Ejemplo n.º 1
    public static DataSet DsImpTs(string orderNo, string docType)
        DataSet set = new DataSet();

        if (docType == "IV" || docType == "IV1")
            ObjectQuery query  = new ObjectQuery(typeof(C2.XAArInvoice), "DocNo='" + orderNo + "'", "");
            ObjectSet   objSet = C2.Manager.ORManager.GetObjectSet(query);
            if (objSet.Count == 0 || objSet[0] == null)
                return(new DataSet());
            C2.XAArInvoice obj = objSet[0] as C2.XAArInvoice;
            #region Invoice
            DataTable mast      = InitMastDataTable();
            DataRow   row       = mast.NewRow();
            string    mastRefNo = obj.MastRefNo;
            string    mastType  = obj.MastType;

            Wilson.ORMapper.OPathQuery job = new Wilson.ORMapper.OPathQuery(typeof(C2.CtmJob), "JobNo='" + mastRefNo + "'");

            C2.CtmJob ctmJob = C2.Manager.ORManager.GetObject(job) as C2.CtmJob;
            if (ctmJob != null)
                row["Vessel"]    = ctmJob.Vessel;
                row["Voyage"]    = ctmJob.Voyage;
                row["Eta"]       = ctmJob.EtaDate.ToString("dd.MM.yy");
                row["CustRefNo"] = ctmJob.ClientRefNo;
                row["Pol"]       = ctmJob.Pol;
                row["Pod"]       = ctmJob.Pod;
                row["CrBkgNo"]   = ctmJob.CarrierBkgNo;
                row["HblNo"]     = ctmJob.CarrierBlNo;
            row["JobNo"]      = mastRefNo;
            row["BillType"]   = "TAX INVOICE";
            row["DocNo"]      = obj.DocNo;
            row["DocDate"]    = obj.DocDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
            row["DocDueDate"] = obj.DocDueDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
            row["UserId"]     = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
            row["PartyName"]  = obj.PartyName;
            row["PartyTo"]    = obj.PartyTo;
            string    sql = string.Format(@"select Address,Contact1,Fax1,Tel1,CrNo from XXParty where PartyId='{0}'", obj.PartyTo);
            DataTable tab = ConnectSql_mb.GetDataTable(sql);
            if (tab.Rows.Count > 0)
                row["PartyAdd"] = tab.Rows[0]["Address"].ToString();
                row["Contact1"] = tab.Rows[0]["Contact1"].ToString();
                row["Fax1"]     = tab.Rows[0]["Fax1"].ToString();
                row["Tel1"]     = tab.Rows[0]["Tel1"].ToString();
                row["CrNo"]     = tab.Rows[0]["CrNo"].ToString();
            row["Terms"]       = obj.Term;
            row["Terms"]       = obj.Term;
            row["CompanyName"] = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CompanyName"];
            row["MoneyWords"]  = "";
            row["Remark"]      = SafeValue.SafeString(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar(string.Format(@"select Description from XAArInvoice where MastRefNo='{0}'", mastRefNo)));
            decimal subTotal = 0;
            decimal gstTotal = obj.TaxAmt;

            DataTable details = InitDetailDataTable();
            sql = string.Format(@"select ChgCode,Qty,MastType,DocNo,ChgDes1,Price,Gst,GstAmt,Unit,
 LineLocAmt, Currency,ExRate,
LocAmt,JobRefNo,GstType from XAArInvoiceDet where DocId={0}  order by Gst desc", obj.SequenceId);
            DataTable det = ConnectSql.GetTab(sql);
            for (int i = 0; i < det.Rows.Count; i++)
                DataRow row1    = details.NewRow();
                string  cntType = SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["JobRefNo"]);
                string  chgCode = SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["ChgCode"]);
                row1["No"]       = i + 1;
                row1["DocNo"]    = SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["DocNo"]);
                row1["ChgDes1"]  = SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["ChgDes1"]);
                row1["ChgCode"]  = SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["ChgCode"]);
                row1["LineAmt"]  = SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["LineLocAmt"]);
                row1["Unit"]     = SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["Unit"]);
                row1["Currency"] = SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["Currency"]);
                row1["ExRate"]   = SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["ExRate"]);
                row1["Price"]    = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["Price"]));
                row1["Gst"]      = SafeValue.SafeInt(SafeValue.SafeDecimal(det.Rows[i]["Gst"]) * 100, 0) + "% " + det.Rows[i]["GstType"] + "R";
                decimal amt    = SafeValue.ChinaRound(SafeValue.SafeInt(det.Rows[i]["Qty"], 0) * SafeValue.SafeDecimal(det.Rows[i]["Price"], 0), 2);
                decimal gstAmt = SafeValue.ChinaRound((amt * SafeValue.SafeDecimal(det.Rows[i]["Gst"], 0)), 2);
                row1["Amt"]    = amt;
                row1["GstAmt"] = SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["GstAmt"]);
                row1["LocAmt"] = SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["LocAmt"]);
                row1["Qty"]    = SafeValue.SafeInt(det.Rows[i]["Qty"], 0);

