Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void UpdateAction(CollisionWorld collisionWorld, float deltaTimeStep)
            collisionWorld.ContactTest(RigidBody, _findGroundAndSteps);
            OnGround      = _findGroundAndSteps.HaveGround;
            _groundNormal = _findGroundAndSteps.GroundNormal;

            if (_stepping || _findGroundAndSteps.HaveStep)
                if (!_stepping)
                    _steppingTo        = _findGroundAndSteps.StepPoint;
                    _steppingInvNormal = _findGroundAndSteps.getInvNormal();

            if (OnGround || _stepping)
                /* Avoid going down on ramps, if already on ground, and clearGravity()
                 * is not enough */
                RigidBody.Gravity = Vector3.Zero;
                RigidBody.Gravity = _gravity;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public RigidBody LocalCreateRigidBody(float mass, Matrix startTransform, CollisionShape shape, bool isKinematic = false)
        //rigidbody is dynamic if and only if mass is non zero, otherwise static
        bool isDynamic = (mass != 0.0f);

        BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 localInertia = BulletSharp.Math.Vector3.Zero;
        if (isDynamic)
            shape.CalculateLocalInertia(mass, out localInertia);

        //using motionstate is recommended, it provides interpolation capabilities, and only synchronizes 'active' objects
        DefaultMotionState myMotionState = new DefaultMotionState(startTransform);

        RigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, myMotionState, shape, localInertia);
        RigidBody body = new RigidBody(rbInfo);

        if (isKinematic)
            body.CollisionFlags  = body.CollisionFlags | BulletSharp.CollisionFlags.KinematicObject;
            body.ActivationState = ActivationState.ActiveTag;


Ejemplo n.º 3
    static Vector3 ParallelComponent(ref Vector3 direction, ref Vector3 normal)
        float magnitude;

        Vector3.Dot(ref direction, ref normal, out magnitude);
        return(normal * magnitude);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // Update is called once per frame
        public void Update()
            lock (lck)
                if (mustUpdateTransform)
                    UnityEngine.Vector3    position = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref lastBulletTransform.Transform);
                    UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref lastBulletTransform.Transform);
                    // Interpolation is needed in threaded mode
                    // Maybe we can have a call to the physics engine in an update method instead ?
                    if (threadHelper != null && previousBulletTransform != null)
                        double currentTime = threadHelper.TotalSimulationTime;
                        UnityEngine.Vector3    previousPosition = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref previousBulletTransform.Transform);
                        UnityEngine.Quaternion previousRotation = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref previousBulletTransform.Transform);

                        double interpolationFactor = (currentTime - lastBulletTransform.TimeStamp) / (lastBulletTransform.TimeStamp - previousBulletTransform.TimeStamp);

                        transform.position = UnityEngine.Vector3.LerpUnclamped(previousPosition, position, (float)interpolationFactor);
                        transform.rotation = UnityEngine.Quaternion.SlerpUnclamped(previousRotation, rotation, (float)interpolationFactor);
                        transform.position = position;
                        transform.rotation = rotation;
                    mustUpdateTransform = false;
                pos = transform.position.ToBullet();
                rot = transform.rotation.ToBullet();
    //Think this is supposed doing the move and slide Riley reffered to.
    protected void UpdateTargetPositionBasedOnCollision(ref Vector3 hitNormal, float tangentMag, float normalMag)
        Vector3 movementDirection = targetPosition - currentPosition;
        float   movementLength    = movementDirection.Length;

        if (movementLength > MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON)

            Vector3 reflectDir = ComputeReflectionDirection(ref movementDirection, ref hitNormal);

            Vector3 perpindicularDir;

            perpindicularDir = PerpindicularComponent(ref reflectDir, ref hitNormal);

            targetPosition = currentPosition;

            if (normalMag != 0.0f)
                Vector3 perpComponent = perpindicularDir * (normalMag * movementLength);
                targetPosition += perpComponent;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public BGameObjectMotionState(Transform transform)
     this.transform = transform;
     pos            = transform.position.ToBullet();
     rot            = transform.rotation.ToBullet();
     threadHelper   = BPhysicsWorld.Get().PhysicsWorldHelper as BThreadedWorldHelper;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void CheckGround(ManifoldPoint cp)
            if (HaveGround)

