Ejemplo n.º 1
        public SampleDataSource()
            String ITEM_CONTENT = String.Format("Item Content: {0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}",
                        "Curabitur class aliquam vestibulum nam curae maecenas sed integer cras phasellus suspendisse quisque donec dis praesent accumsan bibendum pellentesque condimentum adipiscing etiam consequat vivamus dictumst aliquam duis convallis scelerisque est parturient ullamcorper aliquet fusce suspendisse nunc hac eleifend amet blandit facilisi condimentum commodo scelerisque faucibus aenean ullamcorper ante mauris dignissim consectetuer nullam lorem vestibulum habitant conubia elementum pellentesque morbi facilisis arcu sollicitudin diam cubilia aptent vestibulum auctor eget dapibus pellentesque inceptos leo egestas interdum nulla consectetuer suspendisse adipiscing pellentesque proin lobortis sollicitudin augue elit mus congue fermentum parturient fringilla euismod feugiat");

            var group1 = new SampleDataGroup("Group-1",
                 "Gardening Art",
                 "Gardening Art",
                 "Garden design is considered to be an art in most cultures, distinguished from gardening, which generally means garden maintenance. Garden design can include different themes such as perennial, butterfly, wildlife, Japanese, water, tropical, or shade gardens. In Japan, Samurai and Zen monks were often required to build decorative gardens or practice related skills like flower arrangement.");

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item1",
                 "Gardening is the practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture. In gardens, ornamental plants are often grown for their flowers, foliage, or overall appearance; useful plants, such as root vegetables, leaf vegetables, fruits, and herbs, are grown for consumption, for use as dyes, or for medicinal or cosmetic use.",
                 "Gardening is the practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture. In gardens, ornamental plants are often grown for their flowers, foliage, or overall appearance; useful plants, such as root vegetables, leaf vegetables, fruits, and herbs, are grown for consumption, for use as dyes, or for medicinal or cosmetic use. A gardener is someone who practices gardening, either professionally or as a hobby. Gardening is considered to be a relaxing activity for many people.\n\nGardening ranges in scale from fruit orchards, to long boulevard plantings with one or more different types of shrubs, trees and herbaceous plants, to residential yards including lawns and foundation plantings, to plants in large or small containers grown inside or outside. Gardening may be very specialized, with only one type of plant grown, or involve a large number of different plants in mixed plantings. It involves an active participation in the growing of plants, and tends to be labor intensive, which differentiates it from farming or forestry.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-1-Item2",
                 "Forest gardening, a plant-based food production system, is the world's oldest form of gardening.[1] Forest gardens originated in prehistoric times along jungle-clad river banks and in the wet foothills of monsoon regions. In the gradual process of families improving their immediate environment.",
                 "Forest gardening, a plant-based food production system, is the world's oldest form of gardening.[1] Forest gardens originated in prehistoric times along jungle-clad river banks and in the wet foothills of monsoon regions. In the gradual process of families improving their immediate environment, useful tree and vine species were identified, protected and improved whilst undesirable species were eliminated. Eventually foreign species were also selected and incorporated into the gardens.\n\nAfter the emergence of the first civilizations, wealthy individuals began to create gardens for purely aesthetic purposes. Egyptian tomb paintings from around 1500 BC provide some of the earliest physical evidence of ornamental horticulture and landscape design; they depict lotus ponds surrounded by symmetrical rows of acacias and palms. Ornamental gardens were known in ancient times, a famous example being the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, while ancient Rome had dozens of gardens. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are a World Heritage Site and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item3",
                 "Gardening may be performed at a professional level, a hobby, or for therapeutic reasons. There is a wide range of accessories available in the market for both the professional gardener and the amateur to exercise their creativity. These accessories can help decorate all the different areas of gardens such as walk ways and raised beds, and any other area.",
                 "Gardening may be performed at a professional level, a hobby, or for therapeutic reasons. There is a wide range of accessories available in the market for both the professional gardener and the amateur to exercise their creativity. These accessories can help decorate all the different areas of gardens such as walk ways and raised beds, and any other area.\n\nLocation, size, budget are all characteristics to be considered when choosing accessories to improve a garden's deco. Accessories are made of different materials such as copper, stone, wood, bamboo, metal, stainless steel, clay, stained glass, concrete, iron, and the weather where the garden is located will determine which material works best to ensure accessories last long.\n\nA garden's decoration with the appropriate accessories also adds personality and beauty, and depending on the situation, the decoration chosen will provide functionality to the garden. Paths for instance are functional for the maintenance of the garden, and can be somehow decorated using different materials such as pine needles, wood chips, fieldstone, or bricks. Also, backdrops include walls, fences, and hedges which are intended to provide privacy. Moreover, they hide unsightly areas and also emphasize desired views.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item4",
                 "Comparison with farming",
                 "Comparison with farming",
                 "Gardening for beauty is likely nearly as old as farming for food, however for most of history for the majority of people there was no real distinction since the need for food and other useful product trumped other concerns.",
                 "Gardening for beauty is likely nearly as old as farming for food, however for most of history for the majority of people there was no real distinction since the need for food and other useful product trumped other concerns. Small-scale, subsistence agriculture (called hoe-farming) is largely indistinguishable from gardening. A patch of potatoes grown by a Peruvian peasant or an Irish smallholder for personal use could be described as either a garden or a farm. Gardening for average people evolved as a separate discipline, more concerned with esthetics and recreation, under the influence of the pleasure gardens of the wealthy. Meanwhile farming has evolved (in developed countries) in the direction of commercialization, economics of scale, and monocropping.\n\nIn respect to its food producing purpose, gardening is distinguished from farming chiefly by scale and intent. Farming occurs on a larger scale, and with the production of salable goods as a major motivation. Gardening is done on a smaller scale, primarily for pleasure and to produce goods for the gardener's own family or community. There is some overlap between the terms, particularly in that some moderate-sized vegetable growing concerns, often called market gardening, can fit in either category.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item5",
                 "Social Aspects",
                 "Social Aspects",
                 "People often surround their house and garden with a hedge. Common hedge plants are privet, hawthorn, beech, yew, leyland cypress, hemlock, arborvitae, barberry, box, holly, oleander, forsythia and lavender. The idea of open gardens without hedges may be distasteful to those who enjoy privacy. This may have an advantage to local wildlife by providing a habitat for birds, animals, and wild plants.",
                 "People can express their political or social views in gardens, intentionally or not. The lawn vs. garden issue is played out in urban planning as the debate over the land ethic that is to determine urban land use and whether hyper hygienist bylaws (e.g. weed control) should apply, or whether land should generally be allowed to exist in its natural wild state. In a famous Canadian Charter of Rights case, Sandra Bell vs. City of Toronto, 1997 the right to cultivate all native species, even most varieties deemed noxious or allergenic, was upheld as part of the right of free expression.\n\nCommunity gardening comprises a wide variety of approaches to sharing land and gardens.People often surround their house and garden with a hedge. Common hedge plants are privet, hawthorn, beech, yew, leyland cypress, hemlock, arborvitae, barberry, box, holly, oleander, forsythia and lavender. The idea of open gardens without hedges may be distasteful to those who enjoy privacy.This may have an advantage to local wildlife by providing a habitat for birds, animals, and wild plants.The Slow Food movement has sought in some countries to add an edible school yard and garden classrooms to schools, e.g. in Fergus, Ontario, where these were added to a public school to augment the kitchen classroom. Garden sharing, where urban landowners allow gardeners to grow on their property in exchange for a share of the harvest, is associated with the desire to control the quality of one's food, and reconnect with soil and community. \n\nIn US and British usage, the production of ornamental plantings around buildings is called landscaping, landscape maintenance or grounds keeping, while international usage uses the term gardening for these same activities.\n\nAlso gaining popularity is the concept of Green Gardening which involves growing plants using organic fertilizers and pesticides so that the gardening process - or the flowers and fruits produced thereby - doesn't adversely affect the environment or people's health in any manner.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-1-Item6",
                 "Garden Pests",
                 "Garden Pests",
                 "A garden pest is generally an insect, plant, or animal that engages in activity that the gardener considers undesirable. It may crowd out desirable plants, disturb soil, stunt the growth of young seedlings, steal or damage fruit, or otherwise kill plants, hamper their growth, damage their appearance, or reduce the quality of the edible or ornamental portions of the plant.",
                 "A garden pest is generally an insect, plant, or animal that engages in activity that the gardener considers undesirable. It may crowd out desirable plants, disturb soil, stunt the growth of young seedlings, steal or damage fruit, or otherwise kill plants, hamper their growth, damage their appearance, or reduce the quality of the edible or ornamental portions of the plant.\n\nBecause gardeners may have different goals, organisms considered garden pests vary from gardener to gardener. For example, Tropaeolum speciosum, while beautiful, can be considered a pest if it seeds and starts to grow where it is not wanted. As the root is well below ground, pulling it up does not remove it: it simply grows again and becomes what may be considered a pest. As another example, in lawns, moss can become dominant and be impossible to eradicate. In some lawns, lichens, especially very damp lawn lichens such as Peltigera lactucfolia and P. membranacea, can become difficult to control and be considered pests. Despite this, aphids, spider mites, slugs, snails, ants, birds, and even cats are commonly considered to be garden pests.\n\nThere are many ways to remove unwanted pests from a garden. The techniques vary depending on the pest, the gardener's goals, and the gardener's philosophy. For example, snails may be dealt with through the use of a chemical pesticide, an organic pesticide, hand-picking, barriers, or simply growing snail-resistant plants.",


             var group2 = new SampleDataGroup("Group-2",
                 "Perfect Gardening",
                 "Perfect Gardening",
                 "Gardening ranges in scale from fruit orchards, to long boulevard plantings with one or more different types of shrubs, trees and herbaceous plants, to residential yards including lawns and foundation plantings, to plants in large or small containers grown inside or outside. Gardening may be very specialized.");

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item1",
                 "The Dirt on Dirt",
                 "The Dirt on Dirt",
                 "Most produce from the grocery store doesn't have the nutrition that it used to have, so more and more people are becoming interested in growing their own food nutrient-dense fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds. Building Soils Naturally shows gardeners how to grow more nutritious food and have more healthy, pest-resistant flowers and ornamental plants.",
                 "Most produce from the grocery store doesn't have the nutrition that it used to have, so more and more people are becoming interested in growing their own food nutrient-dense fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds. Building Soils Naturally shows gardeners how to grow more nutritious food and have more healthy, pest-resistant flowers and ornamental plants. Whether experienced or just getting started, gardeners are likely to encounter some perplexing (and common) setbacks: Certain fruit and vegetable plants that don't produce as expected, Ornamental plants that fail to thrive, And plant predators that chew plants to the ground. All of these issues point to plants that aren't at optimum health. So, what could be wrong? Plants may be lacking in proper nutrition, missing beneficial microorganism companions, or short of energy to reach their full nutrient-dense potential. The advice most often given is start with the soil.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-2-Item2",
                 "Forest Gardening",
                 "Forest Gardening",
                 "Forest gardens are probably the world's oldest form of land use and most resilient agroecosystem. They originated in prehistoric times along jungle-clad river banks and in the wet foothills of monsoon regions. In the gradual process of families improving their immediate environment, useful tree and vine species were identified, protected and improved whilst undesirable species were eliminated.",
                 "Forest gardens are probably the world's oldest form of land use and most resilient agroecosystem. They originated in prehistoric times along jungle-clad river banks and in the wet foothills of monsoon regions. In the gradual process of families improving their immediate environment, useful tree and vine species were identified, protected and improved whilst undesirable species were eliminated. Eventually superior foreign species were selected and incorporated into the gardens.\n\nForest gardens are still common in the tropics and known by various names such as: home gardens in Kerala in South India, Nepal, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Tanzania; Kandyan forest gardens in Sri Lanka huertos familiares, the family orchards of Mexico and pekarangan, the gardens of complete design, in Java. These are also called agroforests and, where the wood components are short statured, the term shrub garden is employed. Forest gardens have been shown to be a significant source of income and food security for local populations. \n\nRobert Hart adapted forest gardening for the UK's temperate climate during the early 1960s. His theories were later developed by Martin Crawford from the Agroforestry Research Trust and various permaculturalists such as Graham Bell, Patrick Whitefield, Dave Jacke and Geoff Lawton.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item3",
                 "Garden Design",
                 "Garden Design",
                 "Garden design is the art and process of designing and creating plans for layout and planting of gardens and landscapes. Garden design may be done by the garden owner themselves, or by professionals of varying levels of experience and expertise.",
                 "Garden design is the art and process of designing and creating plans for layout and planting of gardens and landscapes. Garden design may be done by the garden owner themselves, or by professionals of varying levels of experience and expertise. Most professional garden designers have some training in horticulture and the principles of design, and some are also landscape architects, a more formal level of training that usually requires an advanced degree and often a state license. Amateur gardeners may also attain a high level of experience from extensive hours working in their own gardens, through casual study, serious study in Master Gardener Programs, or by joining gardening clubs.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item4",
                 "Islamic Garden",
                 "Islamic Garden",
                 "Traditionally, an Islamic garden is a cool place of rest and reflection, and a reminder of paradise. The Qur'an has many references to gardens, and the garden is used as an earthly analogue for the life in paradise which is promised to believers.",
                 "Traditionally, an Islamic garden is a cool place of rest and reflection, and a reminder of paradise. The Qur'an has many references to gardens, and the garden is used as an earthly analogue for the life in paradise which is promised to believers:\n\nAllah has promised to the believing men and the believing women gardens, beneath which rivers flow, to abide in them, and goodly dwellings in gardens of perpetual abode; and best of all is Allah's goodly pleasure; that is the grand achievement (Qur'an 9.72)\n\nThere are surviving formal Islamic gardens in a wide zone extending from Spain and Morocco in the west to India in the east. Famous Islamic gardens include those of the Taj Mahal in India and the Generalife and Alhambra in Spain.\n\nThe general theme of a traditional Islamic garden is water and shade, not surprisingly since Islam came from and generally spread in a hot and arid climate. Unlike English gardens, which are often designed for walking, Islamic gardens are intended for rest and contemplation. For this reason, Islamic gardens usually include places for sitting.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item5",
                 "Water Garden",
                 "Water Garden",
                 "Water gardens, also known as aquatic gardens, are a type of man-made water feature. A water garden is defined as any interior or exterior landscape or architectural element whose primarily purpose is to house, display, or propagate a particular species or variety of aquatic plant.",
                 "Water gardens, also known as aquatic gardens, are a type of man-made water feature. A water garden is defined as any interior or exterior landscape or architectural element whose primarily purpose is to house, display, or propagate a particular species or variety of aquatic plant. Although a water garden's primary focus is on plants, they will sometimes also house ornamental fish, in which case the feature will be a fish pond.\n\nAlthough water gardens can be almost any size or depth, they are typically small and relatively shallow, generally less than twenty inches in depth. This is because most aquatic plants are depth sensitive and require a specific water depth in order to thrive. The particular species inhabiting each water garden will ultimately determine the actual surface area and depth required.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-2-Item6",
                 "Community Gardening",
                 "Community Gardening",
                 "Community gardens provide fresh produce and plants as well as satisfying labor, neighborhood improvement, sense of community and connection to the environment.",
                 "Community gardens vary widely throughout the world. In North America, community gardens range from familiar victory garden areas where people grow small plots of vegetables, to large greening projects to preserve natural areas, to tiny street beautification planters on urban street corners. Some grow only flowers, others are nurtured communally and their bounty shared. There are even non-profits in many major cities that offer assistance to low-income families, children groups, and community organizations by helping them develop and grow their own gardens. In the UK and the rest of Europe, closely related allotment gardens can have dozens of plots, each measuring hundreds of square meters and rented by the same family for generations. In the developing world, commonly held land for small gardens is a familiar part of the landscape, even in urban areas, where they may function as mini-truck farms.",

