Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ValidatePaymentOnDeleting()
            if (this.IsCashReported)
                ValidationErrors.Add("PaymentValue", "Не може да се избрише плаќање кое е раздолжено со касов извештај!");
            if (this.IsFactured)
                ValidationErrors.Add("PaymentValue", "Не може да се избрише плаќање за кое е фактурирана брокеража!");
            Rate   currentRate         = Rate.Get(this.RateID);
            string query               = "SELECT r.Number FROM Payments p, Rates r WHERE p.RateID = r.ID AND r.PolicyItemID = " + currentRate.PolicyItemID + " ORDER BY r.Number";
            DataClassesDataContext dc  = new DataClassesDataContext();
            List <int>             lst = dc.ExecuteQuery <int>(query).ToList();

            if (lst != null)
                if (lst.Count > 0)
                    if (lst.Last() != currentRate.Number)
                        ValidationErrors.Add("PaymentValue", "Не може да се избрише плаќање кое не е последно за полисата!");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static List <FinCardSaldo> GetForFinCard(int clientID, string itemsType)
            DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            string query = string.Empty;

            query = @"select p.id, pi.policynumber, p.applicationdate, pi.premiumvalue as dolzi,
                            isnull((select sum(pay.value) from policies p1, policyitems pi1, rates r, payments pay
                            where pi1.policyid=p1.id and r.policyitemid=pi1.id
                            and pay.rateid=r.id
                            and p1.id=p.id),0) as pobaruva,
                            pi.premiumvalue - isnull((select sum(pay.value) from policies p1, policyitems pi1, rates r, payments pay
                            where pi1.policyid=p1.id and r.policyitemid=pi1.id
                            and pay.rateid=r.id
                            and p1.id=p.id),0) as saldo
                            from policies p, policyitems pi
                            where pi.policyid=p.id
                            and p.clientid = " + clientID +
                    @" order by p.applicationdate desc";

            List <FinCardSaldo> lst = dc.ExecuteQuery <FinCardSaldo>(query).ToList();

            if (itemsType == "OpenItems")
                lst = lst.Where(c => c.dolzi != c.pobaruva).OrderBy(c => c.applicationdate).ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static List <FactureItemGrouped> GetForCashPayments(int companyID, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
            DataClassesDataContext dcdc = new DataClassesDataContext();

            DateTime dt1 = toDate;
            DateTime dt2 = fromDate;
            int      d1  = dt1.Day;
            int      m1  = dt1.Month;
            int      y1  = dt1.Year;
            int      d2  = dt2.Day;
            int      m2  = dt2.Month;
            int      y2  = dt2.Year;

            string query2 = @" SELECT count(p.ID)as PaymentsCount,sum(cpi.value) as TotalValue,ist.ID as InsuranceSubTypeID
                                FROM CashPayments p 
								INNER JOIN Policies pol ON p.policyID = pol.ID
								INNER JOIN PolicyItems poli ON pol.ID = poli.policyID
								INNER JOIN CashPaymentItems cpi ON p.ID= cpi.CashPaymentID
								INNER JOIN InsuranceSubTypes ist ON ist.ID = poli.InsuranceSubTypeID
								INNER JOIN InsuranceCompanies ic ON ic.ID =pol.InsuranceCompanyID
                                WHERE p.Discarded = 0 and ic.ID= " + companyID +
                            @" AND pol.ApplicationDate <= '" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 +
                            @"' AND pol.ApplicationDate >= '" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 +
                            @"'GROUP BY ist.ID";

            List <FactureItemGrouped> fit = dcdc.ExecuteQuery <FactureItemGrouped>(query2).ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static decimal GetPaidValueForRateExtend(int rateID)
            DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            string  query             = @"SELECT isnull(SUM(Value),0) AS paidValue FROM Payments p
                            WHERE p.RateID = " + rateID;
            decimal paidValue         = 0;

            paidValue = dc.ExecuteQuery <decimal>(query).SingleOrDefault();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void ValidatePayment()
            if (this.Value <= 0)
                ValidationErrors.Add("PaymentValue", "Мора да се внесе вредност поголема од 0!");
            if (this.IsCashReported)
                ValidationErrors.Add("PaymentValue", "Не може да се менува плаќање кое е раздолжено со касов извештај!");
            if (this.IsFactured)
                ValidationErrors.Add("PaymentValue", "Не може да се менува плаќање за кое е фактурирана брокеража!");
            Rate rate = Rate.Get(this.RateID);