            Matrix inverse = _controller.RigidBody.WorldTransform;

            Vector3 localPoint = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(cp.PositionWorldOnB, inverse);

            localPoint = new Vector3(localPoint.X, localPoint.Y + _controller.CapsuleHalfHeight, localPoint.Z);

            float r        = localPoint.Length;
            float cosTheta = localPoint.Y / r;

            if (System.Math.Abs(r - _controller.CapsuleRadius) <= _controller.GroundSearchMargin &&
                cosTheta < _controller.MaxCosGround)
                HaveGround   = true;
                GroundPoint  = cp.PositionWorldOnB;
                GroundNormal = cp.NormalWorldOnB;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public override void DrawTriangle(ref BM.Vector3 v0, ref BM.Vector3 v1, ref BM.Vector3 v2, ref BM.Vector3 color, float alpha)
     Gizmos.color = new Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z);
     Gizmos.DrawLine(v0.ToUnity(), v1.ToUnity());
     Gizmos.DrawLine(v1.ToUnity(), v2.ToUnity());
     Gizmos.DrawLine(v2.ToUnity(), v0.ToUnity());
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public override void DrawLine(ref BM.Vector3 from, ref BM.Vector3 to, ref BM.Vector3 fromColor, ref BM.Vector3 toColor)
     /* org
      * UnityEngine.Gizmos.color = new UnityEngine.Color(fromColor.X, fromColor.Y, fromColor.Z);
      * UnityEngine.Gizmos.DrawLine(from.ToUnity(), to.ToUnity());
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public override void DrawSphere(ref BM.Vector3 p, float radius, ref BM.Vector3 color)
     /* org
      * UnityEngine.Color c = new UnityEngine.Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z);
      * BUtility.DebugDrawSphere(p.ToUnity(),UnityEngine.Quaternion.identity,UnityEngine.Vector3.one, UnityEngine.Vector3.one * radius, c);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public override void DrawBox(ref BM.Vector3 bbMin, ref BM.Vector3 bbMax, ref BM.Vector3 color)
     UnityEngine.Bounds b = new UnityEngine.Bounds(bbMin.ToUnity(), UnityEngine.Vector3.zero);
     UnityEngine.Gizmos.color = new UnityEngine.Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z);
     UnityEngine.Gizmos.DrawWireCube(b.center, b.size);
Ejemplo n.º 12
    static Vector3 ComputeReflectionDirection(ref Vector3 direction, ref Vector3 normal)
        float dot;

        Vector3.Dot(ref direction, ref normal, out dot);
        return(direction - (2.0f * dot) * normal);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static Vector3 Cast(this BM.Vector3 vec)
            var output = new Vector3();

            *(BM.Vector3 *)&output = vec;
Ejemplo n.º 14
    protected RigidBody ResetRigidBody(RigidBody rb, float newMass, BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 newInertia, Matrix startTransform, CollisionShape shape, float friction = 0.5f, bool isKinematic = false)
        // basically detroys a rigid body and re-initializes it efficiently
        // doesn't recalculate moment of inertia or re-create the gfx object

        //using motionstate is recommended, it provides interpolation capabilities, and only synchronizes 'active' objects\
        float mass = newMass;

        BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 localInertia = newInertia;
        DefaultMotionState myMotionState = new DefaultMotionState(startTransform);

        RigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, myMotionState, shape, localInertia);

        rbInfo.Friction = friction;
        RigidBody body = new RigidBody(rbInfo);

        if (isKinematic)
            body.CollisionFlags  = body.CollisionFlags | BulletSharp.CollisionFlags.KinematicObject;
            body.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;


Ejemplo n.º 15
        public override void DrawArc(ref BM.Vector3 center, ref BM.Vector3 normal, ref BM.Vector3 axis, float radiusA, float radiusB, float minAngle, float maxAngle,
                                     ref BM.Vector3 color, bool drawSect, float stepDegrees)
            var col = new Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z);

            BUtility.DebugDrawArc(center.ToUnity(), normal.ToUnity(), axis.ToUnity(), radiusA, radiusB, minAngle, maxAngle, col, drawSect, stepDegrees);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public Vector3 getInvNormal()
            if (!HaveStep)
                return(new  Vector3(0, 0, 0));