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public SampleDataSource()
            String ITEM_CONTENT = String.Format("Item Content: {0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}",
                        "Curabitur class aliquam vestibulum nam curae maecenas sed integer cras phasellus suspendisse quisque donec dis praesent accumsan bibendum pellentesque condimentum adipiscing etiam consequat vivamus dictumst aliquam duis convallis scelerisque est parturient ullamcorper aliquet fusce suspendisse nunc hac eleifend amet blandit facilisi condimentum commodo scelerisque faucibus aenean ullamcorper ante mauris dignissim consectetuer nullam lorem vestibulum habitant conubia elementum pellentesque morbi facilisis arcu sollicitudin diam cubilia aptent vestibulum auctor eget dapibus pellentesque inceptos leo egestas interdum nulla consectetuer suspendisse adipiscing pellentesque proin lobortis sollicitudin augue elit mus congue fermentum parturient fringilla euismod feugiat");

            var group1 = new SampleDataGroup("Group-1",
                 "A tattoo is a form of body modification, made by inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment. The first written reference to the word, tattoo or Samoan Tatau appears in the journal of Joseph Banks, the naturalist aboard Captain Cook's ship the HMS Endeavour: I shall now mention the way they mark themselves indelibly, each of them is so marked by their humor or disposition.Golf is a precision club and ball sport in which competing players (or golfers) use many types of clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course using the fewest number of strokes. Golf is defined, in the rules of golf, as playing a ball with a club from the teeing ground into the hole by a stroke or successive strokes in accordance with the Rules.");

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item1",
                 "What is Tattoo?",
                 "What is Tattoo?",
                 "A tattoo is a form of body modification, made by inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment. The first written reference to the word, tattoo (or Samoan Tatau) appears in the journal of Joseph Banks, the naturalist aboard Captain Cook's ship the HMS Endeavour.",
                 "A tattoo is a form of body modification, made by inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment. The first written reference to the word, tattoo or Samoan Tatau appears in the journal of Joseph Banks, the naturalist aboard Captain Cook's ship the HMS Endeavour: I shall now mention the way they mark themselves indelibly, each of them is so marked by their humor or disposition.The word tattoo was brought to Europe by the explorer James Cook, when he returned in 1771 from his first voyage to Tahiti and New Zealand. In his narrative of the voyage, he refers to an operation called tattaw. Before this it had been described as scarring, painting, or staining. Whole back tattoo, USA 2007 \n\nA trompe-l'œil spider tattoo \nTattooing has been practiced for centuries in many cultures, particularly in Asia, and spread throughout the world.[citation needed] The Ainu, an indigenous people of Japan, traditionally had facial tattoos. Today, one can find Atayal, Seediq, Truku, and Saisiyat of Taiwan, Berbers of Tamazgha (North Africa), Yoruba, Fulani and Hausa people of Nigeria, and Māori of New Zealand with facial tattoos.[citation needed Tattooing was widespread among Polynesians and among certain tribal groups in Africa, Borneo, Cambodia, Europe, Japan, the Mentawai Islands, MesoAmerica, New Zealand, North America and South America, the Philippines, and Taiwan.[2] Indeed, the island of Great Britain takes its name from tattooing; Britons translates as people of the designs, and Picts, the peoples who originally inhabited the northern part of Britain, literally means the painted people. Despite some taboos surrounding tattooing, the practice continues to be popular in many parts of the world.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-1-Item2",
                 "According to George Orwell, coal miners could develop characteristic tattoos owing to coal dust getting into wounds.[13] This can also occur with substances like gunpowder. Similarly, a traumatic tattoo occurs when a substance such as asphalt is rubbed into a wound as the result of some kind of accident or trauma.",
                 "Amateur and professional tattoos\n\nTattooing among females of the Koita people of Papua New Guinea traditionally began at age five and was added to each year, with the V-shaped tattoo on the chest indicating that she had reached marriageable age, 1912. Many tattoos serve as rites of passage, marks of status and rank, symbols of religious and spiritual devotion, decorations for bravery, sexual lures and marks of fertility, pledges of love, punishment, amulets and talismans, protection, and as the marks of outcasts, slaves and convicts. The symbolism and impact of tattoos varies in different places and cultures. Tattoos may show how a person feels about a relative (commonly mother/father or daughter/son) or about an unrelated person. Today, people choose to be tattooed for artistic, cosmetic, sentimental/memorial, religious, and magical reasons, and to symbolize their belonging to or identification with particular groups, including criminal gangs (see criminal tattoos) or a particular ethnic group or law-abiding subculture. Some Māori still choose to wear intricate moko on their faces. In Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand, the yantra tattoo is used for protection against evil and to increase luck.citation neededIn the Philippines certain tribal groups believe tattoos have magical qualities, and help to protect their bearers. Most traditional tattooing in the Philippines is related to the bearer's accomplishments in life or rank in the tribe.[citation needed Extensive decorative tattooing is common among members of traditional freak shows and by performance artists who follow in their tradition.\n\nIdentification\n\n Tattoo marking a deserter from the British Army. Skin removed post-mortem. People have also been forcibly tattooed. A well-known example is the identification system for inmates in Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust. Tattoos have also been used for identification in other ways.[citation needed] For example, during the Roman Empire, Roman soldiers were required by law to have identifying tattoos on their hands in order to make it difficult to hide if they deserted. Gladiators and slaves were likewise tattooed, exported slaves were tattooed with the words tax paid, and it was a common practice to tattoo Stop me, I'm a runaway on their foreheads. Emperor Constantine I banned tattooing the face around AD 330 and the Second Council of Nicaea banned all body markings as a pagan practice in AD 787\n\nIn the period of early contact between the Māori and Europeans, the Maori people were hunted for their moko tattoos and decapitated to provide souvenirs of the New World.[citation needed] Moko tattoos were facial designs worn by women and men to indicate their lineage, social position, and status within the tribe. The tattoo art was a sacred marker of identity among the Maori and also referred to as a vehicle for storing one's tapu, or spiritual being, in the afterlife. \n\nTattoos are sometimes used by forensic pathologists to help them identify burned, putrified, or mutilated bodies. As tattoo pigment lies encapsulated deep in the skin, tattoos are not easily destroyed even when the skin is burned.\n\nAn identification tattoo on a survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camp.\n\nTattoos are also placed on animals, though rarely for decorative reasons. Pets, show animals, Thoroughbred horses, and livestock are sometimes tattooed with identification and other marks. Pet dogs and cats are often tattooed with a serial number (usually in the ear, or on the inner thigh) via which their owners can be identified. \n\nAlso, animals are occasionally tattooed to prevent sunburn (on the nose, for example). Such tattoos are often performed by a veterinarian, and in most cases the animals are anesthetized during the process. Branding is used for similar reasons and is often performed without anesthesia, but is different from tattooing as no ink or dye is inserted during the process\n\nCosmetic\n\nThe cosmetic surgery industry continues to see a trend of increased popularity for both surgical and noninvasive procedures (Gimlin 2002; Sullivan 2001).\n\nTattooed lip makeup Main article: Permanent makeup\nWhen used as a form of cosmetics, tattooing includes permanent makeup and hiding or neutralizing skin discolorations. Permanent makeup is the use of tattoos to enhance eyebrows, lips (liner and/or lipstick), eyes (liner), and even moles, usually with natural colors, as the designs are intended to resemble makeup.[citation needed]\n\nMedical\n\nMain article: Medical tattoo Medical tattoos are used to ensure instruments are properly located for repeated application of radiotherapy and for the areola in some forms of breast reconstruction. Tattooing has also been used to convey medical information about the wearer (e.g., blood group, medical condition, etc.). Additionally, tattoos are used in skin tones to cover vitiligo, a skin pigmentation disorder.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item3",
                 "Best Way to Design",
                 "Best Way to Design",
                 "Don't Settle for Less Than the Best Finding the best tattoo designs is extremely important. There are many designs out there that are just poor quality, and will not be right for you.",
                 "Don't Settle for Less Than the Best Finding the best tattoo designs is extremely important. There are many designs out there that are just poor quality, and will not be right for you. Nothing is worse than choosing a bad design, or working with an artist that produces a bad design. This is a decision you want to take lightly, so finding the best designs is key. What you need to find are top quality designs that are submitted by real artists. Make sure you like the look of what the artist has produced on paper, because that is what they will look like on your skin. Also, be sure to check the references of the artist that is working on you. Take a look at past work they have done to ensure that they'll be able to match what's on paper, or produce the right, unique design for you.\n\nA good way to avoid problems is to find the right tattoo design gallery on the web. There are free ones out there, but you have to be careful in terms of quality. The paid ones often have the best designs because the artists are truly dedicated to their work, and the selection is vast. \n\nOnce you join one of these galleries, you'll simply save your favorites, and print them off to make a final decision. Let these thoughts marinate for a few days so you can be sure you're making the right choice for you. It can be tough if there are many different ones you're considering, so ask friends and family members what they think. More often than not, inspiration will hit and you'll know what the best tattoo design is for you. When you make your final decision, consider whether there is any part of the tattoo you don't like. Some people will want to have a name, or wording, or even merge two different pictures together. Contract your tattoo artist to be sure this can be done. Actually, some of the premium Galleries make this easier than ever since you can merge two pictures right on the screen! This is a great way to personalize things yourself and come out with a unique tattoo that no one else will have.\n\nMake sure you're comfortable with your final decision. If you're having any reservations, you might want to hold off on getting a tattoo. Once you feel right with the tattoo and are sure it is what you want, it will be something you treasure for the rest of your life. The quality will come through with the right design, and the right artist. And it all starts with finding the best tattoo designs!",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item4",
                 "First Step",
                 "First Step",
                 "First Steps to Getting a Tattoo Getting a tattoo is a decision that should never be taken lightly. This is something that will stay with you for the rest of your life! With that being said, it is also one of the best ways to express yourself",
                 "First Steps to Getting a Tattoo Getting a tattoo is a decision that should never be taken lightly. This is something that will stay with you for the rest of your life! With that being said, it is also one of the best ways to express yourself, and show off who you truly are. There are an incredible number of great reasons to get a tattoo, but the fact that you're reading this shows that you already know that! It's time to take your first steps to getting a tattoo! The first thing you need to do is examine your reason for getting the tattoo. Perhaps you want to get one in honor of someone else, because you like a certain design, or because you just like the looks of them. No matter what your reason, you need to be sure you realize what it is so you end up with the perfect design. \n\nAfter you've thought about your reasons, it's time to choose the actual design. There are many different ways to find the design that is right. You can browse your local tattoo artist's shop, or, better yet, search through one of the online galleries. These are neat because they feature the work of great artists from all around the world. \n\nOnce you've chosen the design, or at least gotten a rough idea, it's time to take it to your local artist. Be careful! Don't just go to any artist you find. You need to find someone with a good reputation. Ask to see examples of past work. Better yet, ask friends and family members for referrals to artists they've been happy with. You'll need a great artist, who works in a clean and sterile environment. After you've chosen the perfect artist you should work with him or her on a consultation. Bring in any designs you are considering, because they may be able to help you choose the one that is right for you. Be sure to discuss if you want anything added or taken away from the design. Always get these changes down on paper, because what you're envisioning, and what the artist is envisioning might be two different things!\n\nFinally! After you have taken these first steps, you'll be ready to get your tattoo. It will be a great feeling to finally have the right design. It will be something you can cherish forever, and that other people can admire. It all starts with these simple first steps.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item5",
                 "Printable Tattoo",
                 "Printable Tattoo",
                 "Printable Tattoo Designs are Easy to Get Printable tattoo designs are a great thing for those getting tattoos. It used to be that you would go to your tattoo artist and browse through their various design books.",
                 "Printable Tattoo Designs are Easy to Get Printable tattoo designs are a great thing for those getting tattoos. It used to be that you would go to your tattoo artist and browse through their various design books. These days, you can find the right design from the comforts of your home, and not have to make a snap decision. You also don't have to make multiple trips to the tattoo artists just to browse through their books if you don't want to make a quick decision! The first thing you'll need to do is find a gallery. There are many online -- some are free and some are paid. While it's possible that you can find the right design amongst the free selection, you'll probably find a lot more you like by paying a small fee to gain access to a premium selection. After all, the tattoo is something that will be with you for the rest of your life. Finding the right design is essential, and you can't do that unless you have the best selection from the best artists!\n\nThe galleries you gain access to will likely be set up into different categories. Choose the category that you are looking for, and browse through. Pay special attention to the quality, and the way the artist portrays the design. Many galleries are collected from various artists, so you'll likely find one that appeals to you.\n\nThen, you want to enlarge the design so it is the right quality to print out. The premium galleries offer printable tattoo designs that will be excellent quality. Make sure you have high-quality paper and ink as well, and then print on the highest settings. That way, none of the detail will be left out. Take it to your tattoo artist so he can easily give you exactly what you're looking for.\n\nSometimes, you may find a couple of tattoo designs that will work well together. A good tattoo artist can incorporate two different designs! You'll want to print these out (some galleries allow you to incorporate them right on-screen!) and take them to your artist. A good artist will also be able to tweak the design if you have something specific you want done to it.\n\nThe result of all this is that you'll have the perfect tattoo for you. It's only possible using printable tattoo designs, which are quite possibly the best thing to happen to those who get tattoos in quite some time.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-1-Item6",
                 "Unique Tattoo",
                 "Unique Tattoo",
                 "Stand Out From the Crowd! Nothing is worse than having the same tattoo as everyone else! That's why finding unique tattoo designs is more important than ever these days.",
                 "Stand Out From the Crowd! Nothing is worse than having the same tattoo as everyone else! That's why finding unique tattoo designs is more important than ever these days. Thankfully, there are galleries full of thousands of tattoos that you can use for inspiration to find your own unique tattoo design. You can even incorporate different designs together to make your own even more unique. If you're lucky enough to know an artist, you can work with them so they'll design the perfect tattoo for you. Since this is something that will come from your own mind, it will be absolutely unique to you. It's great if you're friends with an artist who'll do it for free, but more often than not you'll be charged a hefty fee for this on top of getting the actual tattoo.\n\nMany people will have more luck finding the right galleries. There are free ones out there, but you can be sure that other people using the free ones will get the same tattoos -- they certainly aren't unique! It is far better to go with one of the premium Galleries that offers thousands upon thousands of different tattoos, and allows them to be customized. Sure, you'll pay a small fee, but it is well worth it so you'll have a unique tattoo design.\n\nInstead of hiring an artist to come up with a completely new design for you, you can take one of the designs you find in these galleries and have your artist tweak it. He can add lettering and certain details, or eliminate details that you don't want. A good artist will work with you on creating the perfect tattoo that fits your personal style. As was briefly mentioned, one of the best ways to do this is to add names or wording. This can be your own name, that of a friend or family member, the name of someone who has passed away, scripture, words, and many other options. This will add a level of personalization that will certainly make your tattoo unique.\n\nThere is no reason to follow the crowd when it comes to getting a tattoo. Everyone gets tired of seeing the same little butterfly put on the small of so many women's backs, and the same topless woman on a man's biceps! It's time to add your own style and flair into the mix and get something that will be truly unique. Not only will people admire you, but you'll feel more attached to the tattoo as something that is uniquely yours. Don't go with the flow; get something better!",


             var group2 = new SampleDataGroup("Group-2",
                 "Finding a great tattoos gallery is essential if you want to find the right design for you. This is not a decision that you should take lightly, and it should certainly not be made on the spot when you're about to enter the artist's chair! Take the time to browse the right gallery and make your decision ahead of time, so you end up with the design you truly want. The good news is that you can find design galleries on the web.");

