/// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DestinyEntitiesItemsDestinyItemTalentGridComponent" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="TalentGridHash">Most items don&#39;t have useful talent grids anymore, but Builds in particular still do.  You can use this hash to lookup the DestinyTalentGridDefinition attached to this item, which will be crucial for understanding the node values on the item..</param>
 /// <param name="Nodes">Detailed information about the individual nodes in the talent grid.  A node represents a single visual \&quot;pip\&quot; in the talent grid or Build detail view, though each node may have multiple \&quot;steps\&quot; which indicate the actual bonuses and visual representation of that node..</param>
 /// <param name="IsGridComplete">Indicates whether the talent grid on this item is completed, and thus whether it should have a gold border around it.  Only will be true if the item actually *has* a talent grid, and only then if it is completed (i.e. every exclusive set has an activated node, and every non-exclusive set node has been activated).</param>
 /// <param name="GridProgression">If the item has a progression, it will be detailed here. A progression means that the item can gain experience. Thresholds of experience are what determines whether and when a talent node can be activated..</param>
 public DestinyEntitiesItemsDestinyItemTalentGridComponent(uint?TalentGridHash = default(uint?), List <DestinyDestinyTalentNode> Nodes = default(List <DestinyDestinyTalentNode>), bool?IsGridComplete = default(bool?), DestinyDestinyProgression GridProgression = default(DestinyDestinyProgression))
     this.TalentGridHash  = TalentGridHash;
     this.Nodes           = Nodes;
     this.IsGridComplete  = IsGridComplete;
     this.GridProgression = GridProgression;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DestinyEntitiesCharactersDestinyCharacterComponent" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="MembershipId">Every Destiny Profile has a membershipId. This is provided on the character as well for convenience..</param>
 /// <param name="MembershipType">membershipType tells you the platform on which the character plays. Examine the BungieMembershipType enumeration for possible values..</param>
 /// <param name="CharacterId">The unique identifier for the character..</param>
 /// <param name="DateLastPlayed">The last date that the user played Destiny..</param>
 /// <param name="MinutesPlayedThisSession">If the user is currently playing, this is how long they&#39;ve been playing..</param>
 /// <param name="MinutesPlayedTotal">If this value is 525,600, then they played Destiny for a year. Or they&#39;re a very dedicated Rent fan. Note that this includes idle time, not just time spent actually in activities shooting things..</param>
 /// <param name="Light">The user&#39;s calculated \&quot;Light Level\&quot;. Light level is an indicator of your power that mostly matters in the end game, once you&#39;ve reached the maximum character level: it&#39;s a level that&#39;s dependent on the average Attack/Defense power of your items..</param>
 /// <param name="Stats">Your character&#39;s stats, such as Agility, Resilience, etc... *not* historical stats.  You&#39;ll have to call a different endpoint for those..</param>
 /// <param name="RaceHash">Use this hash to look up the character&#39;s DestinyRaceDefinition..</param>
 /// <param name="GenderHash">Use this hash to look up the character&#39;s DestinyGenderDefinition..</param>
 /// <param name="ClassHash">Use this hash to look up the character&#39;s DestinyClassDefinition..</param>
 /// <param name="RaceType">Mostly for historical purposes at this point, this is an enumeration for the character&#39;s race.  It&#39;ll be preferable in the general case to look up the related definition: but for some people this was too convenient to remove..</param>
 /// <param name="ClassType">Mostly for historical purposes at this point, this is an enumeration for the character&#39;s class.  It&#39;ll be preferable in the general case to look up the related definition: but for some people this was too convenient to remove..</param>
 /// <param name="GenderType">Mostly for historical purposes at this point, this is an enumeration for the character&#39;s Gender.  It&#39;ll be preferable in the general case to look up the related definition: but for some people this was too convenient to remove. And yeah, it&#39;s an enumeration and not a boolean. Fight me..</param>
 /// <param name="EmblemPath">A shortcut path to the user&#39;s currently equipped emblem image. If you&#39;re just showing summary info for a user, this is more convenient than examining their equipped emblem and looking up the definition..</param>