             * Original code
             * btMatrix3x3 frame;
             * // Build it as step to world
             * frame[2].setValue(0, 0, 1);
             * frame[1] = mStepNormal;
             * frame[0] = frame[1].cross(frame[2]);
             * frame[0].normalize();
             * // Convert it to world to step
             * frame = frame.transpose();
             * return frame[1];

            Matrix frame = Matrix.Zero;

            // Build it as step to world
            frame.Column3 = new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0);
            frame.Column2 = new Vector4(_stepNormal, 0);
            var crossed = Vector3.Cross(
                new Vector3(frame.Column2.X, frame.Column2.Y, frame.Column2.Z),
                new Vector3(frame.Column3.X, frame.Column3.Y, frame.Column3.Z));

            frame.Column1 = new Vector4(crossed.X, crossed.Y, crossed.Z, 0);
            // Convert it to world to step
            return(new Vector3(frame.Column2.X, frame.Column2.Y, frame.Column2.Z));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public static Collider CreateDynamicCollider(CollisionShape shape, float mass, Matrix startTransform = default)
            Vector3   localInertia = shape.CalculateLocalInertia(mass);
            RigidBody body         = CreateBody(mass, startTransform, shape, localInertia);

Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static Collider CreateStaticCollider(CollisionShape shape, Matrix startTransform = default)
            Vector3   localInertia = Vector3.Zero;
            RigidBody body         = CreateBody(0, startTransform, shape, localInertia);

Ejemplo n.º 19
    /// <summary>
    /// Allows the user to select a robot node with their mouse and change the intake/release node
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="index">configuring index</param>
    public void SetMechanism(int index)
        //Casts a ray from the camera in the direction the mouse is in and returns the closest object hit
        Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

        BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 start = ray.origin.ToBullet();
        BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 end   = ray.GetPoint(200).ToBullet();

        //Creates a callback result that will be updated if we do a ray test with it
        ClosestRayResultCallback rayResult = new ClosestRayResultCallback(ref start, ref end);

        //Retrieves the bullet physics world and does a ray test with the given coordinates and updates the callback object
        BPhysicsWorld world = BPhysicsWorld.Get();

        world.world.RayTest(start, end, rayResult);

        //If there is a collision object and it is dynamic and not a robot part, change the gamepiece to that
        if (rayResult.CollisionObject != null)
            GameObject collisionObject = (rayResult.CollisionObject.UserObject as BRigidBody).gameObject;
            if (rayResult.CollisionObject.CollisionFlags == BulletSharp.CollisionFlags.StaticObject)
                UserMessageManager.Dispatch("Please click on a robot part", 3);
            else if (collisionObject == null)
                Debug.Log("DPM: Game object not found");
            else if (collisionObject.transform.parent == transform)
                if (definingIntake)
                    intakeNode[index] = collisionObject;
                    SetInteractor(intakeNode[index], index);

                    UserMessageManager.Dispatch(collisionObject.name + " has been selected as intake node", 5);

                    definingIntake = false;
                    releaseNode[index] = collisionObject;
                    SetInteractor(releaseNode[index], index);

                    UserMessageManager.Dispatch(collisionObject.name + " has been selected as release node", 5);

                    definingRelease = false;