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item1",
                 "Tattoo Gallery",
                 "Tattoo Gallery",
                 "Finding a great tattoos gallery is essential if you want to find the right design for you. This is not a decision that you should take lightly, and it should certainly not be made on the spot when you're about to enter the artist's chair! Take the time to browse the right gallery and make your decision ahead of time, so you end up with the design you truly want. The good news is that you can find design galleries on the web.",
                 "How Can They Help? Finding a great tattoos gallery is essential if you want to find the right design for you. This is not a decision that you should take lightly, and it should certainly not be made on the spot when you're about to enter the artist's chair! Take the time to browse the right gallery and make your decision ahead of time, so you end up with the design you truly want. The good news is that you can find design galleries on the web. Some of these are free, and some of these are paid. If you pay a small fee, you get access to premium designs that are truly worth your time and effort. They are often arranged into different categories so you can narrow down your focus nearly right away.\n\nSearching through these online galleries is great, because you'll likely find the design that is perfect for you. There are artists from all over the world who submit their designs, and you're sure to find one that just resonates with you. Even if you do find one right away, take some time to really think about it. After all, this is a decision that will be with you for the rest of your life. After you have found the right design, you should print it out and take it to your local tattoo artist. The artist should work with you and ask if there's anything you'd like added or changed on the design. Everything should be done on paper, because sometimes what we verbalize does not happen if the other person doesn't understand! Be sure both you and the tattoo artist know exactly what the result should be. Always remember, if you do find a design that you think is perfect for you, you can add to it, or change something to make the design your own. It's often this personalization that allows you to fall in love with your tattoo. This is something that will always be with you, and you will always show others. It is like a badge of honor because it is something you truly wanted.\n\nIt all starts with finding a tattoos gallery! Once you do this, everything else will fall into place. This is the best way to get excited about your tattoo around. Some of these galleries contain thousands upon thousands of images, so you're sure to find the one that will be perfect for you to make your own.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-2-Item2",
                 "Tattoo Design Ideas",
                 "Tattoo Design Ideas",
                 "Finding Your Inspiration Has Never Been Easier If you're searching for tattoo design ideas, the chances are good that you are overwhelmed right now. There many different designs to choose from, and maybe you just haven't found the perfect one yet.",
                 "Finding Your Inspiration Has Never Been Easier If you're searching for tattoo design ideas, the chances are good that you are overwhelmed right now. There many different designs to choose from, and maybe you just haven't found the perfect one yet. The problem probably lies within the fact that you aren't looking in the right places. Many people fall into the trap of just using any of the free galleries they find online. While this might seem like a great deal, the designs aren't very unique, and are often of poor quality. There are other ways to find better designs than this. Your first solution might be to visit your local tattoo artist and have a consultation to figure exactly what you want. They are likely to have design books from past ones they have done, as well as examples of what you can get done. Sometimes it's best to talk to the artists because they can make suggestions for you based on the answers you give regarding the design you're looking for.\n\nIt's probably easier, and just as efficient, to join a premium online design gallery. These are filled with thousands of designs from top artists from all over the world. You can really get inspired by searching through the galleries to find exactly what you want. They are broken up into many different categories, with a variety of styles, so you're sure to find the one that's right for you. Some people just use these designs as a jumping off point. They may then take it to their tattoo artist to get it tweaked and add unique style to it. Other people will find exactly what they were looking for amongst the galleries. This makes it easy, because all they need to do is print it out and take it to their artist. However, it's not a huge deal to get a personalized. In fact, some of the online premium Galleries have a way to tweak it right on the screen!\n\nOne of the really neat thing is that some of these galleries are set up as a unique community. You can converse with other people getting a tattoo, and even browse through their personal shots of their tattoos. Sometimes it's a lot easier find something you like among the shots of tattoos that are actually on someone, than it is to browse through the standard pictures! That way you can see what it looks like on someone else and get inspired for your own tattoo. This is truly one of the best ways to find tattoo design ideas. This is a choice that will be with you forever, so make sure you take the time to search.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item3",
                 "Tattoo Name Designs",
                 "Tattoo Name Designs",
                 "Say What You Want! It's important to find the best tattoo name design so you can come out with exactly the look you want. While you might know what lettering you want on your tattoo, that doesn't mean you've settled on a design yet!",
                 "Say What You Want! It's important to find the best tattoo name design so you can come out with exactly the look you want. While you might know what lettering you want on your tattoo, that doesn't mean you've settled on a design yet! There are various ways the lettering can look. You can even incorporate other designs along with it. There's certainly a lot to think about when it comes to name designs. First of all, let's cover the various lettering tattoo types. Some get tribal names, initials, Scripture, scrolls, single words, or other tattoo lettering. There are also many reasons people get specific names tattooed. It might be their own name, the name of their children, the name of a spouse, the name of someone who has passed away, etc.There so many different options, but thankfully there are galleries you can look through to find the right lettering type for you. These galleries serve as inspiration and examples for coloring, font, and overall design. \n\nUnfortunately, there is a lot of junk out there when you search for tattoo galleries online. That's why you want to find some that are designed by true artists. Thankfully, there are excellent galleries you can get access to for just a small fee. This is great, because you won't have to hire your own designer, and everything is done for you. All you'll need to do is print out the example lettering (some even allow you to enter your own text, and it will design it in the lettering of your choice for you) and take it to your local tattoo artist.\n\nIf you want something really unique, you can combine the name tattoo you have chosen with another design. You can further tweak this by telling your tattoo artist exactly what you want. If you're still not inspired, think about the name tattoo designs you've seen on other people. What did you like, and what did you not like? The chances are good that you have seen someone's name design that you really liked, so you just need to add your own style and flair to what is already working for someone else.\n\nThere are a variety of reasons you might want to get Tattoo name designs. There are also many different designs and types of lettering you can choose from. It's important to take the time to find the right one for you, so you can come out with the exact, perfect design you had envisioned in your mind.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item4",
                 "Finding the Right Designs",
                 "Finding the Right Designs",
                 "Finding the Right Designs for Tattoos There are a few different ways you can find designs for tattoos. These days, it's easier than ever to find the right designs, with less hassle.",
                 "Finding the Right Designs for Tattoos There are a few different ways you can find designs for tattoos. These days, it's easier than ever to find the right designs, with less hassle. You do need a good selection to choose from, so you end up with something more unique and that really speaks to your personal style. Traditionally, you would just browse through the designs they had at the shop. Sometimes this ends up being more of a snap decision, and something you might not be happy with later on. The good news is that the Internet makes it possible to browse through thousands and thousands of different designs ahead of time, so you can choose one that is right for you. Many artists make their designs available online. Some of these artists have their own websites, and some tattoo artists who work in parlors even make many of their designs available so you can choose one from the comforts of home. You'll also find some free tattoo galleries that have more generic or lower quality designs.\n\nThe best bet for many people will be to pay a small fee to access premium tattoo design galleries. Many of these were created by talented artists from all over the world, so you can find an artist's selection you are really drawn to. From there, you can choose the tattoo so you know is exactly what you want.\n\nSome people will be be drawn to a certain tattoo right away. They'll see it, and immediately know that this is exactly what they want. Other people will have a harder time making a decision. After all, this is something that will stay with you for the rest of your life, so you want to make sure it is the right one. In that case, it's time to narrow your focus.\n\nThe best designs for tattoos galleries are arranged by category. Choose the category that you are thinking of going with. Take note of the designs you'd consider. That way, you can eliminate the distractions of the ones you wouldn't choose anyway, and focus on as you are considering. If there isn't just one that pops out to you, choose the top ones. You can take them in to have a discussion with your tattoo artist to see what they recommend for you. Sometimes just talking about it with another person can help you make the right decision. Finding galleries with designs for tattoos is incredibly easy these days. It is also essential for you to choose the right tattoo to suit the reason you're getting one.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item5",
                 "Tattoo Designs for Women",
                 "Tattoo Designs for Women",
                 "Finding Your Perfect Design Specifically finding tattoo designs for women is a lot easier than it used to be. It wasn't that long ago that it was very uncommon for women to get a tattoo at all. These days, it is far more common, and easier than ever to get access to great tattoos designed just for women.",
                 "Finding Your Perfect Design Specifically finding tattoo designs for women is a lot easier than it used to be. It wasn't that long ago that it was very uncommon for women to get a tattoo at all. These days, it is far more common, and easier than ever to get access to great tattoos designed just for women. Many women may not want a tattoo that is strictly for a woman. However, there are many tattoos (such as that of sexy men!) That a woman, and a woman alone, will want to find. In that case, you'll definitely need a top-quality gallery that will have everything you're looking for. As you find the best galleries, you'll notice that they have thousands of designs. Some of these will be applicable to you, and others won't. What's important is that you'll have the largest selection possible so you can find the best to design for you.\n\nMany women tend to get love tattoos, the name of their lover, their children, tribal tattoos, and many more. Simply browse through the different categories and make note of the ones you are considering. Then, you can go through and weed out the ones you don't want after all. You should be left with a few great choices.\n\nIf you're having trouble finding possibilities, get inspiration from your friends. You can even call up your tattoo artist and ask them what is popular with other women in his parlor. He'll probably be more than happy to help you out and give you some suggestions. Some will even do consultations with you to get a feel for your personal style and what you want out of this tattoo. \n\nMost women will find exactly what they want in one of the premium design galleries. Simply blow up the design (the premium Galleries do this for you), print it out, and bring it to your tattoo artist. If you do want anything tweaked, be sure to tell your tattoo artist so the two of you can come up with the exact design you want.\n\nFinding specific tattoo designs for women is a lot easier these days. Take your inspiration from others, and from your own personal style, and work with your tattoo artist so you can rest easy that your tattoo will be perfect in every way. Be careful not to rush into this decision, because it is one that will stay with you for the rest of your life. However, when chosen the right way, the tattoo design you go with will be absolutely perfect.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-2-Item6",
                 "Tattoo Design Ways",
                 "Tattoo Design Ways",
                 "Finding Your Inspiration Has Never Been Easier If you're searching for tattoo design ideas, the chances are good that you are overwhelmed right now.",
                 "Finding Your Inspiration Has Never Been Easier If you're searching for tattoo design ideas, the chances are good that you are overwhelmed right now. There many different designs to choose from, and maybe you just haven't found the perfect one yet. The problem probably lies within the fact that you aren't looking in the right places. Many people fall into the trap of just using any of the free galleries they find online. While this might seem like a great deal, the designs aren't very unique, and are often of poor quality. There are other ways to find better designs than this.\n\nYour first solution might be to visit your local tattoo artist and have a consultation to figure exactly what you want. They are likely to have design books from past ones they have done, as well as examples of what you can get done. Sometimes it's best to talk to the artists because they can make suggestions for you based on the answers you give regarding the design you're looking for. It's probably easier, and just as efficient, to join a premium online design gallery. These are filled with thousands of designs from top artists from all over the world. You can really get inspired by searching through the galleries to find exactly what you want. They are broken up into many different categories, with a variety of styles, so you're sure to find the one that's right for you.\n\nSome people just use these designs as a jumping off point. They may then take it to their tattoo artist to get it tweaked and add unique style to it. Other people will find exactly what they were looking for amongst the galleries. This makes it easy, because all they need to do is print it out and take it to their artist. However, it's not a huge deal to get a personalized. In fact, some of the online premium Galleries have a way to tweak it right on the screen!\n\nOne of the really neat thing is that some of these galleries are set up as a unique community. You can converse with other people getting a tattoo, and even browse through their personal shots of their tattoos. Sometimes it's a lot easier find something you like among the shots of tattoos that are actually on someone, than it is to browse through the standard pictures! That way you can see what it looks like on someone else and get inspired for your own tattoo.\n\nThis is truly one of the best ways to find tattoo design ideas. This is a choice that will be with you forever, so make sure you take the time to search.",

Ejemplo n.º 3
 public SampleDataItem(String uniqueId, String title, String subtitle, String imagePath, String description, String content, int colSpan, int rowSpan, SampleDataGroup group)
     : base(uniqueId, title, subtitle, imagePath, description)
     this._colSpan = colSpan;
     this._rowSpan = rowSpan;
     this._content = content;
     this._group = group;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public SampleDataSource()
            String ITEM_CONTENT = String.Format("Item Content: {0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}",
                        "Curabitur class aliquam vestibulum nam curae maecenas sed integer cras phasellus suspendisse quisque donec dis praesent accumsan bibendum pellentesque condimentum adipiscing etiam consequat vivamus dictumst aliquam duis convallis scelerisque est parturient ullamcorper aliquet fusce suspendisse nunc hac eleifend amet blandit facilisi condimentum commodo scelerisque faucibus aenean ullamcorper ante mauris dignissim consectetuer nullam lorem vestibulum habitant conubia elementum pellentesque morbi facilisis arcu sollicitudin diam cubilia aptent vestibulum auctor eget dapibus pellentesque inceptos leo egestas interdum nulla consectetuer suspendisse adipiscing pellentesque proin lobortis sollicitudin augue elit mus congue fermentum parturient fringilla euismod feugiat");

            var group1 = new SampleDataGroup("Group-1",
                 "Getting Started with Debt Cure",
                 "Getting Started with Debt Cure",
                 "When you started your debts, you were young, you had nowhere else to go and you basically just needed money to survive back then. Now that you are older, the ghosts of those debts still haunt you, unpaid student loans, payday loans, credit card bills and on top of that you now have a mortgage to pay and your car loan as well.");

