVector Min(NVector A)
     NVector B = new NVector(this);
     for (int i = 0; i < _n; i++)
         if (A._vector[i] < _vector[i]) B._vector[i] = A._vector[i];
     return B;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public double Dot(NVector A)
     if (A._n != _n) throw new Exception("NVector.Dot: incompatable sizes");
     double c = 0D;
     for (int i = 0; i < A._n; i++)
         c += A._vector[i] * _vector[i];
     return c;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 static NVector func(NVector t, NVector p)
     //parameters: A, B, C, a, b, t0
     NVector y = new NVector(t.N);
     for (int i = 0; i < t.N; i++)
         double t0 = t[i] - p[5];
         double ebt = Math.Exp(-p[4] * t0);
         y[i] = p[2] + (p[1] - p[2]) * (1D - ebt);
         if (t0 > 0)
             y[i] += p[0] * ebt * (1D - Math.Exp(-p[3] * t0));
     return y;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private NMMatrix Jacobian(NVector p, NVector y)
     NVector ps = new NVector(p); //save a copy
     NMMatrix J = new NMMatrix(m, n); //creating a new J from scratch
     double del_p;
     for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
         del_p = Math.Max(dp[j] * Math.Abs(p[j]), dp[j]);
         p[j] = ps[j] + del_p;
         NVector y1 = func(t, p);
         if (dp[j] != 0D) //forward or backward difference
             J.ReplaceColumn(j, (y1 - y) / del_p);
         else //central difference
             p[j] = ps[j] - del_p;
             J.ReplaceColumn(j, (y1 - func(t, p)) / (2D * del_p));
         p[j] = ps[j]; //restore this value
     return J;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public NVector Calculate(NVector par_initial, NVector t, NVector y_dat)
            _result = 0;
            m = t.N;
            if (par_initial.N != n) throw new Exception("LevenbergMarquardt.Calculate: size mismatch parms");
            this.p = par_initial;
            this.t = t;
            if (y_dat.N != m) throw new Exception("LevenbergMarquardt.Calculate: size mismatch t-y");
            this.y_dat = y_dat;

            //            weight_sq = (m - n + 1) / y_dat.Dot(y_dat);
            DOF = (double)(m - n + 1);

            //initalize Jacobian and related matrices
            y_hat = func(t, p);
            y_old = y_hat;
            if (Jfunc == null)
                J = Jacobian(p, y_hat);
                J = Jfunc(t, p);
            NVector delta_y = y_dat - y_hat;
            X2 = delta_y.Dot(delta_y);
            JtJ = J.Transpose() * J;
            Jtdy = J.Transpose() * delta_y;

            iteration = 0;

            if (Jtdy.Abs().Max() < eps[0])
                _result = 1;
                return p; //Good guess!!!
            if (updateType == UpdateType.Marquardt)
                lambda = 0.01D;
                lambda = 0.01D * JtJ.Diag().Max();

            bool stop = false;

            /************************** Begin Main loop ***********************/
            // y_hat = vector of y estimates for current value of parameters
            // y_try = vector of y estimates for current trial value of parameters
            // y_dat = given dependent values (fixed)
            // y_old = vector of y estimates for previous value of parameters (used in Broyden estimate of J)
            // t = given independent values (fixed)
            // p = current accepted estimate of parameters
            // h = last calculated (trial) increment for the parameters
            // p_try = current trial value for the parameters
            // p_old = previous accepted value of parameters (used in Broyden estimate of J)
            // X2 = chi^2 of last accepted estimate
            // X2_try = chi^2 of current trial estimate
            // J = current estimate of Jacobian at p

            while (!stop)

                NVector h;
                if (updateType == UpdateType.Marquardt)
                    h = Jtdy / (JtJ + lambda * JtJ.Diag().Diag());
                    h = Jtdy / (JtJ + lambda * NMMatrix.I(n));

                NVector p_try = (p + h).Max(p_min).Min(p_max);

