Ejemplo n.º 1
        ezTest.TestTargetResult RunTest(ezCMake.TestTarget target)
            ezTest.TestTargetResult res = new ezTest.TestTargetResult();
            res.Name = target.Name;
            res.NeedsHardwareAccess = target.NeedsHardwareAccess;
            res.Experimental        = target.Experimental;

            string sAbsBinDir      = System.IO.Path.Combine(_Settings.AbsBinPath, _Settings.Configuration);
            string sAbsBinFilename = System.IO.Path.Combine(sAbsBinDir, target.Name);
            string sAbsOutputPath  = System.IO.Path.Combine(_Settings.AbsOutputFolder, string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.json", _Settings.Configuration, _Settings.Revision, target.Name));

            // In case we are re-running a build process the output file may already exist and we need to make sure it doesn't
            // contaminate the new test run.
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(sAbsOutputPath))
                catch (Exception ex)
                    res.Error("Error deleting test output file ({0}): {1}", sAbsOutputPath, ex.Message);

            res.ProcessRes = ezProcessHelper.RunExternalExe(sAbsBinFilename, string.Format("-json \"{0}\" -rev {1} -nogui -all", sAbsOutputPath, _Settings.Revision), sAbsBinDir, res);
            res.Success    = (res.ProcessRes.ExitCode == 0);
            res.Duration   = res.ProcessRes.Duration;

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(sAbsOutputPath))
                res.TestResultJSON = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(sAbsOutputPath, Encoding.UTF8);
                res.Error("No output file present!");

            if (!res.Success && !res.Experimental)
                res.Error("Testing '{0}' failed!", res.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override ezTest.TestTargetResult BuildTarget(ezCMake.TestTarget target, BuildShared.BuildMachineSettings settings)
            ezTest.TestTargetResult res = new ezTest.TestTargetResult();
            res.Name = target.Name;
            res.NeedsHardwareAccess = target.NeedsHardwareAccess;
            res.Experimental        = target.Experimental;

            string absBinDir      = System.IO.Path.Combine(settings.AbsBinPath, settings.Configuration);
            string absBinFilename = System.IO.Path.Combine(absBinDir, target.Name);
            string outputFilename = GetOutputFileName(target, settings);
            string absOutputPath  = System.IO.Path.Combine(settings.AbsOutputFolder, outputFilename);

            if (!DeleteOutputFile(absOutputPath, ref res))

            res.ProcessRes = ezProcessHelper.RunExternalExe(absBinFilename, GetDefaultTestArgs(absOutputPath, settings), absBinDir, res);
            res.Success    = (res.ProcessRes.ExitCode == 0);
            res.Duration   = res.ProcessRes.Duration;

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(absOutputPath))
                res.TestResultJSON = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(absOutputPath, Encoding.UTF8);
                res.Error("No output file present!");

            if (!res.Success && !res.Experimental)
                res.Error("Testing '{0}' failed!", res.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private BuildStepResults DeployAppX(ezCMake.TestTarget target, BuildMachineSettings settings, out string fullPackageName)
            Console.WriteLine("Deploying AppX ...");

            BuildStepResults result = new BuildStepResults();

            fullPackageName = "";

            string absSlnPath = Path.Combine(settings.AbsCMakeWorkspace, "ezEngine.sln");

            if (!File.Exists(absSlnPath))
                result.Error("Visual Studio solution '{0}' does not exist.", absSlnPath);

            // VSLauncher vs using devenv.exe directly.
            // Pro VSLauncher:
            // - It picks always the appropriate VS version
            // - We know more certainly where it is
            // Con VSLauncher:
            // - Spawns devenv.exe and closes again (we don't know when devenv.exe finishes or if it came up in the first place)
            // - No console output

            //string VSLauncherAbsPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(VSLauncherLocation);
            //if (!File.Exists(VSLauncherAbsPath))
            //  result.Error("Did not find Visual Studio launcher at '{0}'.", VSLauncherAbsPath);
            //  return result;

            // Using this registry key we should always get the newest devenv version.
            // Since newer versions can use old compilers & SDKs this should be perfectly fine.
            // https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/568e32af-d724-4ac6-8e8f-72181c4320b3/set-default-version-of-visual-studio?forum=vssetup
            string devEnvPath;

                using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\devenv.exe"))
                    if (key != null)
                        devEnvPath = key.GetValue("") as string;
                        if (devEnvPath == null)
                            result.Error("Failed to read Visual Studio location from registry key: No string value in key found.");
                        result.Error("Failed to read Visual Studio location from registry key: Registry key not found.");
            catch (Exception e)
                result.Error("Failed to read Visual Studio location from registry key: {0}", e);

            // Use ".com" version which writes into stdout
            devEnvPath = devEnvPath.Replace("devenv.exe", "devenv.com");

            if (!File.Exists(devEnvPath))
                result.Error("Did not find Visual Studio installation at '{0}'.", devEnvPath);