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item1",
                 "Starting Out",
                 "Starting Out",
                 "If you feel like you have debt problems, do not feel that you are alone. In fact, you may just be an average person, trying to make ends meet, struggling to get through your awful financial crisis, where your pay is not enough to feed the family, keep the house and the car. Almost everyone have debts up to their armpits now and it is not a fantastic state.",
                 "If you feel like you have debt problems, do not feel that you are alone. In fact, you may just be an average person, trying to make ends meet, struggling to get through your awful financial crisis, where your pay is not enough to feed the family, keep the house and the car. Almost everyone have debts up to their armpits now and it is not a fantastic state.\n\nBelow are some tips and simple guidelines that you can follow in starting to deal with your debt issues. These are debt help tips that may or may not work for you, depending on your actual sincerity and commitment to make your financial issues go away. \n\nOn the other hand, if you do not do anything about your debt issues, they surely will not go away so better start something about it, right?\n\nTo jumpstart your way to a better financial position – being debtless, you have to go through this initial step. You have to consolidate all of your debts into one neat file. We are not talking about debt consolidation here, we are pertaining to you making a list of all your loans, your financing schemes that you joined, your credit card bills and any outstanding debt that you have basically. Just write them down on a neat file. \n\nFor each debt that you have, place the following details:\n•	The type of loan\n•	The amount of loan\n•	The name of the financer and contact details\n•	Any reference number or debt number that you have•	The location where you place the statements for this loan•\n	And indicate where you placed a copy of the loan agreement sheet that you signed\n\nOnce you have all these, it is also a good idea to buy a manila folder or basically any type of envelope where you can file all important documentation about your loans. Consolidate these details so you have one place to look for when the step comes for you to actually do something to manage your debt crisis.\n\nAfter you finish your initial list of debts, the next thing you would have to do is to check the different types of debts that you have and sort them the top debts being your urgent priorities and the latter ones being the important but not urgent priorities. \n\nThe urgent debts are the ones that you have to fix and pay attention to first like your mortgage payments or rend overdue fees as these debts may leave you on the streets if you don’t fix them. Also, consider the basic necessities debts like gas, water and electricity. If you do not pay these, you’d end up in a load of inconvenience and trouble.\n\nYour important but not urgent debts are the ones that are very important but may not require your immediate attention like money borrowed from family, health benefits coverage underpayments (this is very important but not urgent) or even meter tickets from the county.\n\nGoing through this would give you some semblance of structure in dealing with your debt difficulties. Start with this and you may be able to work your way to debt freedom.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-1-Item2",
                 "Debt Resolution – Follow Through",
                 "Debt Resolution – Follow Through",
                 "When you started your debts, you were young, you had nowhere else to go and you basically just needed money to survive back then. Now that you are older, the ghosts of those debts still haunt you, unpaid student loans, payday loans, credit card bills and on top of that you now have a mortgage to pay and your car loan as well.",
                 "When you started your debts, you were young, you had nowhere else to go and you basically just needed money to survive back then. Now that you are older, the ghosts of those debts still haunt you, unpaid student loans, payday loans, credit card bills and on top of that you now have a mortgage to pay and your car loan as well.\n\nSo you decided to take the bull by the horns and do something about your debt problems you have started to take charge by listing all your debt issues and all your outstanding loans into one ledger that you have, compiling all signed agreements for loans and all statements that you have to ensure that all the data you need to meet this issue head on is right at your fingertips. \n\nThe next step that you have to face in debt resolution is that you have to take into consideration the liquid money that you have. We are not talking about tapping into your retirement plan, not talking about selling your company stocks. This is basically the budget that you have based on the salary you get every two weeks, benefits you receive from your ex-spouse and maybe monies coming from other portals of income like if you have an internet business of some sort. \n\nList all your income in a ledger next to your countdown of loans. Then think of other ways you can increase this income that you can still fit in your schedule. Maybe be more active in that affiliate business of yours. Maybe you can sell the apples that you have on your backyard and make an apple stand, it is up to you. Place these in the “future state” income and allot some space for this in your ledger\n\nThen after squeezing your brain out with the income details, give it a few minutes of rest then list down your expenses. This include your mortgage or rent payments, your basic necessities bills, your household charges, school costs for the kids, travel expenses, health plan premiums, emergency monies, IRA deposits and the like.\n\nAdd the income column up and then add the expenses column up. You may see a difference there that you can set aside for your loan repayments. Sometimes, it happens that you can even save up some money. \n\nHowever, more often than not, the expenses are just equal to the income column. Or worse, they are even above the income total. This is the reason why some people get into the debt trap of having to loan over and over again just to get by each month.\n\nIf this is your situation, it may be time to seek assistance from an advice agency on how you can manage your loan. You may also want to look for debt management programs that can help you manage your outstanding debts all in all.\n\nBut remember, it is a good idea to start this debt resolution as early as possible so you can start saving up for your retirement days, or even start saving up for that vacation you have always wanted.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item3",
                 "It has been said that in this time and in this culture, people have become so used to buying what they want even before they have earned the money to be able to do so. Where else do we see this mostly happening but in those who have been able to apply for credit cards? This is not an admonition to those who have credit cards but to those who have gotten used to whipping them out and spending the money on credit on a whim. Credit cards are good for emergency but when the debt piles up due to too much unnecessary expenses and there’s no way to pay them back, here are some things that you may help you out.",
                 "First off, start checking your own credit reports. That’s right. Don’t rely on the credit card company to give you an accurate report every time. There is a chance you may be charged for something that you didn’t even buy. You have to watch out for this. This will also ensure that you are protected from any fraudulent use of your card (which happens at times) and may even help you reduce the overall amount you have to pay every deadline.\n\nSecond, if you have more than one credit card, pay off those with high interest first. This will ensure that you pay less in terms of interest and it will take you less time to pay it off as well. The longer you wait, the bigger your payments get because of the interest rate, especially if you have a big balance. Another option that you have is to pay off the smaller debts regardless of whether it is the one with higher or the lower interest rate. The rationale behind this is that it creates motivation that will propel you towards paying off your other debts. If you are considering taking this action, what could be suggested is that you sit down and actually calculate how much you’ll spend later on in terms of payment for the high-interest credit card. It may reach to hundreds of dollars but if it’s not that much, then you may vary your strategy to the payment of the smaller debts.\n\nThird, start to gather your available sources of finance in preparation for the payment of your credit card debt. You’ll want to do this because the sooner you get out of debt, the better. However, don’t forfeit your savings. Make sure you’re still able to set aside some money for when you run into financial difficulties later on while you’re in the middle of paying your debt. The last thing you want is more debt. \n\nFourth, make a budget and stick to it. Cut down to the essentials. Then take note of the extra money that you have. One advantage of making a budget is that you’re able to monitor your expenses better and you’re able to see where your finances actually go. In this way, you start taking control of your finances.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item4",
                 "Credit Counseling Services",
                 "Credit Counseling Services",
                 "Debts are very hard to let go of not because anyone is quite fond of them but because that is the way that they are. If one finds that he or she is waist deep in debt, it is not always that case that that particular person made the wrong choices in his life. This may have happens because many unfortunate circumstances coming that person’s way.",
                 "Debts are very hard to let go of not because anyone is quite fond of them but because that is the way that they are. If one finds that he or she is waist deep in debt, it is not always that case that that particular person made the wrong choices in his life. This may have happens because many unfortunate circumstances coming that person’s way.\n\nIf you are way behind on your loan repayments and your net pay minus your daily expenses is not enough to pay even the minimum repayments of your loans, if you have already tried your best to meet your situation head on by making a solid listing of all your debts and income but you just could no longer find a way to reconcile your financial situation, then maybe it is time for you to seek professional help. \n\nSeeking professional help in this case is in the form of a credit counseling agent. He or she can help you stop your creditors’ collection agents from calling you up day and night during the most inappropriate times, your counselor can help you get lower or better interest rates, your credit counselor can also help you consolidate those several loans and bills that you have into one neat loan that you will have no trouble in tracking, and he or she can even assist you in removing those awful late payment charges that you have. \n\nYou may think that with such fine services that a credit counseling agent offers, he or she is bound to charge you high on this assistance. But lo and behold, organizations that offer credit counseling services are more often than not run by non-profit institutions that can help you lout in your most trying of times. There are credit counseling agencies that can help you, just check your local yellow pages, you can also see unions, military basis or even universities as these agencies usually reside inside such institutions.\n\nOnce you do find a reputable credit counseling group, you will be given your own credit counselor. Your credit counselor will be your beacon of light in your murky debt situation. He or she will sit down with you and will ask you the details of your current debt situation. Be sure to bring in statements of billing for your loans, loan agreement contracts, mortgage commitment letters and the like when you first meet up with your counselor so he or she can have a clearer picture on where you stand. Then, your counselor will give you the proper advise on money management, he or she will assist you in drafting a budget that you have to stick to and your counselor will also give you some informational packets that can assist you further in your journey to debt liberation.\n\nFrom thereon, depending on the gravity of your situation, your counselor can basically just set up follow up meetings with you or if you really are in a huge hole of debt, he or she may end up asking you to enroll in a debt management program they are affiliated with.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item5",
                 "Debt Settlement",
                 "Debt Settlement",
                 "Then you may want to consider another alternative, you may want to check out debt settlement services. Debt settlement companies or debt arbitration companies are institutions that try their best to negotiate (or haggle if you may), with your creditors, trying to make your creditors say OK with an amount that you can pay to pay your original debt amount.",
                 "While negotiations take place, you stop your repayments to your creditors. Instead, the money that you can give, you give it to your debt settlement company so they accumulate it in a non interest bearing account. All the while, you are waiting for the results of the negotiation.\n\nThe negotiation can end up in two ways. You get to either pay the amount in full with the money accumulated, or you get to pay a huge chunk of it, then you have a smaller repayment left per month. In any case, the creditor will be required by your settlement agency to report this as fully paid to credit agencies so that your credit score will no longer be pulled down.\n\nBut how will you pay this service then if on the onset, you do not have the money to pay even your basic loans? Well, the settlement agency will be paid via commission on how much your debt was lowered. Aside from that, there will also be some administrative fees.\n\nThis may be an alternative you may want to research on or consider prior to filing bankruptcy. As we all know, if you file bankruptcy, you may end up having that tarnishing detail in your credit record for the next decade or so. So you may want to hold your horses and see bankruptcy as your final resort in debt removal.\n\nHowever, this does not mean that you should think of debt settlement services as your perfect saving grace in debt liberation. This venue for debt help also has its risk, like the other debt help possibilities. One risk is that your creditor, even if your debt settlement agent tried his very best, might not even agree to settle. This will result to you having bad credit. \n\nAlso, there are some credit settlement companies that are not very good in working with their clients s o you may want to search the web for testimonials on various credit settlement companies before choosing one you will avail. Better yet, see the BBB website to see if they have a positive score there or not.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-1-Item6",
                 "Getting out of debt",
                 "Getting out of debt",
                 "There really is something very admirable of people who are always thinking ahead and planning for the future. This ensures them that all their hard work now will definitely pay off in the end – and they would not have to be worry about becoming saddled with debt. Of course along with all that planning should also be concrete steps – like getting a stable job, investing in a sound business or saving money in the bank, to ensure that all that planning would not go to waste.",
                 "For a fool-proof plan into getting the future you have always wanted, here are easy-to-follow tips that you really would not have any trouble taking into heart as long as you have already set your mind on becoming debt free and more financially responsible.\n\nTip #1 Pay off all your existing debts: before you are able to start planning for your hopefully, financially stress-free future, you should definitely pay off whatever existing debts first – and make sure that you do not add more to it anymore. If your debts are composed more of credit card debt, why not get it consolidated and have it paid off through deferred monthly payments. This way, you will be able to easily pay for your credit card debt – minus the monthly interest rates. Same goes for other possible loans or debts that you may have, just try to talk to a representative of your bank just to see whatever options you may have. Don’t think of banks as the bad guy, as much as possible these banks would love to have you interested paying off your debts, this is why they consistently try to come up with ways to make the process easier for their clients. \n\nTip #2 Manage your monthly income more responsibly: once you get your paycheck, fight off your brain’s initial reaction of “spend, spend, spend” even for just lunch at that new restaurant. Don’t think of this as a way of depriving yourself or not rewarding yourself for all your hard work, stop being pessimistic and just think of this as a way for you to be able to finally have a financially stress-free life. Try to work out a monthly budget for yourself and do try your best to make it realistic. This way you will be able to better keep track of the things that you are spending each month as well as how much money you are able to save. While you may find this a bit of a challenge at first, soon you will be able to get into the groove of being financially responsible.  \n\nTip #3 Start preparing for the future by saving: now that you have the right attitude towards achieving your goal of being a financially responsible person – free from debt, you can now take all your planning to the next level by crafting a feasible financial plan for your future. Let’s say you want to have a business five years down the line, make sure to write down your plans and how you will be able to achieve it. This is actually a way for you to be able to consistently inspire yourself to always have your priorities on straight. ",


             var group2 = new SampleDataGroup("Group-2",
                 "Having debts is a slippery slope of doom, and you need to know this as early as possible for you to avoid the temptation of getting more debts than you can handle. Sure, you may be able to get what you want, but in the end, you end up just delaying the loss of money.");