                subTotal += amt;
            sql = string.Format(@"select ContainerNo,SealNo,ContainerType from CTM_JobDet1 where JobNo='{0}' ", mastRefNo);
            DataTable cnt = ConnectSql.GetTab(sql);
            for (int i = 0; i < cnt.Rows.Count; i++)
                if (cnt.Rows.Count - i > 1)
                    row["ContainerNo"] += SafeValue.SafeString(cnt.Rows[i]["ContainerNo"]) + " / " + SafeValue.SafeString(cnt.Rows[i]["SealNo"])
                                          + " / " + SafeValue.SafeString(cnt.Rows[i]["ContainerType"]) + "\n";
                    row["ContainerNo"] += SafeValue.SafeString(cnt.Rows[i]["ContainerNo"]) + " / " + SafeValue.SafeString(cnt.Rows[i]["SealNo"])
                                          + " / " + SafeValue.SafeString(cnt.Rows[i]["ContainerType"]);

            row["SubTotal"] = subTotal;
            row["GstTotal"] = gstTotal;
            row["TotalAmt"] = subTotal + gstTotal;


        if (docType == "PL" || docType == "PL1")
            ObjectQuery query  = new ObjectQuery(typeof(C2.XAApPayable), "DocNo='" + orderNo + "'", "");
            ObjectSet   objSet = C2.Manager.ORManager.GetObjectSet(query);
            if (objSet.Count == 0 || objSet[0] == null)
                return(new DataSet());
            C2.XAApPayable obj = objSet[0] as C2.XAApPayable;
            #region PL
            DataTable mast      = InitMastDataTable();
            DataRow   row       = mast.NewRow();
            string    mastRefNo = obj.MastRefNo;
            string    mastType  = obj.MastType;
            if (mastType == "CTM")
                Wilson.ORMapper.OPathQuery job = new Wilson.ORMapper.OPathQuery(typeof(C2.CtmJob), "JobNo='" + mastRefNo + "'");

                C2.CtmJob ctmJob = C2.Manager.ORManager.GetObject(job) as C2.CtmJob;
                row["Vessel"] = ctmJob.Vessel;
                row["Voyage"] = ctmJob.Voyage;
                row["Eta"]    = ctmJob.EtaDate.ToString("dd.MM.yy");
            row["DocNo"]            = obj.DocNo;
            row["DocDate"]          = obj.DocDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
            row["SupplierBillNo"]   = obj.SupplierBillNo;
            row["SupplierBillDate"] = obj.SupplierBillDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

            row["PartyName"] = obj.PartyName;
            string sql = string.Format(@"select Address from XXParty where PartyId='{0}'", obj.PartyTo);
            row["PartyAdd"] = C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql);
            row["Terms"]    = obj.Term;

            decimal subTotal = 0;
            decimal gstTotal = 0;

            DataTable details = InitDetailDataTable();
            sql = string.Format(@"select ChgCode,sum(Qty) as Qty,MastType,max(DocNo) DocNo,max(ChgDes1) as ChgDes1,Price,max(Gst) Gst,max(GstAmt) GstAmt,
max(LocAmt) LocAmt,max(JobRefNo) JobRefNo,max(GstType) GstType from XAApPayableDet where DocId={0} group by ChgCode,MastType,Price order by Gst desc", obj.SequenceId);
            DataTable det = ConnectSql.GetTab(sql);
            for (int i = 0; i < det.Rows.Count; i++)
                DataRow row1    = details.NewRow();
                string  cntType = SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["JobRefNo"]);
                string  chgCode = SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["ChgCode"]);
                row1["DocNo"]   = SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["DocNo"]);
                row1["ChgDes1"] = SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["ChgDes1"]);
                row1["ChgCode"] = SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["ChgCode"]);
                row1["Price"]   = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["Price"]));
                row1["Gst"]     = SafeValue.SafeInt(SafeValue.SafeDecimal(det.Rows[i]["Gst"]) * 100, 0) + "% " + det.Rows[i]["GstType"] + "R";
                decimal amt    = SafeValue.ChinaRound(SafeValue.SafeInt(det.Rows[i]["Qty"], 0) * SafeValue.SafeDecimal(det.Rows[i]["Price"], 0), 2);
                decimal gstAmt = SafeValue.ChinaRound((amt * SafeValue.SafeDecimal(det.Rows[i]["Gst"], 0)), 2);
                row1["Amt"]    = amt;
                row1["GstAmt"] = SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["GstAmt"]);
                row1["LocAmt"] = SafeValue.SafeString(det.Rows[i]["LocAmt"]);
                row1["Qty"]    = SafeValue.SafeInt(det.Rows[i]["Qty"], 0);

                subTotal += amt;
                gstTotal += gstAmt;

            row["SubTotal"] = subTotal;
            row["GstTotal"] = gstTotal;
            row["Total"]    = subTotal + gstTotal;