            if (this.Value > rate.Value)
                ValidationErrors.Add("PaymentValue", "Не може да се внесе поголем износ од вредноста на ратата!");
            decimal oldValuePerPayment = 0;
            decimal paidValueForRate   = 0;
            string  queryOldValue      = @"SELECT Value FROM Payments WHERE ID = " + this.ID;
            DataClassesDataContext dc  = new DataClassesDataContext();

            oldValuePerPayment = dc.ExecuteQuery <decimal>(queryOldValue).SingleOrDefault();
            string queryGetPaidValueForRate = @"SELECT PaidValue FROM Rates WHERE ID = " + this.RateID;

            paidValueForRate = dc.ExecuteQuery <decimal>(queryGetPaidValueForRate).SingleOrDefault();
            decimal minValue           = paidValueForRate - oldValuePerPayment;
            decimal maxValuePerPayment = rate.Value - minValue;

            if (this.Value > maxValuePerPayment)
                ValidationErrors.Add("PaymentValue", "Не може да се внесе поголем износ од преостаната вредност за плаќање на ратата!");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gi vrakja site funkcii za opredelena rolja
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roleID">int roleID</param>
        /// <returns>Vrakja numerirana lista (IEnumerable)</returns>
        /// Se povikuva vo EmployeeCreators\EmployeeController.cs i
        /// UserManagementControllers\RolesManagementController.cs
        public static IEnumerable <Function> GetFucntionsByRole(int roleID)
            DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            string query = @"SELECT f.ID, f.Name, f.Description
                             FROM Roles r
                             INNER JOIN RolesFunctions rs ON r.ID = rs.RoleID
                             INNER JOIN Functions f ON rs.FunctionId = f.ID 
                             WHERE r.ID= " + roleID;

            return(dc.ExecuteQuery <Function>(query));
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: User.cs Proyecto: yonass/ASUC2
        // TODO: Da se preprave u LINQ
        /// <summary>
        /// Vrakja lista so "deca" ma Userot
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId">int userID</param>
        /// <returns>Vrakja numerirana lista (IEnumerable)</returns>
        /// se povikuva vo UsersManagementControllers\RolesManagementController.cs
        public static IEnumerable <User> GetChildUsers(int userId)
            DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            string query = @"SELECT u2.ID, u2.RoleID, u2.Username
                             FROM  Users u1
                             INNER JOIN UsersParentships up ON u1.ID = up.ParentID
                             INNER JOIN Users u2 ON up.ChildId= u2.ID 
                             WHERE u1.ID= " + userId;

            return(dc.ExecuteQuery <User>(query));
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: User.cs Proyecto: yonass/ASUC2
        // TODO: Da se preprave u LINQ
        /// <summary>
        /// Gi vrakja funkciite koi gi ima user-ot,a ne se vo roljata
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId">int userID</param>
        /// <returns>Vrakja numerirana lista (IEnumerable)</returns>
        /// se povikuva vo UsersManagementControllers\RolesManagementController.cs
        public static IEnumerable <Function> GetCustomFunctions(int userId)
            DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            string query = @"SELECT f.ID, f.Name, f.Description,f.CanBeGiven
                             FROM  Users u
                             INNER JOIN UsersFunctions uf ON u.ID = uf.UserID
                             INNER JOIN Functions f ON uf.FunctionId = f.ID 
                             WHERE u.ID= " + userId;

            return(dc.ExecuteQuery <Function>(query));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static List <PolicyItem> GetForRollBackFromPreviousMonths(DateTime startDate, int insuranceCompanyID, int branchID)
            string query = @"select pitems.* from policies p 
                            INNER JOIN policyitems pitems ON p.id = pitems.policyid
                            where p.applicationdate<'" + startDate.Year + - +startDate.Month + - +startDate.Day +
                           @"'and pitems.IsRollBacked = 0 and p.insurancecompanyid=" + insuranceCompanyID +
                           @" and p.BranchID = " + branchID;

