Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static void Initialize()
     // create the queue if it doesn't yet exist
     // this call returns false if the queue was already created
     if (Queue.CreateIfNotExist())
         TraceLog.TraceInfo(String.Format("Created queue named '{0}'", queueName));
         TraceLog.TraceDetail(String.Format("Queue named '{0}' already exists", queueName));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static MQMessage <T> DequeueMessage <T>()
            var msg = Queue.GetMessage(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0d));

            if (msg == null)  // GetMessage doesn't block for a message

            TraceLog.TraceDetail(String.Format("Dequeued message ID {0} inserted {1}", msg.Id, msg.InsertionTime.ToString()));
            byte[] bytes = msg.AsBytes;
            var    ms    = new MemoryStream(bytes);
            DataContractJsonSerializer dcs = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(T));
            T             content          = (T)dcs.ReadObject(ms);
            MQMessage <T> returnMessage    = new MQMessage <T>()
                Content = content, MessageRef = msg

            TraceLog.TraceInfo(String.Format("Dequeued a {0}: {1}", content.GetType().Name, content.ToString()));

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override bool ProcessCreate(Item item)
            // base method extracts intent
            if (base.ProcessCreate(item))

            // assign category to the grocery item
            // create a new category fieldvalue in the item to process
            var categoryFV = item.GetFieldValue(FieldNames.Category, true);

            // check if the category for this item's name has already been saved under the $User/Grocery list
            // in this case, store the category in the incoming item
            var groceryCategoryFV = GetGroceryCategoryFieldValue(item);

            if (groceryCategoryFV != null && groceryCategoryFV.Value != null)
                categoryFV.Value = groceryCategoryFV.Value;

            // get the "intent" which in this case is the normalized name
            var intentName = item.Name.ToLower();
            var intentFV   = item.GetFieldValue(ExtendedFieldNames.Intent);

            if (intentFV != null && intentFV.Value != null)
                intentName = intentFV.Value;

            // set up the grocery API endpoint
            GroceryAPI gApi = new GroceryAPI();

            gApi.EndpointBaseUri = string.Format("{0}{1}/", HostEnvironment.DataServicesEndpoint, "Grocery");
            TraceLog.TraceDetail("GroceryAPI Endpoint: " + gApi.EndpointBaseUri);

            // try to find the category from the local Grocery Controller
                var results = gApi.Query(GroceryQueries.GroceryCategory, intentName).ToList();

                // this should only return one result
                if (results.Count > 0)
                    // get the category
                    foreach (var entry in results)
                        categoryFV.Value = entry[GroceryQueryResult.Category];
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(entry[GroceryQueryResult.ImageUrl]))
                            item.GetFieldValue(FieldNames.Picture, true).Value = entry[GroceryQueryResult.ImageUrl];
                        // only grab the first category
                    TraceLog.TraceInfo(String.Format("Grocery API assigned {0} category to item {1}", categoryFV.Value, item.Name));
            catch (Exception ex)
                TraceLog.TraceException("Grocery API or database commit failed", ex);

            // use the Supermarket API to get the grocery category
            SupermarketAPI smApi = new SupermarketAPI();

#if FALSE   // use the synchronous codepath for now
            // execute the call asynchronously so as to not block the response
            smApi.BeginQuery(SupermarketQueries.SearchByProductName, item.Name, new AsyncCallback((iar) =>
                    var results = smApi.EndQuery(iar);

                    // find the item using a new context
                    var context           = Storage.NewUserContext;
                    var groceryItem       = context.Items.Single(i => i.ID == item.ID);
                    FieldValue categoryFV = groceryItem.GetFieldValue(FieldNames.Category, true);

                    // get the category
                    foreach (var entry in results)
                        categoryFV.Value = entry[SupermarketQueryResult.Category];
                        // only grab the first category
                        TraceLog.TraceInfo(String.Format("ProcessCreate: assigned {0} category to item {1}", categoryFV.Value, item.Name));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    TraceLog.TraceException("ProcessCreate: Supermarket API or database commit failed", ex);
            }), null);
                var results = smApi.Query(SupermarketQueries.SearchByProductName, intentName);

                // get the category and image
                foreach (var entry in results)
                    categoryFV.Value = entry[SupermarketQueryResult.Category];
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(entry[SupermarketQueryResult.Image]))
                        item.GetFieldValue(FieldNames.Picture, true).Value = entry[SupermarketQueryResult.Image];

                    // write the data to the blob store
                    BlobStore.WriteBlobData(BlobStore.GroceryContainerName, entry[SupermarketQueryResult.Name], entry.ToString());

                    // only grab the first category
                    TraceLog.TraceInfo(String.Format("Supermarket API assigned {0} category to item {1}", categoryFV.Value, item.Name));
            catch (Exception ex)
                TraceLog.TraceException("Supermarket API or database commit failed", ex);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 // Create and add an Intent FieldValue to the item
 protected void CreateIntentFieldValue(Item item, string intent)
     item.GetFieldValue(ExtendedFieldNames.Intent, true).Value = intent;
     TraceLog.TraceDetail(String.Format("Assigned {0} intent to item {1}", intent, item.Name));