                NVector y_try = func(t, p_try);
                delta_y = y_dat - y_try;

                double X2_try = delta_y.Dot(delta_y);

                if (updateType == UpdateType.Quadratic)
                    alpha = Jtdy.Dot(h) / ((X2_try - X2) / 2D + 2D * Jtdy.Dot(h));
                    h = h * alpha;
                    p_try = (p_try + h).Max(p_min).Min(p_max);
                    delta_y = y_dat - func(t, p_try);
                    X2_try = delta_y .Dot(delta_y);
                dX2 = X2_try - X2;

                double rho = -dX2 / (2D * (lambda * h + Jtdy).Dot(h));

                if (dX2 < 0D) //found a better estimate
                    X2 = X2_try;
                    p_old = p;
                    p = p_try;
                    y_old = y_hat;
                    y_hat = y_try;

                    if (iteration % (2 * n) == 0) //|| dX2 > 0 or is it rho > ep[3] ?
                        if (Jfunc == null)
                            J = Jacobian(p, y_hat);
                            J = Jfunc(t, p);
                        J = J + (y_hat - y_old - J * h).Cross(h) / h.Dot(h); //Broyden rank-1 update of J

                    JtJ = J.Transpose() * J;
                    Jtdy = J.Transpose() * delta_y;

                    switch (updateType)
                        case UpdateType.Marquardt:
                            lambda = Math.Max(lambda / lambda_DN_fac, 1E-7);
                        case UpdateType.Quadratic:
                            lambda = Math.Max(lambda / (1 + alpha), 1E-7);
                        case UpdateType.Nielsen:
                            lambda = lambda * Math.Max(1D / 3D, 1D - Math.Pow(2D * rho - 1D, 3));
                            nu = 2D;

                    if (Jtdy.Abs().Max() < eps[0] && iteration > 2)
                        _result = 1;
                        stop = true;
                    else if ((h / p).Abs().Max() < eps[1] && iteration > 2)
                        _result = 2;
                        stop = true;
                    else if (X2 / (m - n + 1) < eps[2] && iteration > 2)
                        _result = 3;
                        stop = true;
                else //Not a better estimate
                    if (iteration % (2 * n) == 0) //update J every 2n th no matter what
                        if (Jfunc == null)
                            J = Jacobian(p, y_hat);
                            J = Jfunc(t, p);
                        JtJ = J.Transpose() * J;
                        Jtdy = J.Transpose() * (y_dat - y_hat);

                    switch (updateType)
                        case UpdateType.Marquardt:
                            lambda = Math.Min(lambda * lambda_UP_fac, 1E7);
                        case UpdateType.Quadratic:
                            lambda = lambda + Math.Abs(dX2 / (2D * alpha));
                        case UpdateType.Nielsen:
                            lambda = lambda * nu;
                            nu *= 2D;

                if (iteration > MaxIter && !stop)
                    _result = -1;
                    return p;
            /************************** End Main loop ************************/