            DataClassesDataContext dcdc          = new DataClassesDataContext();
            List <PolicyItem>      policyNumbers = dcdc.ExecuteQuery <PolicyItem>(query).ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static List <PolicyItem> GetForGroupFactures(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int clientID)
            string query = @"select pi.* from clients c
                            INNER JOIN policies p ON c.id = p.clientID
                            INNER JOIN policyitems pi ON pi.policyID = p.ID
                            WHERE p.discard = 0 and pi.IsFactureCreated = 0 and
                            p.ApplicationDate >='" + startDate.Year + - +startDate.Month + - +startDate.Day +
                           @"' and p.applicationdate<='" + endDate.Year + - +endDate.Month + - +endDate.Day +
                           @"'and c.ID =" + clientID;
            DataClassesDataContext dcdc        = new DataClassesDataContext();
            List <PolicyItem>      policyItems = dcdc.ExecuteQuery <PolicyItem>(query).ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static List <Client> GetForGroupFactures(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            string query = @"select c.name,c.id from clients c
                            INNER JOIN policies p ON c.id = p.clientID
                            INNER JOIN policyitems pi ON pi.policyID = p.ID
                            WHERE p.discard = 0 and pi.IsFactureCreated = 0 and pi.IsPaidInBrokerHouse=1 and
                            p.ApplicationDate >='" + startDate.Year + - +startDate.Month + - +startDate.Day +
                           @"' and p.applicationdate<='" + endDate.Year + - +endDate.Month + - +endDate.Day +
                           @"'group by c.name,c.id";
            DataClassesDataContext dcdc    = new DataClassesDataContext();
            List <Client>          clients = dcdc.ExecuteQuery <Client>(query).ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static List <Payment> GetByPolicyItemIDExtend(int policyItemID)
            DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            string         query      = "SELECT p.* FROM Payments p, Rates r WHERE p.RateID = r.ID AND r.PolicyItemID = " + policyItemID + " ORDER BY p.ID";
            List <Payment> lst        = dc.ExecuteQuery <Payment>(query).ToList();

            if (lst != null)
                return(new List <Payment>());
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static List <Rate> GetByPolicyItemIDExtend(int policyItemID)
            DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            string      query         = "SELECT r.* from Rates r WHERE r.PolicyItemID = " + policyItemID + " ORDER BY r.ID";
            List <Rate> lstRates      = dc.ExecuteQuery <Rate>(query).ToList();

            if (lstRates != null)
                return(new List <Rate>());
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static decimal GetPaidValueForPolicyItemExtend(int policyItemID)
            decimal retValue          = 0;
            DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            string  query             = @"select sum(payments.value) as paidvalue
                        from payments, rates, policyitems
                        where payments.rateid=rates.id
                        and rates.policyitemid=policyitems.id
                        and policyitems.id = " + policyItemID;
            decimal?dQuery            = dc.ExecuteQuery <decimal?>(query).SingleOrDefault();

            if (dQuery != null)
                retValue = (decimal)dQuery;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static List <InsuranceCompany> GetForFacturing(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
            string query = @"select insuranceCompanyid from policies p 
                           INNER JOIN policyitems pitems ON p.id = pitems.policyid
                           INNER JOIN cashpayments cp ON cp.policyid = pitems.id
                           where p.applicationdate >='" + fromDate.Year + - +fromDate.Month + - +fromDate.Day +
                           @"' and p.applicationdate<='" + toDate.Year + - +toDate.Month + - +toDate.Day +
                           @"'group by insuranceCompanyid";
            DataClassesDataContext  dcdc   = new DataClassesDataContext();
            List <int>              idList = dcdc.ExecuteQuery <int>(query).ToList();
            List <InsuranceCompany> icList = new List <InsuranceCompany>();

            foreach (int id in idList)
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static List <FinCardSaldo> GetForFinCard(int clientID)
            DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            string query = @"select p.id, pi.policynumber, p.applicationdate, pi.premiumvalue as dolzi,
                            isnull((select sum(pay.value) from policies p1, policyitems pi1, rates r, payments pay
                            where pi1.policyid=p1.id and r.policyitemid=pi1.id
                            and pay.rateid=r.id
                            and p1.id=p.id),0) as pobaruva,
                            isnull(pi.premiumvalue - (select sum(pay.value) from policies p1, policyitems pi1, rates r, payments pay
                            where pi1.policyid=p1.id and r.policyitemid=pi1.id
                            and pay.rateid=r.id
                            and p1.id=p.id),0) as saldo
                            from policies p, policyitems pi
                            where pi.policyid=p.id
                            and p.clientid = " + clientID +
                           @" order by p.id";
            List <FinCardSaldo> lst = dc.ExecuteQuery <FinCardSaldo>(query).ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public static int GetPolicyIDForPolicyItemsWithMaxCount()
            string query = @"select policyid
                            from policyitems
                            group by policyid
                            order by count(1)";
            //List<int> myList = new List<int>();
            DataClassesDataContext db        = new DataClassesDataContext();
            List <int>             highCount = db.ExecuteQuery <int>(query).ToList();