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item1",
                 "Debt Trap",
                 "Debt Trap",
                 "Debts, financing, loans, etcetera, these are all very enticing when you first start. Like with credit cards, they start with having your loan at a 0% interest rate for the first year. But once you do get used to having your credit line that way, your tendency is just let lose and keep on charging things to your card without paying the full balance in a month. ",
                 "When you were starting out, fresh out of college, with your future in front of you, you felt like the world was your oyster. Then, you had your first job and it seems like the pay was good. So you finance a home, you take out a car loan and you charge your expenses through your plastic, all the while thinking that all these will be paid in due time because you have this wonderful job where you have a steady pay that you can turn to.\n\nAnd then it happens. Either your company closed down or it laid off some workers to offshore to different countries at cheaper labor,  but in anycase, you are now left with no job and no money to support your debt payments. Or you suddenly found yourself having a family that you have to support financially. You find that your family siphons all your salary from you leaving your debts unpaid, burying you deeper and deeper in debt with all the interests that you have to pay in the future. Or worse, your pay is no longer enough and you find yourself asking for more debt just to support your family.\n\nHaving debts is a slippery slope of doom, and you need to know this as early as possible for you to avoid the temptation of getting more debts than you can handle. Sure, you may be able to get what you want, but in the end, you end up just delaying the loss of money.\n\nDebts, financing, loans, etcetera, these are all very enticing when you first start. Like with credit cards, they start with having your loan at a 0% interest rate for the first year. But once you do get used to having your credit line that way, your tendency is just let lose and keep on charging things to your card without paying the full balance in a month. \n\nThis behavior at the first 12 months of use of a credit card fosters the spending mentality that it also changes or shifts how we spend and charge as a whole, making us more and more prone to debts. This is the same mentality fostered in getting car loans or house loans wherein you prolong your payment period, giving you an option to pay or not to pay. And whenever this option is opened, the most likely choice will be to not pay at all.\n\nWith that being said, aside from ruining your credit rating, having debts really has too much negative impacts involved that it is safe to say that debts are very tricky things to avail. More so, they are very tricky things to start, much less have for more than a few years. \n\nGiven that debts do have their own perks, like having the money to buy items you really need as of the moment but the risks very much outweighs the advantages.\n\nSo do a self reflection on what debts you have. You have to acknowledge the state you are in, deep in debt, as this is the first step in debt help.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-2-Item2",
                 "CLIMBING OUT OF THE DEBT PIT",
                 "CLIMBING OUT OF THE DEBT PIT",
                 "It is easier to get into debt that to get out of it.  The modern society has come a long way from commodity to commodity trading of barter to cashless and credit-based transactions.  Financial institutions are all too willing to give you credit lines in exchange for service fees and interest on unpaid credit.",
                 "It is easier to get into debt that to get out of it.  The modern society has come a long way from commodity to commodity trading of barter to cashless and credit-based transactions.  Financial institutions are all too willing to give you credit lines in exchange for service fees and interest on unpaid credit.  Retail stores and merchants are even more willing to let you use that credit since they are assured that the financial institutions will pay for your purchases regardless of whether you have the equivalent cash or not.  Commercialism has taken center stage in our lives, creating need when there is none in the first place.  People buy things not anymore because they need them but because they are made accessible to them through credit.\n\nYou can get loans for virtually anything nowadays.  Housing loans, automobile loans, student loans, calamity loans, and so many more.  While some of these are legitimate survival needs, these financing instruments can easily be abused by one who lacks money management skills.  Under the general category of personal loans, most have the tendency to balloon because of service charges, fees, and interest rates.  When you have one too many loan instruments to pay for, all growing at exponential rates, it could be extremely difficult if not impossible to climb out of the seemingly bottomless pit of debt.\n\nHelp with debt can be availed of no matter how deep in debt you are.  The most important thing is for you to acknowledge your indebtedness and start doing something to remedy it.  The most obvious option for anyone who is gravely in debt is to file for bankruptcy.  This is not as simple as it sounds and does not in any way mean that you are free from your debt obligation.  Filing for bankruptcy allows you to start building your financial foundation again from scratch.  In an individual bankruptcy filing, an individual is forced to sell his assets to pay for his debts.  A trustee is appointed to oversee the entire process and to make sure that all creditors are paid from the proceeds of the sale.  This kind of bankruptcy filing is called as “liquidiation” bankruptcy as opposed to “rehabilitation” bankruptcy that is often filed by individuals or corporations in business.\n\nAnother way to get help with debt is to contact debt negotiators to do debt settlement.  Help with debt can be availed of by restructuring existing loans into terms that are more manageable for the debtor.  With restructuring, especially for credit card loans, debts are re-aged.  Penalties and interest rates are recomputed based on new tenors.  By going under a restructuring program, loans do not increase uncontrollably but in a new and lower fixed interest rate making it more manageable for the borrower to pay.\n\nDebt counsellors can also help with debt problems.  Those who are still able to pay for their debt obligations but are already worried about the huge amounts of payable with various loan companies can seek advice through debt counselling.  Counsellors can help those heavy with debt analyze their indebtedness and come up with solutions to help them manage their debt payments including but not limited to curbing unnecessary spending.  There are a lot of ways to help with debt problems.  If you are already burdened with multiple debts, the key to surviving the debt trap is to successfully manage debt and consequently erase it at the soonest possible time.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item3",
                 "ERASING BAD DEBT",
                 "ERASING BAD DEBT",
                 "When you get deep into debt for no single identifiable reason, it will not be long before you will be needing help with debt.  Such bad debt can cause a lot of trouble when left to accumulate uncontrollably.  Sooner rather than later, you will wake up with bills that you cannot afford to pay.",
                 "When you get deep into debt for no single identifiable reason, it will not be long before you will be needing help with debt.  Such bad debt can cause a lot of trouble when left to accumulate uncontrollably.  Sooner rather than later, you will wake up with bills that you cannot afford to pay.  Worse, you may even resort to taking out more loans to pay off your existing loans, adding even more problem to your already massive debt.  There are ways to erase bad debt but not without some effort on your part.  \n\nErasing bad debt does not mean skirting the responsibility of paying for your debt.  Erasing bad debt involves paying off loans either through restructuring or consolidation.  Contact a debt consultant to help in coordinating with the credit companies to restructure your loans with terms that are easier on your finances.  Help with debt can be successfully achieved through debt restructuring.  This option usually takes a longer time since the paying period is stretched to accommodate your limited financial resources. \n\nAnother way of getting help with debt is consolidation.  When you consolidate, you combine several loan accounts into a single loan.  This is especially helpful for student loans with different interest rates and different paying periods.  Not all debt can be consolidated.  Often, private student loans can only be consolidated with private loan consolidators while federal student loans can be consolidate both in federal and private loan consolidators.  Credit card debt can also be consolidated.  Choose your debt consolidator wisely by comparing charges, fees, and interest rates.\n\nGetting into debt is not entirely bad.  There are good debts and there are bad debts.  When you take out debts for business purposes or for purposes that are projected to eventually generate more funds in the long run, these debts are considered good debts.  These debts are more likely to pay for themselves as the particular endeavors they were used for rake in earnings.  Other debt that are considered good debt are those that are taken out for assets that appreciate in value.  On a worst case scenario, you can liquidate the asset to pay for the loan with some amount of money left for your account.\n\nLoaning for expenses that can better your chances of earning higher income can also be considered good debt.  This includes education, additional learning modules, and training programs that you can use in your professional and business advancement.  The amount of money that you can generate for yourself will be more than enough to settle your loan repayments.  Extra care, however, should be taken to manage these loans properly and make sure that the loan amount applied for is just the right amount to cover educational expenses.  It is easy to get carried away in taking out loans for additional expenses that may not be necessary in getting a good education.\n\nWhether you have good debt or bad debt, it is important that all debts are managed carefully and wisely.  Erasing bad debt should be top priority while payments for existing debt should be maintained. ",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item4",
                 "EFFECTIVE DEBT RELIEF",
                 "EFFECTIVE DEBT RELIEF",
                 "When you are deep in debt, debt relief can be achieved in a number of ways.  It is not impossible to get help with debt.  You are not alone in dealing with the burden of loans you can no longer afford to pay.  With the global economic meltdown, hundreds and thousands of people are left without jobs and consequently without income to pay for their loan accountabilities such as home loans, auto loans, and credit card loans.  There is a solution to having debt problems.",
                 "When you are deep in debt, debt relief can be achieved in a number of ways.  It is not impossible to get help with debt.  You are not alone in dealing with the burden of loans you can no longer afford to pay.  With the global economic meltdown, hundreds and thousands of people are left without jobs and consequently without income to pay for their loan accountabilities such as home loans, auto loans, and credit card loans.  There is a solution to having debt problems.\n\nYou can get help with debt from financial consultants.  They will be in the best position to help you find out how deep you are in debt trouble.  They can be quite expensive so if you are organized to go through the process of laying out all your debt and scrutinizing every detail of each loan, then you can do it yourself.  Just stick to the basics.  Which ones are affordable for you to pay off?  Which credit companies have remedies to payment defaults?  Do not be afraid to ask around.  If a personal financial consultant is too expensive for you, you can check online for help with debt in various forums and sites that offer free advice.\n\nThe most common advice that you will get when asking for help with debt is to consolidate your debts.  Debt consolidation allows you to combine all your loan accounts into one loan instrument.  With this, you can negotiate for lower interest rates and longer tenors.  When you consolidate your loans, you are left with only one loan to repay instead of three or four or five.  There is only one loan payment amount and one loan payment date to remember every month.  This makes it easier to manage and a lot harder to forget.  Missed payments are minimized by consolidating loans.  And because the tenors are normally longer, the loan repayment amounts are smaller and easier on the pocket.\n\nAnother way to help with debt problems is debt settlement.  In debt settlement, you can negotiate to slash off a huge amount from the debt to pay off the balance in one lump sum.  While the amount of the lump sum payment should be available upon agreement of settlement, the total amount to be paid is significantly reduced and recurring payments and interests are eliminated.  This option is good for those who already have some amount of money stashed away and who would like to avoid having to repeatedly pay interest that keeps the debt growing.  With debt settlement, you will most likely be charged retainer fees for the settlement negotiator. \n\nIf your debt is still manageable but bordering on alarming, then you can choose to take things into your own hands before it gets out of hand.  The first thing that you can do is to stop spending what you cannot afford to spend.  If you do not have the cash for it, do not purchase it.  Instead of using your funds for purchases, channel your funds towards loan payments that are more than what you are required to pay.  This way, you will be able to pay off your loans sooner than expected.  Do this for all your loan accountabilities and soon you will have a debt-free life.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item5",
                 "Being heavily in debt can wreak havoc in all aspects of one’s life.  It can ruin professional and personal relationships without you even seeing it creep up on you.  It is important to manage debt at the earliest point to prevent it from spiralling uncontrollably.  If you have accumulated some amount of debt from financial institutions and products that exceed the number of fingers you have on one hand.",
                 "The financial crisis isn't making debt paying any easier.  A lot of people are struggling with the unstable economic changes, skyrocketing gas prices, and even problems with bankruptcy that having debt is becoming a very crucial circumstance.  Looking for debt help isn't easy to look for as well but there are solutions which can help you avoid being cornered by those nasty lenders and creditors.  With these helpful options and by doing them constantly you can expect a debt free status pretty soon.\n\nApplying and acquiring a debt consolidation loan is the first choice available for consumers who have more than two to three debts already.  You basically turn your unsecured loan into a secured one, which is usually in the form of equity, in order to pay off your debts.  This will not only help you save a lot of money but will also grant you the opportunity to finally pay off those debts.  What's more, banks as well as lenders are more than willing to lend you money as debt consolidation loans, turning it from an unsecured to a secured loan.  Interesting enough, you can apply for a debt consolidation loan over the internet to make things even more convenient for you.  Lenders have websites offering their services to people who are in need of these types of loans.  The advantage is on your side as the debtor since the prices of lending companies are put up online so you will have the opportunity to compare and choose the best offers available.  \n\nThe second option in order to help liquidize debt is debt management services.  Here, this is where debt management companies negotiate with you for a lower balance on your credit cards, which you are supposed to pay.  This is in a form of one payment, which you will pay to the debt management company and they will forward the money to the credit card companies.  The only caution you have to take note here though is that the rates for service fees may differ distinctly from one debt management company to another.  Some might even try to scam you into paying thousands of dollars on service, and in the end leave you still indebted even more.  Therefore before applying for a particular service in a particular company, look through your options, compare their prices for the services offered, and choose which one offers you the best price suitable for your budget.  \n\nAnother option that you may consider for future deb problems is consulting a financial counselor who can provide you with quality debt help.  Now, here the same cautions apply.  A lot of counselors are more than willing to provide you with their services, but look out for those who are persuading you to avail of their special help, which involves buying their expensive debt help packages and guides.  Look out for those who are focused on helping and counseling you on your spending habits more.  These are people who can be trusted, who have knowledge and experience in debt help, and who can guide you into living a life debt free. ",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-2-Item6",
                 "Fix your finances",
                 "Fix your finances",
                 "Still swiping that credit card away? Well there is absolutely nothing wrong about that if you are able to pay off your outstanding balance – every month – in full. If you can only manage to pay the minimum amount per month – and you still have the audacity to use your credit card for shopping luxuries, then shame, shame, shame on you.",
                 "In this day and age, you should know better than to keep doing the things that you know for certain will only give you more money trouble in the end. As a first advice – and probably the most obvious one at that, take that credit card of yours and put it far, far away. Meaning do not put it in your wallet as it will just be a constant source of temptation each time you head out – especially to the mall. Just store it in a safe place so that in case the time comes that you really do need it, then you will still know where it is plus it will be out of reach of people who might just take advantage of your credit card just lying around there. \n\nCheck out these practical tips to help you get smart on your finances and finally get out of debt: \nTip #1 Be honest about your finances: to help you straighten out your finances, you should definitely be honest with yourself about how much financially in trouble you really are. Do not delude yourself into thinking that you are not that much in debt, just accept the situation and be mature about it. Instead of feeling devastated about how much work you really need to do in order to attain your financial goals, just keep in mind that you got yourself in this mess in the first place so all you really need to do is just shape up and stay focused.  \nTip#2 Find ways to earn some extra income: if your finances are actually worse than what you imagine it to be then you should start thinking if your current salary will be enough to help you pay off your debts and pay off your monthly needs. If you still have to think long and hard about it then chances are it isn’t enough. So what are you going to do? Firstly, don’t just mope around and take pity on yourself. Get off that couch and start looking for another means to earn extra money or get yourself a higher paying job. If you have a special skill or talent, you can also use it to earn a good living on the side. If you are a good graphic artist, then you can start taking small projects on the side, if you are good at baking, you can start selling baked goods, it really is all about being creative as well as being determined to get out of your financial rut that will truly help you to succeed. \nTip #3 Make it a habit to save: once your finances start to pick up – meaning, you can already pay for your debts bit by bit and you have enough for your monthly needs, whatever extra money you end up having after everything’s been paid for each month, should already go to your own bank account. Try to restrain yourself from making any impulse purchases, instead make it a habit to save and soon you will be able to truly afford the good things in life. ",

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public SampleDataSource()
            String ITEM_CONTENT = String.Format("Item Content: {0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}",
                        "Curabitur class aliquam vestibulum nam curae maecenas sed integer cras phasellus suspendisse quisque donec dis praesent accumsan bibendum pellentesque condimentum adipiscing etiam consequat vivamus dictumst aliquam duis convallis scelerisque est parturient ullamcorper aliquet fusce suspendisse nunc hac eleifend amet blandit facilisi condimentum commodo scelerisque faucibus aenean ullamcorper ante mauris dignissim consectetuer nullam lorem vestibulum habitant conubia elementum pellentesque morbi facilisis arcu sollicitudin diam cubilia aptent vestibulum auctor eget dapibus pellentesque inceptos leo egestas interdum nulla consectetuer suspendisse adipiscing pellentesque proin lobortis sollicitudin augue elit mus congue fermentum parturient fringilla euismod feugiat");

            var group1 = new SampleDataGroup("Group-1",
                 "Forex Basics",
                 "Forex Basics",
                 "If you want to invest in forex then you should know the meaning of forex trading.The meaning of forex is foreign exchange. Foreign exchange market provides information about the different currencies. It can be used fore comparing different currencies. It is considered to be the large market of the world.");

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item1",
                 "Meaning of Forex",
                 "Meaning of Forex",
                 "Now forex is open for the ordinary person. Even an ordinary person can plan to take the benefit of this forex and try to earn the fruits that they want to earn in limited span of time. If you want to learn about the different techniques that are adopted by the forex then you need to look at internet. There are many websites that can help you to get the fruits that you want.",
                 "If you want to invest in forex then you should know the meaning of forex trading.The meaning of forex is foreign exchange. Foreign exchange market provides information about the different currencies. It can be used fore comparing different currencies. It is considered to be the large market of the world. You can deal in cash value, governments, different speculators of the currency, multinational companies and various other financial institutes or the market.\n\nRetail traders are considered to be the small speculators. These small investors can become the part of the large market. These investors would participate with the help of the brokers or the bank. You can easily become the victim of the frauds. So you need to be aware of these scams as their main aim is to take the maximum benefit of your situation and they would try to exploit you.\n\nNow even the small investors can take part in this market and they can earn the huge profit as soon as possible. You should not take hap hazard decision in selecting the trader. If you take the haphazard decisions then you can end up making losses instead of profits. You also need to be aware of scams.\n\nNow forex is open for the ordinary person. Even an ordinary person can plan to take the benefit of this forex and try to earn the fruits that they want to earn in limited span of time. If you want to learn about the different techniques that are adopted by the forex then you need to look at internet. There are many websites that can help you to get the fruits that you want. These sites can also help you to learn the activities that are important for you to know. You are a smart investor then you would start trading with the nominal amount you would not trade with the high amount. This would help you to gain the confidence and invest smartly in the market of forex.  Thus, your confidence would aid you to invest in big amount in the market of forex trading.\n\nThere are many traders that would give you the advice to open a demo account. This account would help you to learn the different techniques of trading in forex market. You can open this account with minimal charges. You don’t need to pay high amount if you want to take the benefit of this account. After this you can open a standard account with the forex.\n\nIf you want to gain information about the forex then you should look at internet. There are many sites that would help you to collect the information that you are in need of. These sites would provide you necessary tutorials that can help you to trade on forex and earn huge profits in limited span of time. It would also help you to select the best trader for your deal. You can also compare the different traders and choose the trader as per your needs and requirements. You need to be particular in selecting the trader for yourself.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-1-Item2",
                 "Significance of Forex Robots",
                 "Significance of Forex Robots",
                 "If you want to earn money then you need to know the significance of Forex robots.There are Forex robots that would not help you to gain huge profit but there are some robots that can aid you to gain your profits as soon as possible.",
                 "If you want to earn money then you need to know the significance of Forex robots.There are Forex robots that would not help you to gain huge profit but there are some robots that can aid you to gain your profits as soon as possible. The following are the importance of robots:\nIf you are searching for robots then you need to explore yourself to internet there are many robots that would help you to achieve your goals within limited span of time. Net would aid you to get the necessary records about the different types of robots. You would get the fantasy records and in reality you would not find these records. These records are not repeated in reality.\n\nYou would find that the robots contain the maximum comforts. At the back you would find that the prices are written that would help you to decide the best product for yourself. It would help you to know which product you should buy and which product you are supposed to sell. This way you can take the decision about the buying and selling the particular product. It would help you to take the perfect decision about the product that you have chosen for your consumption.\n\nThese track records are of little use and it can be used to find the profits in future. Thus, these records can be used for finding future profits. If you have seen the automated Forex trading back system then you would find that it is back tested that can be used for earning the best gains and it would be very easily sold in the market. But this would not provide you guarantee that you would be able to earn the fruits that you want to earn. Due to this reason you should always purchase the real time track record. Before purchasing the product you need to find the details of the product that you have selected for yourself. This way you would be able to select the best product.\n\nThese track records are free of charge and you don’t have to high price for this record.  You should make one thing sure that the trader that you have selected should know the different disciplines of Forex trading and should have perfect knowledge about the trading system. They should know the different ways that would help them to make gains that their customers want to earn. They should know the different moves of the market. The trader should be long lasting.\n\nYou should have the regulation and self-assurance to follow the terms and conditions of Forex trading and you should have the strength to bear the long term loss. Your confidence would help you to remain in the market for long time. Your trader should also know about the different leads of the market. You should know one important aspect of trading can that is the period of recovering the loss is high as compare to the loss that is made by the trader.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item3",
                 "Facts about the Forex robots",
                 "Facts about the Forex robots",
                 "The forex robots are now gaining immense popularity among the current forex traders. This is due to the fact that the forex robots help a large number of traders in order to earn a hefty sum of profits. If you have a program that is reliable then it will save a lot of your valuable time.",
                 "The forex robots are now gaining immense popularity among the current forex traders. This is due to the fact that the forex robots help a large number of traders in order to earn a hefty sum of profits. If you have a program that is reliable then it will save a lot of your valuable time. The program does all the processes related to trading on your behalf and this in turn trims down your time and efforts. This will definitely help you to have a substantial increment in your profits. However, you must have faced the problem of differentiating the bad forex robots from the good ones. Normally, there are three forex robots that are considered to be the optimum ones in the present markets. These three forex robots are even cost effective and economical. This will save you from making heavy investments in the initial stages of forex trading. You can use it easily and start earning profits from them very quickly. \n\nThe three forex robots that are considered to be the most optimum for your trading use are mentioned below.\n1. The Forex Killer is amongst the most celebrated trading robots available in the present markets. This popular trading program is a software that generates signals. It also undertakes the task of analyzing the markets. This software also endows you with the ingress and egress prices so that you can conveniently take action on it. But, it will not place orders on your behalf with out your intervention. It does not function automatically. You by yourself have to place the trade orders and accomplish your dealings. Due to the practicality and usefulness of the Forex Killer, it has received a mixture of exceptional reviews. \n2. The Forex Funnel is a type of forex robot that is employed for the currency join up of the Japanese Yen and United States Dollars. It is very convenient as well as excessively useful. It undertakes the whole process of trading on your behalf. Not only this, it even analyses the conditions of market. It places the orders of trade in your absence. The forex funnel is being tested for an extensive period of more than four years. It has even receives a variety of outstanding reviews. The installation process of the forex funnel is not technically complicated. It is so simple that even a person at the beginners’ level can operate it with ease. \n3. The Forex Tracer is a kind of famous forex robots which is analogous to the Forex funnel. This forex robot is also very convenient. It carry outs the whole process of forex dealings for you on your behalf. It is also employed for the currency duo of Euro and United States Dollars. The forex tracer is also tested from a long period of time and is still producing desirable outcomes. It is amongst the most desirable Forex robots. Even the folks that are new to the software can operate it without any complications. \n\nAny of the aforementioned three forex robots could be employed by you in order to earn significant income from the forex markets. ",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item4",
                 "How to do the Forex currency dealing",
                 "How to do the Forex currency dealing",
                 "In the present time and age, it is feasible to sell or buy currency from various countries in the forex market. The forex is an abbreviation for foreign exchange. The ups and downs in the forex markets prove to be beneficial for the foreign exchange traders.",
                 "In the present time and age, it is feasible to sell or buy currency from various countries in the forex market. The forex is an abbreviation for foreign exchange. The ups and downs in the forex markets prove to be beneficial for the foreign exchange traders. The forex dealers can make large profits due to fluctuations in the currency rates of the forex markets. It is easy to capture the degree of differences in the forex trading than in the other trading as the foreign exchange market is open for twenty four hours in a day. It is only closed at Saturdays and Sundays. Nowadays, the forex market is become universal. Due to this, there are always buyers as well as sellers available in the forex market. The traders on the forex markets could be varied from each other. Most of these forex dealers are looking out for some short range gains. A majority of them are overseas investors that are in search of hedging off their investments with the long range Foreign exchange trades.\n\nThe currency deals on forex are done in the currency amounts that are known as lots. These lots are generally measured in United States dollars. The lots could be bought on a margin. The basis of the forex trades is the procedural scrutiny of the record of the price of the currency. The price of the foreign exchange currency could also depend on the study of the political environment of a specific country. The taxation policies of a country also decide the price of its currency’s exchange. The rates of the unemployed in that country are one of the decider factors of a country’s currency exchange rate. The rate of inflation and various other necessary factors of that country are the deciding factor of the exchange rate of that country’s currency. There is a range of systems for the currency dealings on Forex.\n\nThe currency trading on Forex is a gigantic market. It is estimated that the trading on daily basis is flanked by one trillion United States dollars up to one hundred and ninety million United States dollars. Due to the giganticness of the money amount of Forex, it is a next to impossible thing to manipulate the Forex markets like the other small markets are easily influenced. It is a very important aspect to note that the forex legal tender trading is not looked after by a single central organization such as the ESC. SEC stands for the Security Exchange Commission. Each and every country has a different agency to have a watch over the activities related to the forex trading.\n\nThe forex trading is beneficial for the economy of a country. Due to the foreign exchange, the economic condition of a country can escalate rapidly. The importance of dealing on the forex market is understood by a large number of people. And in the present times, more and more people are gaining interest to trade on the forex market in order to gain a hefty profit. ",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item5",
                 "Importance of Forex Trading",
                 "Importance of Forex Trading",
                 "Many people who don’t know the importance of Forex Diversification is considered to be the very important factor of money management. Many traders are not aware of this factor. Due to this reason they avoid to use it.",
                 "Many people who don’t know the importance of Forex Diversification is considered to be the very important factor of money management. Many traders are not aware of this factor. Due to this reason they avoid to use it. Diversification is considered to be the uncommon factor of foreign exchange.  Traders would focus on pips and they would not take time to understand the concept of diversification.\n\nIf you are bale to understand the diversification then would stay for long time in Forex. This would help you to earn maximum profit within limited span of time.\n\nThe main aim of diversification is to take the advantage of the different types of currency pair or different types of strategies. This would provide necessary protection to the traders and would allow them to earn huge profits.\n\nDiversification would aid you to keep your account alive. Due to this reason it is considered to be the most important tool of trading. There are some trading experts that are aware of this factor and they are suing it to get the desired goals.\n\nIf you are trading in EUR or USD then you need to diversify your account as soon as possible. If you are trading in one pair then too you can diversify your account. There are different methods of providing protection to your account. But before this you need to know the concept of diversification. The following are the advantages and disadvantages of diversification:\n\nAdvantages of diversification:\n\nDiversification provides net safety to its users. If you are running in loss then you don’t need to take tensions because the diversification would provide you the policy of “insurance” which you can use in your bad times. In other words it would provide protection to its customers when they are facing losses.\n\nDisadvantages of diversification:\n\nIf you practice the money management then you have to bear the loss up to 5% for each trade. If the trader becomes excited about the diversification then your risk factor would increase continuously.  Due to this reason you should keep the record of diversification as this would help you to reach your goal within limited span of time.\n\nThe following are different types of methods that are used by the diversification:\n1. Split into mini position:\nIf you are dealing in standard lot then you can split it into two mini lots.\n2. Different time frame:\nIf you are dealing in EUR or USD then you would lack maximum frame. Due to this reason you need to observe the frames keenly. You should try to take the frame in the direction of the frames that would help you to earn huge profits.\n3. Trade in Different currency:\nYou can trade in the currency pairs that are not related to each other.\nThe above are the different types of methods and from this you are supposed to select the method as per your requirements. With Forex trading you would become rich in limited span of time. Thus, you should be careful in selecting the method of diversification ",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-1-Item6",
                 "Forex – The Easiest Way to Earn Money",
                 "Forex – The Easiest Way to Earn Money",
                 "Forex is the easiest way to earn money.In 1997 Forex trading was found and today it is considered to be the world largest providers. Forex trading would aid you to become rich in short duration of time.",
                 "Forex is the easiest way to earn money.In 1997 Forex trading was found and today it is considered to be the world largest providers. Forex trading would aid you to become rich in short duration of time. Global Forex trading gives you an opportunity to deal in online currency trading.  You can become billions in limited span of time.\n\nGlobal forex provides its services to different countries of the world. You can access this system form any corner of the world. You just need to have the computer that has internet connection. This market is open for 24 hours. You can access it whenever you are free. You can use DealBrook FX2 software to take the maximum benefit of this market. It gives you an opportunity to price more than 60 pairs of currency. The experts of Global Forex are famous for providing its services to its customers. There are some currency news bulletins and charts are provided by the market. Global Forex trading is considered to be the best platform for the beginners and the experts of Forex market.\n\nAdvantages of Forex Trading:\n\nThe most important benefit of Forex market is that it is open for 24 hours. In today’s world it is considered to be the best liquid market. This market provides leverages of 100 to 1. This would reduce the requirement for the large capital. If you want to trade in Forex then you don’t need to pay the commission. It is commission free market. This commission free trading is available for more than 60 countries.\n\nOther most important benefit is that it is the global market and there are no restrictions of trading in this market. The market conditions would not have any effect on your profit. You can take the advantage of the best opportunities.\n\nThe small investors can also take the benefits of the opportunities that are provided the Forex market. All type of investors can take the benefit of this market. Different types of investors can take the benefit of this market. Before investing in the market you should know the basic concepts of the Forex market.\n\nIf you wan to know other importance of the market then you should explore your self to internet. If you are a beginner then it would help you to way different ways that would help you to earn huge profits and you can also make comparison between different traders and then select the trader as per your demands. You should be careful in selecting the trader. There are many traders that would try to take the advantage of your situation and they would not provide you proper guidelines to its users. They would try to exploit you by charging high rate of commission. Remember one thing that if you want to become a successful trader then you need to consult the expert of the particular field and then invest. These experts would give you necessary guidelines and would help you to select the best trader for your deal.",