Ejemplo n.º 2
    protected void ASPxGridView1_CustomCallback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridView.ASPxGridViewCustomCallbackEventArgs e)
        ASPxTextBox  oidCtr         = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Oid") as ASPxTextBox;
        ASPxComboBox partyTo        = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_PartyTo") as ASPxComboBox;
        ASPxTextBox  otherPartyName = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_OtherPartyName") as ASPxTextBox;
        ASPxTextBox  docN           = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_DocNo") as ASPxTextBox;
        ASPxComboBox docCate        = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cbo_DocCate") as ASPxComboBox;
        ASPxComboBox docType        = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cbo_DocType") as ASPxComboBox;
        ASPxDateEdit docDate        = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_DocDt") as ASPxDateEdit;
        ASPxMemo     remark         = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Remarks1") as ASPxMemo;
        ASPxComboBox termId         = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_TermId") as ASPxComboBox;
        ASPxTextBox  docCurr        = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Currency") as ASPxTextBox;
        ASPxSpinEdit exRate         = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_DocExRate") as ASPxSpinEdit;
        ASPxTextBox  acCode         = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_AcCode") as ASPxTextBox;
        ASPxComboBox acSource       = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_AcSource") as ASPxComboBox;

        ASPxTextBox  supplierBillNo   = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_SupplierBillNo") as ASPxTextBox;
        ASPxDateEdit supplierBillDate = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_SupplierBillDate") as ASPxDateEdit;
        ASPxTextBox  chqNo            = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_ChqNo") as ASPxTextBox;
        //ASPxDateEdit chqDate = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_ChqDate") as ASPxDateEdit;

        string invN = docN.Text;

        C2.XAApPayable inv = Manager.ORManager.GetObject(typeof(XAApPayable), SafeValue.SafeInt(oidCtr.Text, 0)) as XAApPayable;
        if (null == inv)// first insert invoice
            inv                = new XAApPayable();
            invN               = C2Setup.GetNextNo("AP-Voucher");
            inv.PartyTo        = SafeValue.SafeString(partyTo.Value, "");
            inv.OtherPartyName = otherPartyName.Text;
            //inv.MastType = SafeValue.SafeString(docCate.Value, "");
            inv.DocType     = docType.Value.ToString();
            inv.DocNo       = invN.ToString();
            inv.DocDate     = docDate.Date;
            inv.Term        = termId.Text;
            inv.Description = remark.Text;
            inv.CurrencyId  = docCurr.Text.ToString();
            inv.ExRate      = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(exRate.Value, 1);
            if (inv.ExRate <= 0)
                inv.ExRate = 1;
            inv.AcCode   = acCode.Text;
            inv.AcSource = acSource.Text;

            inv.SupplierBillNo   = supplierBillNo.Text;
            inv.SupplierBillDate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
            inv.ChqNo            = chqNo.Text;
            inv.ChqDate          = supplierBillDate.Date;

            inv.ExportInd  = "N";
            inv.UserId     = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
            inv.EntryDate  = DateTime.Now;
            inv.CancelDate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
            inv.CancelInd  = "N";

            inv.MastRefNo = "0";
            inv.JobRefNo  = "0";
            inv.MastType  = "";

            DateTime d = inv.DocDate;
            if (inv.ChqDate > new DateTime(2000, 1, 1))
                d = inv.ChqDate;
            string[] currentPeriod = EzshipHelper.GetAccPeriod(d);
            inv.AcYear   = SafeValue.SafeInt(currentPeriod[1], inv.DocDate.Year);
            inv.AcPeriod = SafeValue.SafeInt(currentPeriod[0], inv.DocDate.Month);
                C2.Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(inv, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);
                C2Setup.SetNextNo("AP-Voucher", invN);
            inv.PartyTo        = SafeValue.SafeString(partyTo.Value, "");
            inv.OtherPartyName = otherPartyName.Text;
            inv.Term           = termId.Text;
            inv.Description    = remark.Text;
            inv.CurrencyId     = docCurr.Text.ToString();
            inv.ExRate         = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(exRate.Value, 1);
            if (inv.ExRate <= 0)
                inv.ExRate = 1;
            inv.AcCode  = acCode.Text;
            inv.DocDate = docDate.Date;