            //IEnumerable<int> neso = db.ExecuteQuery<int>(query);
            if (highCount.Count == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static List <PolicyItem> GetFromPreivousMonths(DateTime startDate, int companyID)
            DataClassesDataContext dcdc = new DataClassesDataContext();

            List <PolicyItem> policyItemsList = new List <PolicyItem>();

            string queryPayments = @"select pitems.id from policies p 
                                     INNER JOIN policyitems pitems ON p.id = pitems.policyid
                                     INNER JOIN rates r ON r.policyitemid=pitems.id 
                                     INNER JOIN payments pay ON pay.rateid = r.id
                                     where p.discard = 0 and pay.date<'" + startDate.Year + - +startDate.Month + - +startDate.Day +
                                   @"'and pay.isfactured = 0 and p.insurancecompanyid=" + companyID + " group by pitems.id";

            IEnumerable <int> idPaymentsList = dcdc.ExecuteQuery <int>(queryPayments);

            foreach (int id in idPaymentsList)
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public static void UpdateExtend(Rate oldEntity, Rate newEntity)
            decimal polValue          = PolicyItem.Get(newEntity.PolicyItemID).PremiumValue;
            DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            string value = newEntity.Value.ToString();

            value = value.Replace(',', '.');
            string query = "Update Rates SET Value = " + value + " , Date = '" + newEntity.Date.Year + - +newEntity.Date.Month + - +newEntity.Date.Day + "' WHERE ID = " + newEntity.ID;

            //Cascade update rest rates
            string      selQuery    = @"Select r.* FROM Rates r WHERE r.PolicyItemID = " + newEntity.PolicyItemID + " ORDER BY r.Number";
            List <Rate> lstAllRates = dc.ExecuteQuery <Rate>(selQuery).ToList();

            if (lstAllRates != null)
                if (lstAllRates.Count > 0)
                    List <Rate> lstPreviousRates = lstAllRates.Where(c => c.Number <= oldEntity.Number).ToList();
                    decimal     totValue         = 0;
                    foreach (Rate rate in lstPreviousRates)
                        totValue += rate.Value;
                    List <Rate> lstRateForUpdates = lstAllRates.Where(c => c.Number > oldEntity.Number).ToList();
                    if (lstRateForUpdates.Count > 0)
                        decimal rightValue = (polValue - totValue) / lstRateForUpdates.Count;
                        foreach (Rate rateU in lstRateForUpdates)
                            string valueU = rightValue.ToString();
                            valueU = valueU.Replace(',', '.');
                            string queryU = "Update Rates SET Value = " + valueU + " WHERE ID = " + rateU.ID;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public static List <Payment> GetInPeriod(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, List <int> lstBranhces,
                                                 List <int> lstInsuranceCompanies, List <int> lstInsuranceSubTypes, List <int> lstUsers, List <int> lstMarketingAgents)
            DateTime dt1 = fromDate;
            DateTime dt2 = toDate;
            int      d1  = dt1.Day;
            int      m1  = dt1.Month;
            int      y1  = dt1.Year;
            int      d2  = dt2.Day;
            int      m2  = dt2.Month;
            int      y2  = dt2.Year;
            DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            string query = @"SELECT pay.* from payments pay, rates r, policyitems pi, policies p
                             where r.policyitemid=pi.id and pi.policyid=p.id and pay.rateid=r.id and p.branchid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstBranhces) + ") " +
                           @" and p.userid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstUsers) + ") " +
                           @" and p.insurancecompanyid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstInsuranceCompanies) + ") " +
                           @" and pi.insurancesubtypeid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstInsuranceSubTypes) + ") " +
                           @" and pay.date>='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "'" +
                           @" and pay.date<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'" +
                           @" and p.discard = 0 ";
            List <Payment> lst = dc.ExecuteQuery <Payment>(query).ToList();