 /// <param name="EmblemBackgroundPath">A shortcut path to the user&#39;s currently equipped emblem background image. If you&#39;re just showing summary info for a user, this is more convenient than examining their equipped emblem and looking up the definition..</param>
 /// <param name="EmblemHash">The hash of the currently equipped emblem for the user. Can be used to look up the DestinyInventoryItemDefinition..</param>
 /// <param name="EmblemColor">A shortcut for getting the background color of the user&#39;s currently equipped emblem without having to do a DestinyInventoryItemDefinition lookup..</param>
 /// <param name="LevelProgression">The progression that indicates your character&#39;s level. Not their light level, but their character level: you know, the thing you max out a couple hours in and then ignore for the sake of light level..</param>
 /// <param name="BaseCharacterLevel">The \&quot;base\&quot; level of your character, not accounting for any light level..</param>
 /// <param name="PercentToNextLevel">A number between 0 and 100, indicating the whole and fractional % remaining to get to the next character level..</param>
 public DestinyEntitiesCharactersDestinyCharacterComponent(long?MembershipId = default(long?), BungieMembershipType MembershipType = default(BungieMembershipType), long?CharacterId = default(long?), DateTime?DateLastPlayed = default(DateTime?), long?MinutesPlayedThisSession = default(long?), long?MinutesPlayedTotal = default(long?), int?Light = default(int?), Dictionary <string, int?> Stats = default(Dictionary <string, int?>), uint?RaceHash = default(uint?), uint?GenderHash = default(uint?), uint?ClassHash = default(uint?), DestinyDestinyRace RaceType = default(DestinyDestinyRace), DestinyDestinyClass ClassType = default(DestinyDestinyClass), DestinyDestinyGender GenderType = default(DestinyDestinyGender), string EmblemPath = default(string), string EmblemBackgroundPath = default(string), uint?EmblemHash = default(uint?), DestinyMiscDestinyColor EmblemColor = default(DestinyMiscDestinyColor), DestinyDestinyProgression LevelProgression = default(DestinyDestinyProgression), int?BaseCharacterLevel = default(int?), float?PercentToNextLevel = default(float?))
     this.MembershipId             = MembershipId;
     this.MembershipType           = MembershipType;
     this.CharacterId              = CharacterId;
     this.DateLastPlayed           = DateLastPlayed;
     this.MinutesPlayedThisSession = MinutesPlayedThisSession;
     this.MinutesPlayedTotal       = MinutesPlayedTotal;
     this.Light                = Light;
     this.Stats                = Stats;
     this.RaceHash             = RaceHash;
     this.GenderHash           = GenderHash;
     this.ClassHash            = ClassHash;
     this.RaceType             = RaceType;
     this.ClassType            = ClassType;
     this.GenderType           = GenderType;
     this.EmblemPath           = EmblemPath;
     this.EmblemBackgroundPath = EmblemBackgroundPath;
     this.EmblemHash           = EmblemHash;
     this.EmblemColor          = EmblemColor;
     this.LevelProgression     = LevelProgression;
     this.BaseCharacterLevel   = BaseCharacterLevel;
     this.PercentToNextLevel   = PercentToNextLevel;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DestinyEntitiesVendorsDestinyVendorComponent" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="VendorHash">The unique identifier for the vendor. Use it to look up their DestinyVendorDefinition..</param>
 /// <param name="AckState">Long ago, we thought it would be a good idea to have special UI that showed whether or not you&#39;ve seen a Vendor&#39;s inventory after cycling.   For now, we don&#39;t have that UI anymore. This property still exists for historical purposes. Don&#39;t worry about it..</param>
 /// <param name="NextRefreshDate">The date when this vendor&#39;s inventory will next rotate/refresh..</param>
 /// <param name="Enabled">If True, the Vendor is currently accessible.   If False, they may not actually be visible in the world at the moment..</param>
 /// <param name="CanPurchase">If True, you can purchase from the Vendor.  Theoretically, Vendors can be restricted from selling items. In practice, none do that (yet?)..</param>
 /// <param name="Progression">If the Vendor has a related Reputation, this is the Progression data that represents the character&#39;s Reputation level with this Vendor..</param>
 public DestinyEntitiesVendorsDestinyVendorComponent(uint?VendorHash = default(uint?), UserAckState AckState = default(UserAckState), DateTime?NextRefreshDate = default(DateTime?), bool?Enabled = default(bool?), bool?CanPurchase = default(bool?), DestinyDestinyProgression Progression = default(DestinyDestinyProgression))
     this.VendorHash      = VendorHash;
     this.AckState        = AckState;
     this.NextRefreshDate = NextRefreshDate;
     this.Enabled         = Enabled;
     this.CanPurchase     = CanPurchase;
     this.Progression     = Progression;