            inv.AcSource       = acSource.Text;
            inv.ChqNo          = chqNo.Text;
            inv.SupplierBillNo = supplierBillNo.Text;
            inv.ChqDate        = supplierBillDate.Date;
            DateTime d = inv.DocDate;
            if (inv.ChqDate > new DateTime(2000, 1, 1))
                d = inv.ChqDate;
            string[] currentPeriod = EzshipHelper.GetAccPeriod(d);
            inv.AcYear   = SafeValue.SafeInt(currentPeriod[1], inv.DocDate.Year);
            inv.AcPeriod = SafeValue.SafeInt(currentPeriod[0], inv.DocDate.Month);
                Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(inv, InitialState.Updated);
        Session["VoEditWhere"]            = "SequenceId=" + inv.SequenceId;
        this.dsApPayable.FilterExpression = Session["VoEditWhere"].ToString();
        if (this.ASPxGridView1.GetRow(0) != null)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    protected void ASPxGridView1_CustomCallback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridView.ASPxGridViewCustomCallbackEventArgs e)
        ASPxTextBox  oidCtr   = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Oid") as ASPxTextBox;
        ASPxComboBox partyTo  = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_PartyTo") as ASPxComboBox;
        ASPxTextBox  docN     = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_DocNo") as ASPxTextBox;
        ASPxComboBox docType  = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cbo_DocType") as ASPxComboBox;
        ASPxMemo     remark   = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Remarks1") as ASPxMemo;
        ASPxComboBox termId   = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_TermId") as ASPxComboBox;
        ASPxTextBox  docCurr  = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Currency") as ASPxTextBox;
        ASPxSpinEdit exRate   = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_DocExRate") as ASPxSpinEdit;
        ASPxTextBox  acCode   = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_AcCode") as ASPxTextBox;
        ASPxTextBox  acSource = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_AcSource") as ASPxTextBox;

        ASPxTextBox  supplierBillNo   = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_SupplierBillNo") as ASPxTextBox;
        ASPxDateEdit supplierBillDate = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_SupplierBillDate") as ASPxDateEdit;
        ASPxDateEdit eta  = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Eta") as ASPxDateEdit;
        string       invN = docN.Text;

        C2.XAApPayable inv   = Manager.ORManager.GetObject(typeof(XAApPayable), SafeValue.SafeInt(oidCtr.Text, 0)) as XAApPayable;
        bool           isNew = false;

        if (invN.Length < 1)        // first insert invoice
            if (supplierBillNo.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                string sqlCnt = string.Format("select DocNo from XaApPayable where SupplierBillNo='{0}' and PartyTo='{1}' and DocType='{2}' AND CancelInd='N'", supplierBillNo.Text.Trim(), SafeValue.SafeString(partyTo.Value, ""), docType.Value.ToString());
                string billNo = SafeValue.SafeString(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sqlCnt), "");
                if (billNo.Length > 0)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Have this Supplier Bill No In {0}({1})", billNo, docType.Value.ToString()));

            isNew = true;
            inv   = new XAApPayable();
            //invN = C2Setup.GetNextNo("AP-PAYABLE");
            string counterType = "AP-PAYABLE";
            invN = C2Setup.GetNextNo(inv.DocType, counterType, supplierBillDate.Date);

            inv.PartyTo     = SafeValue.SafeString(partyTo.Value, "");
            inv.MastType    = "";         //SafeValue.SafeString(docCate.Value, "");
            inv.DocType     = docType.Value.ToString();
            inv.DocNo       = invN.ToString();
            inv.Term        = termId.Text;
            inv.Description = remark.Text;
            inv.CurrencyId  = docCurr.Text.ToString();
            inv.ExRate      = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(exRate.Value, 1);
            if (inv.ExRate <= 0)
                inv.ExRate = 1;
            inv.AcCode   = EzshipHelper.GetAccApCode(inv.PartyTo, inv.CurrencyId);
            inv.AcSource = acSource.Text;

            inv.ExportInd  = "N";
            inv.UserId     = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
            inv.EntryDate  = DateTime.Now;
            inv.CancelDate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
            inv.CancelInd  = "N";

            inv.SupplierBillNo   = supplierBillNo.Text;
            inv.SupplierBillDate = SafeValue.SafeDate(supplierBillDate.Date, DateTime.Today);
            inv.DocDate          = inv.SupplierBillDate;
            inv.ChqNo            = "";
            inv.ChqDate          = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);