            // "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.com" "F:\Development\current_development\ezEngine\build_uwp64\ezEngine.sln" /Deploy "RelWithDebInfo|x64" /project CoreTest

            string platform             = settings.Configuration.EndsWith("64") ? "x64" : "Win32"; // No ARM support yet.
            var    deployProcessResults = ezProcessHelper.RunExternalExe(devEnvPath,
                                                                         string.Format("\"{0}\" /Deploy \"{1}|{2}\" /project {3}", absSlnPath, settings.BuildType, platform, target.Name), null, result);

            result.Duration = deployProcessResults.Duration;
            if (deployProcessResults.ExitCode != 0)
                result.Error("Deployment failed:\n{0}", deployProcessResults.StdOut);
                result.Success = false;
                // Get full package name from deploy output.
                // From the build configuration we only know the package name, not the full identifier. This little parse saves us from searching the package registry.
                string fullPackageNameStartString = "Full package name: \"";
                int    begin = deployProcessResults.StdOut.LastIndexOf(fullPackageNameStartString) + fullPackageNameStartString.Length;
                int    end   = deployProcessResults.StdOut.IndexOf("\"", begin);
                if (begin < 0 || end < 0)
                    result.Error("Failed to parse full package name from Visual Studio output. Output was:\n'{0}'.", deployProcessResults.StdOut);
                fullPackageName = deployProcessResults.StdOut.Substring(begin, end - begin);

                result.Success = true;

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override ezTest.TestTargetResult BuildTarget(ezCMake.TestTarget target, BuildMachineSettings settings)
            ezTest.TestTargetResult res = new ezTest.TestTargetResult();
            res.Name = target.Name;
            res.NeedsHardwareAccess = target.NeedsHardwareAccess;
            res.Experimental        = target.Experimental;

            // Prepare output path (may fail, and we don't want to go through the rest if it does)
            string outputFilename = GetOutputFileName(target, settings);
            string absOutputPath  = System.IO.Path.Combine(settings.AbsOutputFolder, outputFilename);

            if (!DeleteOutputFile(absOutputPath, ref res))

            // Deploy app.
            string fullPackageName;
            var    deployResult = DeployAppX(target, settings, out fullPackageName);

            if (!deployResult.Success)

            // Start AppX
            uint appXPid;
            var  startResult = StartAppX(fullPackageName, GetDefaultTestArgs(outputFilename, settings), out appXPid);

            if (!startResult.Success)
            Process appXProcess;

                appXProcess = Process.GetProcessById((int)appXPid);
            catch (Exception e)
                res.Error("Failed to get process handle to test app: {0}", e);

            // Start fileserver.
            string absFilerserveFilename = GetFileserverPath(settings);

            if (!File.Exists(absFilerserveFilename))
                res.Error("No fileserver found. File '{0}' does not exist.", absFilerserveFilename);
                string absBinDir       = Path.Combine(settings.AbsBinPath, settings.Configuration);
                string absTestDataPath = Path.Combine(settings.AbsCodePath, relativeTestDataPath);
                // 20s timeout for connect, 2s timeout for closing after connection loss.
                string args = string.Format("-specialdirs project \"{0}\" eztest \"{1}\" -fs_start -fs_wait_timeout 20 -fs_close_timeout 2", absTestDataPath, settings.AbsOutputFolder);
                res.ProcessRes = ezProcessHelper.RunExternalExe(absFilerserveFilename, args, absBinDir, res);
                res.Duration  += res.ProcessRes.Duration;
                res.Success    = (res.ProcessRes.ExitCode == 0);

            // Top watch.

            // Check whether the AppX is dead by now.
            if (!appXProcess.HasExited)
                res.Error("Fileserve is no longer running but the AppX is.");
                res.Success = false;
            // Can't read exit code: "Process was not started by this object, so requested information cannot be determined"

             * {
             * if (appXProcess.ExitCode != 0)
             * {
             *  res.Error("Test AppX exited with {0}", appXProcess.ExitCode);
             *  res.Success = false;
             * }
             * }*/
            appXProcess = null;

            // Read test output.
            if (File.Exists(absOutputPath))
                res.TestResultJSON = File.ReadAllText(absOutputPath, Encoding.UTF8);
                //TODO: use test json output as stdout substitute until pipes are implemented.
                res.ProcessRes.StdOut = res.TestResultJSON;
                    // Parse test output to figure out what the result is as we can't use the exit code.
                    var values = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, dynamic> >(res.TestResultJSON);
                    var errors = values["errors"] as Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray;
                    res.Success = errors.Count == 0;
                catch (Exception e)
                    res.Success = false;
                    res.Error("Failed to parse test output: '{0}'", e.ToString());
                res.Error("No output file present!");
                res.Success = false;

            if (!res.Success && !res.Experimental)
                res.Error("Testing '{0}' failed!", res.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public abstract ezTest.TestTargetResult BuildTarget(ezCMake.TestTarget target, BuildMachineSettings settings);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected string GetOutputFileName(ezCMake.TestTarget target, BuildMachineSettings settings)
     return(string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.json", settings.Configuration, settings.Revision, target.Name));