             var group2 = new SampleDataGroup("Group-2",
                 "Benefits of Forex Trading",
                 "Benefits of Forex Trading",
                 "If you want to know invest in Forex trading then you need to know benefits of indicators that are used in Forex.The rates of currency changes slowly it is not a random process. But it is a slow and gradual process. The maximum rates of the currency are dependent on the confidence of the customer and on the economic strength of that country.");

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item1",
                 "Benefits of Indicators That Are Used In Forex",
                 "Benefits of Indicators That Are Used In Forex",
                 "The importance of the fundamental economic factor is increasing continuously.	 If you focus on the economic status of the country then it would help you to create the impression about that country. FX market would decide the value of that country. 	FX would decide the value of the currency with the help of 5 different types of indicators. These indicators can be used for generating the volume and to decide the moves in the market.",
                 "If you want to know invest in Forex trading then you need to know benefits of indicators that are used in Forex.The rates of currency changes slowly it is not a random process. But it is a slow and gradual process. The maximum rates of the currency are dependent on the confidence of the customer and on the economic strength of that country. There are many factors that play an important role in determining the rate of the particular currency. These factors are watched by FX trading market. if the economic indicators change the value of the particular currency would change automatically. The currency of the country is considered to be the economic value representative of the particular country. It would represent the economic health of the country. The price of the currency would keep on fluctuating.\n\nThe importance of the fundamental economic factor is increasing continuously.	 If you focus on the economic status of the country then it would help you to create the impression about that country. FX market would decide the value of that country. 	FX would decide the value of the currency with the help of 5 different types of indicators. These indicators can be used for generating the volume and to decide the moves in the market.\n\nEconomic impact of short term and long term trading:\n\nData is not important in deciding the value of the currency. Data would help you to know the expectations of the market. Once the data is released then most of the economist would focus on the indicators that are used for analyzing the value of the currency. The economist would try to focus on different types of indicators and it would try to manipulate the different types of indicators. Short term trading are considered to be the most important short –term trading.  In short term trading you should have the capacity of finding whether the market would allow you to earn profits or you may end up making loss.\n\nIn long term trading the sudden changes would take place in the market. In this situation it is better that you invest in short term trading as this would help you to get the desired result as soon as possible. Market expectations are declared to meet the expectations of market. if you want to earn huge profit then you need to keep the record of the indicators and the changes that are taking place in the market.\n\nIf you want to gain information about the indicators then you need to explore yourself to internet. There are various websites that would help you to select the best trader and the offers that are offered by the different traders. This would help you to know the basic of Forex trading. It would also help you to know the different methods that would help you to earn large sum of amount and it would help you to become rich. You can take the maximum benefit of Forex trading. You can generate the wealth that you want.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-2-Item2",
                 "Advantages of Forex trading system",
                 "Advantages of Forex trading system",
                 "You must utilize a proper stratagem if you want your forex trading system to work efficiently. It is also unambiguous to comprehend and its application is also very easy. It also helps you to gain huge profits. You must include these strategies into the forex trading strategies with the intention of earning enormous profits.",
                 "You must utilize a proper stratagem if you want your forex trading system to work efficiently. It is also unambiguous to comprehend and its application is also very easy. It also helps you to gain huge profits. You must include these strategies into the forex trading strategies with the intention of earning enormous profits.\n\nThere is no requirement of any forex robot in order to create a forex trading system. There are various breakouts that should be considered before creating a triumphant trading system of forex. Breakouts happen when the prices of commodities break to new extents on a chart of forex. You can accumulate a large number of gains if you sell or buy breakouts. This is because of the fact that these breakouts are rooted on the foundation of two realities about the price movement of forex that are not bound to change. They are mentioned below.  \n\n1. The trends in the foreign exchange markets are for longer durations. They start and carry on form the highs and lows of the new markets. \n\n2. Most of the traders of the forex markets lose due to their refusal to sell or buy breakouts. The matter of fact is that they do not want to carry on with the breakouts. This is the main reason for most of the foreign exchange traders’ losses.  \n\nThe legitimate breakout will definitely have a high odd, which will carry on in the way of a break. However, remember that all of the breaks do not continue similarly. You must select a proper break if you want to be successful. If you want to have at least two supportive tests, but normally, they have four to five tests. They do tests in some particular time periods that is stipulated in proper time spheres. It is advisable to undergo more and more tests as they are better for you. You must also keep observing the news. Most of the times, the news guide you that they are better breakouts. You may feel a little discouraged when the breakout happens. However, you must understand the fact that the breakout will not carry on for a longer time.\n\nYou should always get the odds into your favor as this is the most rational thing to undertake. The best among the breaks are supported by the momentum of rising prices. They become indicators to verify your moves. The most appreciating moves are the Stochastic and the RSI, which could be learned easily in fifty to sixty minutes. These are considered as visual pointers and they are easily applicable. You can even use them easily to enlarge your profits. They are very helpful in getting the odds into your side. \n\nOnce you have experienced a full breakout that is sustained by th4e momentum in price, you are ready to implement your trading indication. You can stop the break out in which you are currently trading. As soon as the breakout catches momentum, you can easily trace outside the general precariousness. ",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item3",
                 "Be Alert about the Forex Trading",
                 "Be Alert about the Forex Trading",
                 "If you want to invest in forex then you need to be alert about the forex trading.Forex trading is the filed in which you can buy one currency and sell other currency at particular point of time. You can take the advantage of the attractive opportunities. Forex is the best place to start investment.",
                 "If you want to invest in forex then you need to be alert about the forex trading.Forex trading is the filed in which you can buy one currency and sell other currency at particular point of time. You can take the advantage of the attractive opportunities. Forex is the best place to start investment. The following are the different points that can help you invest in forex trade:\n\nYou can trade forex on part – time basis:\n\nIf you are beginner then you need to learn about the different discipline of forex market. The following are the tips that can help you to invest in forex market:\n\n1.)	Start Trading with demo account:\n\nIf you a beginner then it important for you to know the different spheres of forex. You should know the basics of demo account. If you don’t need large capital for opening the demo account. But if you are train investor then you would know the different techniques that would help you to earn huge profit. If you want to open this account then you need to consult the expert that would help you to earn large profit in short duration of time. This would lower down your risk factor.\n\n2.)	Software for trading in Forex:\n\nForex is considered to be the foundation of getting success in forex trading. There are different types of software. You need to choose the software as per your needs and requirements. You need to be careful in selecting the software. Different packages would have different tools for measuring the changes that take place in forex market.  The important benefit of this tool is that it uses tools like automation. If you use this software then you can maximum profit and save some money on your investment. But if you don’t know to use this software then you may end up making losses instead of profits.\n\nBefore investing in the forex market you need to take the perfect training about this market. You should try to gain the necessary information about the forex trading. You should know the different techniques that would aid you to the fruits that you want to earn.\n\nIf you want to collect more details about forex trading then you can look at internet. There are many websites that would allow you to make investment at proper place at proper time. This would help you to know about the perfect way of investing in forex. If you want to purchase the software for forex trading then you should look at different websites this sites would help you to select the best software for your self. You can select the software as per your requirements and demands. You need to be careful in selecting the software as your software is the base for your success. You need to be aware of frauds that would try to take the benefit of your situation and they would not provide proper guidelines about the trading in forex. Due to this reason you need to find the details of the forex software that you have selected for yourself",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item4",
                 "Importance of Forex Brokers and Bonus",
                 "Importance of Forex Brokers and Bonus",
                 "Online Forex attracts the attention of potential buyers. If you are new investor then you can take the advantage of the Forex trade. There are different types of bonuses. You need to select the bonus as per your demands. If you want to take the advantage of the best trader then you need to understand Forex properly. Different types of traders would offer you different types of bonus.",
                 "Online Forex attracts the attention of potential buyers. If you are new investor then you can take the advantage of the Forex trade. There are different types of bonuses. You need to select the bonus as per your demands. If you want to take the advantage of the best trader then you need to understand Forex properly. Different types of traders would offer you different types of bonus. You need to understand the difference between the vast selection that are offered and the promotions that would help you to decide the offer that you have selected the offer.\n\nYou need to find the best Forex trader that would help you to earn huge profits. Forex traders would help you to earn huge profit as soon as possible. It would help you to get the rewards and you can take the advantage of the rewards. There are many traders that offer cash as reward to their customer. If you deposit the first depot then you can take the advantage of the bonus that is offered by different traders.\n\nYou should know one thing that you have to pay for every thing that you purchase. If you want to earn the advantage of the bonus then you need to take the benefit of the promotions that are offered by different traders. There are many online brokers that can help you to collect the necessary information about the different types of brokers.\n\nIf you want to know the different types of bonuses then you need to know the requirements of the free cash.  Wagering is called as the online gambling industry and it is the part of Forex rules and regulations. There are some traders that do to agree the terms and conditions of the Forex trading.\n\nThe following are some terms and conditions that would help you to select the best bonus for your deal:\n1.	You must buy or sell minimum 10 mini lots form your real – money account. Forex traders would not be able to withdraw money from their account.\n2.	If your account is not redeemed then you would have difficulty in withdrawing money from their account. The amount that you have not withdrawn would remain in account. It would not change.\n3.	 You cannot abuse bonus that is offered by the trader. Bonuses are given according to the account of the customer, person and the environment in which the computers of the users are shared.\nBefore purchasing the product you need to know the terms and conditions of the program that you have selected for yourself. There are different types of bonus. Welcome bonus is considered to be the best bonus as this would help you to earn the maximum profit in short duration of time. It is the common method that is used by the traders. It is considered to be platform of Forex trading.\nThere are many brokers that would offer you bonuses called Loyalty Bonus. You can also take the advantage of monthly cash bonus.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item5",
                 "Guidelines to learn trading on Forex",
                 "Guidelines to learn trading on Forex",
                 "A majority of the marketers that trades on the internet are aware of forex dealings. The forex dealings are also termed as online legal tender trading. Though, most of the individuals are still unaware about the dealing methods while trading on forex.",
                 "A majority of the marketers that trades on the internet are aware of forex dealings. The forex dealings are also termed as online legal tender trading. Though, most of the individuals are still unaware about the dealing methods while trading on forex. They even do not know the functionalities of forex and the place from where they can learn the basics of trading on forex. \n\nIf you aim to turn out to be a thriving trader on forex, then you must get aware of the fundamentals of forex dealing. You must learn the methods of trading on forex appositely. It is advisable to seek advices from the experts and professionals, so that, you attain adequate acquaintance about the forex dealing. There is a tutorial available for forex dealing, that you can approach. Nowadays, there are various forex corporations that bestow you with guides and tutorials on the internet. These online guides are very advantageous.\n\nThe technicalities of a forex market are explained in detail by the online foreign exchange tutorial. This tutorial will also guide you about the forms of orders that you can avail being a foreign exchange trader. A tutorial of forex would guide you about the mechanical pointers of foreign exchange and their meaning. The indicators pertaining to economy are also of vital importance. The tutorial also directs you about the alternates and tactics that could be implemented by you being a trader on forex. \n\nBefore investing your well merited money into forex, you must be fully aware of the fundamentals of forex dealings. If you are at the beginner’s level in the field of forex dealings, then it becomes crucial for you to gain knowledge of dealings in forex. There are various online companies that guide you about forex dealings and the training which they provide is hundred per cent free of cost. This is very cost effective for you as you do not have to lose any money; instead you get tips on how to accumulate profits. These websites also demonstrate you in matters pertaining to forex. Other than the online manifestations and guidance, there is a choice of trading programs available. These programs prove to be an easy way to become skilled for forex dealings. Even after some considerable time, if you want to refer these courses, they will definitely prove helpful to you. You must learn trading on forex because it teaches you to carry on trade productively. \n\nWell, trading on forex is not a difficult task unless and until you have the sufficient knowledge about forex dealings. It is advisable for you to study or take classes before investing your hard earned wealth into the forex markets. You must refer the forex charts and forex spreads in order to deal properly in the foreign exchange markets. If you have learnt all your lessons appositely, then you can earn sufficient profits from the forex dealings. However, if your knowledge about the forex markets is not sufficient, then you will definitely incur a loss in your dealings. ",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-2-Item6",
                 "Tips for escalating forex profits",
                 "Tips for escalating forex profits",
                 "Most of the traders that have made profit by trading on forex have an undisclosed secret with them. They do not reveal their secret with others in order to have a monopoly. If you think the above mentioned tow lines are true then you are wrong.",
                 "Most of the traders that have made profit by trading on forex have an undisclosed secret with them. They do not reveal their secret with others in order to have a monopoly. If you think the above mentioned tow lines are true then you are wrong. Frankly speaking, there are no such secrets to gain success in the forex dealings. A majority of the counselors that claim their own selves to be the trade guru are all bogus. In fact, they are a group of traders that have failed to attain success in the forex dealings and they do not have a clear idea about successful forex dealings. \n\nThere is a normal human tendency that we all want to acquire profits, but do not want to spend anything for that. If investing into forex is an easy task, then more and more individuals would definitely invest into it. There are even kinds of individuals that invest into things that are outlandish to even them. However, then also they expect to earn profits from such investments. The greediness of these folks is responsible for their failure. It is seen from the past evidences that due to greediness, most of the human beings have failed in their targets. However, there is definitely a way out for you so that you can earn a healthy amount of profit and that too with out shedding out much of your perspiration. Hence, if you want to earn something, then you should not hesitate to put in the necessary efforts. You will surely succeed in your goals. \n\nIf you want guaranteed profits while trading on forex, then there is a way for that too. There are some important tips that would escalate your profits while dealing on forex. The most significant tip is that you should never anticipate excessive from the marketplace than it is capable of providing you.\n\nYou can understand this term more widely if you are an experienced trader. If there is not doing well, you must also go short with it. Even if you earn profit with your strategies, you must bear in mind that the market is not much productive. During this period a majority of the traders choose to go short. \n\nIn spite of the gains and losses, you should never dishonor the golden tip of trading, which is not to anticipate much from the trading place than what it is capable of providing you. Those forex traders that had decided to be short have experienced a lot of threat factors. If you do not have full confidence in your dealings then merely gambling with your fate is not a rational decision. It would become a very shameful condition for you, if you gamble again and again with your destiny. \n\nAs a trader, you must have a desire for a wonderful deal that would earn you a huge profit. However, if you become more and more greedy, then it would prove to be very hazardous for you. You must play safe rather than taking unnecessary chances. ",