            return p;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public static NVector Uniform(double c, int dim)
     NVector A = new NVector(dim);
     for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
         A._vector[i] = c;
     return A;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public static NVector operator /(NVector A, double b)
     NVector C = new NVector(A);
     for (int i = 0; i < A._n; i++)
         C._vector[i] /= b;
     return C;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void ReplaceColumn(int col, NVector V)
     if (col < 0 || col >= this.M) throw new Exception("NMMatrix.ReplaceColumn: invalid column number");
     for (int j = 0; j < _n; j++)
         this[j, col] = V[j];
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public NVector ExtractColumn(int col)
     if (col < 0 || col >= this.M) throw new Exception("NMMatrix.ExtractColumn: invalid column number");
     NVector V = new NVector(N);
     for (int j = 0; j < _n; j++)
         V[j] = this[j, col];
     return V;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public NVector Diag()
     if (_n != _m) throw new Exception("NMMatrix.Diag: non-square matrix");
     NVector A = new NVector(_n);
     for (int i = 0; i < _n; i++)
         A[i] = _matrix[i, i];
     return A;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public NMMatrix Augment(NVector V)
     if (N != V.N) throw new Exception("NMMatrix.Augment(Vector): incompatable sizes");
     NMMatrix B = new NMMatrix(N, M + 1);
     for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < M; j++)
             B[i, j] = this[i, j];
         B[i, M] = V[i];
     return B;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 static NMMatrix Jfunc(NVector t, NVector p)
     double eat;
     double ebt;
     NMMatrix J = new NMMatrix(t.N, p.N);
     for (int i = 0; i < t.N; i++)
         double t0 = t[i] - p[5];
         eat = Math.Exp(-p[3] * t0);
         ebt = Math.Exp(-p[4] * t0);
         J[i, 1] = 1D - ebt; //B
         J[i, 2] = ebt; //C
         J[i, 4] = p[1] - p[2]; //beta
         J[i, 5] = (p[2] - p[1]) * p[4]; //t0
         if (t0 > 0D) //UnitStep portion
             J[i, 0] = ebt * (1D - eat); //A
             J[i, 3] = p[0] * t0 * eat * ebt; //alpha
             J[i, 4] -= p[0] * (1D - eat); //beta
             J[i, 5] += p[0] * (p[4] * (1D - eat) - p[3] * eat); //t0
         J[i, 4] *= t0 * ebt; //beta
         J[i, 5] *= ebt; //t0
     return J;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public static NVector operator *(NMMatrix A, NVector B)
     int l1 = A.N;
     int l2 = A.M;
     if (l2 != B._n) throw new Exception("NVector.Mul: incompatable sizes");
     NVector C = new NVector(l1);
     for (int i = 0; i < l1; i++)
         double c = 0D;
         for (int j = 0; j < l2; j++)
             c += A[i, j] * B._vector[j];
         C._vector[i] = c;
     return C;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public NVector Abs()
     NVector A = new NVector(this);
     for (int i = 0; i < _n; i++)
         A._vector[i] = Math.Abs(_vector[i]);
     return A;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 private NMMatrix Broyden(NVector p_old, NVector y_old, NMMatrix J, NVector p, NVector y)
     NVector h = p - p_old;
     J = J + (y - y_old - J * h).Cross(h) / h.Dot(h);
     return J;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public NVector Apply(F func)
     NVector A = new NVector(_n);
     for (int i = 0; i < _n; i++)
         A._vector[i] = func(_vector[i]);
     return A;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public NMMatrix Cross(NVector A)
     NMMatrix C = new NMMatrix(_n, A._n);
     for (int i = 0; i < _n; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < A._n; j++)
             C[i,j] += _vector[i] * A._vector[j];
     return C;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        private static bool fitSignal(double[] d, int beforeTime, eventTime current, int afterTime,
            double samplingRate, double minD, double maxD)
            LevenbergMarquardt LM = new LevenbergMarquardt(func, Jfunc,
                new NVector(new double[] { minD - maxD, 2 * minD, 2 * minD, 0.25, 0.005, -0.25 }),
                new NVector(new double[] { maxD - minD, 2 * maxD, 2 * maxD, 40, 0.1, 0.5 }), null,
                new double[] { 0.0001, 0.00001, 0.00001, 0.01 },
                LevenbergMarquardt.UpdateType.Marquardt); //set up LM processor, parameters and limits

            //determine subset of data around the detection signal
            int start = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(current.startTime - (beforeTime + (int)(deadtimeSecsAfter * samplingRate)), (int)(maxSecsBefore * samplingRate))); //up to 5 seconds before
            double newTOffset = (double)start / samplingRate;
            int dataLength = start + Math.Max(current.filterLength, Math.Min(afterTime - current.filterLength - current.startTime, (int)(maxSecsAfter * samplingRate))); //up to 40 seconds after
            start = current.startTime - start;
            dataLength = Math.Min(dataLength, d.Length - start); //watch for overrun past end of data array

            double max = double.MinValue;
            for (int v = current.startTime; v < current.startTime + current.length; v++) max = Math.Max(max, Math.Abs(d[v])); //Get signal max for initial estimate of A

            NVector t = new NVector(dataLength);
            for (int ti = 0; ti < dataLength; ti++) t[ti] = (double)ti / samplingRate - newTOffset; //create independent variable array
            NVector y = new NVector(dataLength);
            for (int i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) y[i] = d[start + i]; //create dependent variable array

            NVector p =
                new NVector(new double[] { current.sign * max, /* A */
                    d[current.startTime], /* B */
                    d[current.startTime], /* C */
                    4D, /* alpha */
                    0.04, /* beta */
                    0D }), /* t0 */
                t, y); //fit signal using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm

            current.A = p[0]; //parse estimated parameters out
            current.B = p[1];
            current.C = p[2];
            current.a = p[3];
            current.b = p[4];
            if (LM.Result > 0)
                current.t0 += (int)(p[5] * samplingRate); //offset starting time by new t0, only if fit found
            current.chiSquare = LM.ChiSquare; //remember Chi square
            return LM.Result > 0;