                RevertNodeColors(hoveredNode, hoveredColors);
                UserMessageManager.Dispatch("A gamepiece is NOT a robot part!", 3);
        public override void Draw3dText(ref BM.Vector3 location, String textString)
            UnityEditor.Handles.Label(location.ToUnity(), textString);
            Debug.LogError("Not implemented");
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public override void DrawTriangle(ref BM.Vector3 v0, ref BM.Vector3 v1, ref BM.Vector3 v2, ref BM.Vector3 n0, ref BM.Vector3 n1, ref BM.Vector3 n2, ref BM.Vector3 color, float alpha)
     //todo normals and alpha
     UnityEngine.Gizmos.color = new UnityEngine.Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z);
     UnityEngine.Gizmos.DrawLine(v0.ToUnity(), v1.ToUnity());
     UnityEngine.Gizmos.DrawLine(v1.ToUnity(), v2.ToUnity());
     UnityEngine.Gizmos.DrawLine(v2.ToUnity(), v0.ToUnity());
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public override void DrawSphere(float radius, ref BM.Matrix trans, ref BM.Vector3 color)
     UnityEngine.Vector3    pos   = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref trans);
     UnityEngine.Quaternion rot   = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref trans);
     UnityEngine.Vector3    scale = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractScaleFromMatrix(ref trans);
     UnityEngine.Color      c     = new UnityEngine.Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z);
     BUtility.DebugDrawSphere(pos, rot, scale, UnityEngine.Vector3.one * radius, c);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public void ResetStatus()
     _targetSpeed      = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
     _isJumping        = false;
     OnGround          = false;
     RigidBody.Gravity = _gravity;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public override void DrawPlane(ref BM.Vector3 planeNormal, float planeConst, ref BM.Matrix trans, ref BM.Vector3 color)
     UnityEngine.Vector3    pos   = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref trans);
     UnityEngine.Quaternion rot   = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref trans);
     UnityEngine.Vector3    scale = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractScaleFromMatrix(ref trans);
     UnityEngine.Color      c     = new UnityEngine.Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z);
     BUtility.DebugDrawPlane(pos, rot, scale, planeNormal.ToUnity(), planeConst, c);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public override void DrawBox(ref BM.Vector3 bbMin, ref BM.Vector3 bbMax, ref BM.Matrix trans, ref BM.Vector3 color)
     UnityEngine.Vector3    pos   = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref trans);
     UnityEngine.Quaternion rot   = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref trans);
     UnityEngine.Vector3    scale = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractScaleFromMatrix(ref trans);
     UnityEngine.Vector3    size  = (bbMax - bbMin).ToUnity() / 2;
     UnityEngine.Color      c     = new UnityEngine.Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z);
     BUtility.DebugDrawBox(pos, rot, scale, size, c);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public override void SetGravityDirection(Vector3 direction)
            var d = Vector3.Normalize(direction);

            _gravityDirection = d;
            var gravity = _gravityDirection * _gravityStrength * 10.0f;

            _world.SetGravity(ref gravity);
    protected void SaveFinalState()
        m_comf = m_rb.CenterOfMassPosition;
        Matrix curTrans = m_rb.WorldTransform;

        m_posf      = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref curTrans);
        m_rotf      = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref curTrans);
        m_eulerrotf = m_rotf.eulerAngles;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public override void DrawSphere(float radius, ref BM.Matrix trans, ref BM.Vector3 color)
            var pos   = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref trans);
            var rot   = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref trans);
            var scale = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractScaleFromMatrix(ref trans);
            var c     = new Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z);

            BUtility.DebugDrawSphere(pos, rot, scale, Vector3.one * radius, c);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public override void DrawPlane(ref BM.Vector3 planeNormal, float planeConst, ref BM.Matrix trans, ref BM.Vector3 color)
            var pos   = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref trans);
            var rot   = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref trans);
            var scale = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractScaleFromMatrix(ref trans);
            var c     = new Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z);

            BUtility.DebugDrawPlane(pos, rot, scale, planeNormal.ToUnity(), planeConst, c);
        public override void DrawBox(ref BM.Vector3 bbMin, ref BM.Vector3 bbMax, ref BM.Vector3 color)
            Bounds b = new Bounds(bbMin.ToUnity(), Vector3.zero);

            Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
            Gizmos.color  = new Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z);
            Gizmos.DrawWireCube(b.center, b.size);
    //IMPORTANT Time.fixedTime must match the timestep being used here.
    public static List<UnityEngine.Vector3> SimulateBall(BRigidBody ballRb, UnityEngine.Vector3 ballThrowForce, int numberOfSimulationSteps, bool reverseOrder)
        var ballPositions = new List<UnityEngine.Vector3>(numberOfSimulationSteps);

        //Create a World
        Debug.Log("Initialize physics");

        CollisionConfiguration CollisionConf;
        CollisionDispatcher Dispatcher;
        BroadphaseInterface Broadphase;
        CollisionWorld cw;
        SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver Solver;
        BulletSharp.SoftBody.SoftBodyWorldInfo softBodyWorldInfo;