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public SampleDataSource()
            String ITEM_CONTENT = String.Format("Item Content: {0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}",
                        "Curabitur class aliquam vestibulum nam curae maecenas sed integer cras phasellus suspendisse quisque donec dis praesent accumsan bibendum pellentesque condimentum adipiscing etiam consequat vivamus dictumst aliquam duis convallis scelerisque est parturient ullamcorper aliquet fusce suspendisse nunc hac eleifend amet blandit facilisi condimentum commodo scelerisque faucibus aenean ullamcorper ante mauris dignissim consectetuer nullam lorem vestibulum habitant conubia elementum pellentesque morbi facilisis arcu sollicitudin diam cubilia aptent vestibulum auctor eget dapibus pellentesque inceptos leo egestas interdum nulla consectetuer suspendisse adipiscing pellentesque proin lobortis sollicitudin augue elit mus congue fermentum parturient fringilla euismod feugiat");

            var group1 = new SampleDataGroup("Group-1",
                 "Ways to Go Green",
                 "Ways to Go Green",
                 "How can we live lightly on the Earth and save money at the same time? Staff members at the Worldwatch Institute, a global environmental organization, share ideas on how to GO GREEN and SAVE GREEN at home and at work. To learn more about Worldwatch's efforts to create am environmentally sustainable society that meets human needs");

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item1",
                 "Save energy to save money",
                 "Save energy to save money",
                 "How can we live lightly on the Earth and save money at the same time? Staff members at the Worldwatch Institute, a global environmental organization, share ideas on how to GO GREEN and SAVE GREEN at home and at work. To learn more about Worldwatch's efforts to create am environmentally sustainable society that meets human needs",
                 "Set your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer to save on heating and cooling costs.\nInstall compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) when your older incandescent bulbs burn out.\nUnplug appliances when you're not using them. Or, use a smart power strip that senses when appliances are off and cuts phantom or vampire energy use.\nWash clothes in cold water whenever possible. As much as 85 percent of the energy used to machine-wash clothes goes to heating the water.\nUse a drying rack or clothesline to save the energy otherwise used during machine drying.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-1-Item2",
                 "Save water to save money",
                 "Save water to save money",
                 "Climate change is in the news. It seems like everyone's going green We're glad you want to take action, too. Luckily, many of the steps we can take to stop climate change can make our lives better. Our grandchildren-and their children-will thank us for living more sustainably. Let's start now.",
                 "Take shorter showers to reduce water use. This will lower your water and heating bills too.\nInstall a low-flow showerhead. They don't cost much, and the water and energy savings can quickly pay back your investment.\nMake sure you have a faucet aerator on each faucet. These inexpensive appliances conserve heat and water, while keeping water pressure high.\nPlant drought-tolerant native plants in your garden. Many plants need minimal watering. Find out which occur naturally in your area.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item3",
                 "Less Gas",
                 "Less Gas",
                 "How can we live lightly on the Earth and save money at the same time? Staff members at the Worldwatch Institute, a global environmental organization, share ideas on how to GO GREEN and SAVE GREEN at home and at work. To learn more about Worldwatch's efforts to create am environmentally sustainable society that meets human needs",
                 "Walk or bike to work. This saves on gas and parking costs while improving your cardiovascular health and reducing your risk of obesity.\nConsider telecommuting if you live far from your work. Or move closer. Even if this means paying more rent, it could save you money in the long term.\nLobby your local government to increase spending on sidewalks and bike lanes. With little cost, these improvements can pay huge dividends in bettering your health and reducing traffic.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item4",
                 "Eat Smart",
                 "Eat Smart.",
                 "How can we live lightly on the Earth and save money at the same time? Staff members at the Worldwatch Institute, a global environmental organization, share ideas on how to GO GREEN and SAVE GREEN at home and at work. To learn more about Worldwatch's efforts to create am environmentally sustainable society that meets human needs",
                 "If you eat meat, add one meatless meal a week. Meat costs a lot at the store-and it's even more expensive when you consider the related environmental and health costs.Buy locally raised, humane, and organic meat, eggs, and dairy whenever you can. Purchasing from local farmers keeps money in the local economy.Watch videos about why local food and sustainable seafood are so great.Whatever your diet, eat low on the food chain. This is especially true for seafood.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item5",
                 "Skip the bottled water",
                 "Skip the bottled water",
                 "Go Green is in the news. It seems like everyone's going green. We're glad you want to take action, too. Luckily, many of the steps we can take to stop climate change can make our lives better. Our grandchildren-and their children-will thank us for living more sustainably. Let's start now.",
                 "Use a water filter to purify tap water instead of buying bottled water. Not only is bottled water expensive, but it generates large amounts of container waste.\nBring a reusable water bottle, preferably aluminum rather than plastic, with you when traveling or at work.\nCheck out this short article for the latest on bottled water trends.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-1-Item6",
                 "Think before you buy",
                 "Think before you buy",
                 "How can we live lightly on the Earth and save money at the same time? Staff members at the Worldwatch Institute, a global environmental organization, share ideas on how to GO GREEN and SAVE GREEN at home and at work. To learn more about Worldwatch's efforts to create am environmentally sustainable society that meets human needs",
                 "Go online to find new or gently used secondhand products. Whether you've just moved or are looking to redecorate, consider a service like craigslist or FreeSharing to track down furniture, appliances, and other items cheaply or for free.\nCheck out garage sales, thrift stores, and consignment shops for clothing and other everyday items.When making purchases, make sure you know what's Good Stuff and what isn't.Watch a video about what happens when you buy things. Your purchases have a real impact, for better or worse.",


             var group2 = new SampleDataGroup("Group-2",
                 "Benefits of Going Green",
                 "Benefits of Going Green",
                 "Basically, green living refers to a way of life that contributes towards maintaining the natural ecological balance in the environment, and preserving the planet and its natural systems and resources.");

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item1",
                 "Lower costs",
                 "Lower costs",
                 "One of the most evident benefits of going green is that it can help us cut cost, whether as an individual, a household, a community or a nation.",
                 "One of the most evident benefits of going green is that it can help us cut cost, whether as an individual, a household, a community or a nation.\n\nWhen you and I conserve energy and resources, by not wasting water and electricity and adopting green traveling tips, we help to reduce the amount of money that needs to be spent on energy and resources.\n\nBy sending our unwanted items for recycling, and supporting the recycling industry by purchasing recycled products, in the long run as a community, we are reducing the cost of production, because it uses more energy (and hence is more costly) to manufacture products using virgin raw materials.\n\nAs we reduce our waste, by reducing consumption or reusing, or diverting waste from the landfills and incinerators through recycling, we would be able to save on waste disposal. Valuable land originally intended for landfills and incinerator plants can now be freed up for other uses.\n\nAnd reducing the pollution that we create is definitely cheaper than trying to clear up the pollution after we have created the mess!\n\nThese are just some of the economic benefits of going green. (Also read about the economic benefits of recycling). You can only stand to benefit by living a green life. So why not start now?",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-2-Item2",
                 "Healthier lives",
                 "Healthier lives",
                 "Are you aware that one of the benefits of going green is a healthier environment for you and me?",
                 "Are you aware that one of the benefits of going green is a healthier environment for you and me?\n\nAs more and more people seek to live a green life by reducing the pollution and carbon footprints they leave behind, we can look forward to better quality air, a cleaner environment and better health.\n\nThe quality of our air definitely has an impact on our health. According to the World Health Organization, air pollution is estimated to cause about 2 million premature deaths worldwide every year. Common air pollutants like lead have been found to be associated with behavioral problems, learning deficits and lowered IQ in young children.In addition, the health of our environment also has an impact on the quality of our food and ultimately our health. It would be hard to imagine how we could remain healthy if we are consuming polluted drinking water and food contaminated with chemicals (eg. fish with heavy metal contamination, vegetables exposed to acid rain, etc) for long periods.\n\nBy keeping our air and environment, cleaner, we are actually building a healthier environment for ourselves, our loved ones and our future generations.\n\nWhen the human race strives towards living a green life on earth, we would have less fear of the impact of extreme temperatures and climate changes brought about by global warming.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item3",
                 "More sustainable world",
                 "More sustainable world",
                 "One of the most important benefits of going green is a more sustainable world.",
                 "One of the most important benefits of going green is a more sustainable world.\n\nAt the rate that we are consuming the world’s resources, polluting the earth and fueling global warming, and destroying the earth’s ecosystem, in no time, we would be left with nothing (no clean air, water, land and food) but an un-livable world beyond repair.\n\nOn the day that we reach such a stage, there would be no material comfort or economic growth to talk about at all. This is because our very lives would be threatened – there would be no clean air, no clean drinking water, no food, and probably even no safety from the harsh climate that would have changed beyond recognition.\n\nWhat a horrible situation to be in!\n\nWe need to do something, starting today, if we do not wish to end up in that horrible state.\n\nWhile it is important for each of our nations to seek and maintain growth and development, we need to do so in a sustainable way – via sustainable living. We need to start adopting green practices in our daily lives, as well as encourage others around us to do the same.\n\nIt is important for each and every one of us to do our parts, but an individual’s effort alone is not enough. We need to work together as a human community.\n\nWe must start now!",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item4",
                 "Better quality of life",
                 "Better quality of life",
                 "Living a green life can actually offer us a better quality of life on earth.To truly experience the benefits of going green, you need to look beyond material luxuries.",
                 "Living a green life can actually offer us a better quality of life on earth.To truly experience the benefits of going green, you need to look beyond material luxuries.\n\nThis is because two of the very key principles of going green are actually conservation and the reduction of consumption and waste – which means to use and consume the earth’s resources with care, and not over-indulge in excessive material luxuries.\n\nConsidering that material luxuries can only bring you momentary happiness, and that at the end of the day, other non-material things (eg. relationships, self-actualisation, etc) actually matter more, looking beyond material luxuries may not be so hard.\n\nNevertheless, that is not to say that going green means to give up the comfortable life you have now.\n\nIt just means having more consideration for the things you use and the environment you live in, bearing in mind the impact of your actions on the earth, and taking a little effort and creativity to reduce the negative impact you leave behind on this earth.\n\nWith a greener planet, you and I can look forward to a cleaner and more beautiful environment, relatively free of pollution. With better quality of air, surroundings and food, we are more likely to be healthier (to be around to fulfill our aspirations and enjoy our relationship with our loved ones).\n\nAt the same time, we will be more in touch with the earth we live on. We can get to experience and better appreciate the wonders of the diversity of animal and plant life on this planet.\n\nAll these benefits can actually help you live a fuller life, more than what a life filled only with materials can do.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item5",
                 "Development in new areas",
                 "Development in new areas",
                 "As more and more people start living a green life, there will be greater drive for developments in the area of green energies, recycling and other green technologies, as well as a market for eco-friendly products and services.",
                 "As more and more people start living a green life, there will be greater drive for developments in the area of green energies, recycling and other green technologies, as well as a market for eco-friendly products and services.In turn, these developments would make it easier for people to adopt green living practices. A positive reinforcement loop would be created for a green way of life.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-2-Item6",
                 "Go Green Asset",
                 "Go Green Asset",
                 "There are many benefits of going green. But before examining the benefits, it is important for you to understand what going green means.",
                 "There are many benefits of going green. But before examining the benefits, it is important for you to understand what going green means.Basically, green living refers to a way of life that contributes towards maintaining the natural ecological balance in the environment, and preserving the planet and its natural systems and resources.\n\nThere are many things you can do to live a green life, amongst which you can help by:\n\nreducing pollution ,\nconserving natural resources,\nrecycling non-biodegradable products,\ncontributing to conservation of forests and wildlife,\ncultivating more plants and trees in vacant lands, and\nhelping to maintain the ecological balance on the earth, so that all living beings can survive and thrive in their natural habitat.",

        public SampleDataSource()
            String ITEM_CONTENT = String.Format("Item Content: {0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}",
                        "Curabitur class aliquam vestibulum nam curae maecenas sed integer cras phasellus suspendisse quisque donec dis praesent accumsan bibendum pellentesque condimentum adipiscing etiam consequat vivamus dictumst aliquam duis convallis scelerisque est parturient ullamcorper aliquet fusce suspendisse nunc hac eleifend amet blandit facilisi condimentum commodo scelerisque faucibus aenean ullamcorper ante mauris dignissim consectetuer nullam lorem vestibulum habitant conubia elementum pellentesque morbi facilisis arcu sollicitudin diam cubilia aptent vestibulum auctor eget dapibus pellentesque inceptos leo egestas interdum nulla consectetuer suspendisse adipiscing pellentesque proin lobortis sollicitudin augue elit mus congue fermentum parturient fringilla euismod feugiat");

            var group1 = new SampleDataGroup("Group-1",
                 "Real estate is Property consisting of land and the buildings on it, along with its natural resources such as crops, minerals, or water; immovable property of this nature");