            inv.MastRefNo = "0";
            inv.JobRefNo  = "0";
            inv.MastType  = "";
            inv.Eta       = eta.Date;
            string[] currentPeriod = EzshipHelper.GetAccPeriod(inv.DocDate);

            inv.AcYear   = SafeValue.SafeInt(currentPeriod[1], inv.DocDate.Year);
            inv.AcPeriod = SafeValue.SafeInt(currentPeriod[0], inv.DocDate.Month);
                C2.Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(inv, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);
                //C2Setup.SetNextNo("AP-PAYABLE", invN);
                C2Setup.SetNextNo("", counterType, invN, inv.DocDate);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
            if (supplierBillNo.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                string sqlCnt = string.Format("select DocNo from XaApPayable where SupplierBillNo='{0}' and PartyTo='{1}' and DocType='{2}' and DocNo!='{3}' AND CancelInd='N'", supplierBillNo.Text.Trim(), SafeValue.SafeString(partyTo.Value, ""), docType.Value.ToString(), inv.DocNo);
                string billNo = SafeValue.SafeString(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sqlCnt), "");
                if (billNo.Length > 0)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Have this Supplier Bill No In {0}({1})", billNo, docType.Value.ToString()));

            inv.PartyTo     = SafeValue.SafeString(partyTo.Value, "");
            inv.Term        = termId.Text;
            inv.Description = remark.Text;
            inv.CurrencyId  = docCurr.Text.ToString();
            inv.ExRate      = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(exRate.Value, 1);
            if (inv.ExRate <= 0)
                inv.ExRate = 1;
            inv.AcCode   = EzshipHelper.GetAccApCode(inv.PartyTo, inv.CurrencyId);
            inv.AcSource = acSource.Text;

            inv.SupplierBillNo   = supplierBillNo.Text;
            inv.SupplierBillDate = SafeValue.SafeDate(supplierBillDate.Date, DateTime.Now);
            inv.DocDate          = inv.SupplierBillDate;
            inv.Eta = eta.Date;
            string[] currentPeriod = EzshipHelper.GetAccPeriod(inv.DocDate);

            inv.AcYear   = SafeValue.SafeInt(currentPeriod[1], inv.DocDate.Year);
            inv.AcPeriod = SafeValue.SafeInt(currentPeriod[0], inv.DocDate.Month);
                Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(inv, InitialState.Updated);

        Session["PvEditWhere"]            = "SequenceId=" + inv.SequenceId;
        this.dsApPayable.FilterExpression = Session["PvEditWhere"].ToString();
        if (isNew)
            if (this.ASPxGridView1.GetRow(0) != null)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    private string InsertPl(string mastType, string soNo, string doNo, string type)
        string sql = string.Format(@"select mast.PartyId,p.termid as Term
,det.ProductCode as Sku,det.LotNo,det.Qty1 as Qty,det.Price,mast.Currency,mast.ExRate,det.Gst
from wh_transDet det inner join wh_trans mast on mast.DoNO=det.DoNo and mast.DoType=det.DoType
left join xxparty p on p.partyid=mast.partyid 
where mast.DoNO='{0}' ", soNo);

        if (doNo.Length > 0)
            sql = string.Format(@"select mast.PartyId,p.termid as Term
,det.ProductCode as Sku,det.LotNo,det.Qty1 as Qty,tsDet.Price,tsMast.Currency,tsMast.ExRate,tsDet.Gst
from wh_DoDet det inner join wh_do mast on mast.DoNO=det.DoNo and mast.DoType=det.DoType
left join xxparty p on p.partyid=mast.partyid
left join wh_transdet tsDet on tsDet.ProductCode=det.ProductCode and tsDet.LotNo=det.LotNo
left join wh_trans tsMast on tsMast.doNO=tsDet.DoNo and tsMast.DoType=tsDet.DoType
where mast.DoNO='{1}'  and tsDet.DoNO='{0}' ", soNo, doNo);
        string    invN  = "";
        int       invId = 0;
        DataTable tab   = ConnectSql.GetTab(sql);

        for (int i = 0; i < tab.Rows.Count; i++)
            if (i == 0)
                string partyId = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[0]["PartyId"]);
                string term    = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[0]["Term"]);
                #region invoice mast
                string counterType = "";
                if (type == "PL")
                    counterType = "AP-PAYABLE";
                    counterType = "AP-Voucher";
                C2.XAApPayable inv = new C2.XAApPayable();

                inv.DocDate = DateTime.Today;
                invN        = C2Setup.GetNextNo("", counterType, inv.DocDate);
                inv.PartyTo = partyId;
                inv.DocType = type;
                inv.DocNo   = invN.ToString();
                string[] currentPeriod = EzshipHelper.GetAccPeriod(inv.DocDate);

