Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void button11_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // initialize
            C1.C1Pdf.C1PdfDocument pdf = new C1.C1Pdf.C1PdfDocument();

            // create points
            PointF[] pts = new PointF[]
                new PointF(50f, 100f), new PointF(100f, 10f), new PointF(250f, 50f),
                new PointF(400f, 100f), new PointF(500f, 150f), new PointF(550f, 250f),
                new PointF(400f, 300f)

            // draw Bezier spline
            pdf.DrawBeziers(new Pen(Color.Blue, 4), pts);

            // show points
            pdf.DrawLines(Pens.Gray, pts);
            for (int i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++)
                Brush brush = (i % 3 == 0)? Brushes.Red: Brushes.Green;
                pdf.FillRectangle(brush, pts[i].X - 2, pts[i].Y - 2, 4, 4);

            // save document
            string fileName = tempdir + "beziers.pdf";

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void button8_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // initialize
            C1.C1Pdf.C1PdfDocument pdf = new C1.C1Pdf.C1PdfDocument();

            // create a regular (external) hyperlink
            RectangleF rc   = new RectangleF(50, 50, 200, 15);
            Font       font = new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Underline);

            pdf.AddLink("http://www.componentone.com", rc);
            pdf.DrawString("Visit ComponentOne", font, Brushes.Blue, rc);

            // create a link target
            pdf.AddTarget("#myLink", rc);

            // add a few pages
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

            // add a link to the target
            pdf.AddLink("#myLink", rc);
            pdf.FillRectangle(Brushes.BlanchedAlmond, rc);
            pdf.DrawString("Local link: back to page 1...", font, Brushes.Blue, rc);

            // save and show
            string fileName = tempdir + "links.pdf";

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private RectangleF RenderTableHeader(Font font, RectangleF rc, string[] fields)
            // calculate cell width (same for all columns)
            RectangleF rcCell = rc;

            rcCell.Width  = rc.Width / fields.Length;
            rcCell.Height = 0;

            //  calculate cell height (max of all columns)
            foreach (string field in fields)
                float height = _c1pdf.MeasureString(field, font, rcCell.Width).Height;
                rcCell.Height = Math.Max(rcCell.Height, height);

            // render header cells
            foreach (string field in fields)
                _c1pdf.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, rcCell);
                _c1pdf.DrawString(field, font, Brushes.White, rcCell);
                rcCell.Offset(rcCell.Width, 0);

            // update rectangle and return it
            rc.Offset(0, rcCell.Height);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void button17_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            C1.C1Pdf.C1PdfDocument pdf = new C1.C1Pdf.C1PdfDocument();

            // create a rectangle
            RectangleF rc = new RectangleF(100, 100, 200, 150);

            // draw and fill rectangles with round corners
            for (int corner = 10; corner < 100; corner += 20)
                SizeF sz = new SizeF(corner, corner / 2);
                pdf.FillRectangle(Brushes.Beige, rc, sz);
                pdf.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue, rc, sz);

            // draw a regular rectangle
            pdf.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, rc);

            // save the document to a file
            string fileName = tempdir + "rect.pdf";

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void Create()
            _c1pdf = new C1PdfDocument();
            //create StringFormat for right-aligned fields
            _sfRight                     = new StringFormat();
            _sfRight.Alignment           = StringAlignment.Far;
            _sfRightCenter               = new StringFormat();
            _sfRightCenter.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Far;
            _sfRightCenter.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

            //initialize pdf generator

            //get page rectangle, discount margins
            RectangleF rcPage = _c1pdf.PageRectangle;

            rcPage.Inflate(-72, -92);

            //loop through selected categories
            int       page = 0;
            DataTable dt   = GetCategories();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                //add page break, update page counter
                if (page > 0)

                //get current category name
                string catName = (string)dr["CategoryName"];

                //add title to page
                _c1pdf.DrawString(catName, _fontTitle, Brushes.Blue, rcPage);

                //add outline entry
                _c1pdf.AddBookmark(catName, 0, 0);

                //build row template
                RectangleF[] rcRows = new RectangleF[6];
                for (int i = 0; i < rcRows.Length; i++)
                    rcRows[i]          = RectangleF.Empty;
                    rcRows[i].Location = new PointF(rcPage.X, rcPage.Y + _fontHeader.SizeInPoints + 10);
                    rcRows[i].Size     = new SizeF(0, _fontBody.SizeInPoints + 3);
                rcRows[0].Width = 110;          // Product Name
                rcRows[1].Width = 60;           // Unit Price
                rcRows[2].Width = 80;           // Qty/Unit
                rcRows[3].Width = 60;           // Stock Units
                rcRows[4].Width = 60;           // Stock Value
                rcRows[5].Width = 60;           // Reorder
                for (int i = 1; i < rcRows.Length; i++)
                    rcRows[i].X = rcRows[i - 1].X + rcRows[i - 1].Width + 8;

                //add column headers
                _c1pdf.FillRectangle(Brushes.DarkGray, RectangleF.Union(rcRows[0], rcRows[5]));
                _c1pdf.DrawString("Product Name", _fontHeader, Brushes.White, rcRows[0]);
                _c1pdf.DrawString("Unit Price", _fontHeader, Brushes.White, rcRows[1], _sfRight);
                _c1pdf.DrawString("Qty/Unit", _fontHeader, Brushes.White, rcRows[2]);
                _c1pdf.DrawString("Stock Units", _fontHeader, Brushes.White, rcRows[3], _sfRight);
                _c1pdf.DrawString("Stock Value", _fontHeader, Brushes.White, rcRows[4], _sfRight);
                _c1pdf.DrawString("Reorder", _fontHeader, Brushes.White, rcRows[5]);