        //This should create a copy of the BPhysicsWorld with the same settings
        BPhysicsWorld bw = BPhysicsWorld.Get();
        bw.CreatePhysicsWorld(out cw, out CollisionConf, out Dispatcher, out Broadphase, out Solver, out softBodyWorldInfo);
        World = (DiscreteDynamicsWorld) cw;

        //Copy all existing rigidbodies in scene
        // IMPORTANT rigidbodies must be added to the offline world in the same order that they are in the source world
        // this is because collisions must be resolved in the same order for the sim to be deterministic
        DiscreteDynamicsWorld sourceWorld = (DiscreteDynamicsWorld) bw.world;
        BulletSharp.RigidBody bulletBallRb = null;
        BulletSharp.Math.Matrix mm = BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.Identity;
        for(int i = 0; i < sourceWorld.NumCollisionObjects; i++)
            CollisionObject co = sourceWorld.CollisionObjectArray[i];
            if (co != null && co.UserObject is BRigidBody)
                BRigidBody rb = (BRigidBody) co.UserObject;
                float mass = rb.isDynamic() ? rb.mass : 0f;
                BCollisionShape existingShape = rb.GetComponent<BCollisionShape>();
                CollisionShape shape = null;
                if (existingShape is BSphereShape)
                    shape = ((BSphereShape)existingShape).CopyCollisionShape();
                else if (existingShape is BBoxShape)
                    shape = ((BBoxShape)existingShape).CopyCollisionShape();

                RigidBody bulletRB = null;
                BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 localInertia = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3();
                rb.CreateOrConfigureRigidBody(ref bulletRB, ref localInertia, shape, null);
                BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 pos = rb.GetCollisionObject().WorldTransform.Origin;
                BulletSharp.Math.Quaternion rot = rb.GetCollisionObject().WorldTransform.GetOrientation();
                BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.AffineTransformation(1f, ref rot, ref pos, out mm);
                bulletRB.WorldTransform = mm;
                World.AddRigidBody(bulletRB, rb.groupsIBelongTo, rb.collisionMask);
                if (rb == ballRb)
                    bulletBallRb = bulletRB;

        //Step the simulation numberOfSimulationSteps times
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSimulationSteps; i++)
            int numSteps = World.StepSimulation(1f / 60f, 10, 1f / 60f);

        if (World != null)
            //remove/dispose constraints
            int i;
            for (i = World.NumConstraints - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                TypedConstraint constraint = World.GetConstraint(i);

            //remove the rigidbodies from the dynamics world and delete them
            for (i = World.NumCollisionObjects - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                CollisionObject obj = World.CollisionObjectArray[i];
                RigidBody body = obj as RigidBody;
                if (body != null && body.MotionState != null)


        if (Broadphase != null)
        if (Dispatcher != null)
        if (CollisionConf != null)

        return ballPositions;
Ejemplo n.º 32
        //called by Physics World just before rigid body is added to world.
        //the current rigid body properties are used to rebuild the rigid body.
        internal override bool _BuildCollisionObject()
            BPhysicsWorld world = BPhysicsWorld.Get();
            if (m_rigidBody != null) {
                if (isInWorld && world != null) {
                    isInWorld = false;

            if (transform.localScale != UnityEngine.Vector3.one) {
                BDebug.LogError(debugType, "The local scale on this rigid body is not one. Bullet physics does not support scaling on a rigid body world transform. Instead alter the dimensions of the CollisionShape.");

            m_collisionShape = GetComponent<BCollisionShape>();
            if (m_collisionShape == null) {
                BDebug.LogError(debugType, "There was no collision shape component attached to this BRigidBody. {0}", name);
                return false;

            CollisionShape cs = m_collisionShape.GetCollisionShape();
            //rigidbody is dynamic if and only if mass is non zero, otherwise static
            _localInertia = BulletSharp.Math.Vector3.Zero;
            if (isDynamic()) {
                cs.CalculateLocalInertia(_mass, out _localInertia);

            if (m_rigidBody == null) {
                m_motionState = new BGameObjectMotionState(transform);
                float bulletMass = _mass;
                if (!isDynamic())
                    bulletMass = 0f;

                RigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(bulletMass, m_motionState, cs, _localInertia);
                rbInfo.Friction = _friction;
                rbInfo.RollingFriction = _rollingFriction;
                rbInfo.LinearDamping = _linearDamping;
                rbInfo.AngularDamping = _angularDamping;
                rbInfo.Restitution = _restitution;
                rbInfo.LinearSleepingThreshold = _linearSleepingThreshold;
                rbInfo.AngularSleepingThreshold = _angularSleepingThreshold;
                rbInfo.AdditionalDamping = _additionalDamping;
                rbInfo.AdditionalAngularDampingFactor = _additionalAngularDampingFactor;
                rbInfo.AdditionalAngularDampingThresholdSqr = _additionalAngularDampingThresholdSqr;
                rbInfo.AdditionalDampingFactor = _additionalDampingFactor;
                rbInfo.AdditionalLinearDampingThresholdSqr = _additionalLinearDampingThresholdSqr;
                m_rigidBody = new RigidBody(rbInfo);
                m_rigidBody.UserObject = this;
                m_rigidBody.AngularVelocity = _angularVelocity.ToBullet();
                m_rigidBody.LinearVelocity = _linearVelocity.ToBullet();
            } else {
                float usedMass = 0f;
                if (isDynamic())
                    usedMass = _mass;
                m_rigidBody.SetMassProps(usedMass, _localInertia);
                m_rigidBody.Friction = _friction;
                m_rigidBody.RollingFriction = _rollingFriction;
                m_rigidBody.Restitution = _restitution;
                m_rigidBody.SetSleepingThresholds(_linearSleepingThreshold, _angularSleepingThreshold);
                m_rigidBody.AngularVelocity = _angularVelocity.ToBullet();
                m_rigidBody.LinearVelocity = _linearVelocity.ToBullet();
                m_rigidBody.CollisionShape = cs;

            m_rigidBody.CollisionFlags = m_collisionFlags;
            m_rigidBody.LinearFactor = _linearFactor.ToBullet();
            m_rigidBody.AngularFactor = _angularFactor.ToBullet();

            //if kinematic then disable deactivation
            if ((m_collisionFlags & BulletSharp.CollisionFlags.KinematicObject) != 0) {
                m_rigidBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 33
        //called by Physics World just before rigid body is added to world.
        //the current rigid body properties are used to rebuild the rigid body.
        internal bool _BuildRigidBody()
            BPhysicsWorld world = BPhysicsWorld.Get();
            if (m_Brigidbody != null) {
                if (isInWorld && world != null) {
                    isInWorld = false;

            if (transform.localScale != UnityEngine.Vector3.one) {
                Debug.LogError("The local scale on this rigid body is not one. Bullet physics does not support scaling on a rigid body world transform. Instead alter the dimensions of the CollisionShape.");

            m_collisionShape = GetComponent<BCollisionShape>();
            if (m_collisionShape == null) {
                Debug.LogError("There was no collision shape component attached to this BRigidBody. " + name);
                return false;

            CollisionShape cs = m_collisionShape.GetCollisionShape();
            //rigidbody is dynamic if and only if mass is non zero, otherwise static
            _localInertia = BulletSharp.Math.Vector3.Zero;
            if (_type == RBType.dynamic) {
                cs.CalculateLocalInertia(_mass, out _localInertia);

            if (m_Brigidbody == null) {
                m_motionState = new BGameObjectMotionState(transform);
                RigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo;
                if (_type == RBType.dynamic) {
                    rbInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(_mass, m_motionState, cs, _localInertia);
                } else {
                    rbInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(0, m_motionState, cs, localInertia);
                m_Brigidbody = new RigidBody(rbInfo);
            } else {
                m_Brigidbody.SetMassProps(_mass, localInertia);
                m_Brigidbody.CollisionShape = cs;

            if (_type == RBType.kinematic) {
                m_Brigidbody.CollisionFlags = m_Brigidbody.CollisionFlags | BulletSharp.CollisionFlags.KinematicObject;
                m_Brigidbody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation;
            if (_isTrigger)
                m_Brigidbody.CollisionFlags = m_Brigidbody.CollisionFlags | BulletSharp.CollisionFlags.NoContactResponse;
            return true;