                inv.AcYear   = SafeValue.SafeInt(currentPeriod[1], inv.DocDate.Year);
                inv.AcPeriod = SafeValue.SafeInt(currentPeriod[0], inv.DocDate.Month);
                inv.Term     = term;

                int dueDay = SafeValue.SafeInt(inv.Term.ToUpper().Replace("DAYS", "").Trim(), 0);
                inv.Description = "";
                inv.CurrencyId  = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Currency"];
                inv.ExRate      = 1;
                inv.AcCode      = EzshipHelper.GetAccArCode(inv.PartyTo, inv.CurrencyId);
                inv.AcSource    = "CR";

                inv.MastType  = mastType;
                inv.MastRefNo = soNo;
                inv.JobRefNo  = doNo;

                inv.ExportInd  = "N";
                inv.UserId     = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                inv.EntryDate  = DateTime.Now;
                inv.CancelDate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                inv.CancelInd  = "N";
                    C2.Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(inv, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);
                    C2Setup.SetNextNo("", counterType, invN, inv.DocDate);
                    invId = inv.SequenceId;
                if (invId < 1)
            string  sku    = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[i]["Sku"]);
            string  des    = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[i]["Des1"]);
            string  lotNo  = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[i]["LotNo"]);
            int     qty    = SafeValue.SafeInt(tab.Rows[i]["Qty"], 0);
            decimal price  = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab.Rows[i]["Price"], 0);
            string  cur    = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[i]["Currency"]);
            decimal exRate = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab.Rows[i]["ExRate"], 0);
            decimal gst    = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab.Rows[i]["Gst"], 0);
            InsertPl_Det(invId, invN, type, i + 1, sku, lotNo, des, qty, price, cur, exRate, gst, soNo, doNo, mastType);
        if (invId > 0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public static string EdiFile(string filePath)
        XmlDocument xmlDoc  = new XmlDocument();
        string      docNo   = "";
        string      docType = "";
        string      partyId = "";

        if (true)

            XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("Invoices").ChildNodes;
            foreach (XmlNode xn in nodeList)
                XmlElement     elem    = (XmlElement)xn;
                C2.XAApPayable ap      = null;
                string         refType = "";
                string         runType = "AP-PAYABLE";
                if (ap == null)
                    ap      = new C2.XAApPayable();
                    docNo   = C2Setup.GetNextNo(refType, runType, DateTime.Now);
                    docType = elem.GetAttribute("DocType");
                    if (docType == "CN")
                        docType = "SC";
                    else if (docType == "DN")
                        docType = "SD";
                        docType = "PL";
                    string des            = "";
                    string supplierBillNo = elem.GetAttribute("DocNo");
                    string hblNo          = elem.GetAttribute("HblNo");
                    string term           = elem.GetAttribute("Term");
                    if (term.Length == 0)
                        term = "CASH";
                    string   currency         = elem.GetAttribute("Currency");
                    DateTime supplierBillDate = SafeValue.SafeDate(elem.GetAttribute("DocDate"), DateTime.Today);
                    decimal  exRate           = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(elem.GetAttribute("ExRate"), 0);
                    decimal  docAmt           = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(elem.GetAttribute("DocAmt"), 0);
                    decimal  locAmt           = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(elem.GetAttribute("LocAmt"), 0);

                    ap.DocNo            = docNo;
                    ap.DocType          = docType;
                    ap.DocDate          = DateTime.Today;
                    ap.PartyTo          = partyId;
                    ap.SupplierBillDate = supplierBillDate;
                    ap.SupplierBillNo   = supplierBillNo;
                    ap.Term             = term;
                    ap.ExRate           = exRate;
                    ap.CurrencyId       = currency;
                    string[] acPeriod = EzshipHelper.GetAccPeriod(DateTime.Today);
                    ap.AcYear   = SafeValue.SafeInt(acPeriod[0], DateTime.Today.Year);
                    ap.AcPeriod = SafeValue.SafeInt(acPeriod[1], DateTime.Today.Month);
                    ap.AcCode   = getAcCodeByPartyId(partyId, currency);
                    ap.AcSource = "CR";
                    if (docType == "SC")
                        ap.AcSource = "DB";
                    ap.Description = des;
                    ap.DocAmt      = docAmt;
                    ap.LocAmt      = locAmt;
                    ap.BalanceAmt  = docAmt;
                    string[] arr = getRefNoByHbl(hblNo);
                    ap.MastRefNo  = arr[0];
                    ap.JobRefNo   = arr[1];
                    ap.MastType   = arr[2];
                    ap.CancelDate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                    ap.CancelInd  = "N";
                    ap.ChqDate    = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                    ap.ChqNo      = "";
                    ap.ExportInd  = "N";
                    ap.UserId     = EzshipHelper.GetUserName();
                    ap.EntryDate  = DateTime.Now;