                //loop through products in this category
                DataRow[] products = dr.GetChildRows("Categories_Products");

                foreach (DataRow product in products)
                    //move on to next row
                    for (int i = 0; i < rcRows.Length; i++)
                        rcRows[i].Y += rcRows[i].Height;

                    //add row with some data
                        _c1pdf.DrawString(product["ProductName"].ToString(), _fontBody, Brushes.Black, rcRows[0]);
                        _c1pdf.DrawString(string.Format("{0:c}", product["UnitPrice"]), _fontBody, Brushes.Black, rcRows[1], _sfRight);
                        _c1pdf.DrawString(string.Format("{0}", product["QuantityPerUnit"]), _fontBody, Brushes.Black, rcRows[2]);
                        _c1pdf.DrawString(string.Format("{0}", product["UnitsInStock"]), _fontBody, Brushes.Black, rcRows[3], _sfRight);
                        _c1pdf.DrawString(string.Format("{0:c}", product["ValueInStock"]), _fontBody, Brushes.Black, rcRows[4], _sfRight);
                        if ((bool)product["OrderNow"])
                            _c1pdf.DrawString("<<<", _fontBody, Brushes.Red, rcRows[5]);
                        // Debug.Assert(false);
                if (products.Length == 0)
                    rcRows[0].Y += rcRows[0].Height;
                    _c1pdf.DrawString("No products in this category.", _fontBody, Brushes.Black,
                                      RectangleF.Union(rcRows[0], rcRows[5]));

            //add page headers
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void Create()
            _c1pdf = new C1PdfDocument();
            //create StringFormat for right-aligned fields
            _sfRight = new StringFormat();
            _sfRight.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
            _sfRightCenter = new StringFormat();
            _sfRightCenter.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
            _sfRightCenter.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

            //initialize pdf generator

            //get page rectangle, discount margins
            RectangleF rcPage = _c1pdf.PageRectangle;
            rcPage.Inflate(-72, -92);

            //loop through selected categories
            int page = 0;
            DataTable dt = GetCategories();
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                //add page break, update page counter
                if (page > 0) _c1pdf.NewPage();

                //get current category name
                string catName = (string)dr["CategoryName"];

                //add title to page
                _c1pdf.DrawString(catName, _fontTitle, Brushes.Blue, rcPage);

                //add outline entry
                _c1pdf.AddBookmark(catName, 0, 0);

                //build row template
                RectangleF[] rcRows = new RectangleF[6];
                for (int i = 0; i < rcRows.Length; i++)
                    rcRows[i] = RectangleF.Empty;
                    rcRows[i].Location = new PointF(rcPage.X, rcPage.Y + _fontHeader.SizeInPoints + 10);
                    rcRows[i].Size = new SizeF(0, _fontBody.SizeInPoints + 3);
                rcRows[0].Width = 110;		// Product Name
                rcRows[1].Width = 60;		// Unit Price
                rcRows[2].Width = 80;		// Qty/Unit
                rcRows[3].Width = 60;		// Stock Units
                rcRows[4].Width = 60;		// Stock Value
                rcRows[5].Width = 60;		// Reorder
                for (int i = 1; i < rcRows.Length; i++)
                    rcRows[i].X = rcRows[i - 1].X + rcRows[i - 1].Width + 8;

                //add column headers
                _c1pdf.FillRectangle(Brushes.DarkGray, RectangleF.Union(rcRows[0], rcRows[5]));
                _c1pdf.DrawString("Product Name", _fontHeader, Brushes.White, rcRows[0]);
                _c1pdf.DrawString("Unit Price", _fontHeader, Brushes.White, rcRows[1], _sfRight);
                _c1pdf.DrawString("Qty/Unit", _fontHeader, Brushes.White, rcRows[2]);
                _c1pdf.DrawString("Stock Units", _fontHeader, Brushes.White, rcRows[3], _sfRight);
                _c1pdf.DrawString("Stock Value", _fontHeader, Brushes.White, rcRows[4], _sfRight);
                _c1pdf.DrawString("Reorder", _fontHeader, Brushes.White, rcRows[5]);

                //loop through products in this category
                DataRow[] products = dr.GetChildRows("Categories_Products");

                foreach (DataRow product in products)
                    //move on to next row
                    for (int i = 0; i < rcRows.Length; i++)
                        rcRows[i].Y += rcRows[i].Height;

                    //add row with some data
                        _c1pdf.DrawString(product["ProductName"].ToString(), _fontBody, Brushes.Black, rcRows[0]);
                        _c1pdf.DrawString(string.Format("{0:c}", product["UnitPrice"]), _fontBody, Brushes.Black, rcRows[1], _sfRight);
                        _c1pdf.DrawString(string.Format("{0}", product["QuantityPerUnit"]), _fontBody, Brushes.Black, rcRows[2]);
                        _c1pdf.DrawString(string.Format("{0}", product["UnitsInStock"]), _fontBody, Brushes.Black, rcRows[3], _sfRight);
                        _c1pdf.DrawString(string.Format("{0:c}", product["ValueInStock"]), _fontBody, Brushes.Black, rcRows[4], _sfRight);
                        if ((bool)product["OrderNow"])
                            _c1pdf.DrawString("<<<", _fontBody, Brushes.Red, rcRows[5]);
                        // Debug.Assert(false);
                if (products.Length == 0)
                    rcRows[0].Y += rcRows[0].Height;
                    _c1pdf.DrawString("No products in this category.", _fontBody, Brushes.Black,
                                      RectangleF.Union(rcRows[0], rcRows[5]));

            //add page headers