public ActionResult Create(StudentInquiryForm form, string permalink)
     var tour = _tourService.FindByPermalink(permalink);
       _mailer.SendStudentInquiry(tour, form);
       TempData [ "Info" ] = "We've submitted your inquiry and will be in touch shortly.";
       return RedirectToRoute("tour-show", new { permalink });
 public EmailResult StudentInquiryEmail(Tour tour, StudentInquiryForm form)
       // TODO: from address should be configurable somewhere
       From = "*****@*****.**";
       Subject = string.Format("Student Inquiry for {0}", tour.Name);
       return Email("StudentInquiry", new StudentInquiry { Tour = tour, Form = form });
        public ActionResult StudentInquiryForm(string permalink)
            var studentenquiryform = new StudentInquiryForm() { TourPermalink = permalink };

            return View(studentenquiryform);
 public void SendStudentInquiry(Tour tour, StudentInquiryForm form)
     // TODO: Mails are sent synchronously
       // this probably still should be refactored to use a real bg process
       _controller.StudentInquiryEmail(tour, form).Deliver();