                    Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(ap, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);
                    C2Setup.SetNextNo(refType, runType, ap.DocNo, ap.DocDate);

                    XmlNodeList nodeListJob = elem.ChildNodes;
                    int         i           = 1;
                    foreach (XmlNode xnJob in nodeListJob)
                        XmlElement elemDet        = (XmlElement)xnJob;
                        string     chgCode        = elemDet.GetAttribute("ChargeCode");
                        string     des1           = elem.InnerText;
                        string     currency_det   = elem.GetAttribute("Currency");
                        decimal    exRate_det     = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(elem.GetAttribute("ExRate"), 0);
                        decimal    qty            = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(elem.GetAttribute("Qty"), 0);
                        decimal    price          = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(elem.GetAttribute("Price"), 0);
                        string     unit           = elem.GetAttribute("Unit").Trim();
                        decimal    gst            = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(elem.GetAttribute("Gst"), 0);
                        decimal    gstAmt         = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(elem.GetAttribute("GstAmt"), 0);
                        decimal    docAmt_det     = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(elem.GetAttribute("Amt"), 0);
                        decimal    locAmt_det     = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(elem.GetAttribute("LocAmt"), 0);
                        decimal    lineLocAmt_det = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(elem.GetAttribute("LineAmt"), 0);

                        C2.XAApPayableDet det = new XAApPayableDet();
                        det.AcCode   = getAcCodeByChgCode(chgCode);
                        det.AcSource = "DB";
                        if (ap.AcSource == "DB")
                            det.AcSource = "CR";
                        det.ChgCode   = chgCode;
                        det.ChgDes1   = des1;
                        det.ChgDes2   = " ";
                        det.ChgDes3   = " ";
                        det.ChgDes4   = " ";
                        det.Currency  = currency_det;
                        det.DocAmt    = docAmt_det;
                        det.DocId     = ap.SequenceId;
                        det.DocLineNo = i;
                        det.DocNo     = ap.DocNo;
                        det.DocType   = ap.DocType;
                        det.ExRate    = exRate_det;
                        det.Gst       = gst;
                        det.GstAmt    = gstAmt;
                        det.GstType   = "Z";
                        if (det.Gst > 0)
                            det.GstType = "S";
                        det.JobRefNo   = ap.JobRefNo;
                        det.LineLocAmt = lineLocAmt_det;
                        det.LocAmt     = locAmt_det;
                        det.MastRefNo  = ap.MastRefNo;
                        det.MastType   = ap.MastType;
                        det.SplitType  = "WtM3";
                        det.Price      = price;
                        det.Qty        = qty;
                        det.SplitType  = "";
                        det.Unit       = unit;
                        if (det.Unit.Length == 0)
                            det.Unit = " ";

                        Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(det, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);
        return("DocType=" + docType + " , " + "DocNo=" + docNo);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    protected void grid_WhPo_CustomDataCallback(object sender, ASPxGridViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs e)
        string          s           = e.Parameters;
        ASPxPageControl pageControl = this.grid_WhPo.FindEditFormTemplateControl("pageControl") as ASPxPageControl;
        ASPxTextBox     txt_Id      = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Id") as ASPxTextBox;
        ASPxTextBox     poNo        = pageControl.FindControl("txt_PoNo") as ASPxTextBox;
        string          sql         = "select Count(*) from wh_PODet where PoNo='" + SafeValue.SafeString(poNo.Text) + "' and (StatusCode='Draft' or StatusCode='Waiting')";
        int             cnt         = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0);

        if (cnt == 0)
            if (s == "CloseJob")
                #region close job
                ASPxLabel closeIndStr = pageControl.FindControl("lb_JobStatus") as ASPxLabel;
                sql = "select StatusCode from wh_PO where PoNo='" + poNo.Text + "'";
                string closeInd = SafeValue.SafeString(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), "USE");//
                if (closeInd == "CLS")
                    sql = string.Format("update wh_PO set StatusCode='USE',UpdateBy='{1}',UpdateDateTime='{2}' where PoNo='{0}'", poNo.Text, EzshipHelper.GetUserName(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
                    int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                    if (res > 0)
                        e.Result = "Success";
                        e.Result = "Fail";
                    sql = string.Format("update wh_PO set StatusCode='CLS',UpdateBy='{1}',UpdateDateTime='{2}' where PoNo='{0}'", poNo.Text, EzshipHelper.GetUserName(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));

