Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void set_parameters(Chart_GUI chart_gui_)
            timeslice = chart_gui_.timeslice;
            maxTicks  = chart_gui_.chart_area_width / 5; // Max number of ticks is one tick every 5 distance

Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Same as function below except timeslice is set to entire logfile width plus some padding
        public int set_initial_timeslice_data()
            if (logfile == null)

            // Set initial gui window to entire logfile timeslice, with some padding
            if (logfile.num_points != 0)
                double initial_time_start = logfile.point_list[0].timestamp - 0.1 * (logfile.point_list[logfile.num_points - 1].timestamp - logfile.point_list[0].timestamp);
                double initial_time_end   = logfile.point_list[logfile.num_points - 1].timestamp + 0.1 * (logfile.point_list[logfile.num_points - 1].timestamp - logfile.point_list[0].timestamp);

                Timeslice initial_timeslice = new Timeslice {
                    start = initial_time_start, end = initial_time_end

                MessageBox.Show("Logfile empty");

            return(1); // Not yet used
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Updates chart areas to show data in new timeslice
        public int update_timeslice_data(Timeslice timeslice_new)
            if (logfile == null)

            //// Clear chart, will be repopulated later

            // Update timeslice and checked_list_box
            timeslice = timeslice_new;

            //// Create list of ChartAreas which will be populated later
            //List<ChartArea> chart_areas = new List<ChartArea>();

            //// Populate list of ChartAreas with all signals selected in checked_list_box, which are arranged alphabetically by default
            //for (int i = 0; i < checked_list_box.CheckedItems.Count; i++)
            //    ChartArea new_chart_area = new ChartArea(checked_list_box.CheckedItems[i].ToString());

            //    chart_areas.Add(new_chart_area);

            //// Find start and end indices of set of logfile points that are encompassed by timeslice_new
            //int start_index = logfile.point_list.IndexOf(logfile.point_list.Find(x => x.timestamp >= timeslice.start)); // Index of first signal greater than timeslice start
            //int end_index = logfile.point_list.IndexOf(logfile.point_list.FindLast(x => x.timestamp <= timeslice.end)); // Index of last signal less than timeslice end

            //MessageBox.Show(start_index.ToString() + " " + end_index.ToString() + " | " + "0" + " " + (logfile.point_list.Count - 1).ToString());

            //// Create sublist of points from list of points in logfile
            //List<Logfile_Point> timeslice_points;
            //if (start_index != -1 && end_index != -1 && end_index > start_index)
            //    timeslice_points = logfile.point_list.GetRange(start_index, end_index - start_index);
            //    timeslice_points = new List<Logfile_Point>();

            //// At each Logfile_Point within timeslice, for each of its signals, add the data to the series of that signal
            //foreach (Logfile_Point current_point in timeslice_points)
            //    foreach (Logfile_Signal_Point current_signal_point in current_point.signal_point_list)
            //    {
            //        int current_signal_name_index_in_checked_list_box = checked_list_box.Items.IndexOf(current_signal_point.name);

            //        // If current signal's box is checked
            //        if (checked_list_box.GetItemChecked(current_signal_name_index_in_checked_list_box) == true)
            //        {
            //            if (series.Find(series_of_signal => !Convert.ToBoolean(string.Compare(series_of_signal.Name, current_signal_point.name))) != null)
            //            {
            //                series.Find(series_of_signal => !Convert.ToBoolean(string.Compare(series_of_signal.Name, current_signal_point.name))).Points.AddXY(current_point.timestamp, current_signal_point.value);
            //                //MessageBox.Show(current_point.timestamp.ToString() + " " + current_signal_point.value.ToString());
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }

            //// Add now-populated chart_areas and series lists to signals list
            //if (chart_areas.Count != series.Count)
            //    throw new ArgumentException("size of chart_area and series not same");

            //for (int i = 0; i < chart_areas.Count; i++)
            //    add_signal_from_series(chart_areas[i], series[i]);

            //for (int i = 0; i < chart_areas.Count; i++)
            //    chart_areas[i].BackColor = Color.Black; // Set chart_area to black

            //    // X axis stylize
            //    chart_areas[i].AxisX.Enabled = AxisEnabled.True;
            //    chart_areas[i].AxisX.LineColor = Color.White;
            //    chart_areas[i].AxisX.InterlacedColor = Color.White;
            //    chart_areas[i].AxisX.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.FromArgb(77, 77, 77);
            //    chart_areas[i].AxisX.LabelStyle.ForeColor = Color.White;

            //    // Find nice x axis parameters, need to do this after refresh because need new chart area width
            //    nicescale.set_parameters(this);

            //    chart_areas[i].AxisX.Minimum = nicescale.get_nice_min();
            //    chart_areas[i].AxisX.Maximum = nicescale.get_nice_max();
            //    chart_areas[i].AxisX.Interval = nicescale.get_tick_spacing();

            //    // Y axis stylize
            //    chart_areas[i].AxisY.Enabled = AxisEnabled.True;
            //    chart_areas[i].AxisY.LineColor = Color.White;
            //    chart_areas[i].AxisY.InterlacedColor = Color.White;
            //    chart_areas[i].AxisY.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.FromArgb(77, 77, 77);
            //    chart_areas[i].AxisY.LabelStyle.ForeColor = Color.White;

            //    chart_areas[i].AxisY.Minimum = double.NaN; // Autoscales y axis
            //    chart_areas[i].AxisY.Maximum = double.NaN;
            //    chart_areas[i].AxisY.IntervalAutoMode = IntervalAutoMode.FixedCount;

            //    chart.ChartAreas.Add(chart_areas[i]);

            // Find nice x axis parameters, need to do this after refresh because need new chart area width

            foreach (ChartArea chart_area in chart.ChartAreas)
                chart_area.AxisX.Minimum  = nicescale.get_nice_min();
                chart_area.AxisX.Maximum  = nicescale.get_nice_max();
                chart_area.AxisX.Interval = nicescale.get_tick_spacing();

            // Refresh chart

            return(1); // Not yet used