Ejemplo n.º 1
        public AdvancedSearch(ASCriteria criteria)

            if (criteria != null)
                if (criteria.AddedFrom > DateTime.MinValue)
                    textBoxAddedFrom.Text = criteria.AddedFrom.ToString();
                if (criteria.AddedTo > DateTime.MinValue)
                    textBoxAddedTo.Text = criteria.AddedTo.ToString();
                textBoxAuthor.Text = criteria.Author;
                textBoxDOI.Text = criteria.Doi;
                if (criteria.Favorite == 0)
                    radioButtonNo.Checked = true;
                else if (criteria.Favorite == 1)
                    radioButtonYes.Checked = true;
                textBoxNotes.Text = criteria.Notes;
                textBoxTags.Text = criteria.Tags;
                textBoxTitle.Text = criteria.Title;
                if (criteria.YearFrom > 0)
                    textBoxYearFrom.Text = criteria.YearFrom.ToString();
                if (criteria.YearTo > 0)
                    textBoxYearTo.Text = criteria.YearTo.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void buttonAdvancedSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AdvancedSearch ads;
            if (this.criteria == null)
                ads = new AdvancedSearch();
                ads = new AdvancedSearch(this.criteria);
            List<Files> files = null;
            if (ads.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                files = dbm.getASFiles(ads.Criteria);

                this.criteria = ads.Criteria;

                if (treeViewDirs.Nodes.Count == 8)
                    treeViewDirs.Nodes.Add("Search result");

                treeViewDirs.SelectedNode = null;
                treeViewDirs.SelectedNode = treeViewDirs.Nodes[8];
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void buttonSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            textBoxYearFrom.ForeColor = Color.White;

            int yearFrom = 0;
            int yearTo = 0;
            DateTime addedFrom = DateTime.MinValue;
            DateTime addedTo = DateTime.MinValue;
            string errorMessage = "";

            if ((textBoxYearFrom.Text != "") && !(Int32.TryParse(textBoxYearFrom.Text, out yearFrom)))
                errorMessage += "Not valid year format. (Year: From:) Please give an integer.\n";
                textBoxYearFrom.ForeColor = Color.Red;

            if ((textBoxYearTo.Text != "") && !(Int32.TryParse(textBoxYearTo.Text, out yearTo)))
                errorMessage += "Not valid year format. (Year: To:) Please give an integer.\n";
                textBoxYearTo.ForeColor = Color.Red;

            if ((textBoxAddedFrom.Text != "") && !(DateTime.TryParse(textBoxAddedFrom.Text, out addedFrom)))
                errorMessage += "Not valid date format. (Added: From:) Please give a date.\n";
                textBoxAddedFrom.ForeColor = Color.Red;

            if ((textBoxAddedTo.Text != "") && !(DateTime.TryParse(textBoxAddedTo.Text, out addedTo)))
                errorMessage += "Not valid date format. (Added: To:) Please give a date.\n";
                textBoxAddedTo.ForeColor = Color.Red;

            if (errorMessage == "")
                int favorite = 2;

                if (radioButtonNo.Checked)
                    favorite = 0;
                else if (radioButtonYes.Checked)
                    favorite = 1;

                criteria = new ASCriteria(textBoxTitle.Text, textBoxAuthor.Text, yearFrom, yearTo, textBoxDOI.Text, textBoxTags.Text,
                    addedFrom, addedTo, textBoxNotes.Text, favorite);
                this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // This finds all files, which have 'Biztosítás' and 'pdf' tags on it.
        //Select *
        //From files As f
        //Where Exists    (
        //        Select 1
        //        From file_tag As ft
        //        LEFT JOIN tags t ON t.id = ft.tags_id
        //        Where t.name In('Biztosítás','pdf') --insert tags here, it can't be empty!
        //            And ft.files_id = f.Id
        //        Group By ft.files_id
        //        Having Count(*) = 2 --tags no.
        //        ) --insert addicional condition here
        public List<Files> getASFiles(ASCriteria criteria)
            List<Files> files = new List<Files>();

            string where = "";

            string command = @"SELECT  f.*, group_concat(t.name, ', ') AS tags_name FROM files f
                    LEFT JOIN file_tag ft ON ft.'files_id' = f.'id'
                    LEFT JOIN tags t ON ft.'tags_id' = t.'id'";

            if (criteria.Title != "")
                where += "and f.title LIKE $title ";

            if (criteria.Author != "")
                where += "and f.author LIKE $author ";

            if (criteria.Doi != "")
                where += "and f.doi LIKE $doi ";

            if (criteria.Tags != "")
                where += @"and Exists    (
                Select 1
                From file_tag As ft
                LEFT JOIN tags t ON t.id = ft.tags_id
                Where t.name In ({name_tags})
                    And ft.files_id = f.Id
                Group By ft.files_id
                Having Count(*) = $name_tags_count

            if (criteria.YearFrom != 0)
                where += "and f.year >= $yearFrom ";

            if (criteria.YearTo != 0)
                where += "and f.year <= $yearTo ";

            if (criteria.AddedFrom > DateTime.MinValue)
                where += "and f.added >= $addedFrom ";

            if (criteria.AddedTo > DateTime.MinValue)
                where += "and f.added <= $addedTo ";

            if (criteria.Notes != "")
                where += "and f.note LIKE $note ";

            if (criteria.Favorite == 1)
                where += "and f.favorite = 1 ";
            else if (criteria.Favorite == 0)
                where += "and f.favorite = 0 ";

            if (where != "")
                where = " WHERE " + where.Remove(0, 4);
                command += where;

            command += @" GROUP BY f.id";

            SQLiteCommand sqlc = new SQLiteCommand(command, dbConnection);
            if (criteria.Title != "")
                sqlc.Parameters.AddWithValue("$title", criteria.Title);

            if (criteria.Author != "")
                sqlc.Parameters.AddWithValue("$author", criteria.Author);

            if (criteria.Doi != "")
                sqlc.Parameters.AddWithValue("$doi", criteria.Doi);

            if (criteria.Tags != "")
                string[] tags = criteria.Tags.Split(new string[] { ", ", "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                sqlc.AddArrayParameters("name_tags", tags);
                sqlc.Parameters.AddWithValue("$name_tags_count", tags.Length);

            if (criteria.YearFrom != 0)
                sqlc.Parameters.AddWithValue("$yearFrom", criteria.YearFrom);

            if (criteria.YearTo != 0)
                sqlc.Parameters.AddWithValue("$yearTo", criteria.YearTo);

            if (criteria.AddedFrom > DateTime.MinValue)
                sqlc.Parameters.AddWithValue("$addedFrom", criteria.AddedFrom);

            if (criteria.AddedTo > DateTime.MinValue)
                sqlc.Parameters.AddWithValue("$addedTo", criteria.AddedTo);

            if (criteria.Notes != "")
                sqlc.Parameters.AddWithValue("$note", criteria.Notes);
            SQLiteDataReader sqldr = sqlc.ExecuteReader();
            while (sqldr.Read())
                // Do not use sqldr["id"].toString() because it won't work and kills the program!
                files.Add(new Files(

            return files;