                    int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                    if (res > 0)
                        e.Result = "Success";
                        e.Result = "Fail";
            e.Result = "NotClose";
        if (s == "Void")
            #region void master
            string sql_cnt = string.Format("select count(SequenceId) from XAArInvoiceDet where MastType='WH' and MastRefNo='{0}'", poNo.Text);
            cnt = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql_cnt), 0);
            if (cnt > 0)
                e.Result = "Billing";
            ASPxLabel closeIndStr = pageControl.FindControl("lb_JobStatus") as ASPxLabel;
            sql = "select StatusCode from wh_PO where PoNo='" + poNo.Text + "'";
            string closeInd = SafeValue.SafeString(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), "N");// closeIndStr.Text;
            if (closeInd == "CNL")
                sql = string.Format("update wh_PO set StatusCode='USE',UpdateBy='{1}',UpdateDateTime='{2}' where PoNo='{0}'", poNo.Text, EzshipHelper.GetUserName(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
                int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                if (res > 0)
                    e.Result = "Success";
                    e.Result = "Fail";
                sql = string.Format("update wh_PO set StatusCode='CNL',UpdateBy='{1}',UpdateDateTime='{2}' where PoNo='{0}'", poNo.Text, EzshipHelper.GetUserName(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));

                int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                if (res > 0)
                    e.Result = "Success";
                    e.Result = "Fail";
        if (s == "Invoice")
            #region Ap Invoice
            sql = string.Format(@"select count(*) from XAApPayable where MastRefNo='{0}'", poNo.Text);
            int docId = 0;
            cnt = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0);
            if (cnt == 0)
                ASPxTextBox    partyTo = pageControl.FindControl("txt_PartyRefNo") as ASPxTextBox;
                ASPxDateEdit   poDate  = pageControl.FindControl("txt_PoDate") as ASPxDateEdit;
                string         invN    = "";
                C2.XAApPayable inv     = null;
                bool           isNew   = false;
                if (invN.Length < 1)// first insert invoice
                    isNew = true;
                    inv   = new XAApPayable();
                    inv.SupplierBillDate = SafeValue.SafeDate(poDate.Date, DateTime.Today);
                    inv.DocDate          = inv.SupplierBillDate;

                    inv.DocType     = "PL";
                    invN            = C2Setup.GetNextNo(inv.DocType, "AP-PAYABLE", inv.DocDate);
                    inv.PartyTo     = SafeValue.SafeString(partyTo.Value, "");
                    inv.DocNo       = invN.ToString();
                    inv.Term        = "CASH";
                    inv.Description = "";
                    inv.CurrencyId  = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Currency"];
                    inv.ExRate      = 1;
                    inv.AcCode      = EzshipHelper.GetAccApCode(inv.PartyTo, inv.CurrencyId);
                    inv.AcSource    = "CR";

                    inv.ExportInd  = "N";
                    inv.UserId     = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                    inv.EntryDate  = DateTime.Now;
                    inv.CancelDate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                    inv.CancelInd  = "N";

                    inv.ChqNo   = "";
                    inv.ChqDate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);

                    inv.MastRefNo = poNo.Text;
                    inv.JobRefNo  = "0";
                    inv.MastType  = "WH";
                    inv.Eta       = DateTime.Now;
                    string[] currentPeriod = EzshipHelper.GetAccPeriod(inv.DocDate);

                    inv.AcYear   = SafeValue.SafeInt(currentPeriod[1], inv.DocDate.Year);
                    inv.AcPeriod = SafeValue.SafeInt(currentPeriod[0], inv.DocDate.Month);
                        C2.Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(inv, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);
                        C2Setup.SetNextNo(inv.DocType, "AP-PAYABLE", invN, inv.DocDate);
                        docId    = inv.SequenceId;
                        e.Result = "Success";
                sql = "select * from wh_PODet where PoNo='" + poNo.Text + "'";
                DataTable dt = C2.Manager.ORManager.GetDataSet(sql).Tables[0];
                SavePayableDet(dt, inv.DocNo, docId);
                DataTable         tab = C2.Manager.ORManager.GetDataSet(string.Format(@"select Id from wh_PODet where PoNo='{0}'", poNo.Text)).Tables[0];
                int               id  = 0;
                C2.XAApPayableDet inv = null;
                if (tab.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < tab.Rows.Count; i++)
                        id = SafeValue.SafeInt(tab.Rows[i]["Id"], 0);
                        Wilson.ORMapper.OPathQuery query = new Wilson.ORMapper.OPathQuery(typeof(XAApPayableDet), "POlineId='" + id + "'");
                        inv = C2.Manager.ORManager.GetObject(query) as XAApPayableDet;
                        if (inv == null)
                            SavePayableDet(tab, inv.DocNo, docId);
                e.Result = "Success";