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item1",
                 "Real estate is Property consisting of land and the buildings on it, along with its natural resources such as crops, minerals, or water; immovable property of this nature",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nReal estate business in Mexico, Canada, Guam, and Central America operates differently than in the United States. Some similarities include legal formalities (with professionals such as real estate agents generally employed to assist the buyer); taxes need to be paid (but typically less than those in U.S.); legal paperwork will ensure title; and a neutral party such as a title company will handle documentation and money to make the smooth exchange between the parties. Increasingly, U.S. title companies are doing work for U.S. buyers in Mexico and Central America.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-1-Item2",
                 "In Thailand it is possible for a foreigner to own a condominium freehold provided ownership does not exceed 49% of the total building; it is not easily possible for a foreigner to own land but normal practice is that property can be purchased then Land acquired under a 30 year lease option",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIn Thailand it is possible for a foreigner to own a condominium freehold provided ownership does not exceed 49% of the total building; it is not easily possible for a foreigner to own land but normal practice is that property can be purchased then Land acquired under a 30 year lease option; Until recently it was considered by most legal advisors that the ownership of land by a foreigner through a Thai Limited Company was acceptable, although the Law clearly states that foreigners cannot own land in Thailand. The Government has now made clear that such ownership may be illegal. The legitimacy of such ownership depends on the status of the Thai Shareholders who must be shown to be active and financially participating shareholders.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item3",
                 "Residential real estate",
                 "Residential real estate",
                 "The legal arrangement for the right to occupy a dwelling in some countries is known as the housing tenure. Types of housing tenure include owner occupancy, Tenancy, housing cooperative, condominiums (individually parceled properties in a single building).",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe legal arrangement for the right to occupy a dwelling in some countries is known as the housing tenure. Types of housing tenure include owner occupancy, Tenancy, housing cooperative, condominiums (individually parceled properties in a single building), public housing, squatting, and cohousing. The occupants of a residence constitute a household. Residences can be classified by, if, and how they are connected to neighboring residences and land. Different types of housing tenure can be used for the same physical type. For example, connected residents might be owned by a single entity and leased out, or owned separately with an agreement covering the relationship between units and common areas and concerns.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item4",
                 "Property management",
                 "Property management",
                 "Property management is the operation, control, and oversight of real estate as used in its most broad terms. Management indicates a need to be cared for, monitored and accountability given for its useful life and condition. This is much akin to the role of management in any business.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nProperty management is the operation, control, and oversight of real estate as used in its most broad terms. Management indicates a need to be cared for, monitored and accountability given for its useful life and condition. This is much akin to the role of management in any business. Property management is also the management of personal property, equipment, tooling and physical capital assets that are acquired and used to build, repair and maintain end item deliverables. Property management involves the processes, systems and manpower required to manage the life cycle of all acquired property as defined above including acquisition, control, accountability, responsibility, maintenance, utilization and disposition.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item5",
                 "Corporate Real Estate",
                 "Corporate Real Estate",
                 "Corporate real estate is the real property held or used by a business enterprise or organization for its own operational purposes. A corporate real estate portfolio typically includes a corporate headquarters and a number of branch offices, and perhaps also various manufacturing and retail sites.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCorporate real estate may also describe the functional practice, department, or profession that is concerned with the planning, acquisition, management, and administration of real property on behalf of a company. Generally, Corporate real estate professionals approach the real estate market from the buy-side, or demand perspective, similar to corporate purchasing or procurement. As such, they seek to contain costs, and may benefit from economic environments that are described by most as weak. Although closely related to facilities management and property management, Corporate real estate as a concept is usually broader in corporate functional scope but more narrow within the real estate sector. For instance, Corporate Real Estate professionals (or departments) typically dedicate greater emphasis and time on multi-site long-range planning (often called portfolio planning or strategic planning). However, Corporate real estate is almost exclusively focused on commercial properties types (mostly office, with industrial and retail depending on the company); residential properties are rare in a corporate portfolio.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-1-Item6",
                 "A cohousing community is a type of intentional community composed of private homes supplemented by shared facilities.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA cohousing community is a type of intentional community composed of private homes supplemented by shared facilities. The community is planned, owned and managed by the residents – who also share activities which may include cooking, dining, child care, gardening, and governance of the community. Common facilities may include a kitchen, dining room, laundry, child care facilities, offices, internet access, guest rooms, and recreational features.",


             var group2 = new SampleDataGroup("Group-2",
                 "Housing tenure refers to the financial arrangements under which someone has the right to live in a house or apartment. The most frequent forms are tenancy, in which rent is paid to a landlord, and owner occupancy.");

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item1",
                 "Housing tenure",
                 "Housing tenure",
                 "Housing tenure refers to the financial arrangements under which someone has the right to live in a house or apartment. The most frequent forms are tenancy, in which rent is paid to a landlord, and owner occupancy.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHousing tenure refers to the financial arrangements under which someone has the right to live in a house or apartment. The most frequent forms are tenancy, in which rent is paid to a landlord, and owner occupancy. Mixed forms of tenure are also possible. The basic forms of tenure can be subdivided, for example an owner-occupier may own a house outright, or it may be mortgaged. In the case of tenancy, the landlord may be a private individual, a non-profit organization such as a housing association, or a government body, as in public housing. Surveys used in social science research frequently include questions about housing tenure, because it is a useful proxy for income or wealth, and people are less reluctant to give information about it.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-2-Item2",
                 "An owner-occupier (also known as an owner-occupant or home owner) is a person who lives in and owns the same home.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSome homes are constructed by the owners with the intent to occupy. Many are inherited. A large number are purchased, as new homes from a real-estate developer or as an existing home from a previous landlord or owner-occupier. A house is usually the most expensive single purchase an individual or family makes, and often costs several times the annual household income. Given the high cost, most individuals do not have enough savings on hand to pay the entire amount outright. In developed countries, mortgage loans are available from financial institutions in return for interest. If the home owner fails to meet the agreed repayment schedule, a foreclosure (known as a repossession in some countries) may result.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item3",
                 "Leasehold estate",
                 "Leasehold estate",
                 "A leasehold estate is an ownership of a temporary right to hold land or property in which a lessee or a tenant holds rights of real property by some form of title from a lessor or landlord.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA leasehold estate is an ownership of a temporary right to hold land or property in which a lessee or a tenant holds rights of real property by some form of title from a lessor or landlord. Although a tenant does hold rights to real property, a leasehold estate is typically considered personal property. Leasehold is a form of land tenure or property tenure where one party buys the right to occupy land or a building for a given length of time. As lease is a legal estate, leasehold estate can be bought and sold on the open market. A leasehold thus differs from a freehold or fee simple where the ownership of a property is purchased outright and thereafter held for an indeterminate length of time, and also differs from a tenancy where a property is let (rented) on a periodic basis such as weekly or monthly.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item4",
                 "Housing cooperative",
                 "Housing cooperative",
                 "A housing cooperative is a legal entity, usually a corporation, renting own real estate, consisting of one or more residential buildings; it is one type of housing tenure.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA housing cooperative is a legal entity, usually a corporation, renting own real estate, consisting of one or more residential buildings; it is one type of housing tenure. Housing cooperatives are a distinctive form of home ownership that has many characteristics that make it different than other residential arrangements such as single family ownership, condominiums and renting. The corporation is membership based, with membership granted by way of a share purchase in the cooperative. Each shareholder in the legal entity is granted the right to occupy one housing unit. A primary advantage of the housing cooperative is the pooling of the members’ resources so that their buying power is leveraged, thus lowering the cost per member in all the services and products associated with home ownership.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item5",
                 "Public housing",
                 "Public housing",
                 "Public housing is a form of housing tenure in which the property is owned by a government authority, which may be central or local.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPublic housing is a form of housing tenure in which the property is owned by a government authority, which may be central or local. Social housing is an umbrella term referring to rental housing which may be owned and managed by the state, by non-profit organizations, or by a combination of the two, usually with the aim of providing affordable housing. Social housing can also be seen as a potential remedy to housing inequality. Although the common goal of public housing is to provide affordable housing, the details, terminology, definitions of poverty and other criteria for allocation vary within different contexts.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-2-Item6",
                 "Squatting consists of occupying an abandoned or unoccupied area of land and/or a building – usually residential – that the squatter does not own, rent or otherwise have lawful permission to use.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSquatting consists of occupying an abandoned or unoccupied area of land and/or a building – usually residential –[1] that the squatter does not own, rent or otherwise have lawful permission to use. \n\nAuthor Robert Neuwirth suggests that there are one billion squatters globally, that is, about one in every seven people on the planet. Yet, according to Kesia Reeve, squatting is largely absent from policy and academic debate and is rarely conceptualized, as a problem, as a symptom, or as a social or housing movement.",

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public SampleDataSource()
            String ITEM_CONTENT = String.Format("Item Content: {0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}",
                        "Curabitur class aliquam vestibulum nam curae maecenas sed integer cras phasellus suspendisse quisque donec dis praesent accumsan bibendum pellentesque condimentum adipiscing etiam consequat vivamus dictumst aliquam duis convallis scelerisque est parturient ullamcorper aliquet fusce suspendisse nunc hac eleifend amet blandit facilisi condimentum commodo scelerisque faucibus aenean ullamcorper ante mauris dignissim consectetuer nullam lorem vestibulum habitant conubia elementum pellentesque morbi facilisis arcu sollicitudin diam cubilia aptent vestibulum auctor eget dapibus pellentesque inceptos leo egestas interdum nulla consectetuer suspendisse adipiscing pellentesque proin lobortis sollicitudin augue elit mus congue fermentum parturient fringilla euismod feugiat");

            var group1 = new SampleDataGroup("Group-1",
                 "Golf Directions",
                 "Golf Directions",
                 "Golf is a precision club and ball sport in which competing players (or golfers) use many types of clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course using the fewest number of strokes. Golf is defined, in the rules of golf, as playing a ball with a club from the teeing ground into the hole by a stroke or successive strokes in accordance with the Rules.");

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item1",
                 "Best Golf Courses",
                 "Best Golf Courses",
                 "Best Golf Courses: Bringing the best in every pro golfer What makes a great golf course? If a golf course is filled with rich history, state of the art facilities, masterfully crafted landscapes",
                 "Best Golf Courses: Bringing the best in every pro golfer What makes a great golf course? If a golf course is filled with rich history, state of the art facilities, masterfully crafted landscapes (that pushes the boundary of excellence among pro golfers), lush sceneries and, of course, thriving popularity, then it’s definitely among the best golf courses. While there are many ways to know which greens are the best among the rest, it’s hard for anyone to decide which one to put on their ‘Best List’. Each golf enthusiast has his or her favorite pick. Another factor that adds to the difficulty of choosing the best is the number of golf courses to choose from—with some just opening recently. Here are two of the best golf courses one can ever play the game of golf in. They are considered as such not only for the degree of difficulty they impose on golfers but also for those extra features that makes them an enjoyable golfing conquest\n\nThe tar heel state is not really famous for golf. But there is one true-blue golf club beyond the outskirts of a bustling city. Located on the eastern part of North Carolina, the Eagle Point Golf Club never ceases to amaze pro and amateur golfers alike. This Tom Fazio-designed par-72 golf club is replete with amenities like tennis court and swimming pool. The club prides itself with its easily accessible greens—you can choose to walk as you go through different holes. On top of it, they have a very fine caddie program to the delight of their guests.\n\nWith more than 7,000 yards of golfing grounds— with a 74.5 rating and replete with 137 slope —the Eagle Point is simple the place where golfers could test their mettle. Adding to the challenge is the prevailing wind from the Atlantic Ocean. The club may look traditional, but it features some state of the art facilities. For those who want to hone their golf skills, a high-tech learning center is available. Yet, Eagle Point maintains a low-profile identity. Despite the fact that they are underrated, they are one of the best golf destinations in the country, what with the town’s best year-round golf weather and great private retreat for golfers and their families. The Concession in Florida, on the other hand, is called as such because of the history between two people who have created it. Opened In 2006, The Concession is the masterpiece of legendary golfers Jack Nicklaus and Tony Jacklin. Since its opening the club has always been included in the best modern courses list of different publications like Golfweek. \n\nThe name was derived from what transpired in 1969 when Nicklaus yielded a three-foot putt. That act of sportsmanship was all the British team (led by Jacklin) needed to tie with the Americans. While the Americans eventually won in the tournament, the act was forever etched in the annals of the sporting world. Decades after, the golf legends have worked on a 1,200-acre property that is free from housing developments. The par-72 Concession (7,470 yards, with 155 slopes and 77.6 rating) may be hard to conquer for its landscape angles and fairway bunkers. But this makes it one of the best golf courses—it’s challenging, yet enjoyable. And if you need some tips, just ask pro Jimmy Wright at the practice range.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-1-Item2",
                 "Buying your Golf Club Bag",
                 "Buying your Golf Club Bag",
                 "Buying your Golf Club Bag Golf is a sport, one of the most popular leisure activities. Simply put, golf is a game played using different golf clubs on customized 9 hole or 18 hole golf courses. A golf player starts from a teeing ground and with a stroke or multiple strokes puts the ball into the hole.",
                 "Buying your Golf Club Bag Golf is a sport, one of the most popular leisure activities. Simply put, golf is a game played using different golf clubs on customized 9 hole or 18 hole golf courses. A golf player starts from a teeing ground and with a stroke or multiple strokes puts the ball into the hole. In between the teeing ground and the hole are different obstacles and different terrain types. Because of the varying conditions of where a player would hit his or her ball, there are a number of different golf clubs he or she can use. These include the driver, putter and irons. These clubs usually have specialized purposes and offers the player a variety of options for a shot. Because there are a lot of clubs a player typically needs a golf club bag to hold all these clubs. Buying a golf club bag is essential in playing golf to carry all the necessary equipments the player would use to complete the whole course. It is used to transport all your clubs and other paraphernalia. Overall, a golf club bag would make your golfing experience much more enjoyable and comfortable even though it does not necessarily affect your score. This is why it is important to purchase a bag that suits you and your needs. Choosing a proper bag the first thing to think about is what size of bag you would use because there are three different sizes of bags. The first size is what called the staff or tour golf bag. This is typically used by professional golf players who are hired by a company to promote their name or the brand of the golf club bag. The next is the golf cart bag. These are smaller compared to the staff or tour golf bags and are not meant for the player to carry it around rather just place them behind the golf cart. The third is the most versatile of the three because it can be either carried or placed behind the cart. This bag is called the golf stand carry bag. These bags can be rather heavy and can weigh about four pounds before putting in the equipment and golf clubs.\n\nDepending on the player and his or her needs, anyone of these bags can suit the player. To determine which type of golf club bag would suite the player’s needs he or she should first consider his or her playing style; if that player would usually walk or ride a cart. Then the player must think about if he or she usually carries his or her own bag or has a staff to carry the golf club bag. Basically, a player must first determine his or her golfing habits first; this is the most important factor to consider before purchasing a golf club bag. Once all these are settled then a player can purchase a suitable bag to compliment all of his or her golfing needs so that playing golf would be much easier and comfortable for the player.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item3",
                 "Carting your Clubs Golf",
                 "Carting your Clubs Golf",
                 "Carting your Clubs Golf clubs are the primary equipment of anyone who plays golf. The objective in playing golf is to hit the ball from the teeing area, this act is called the drive, followed by successive strokes to get to the green and putt the ball into the hole called the cup.",
                 "Carting your Clubs Golf clubs are the primary equipment of anyone who plays golf. The objective in playing golf is to hit the ball from the teeing area, this act is called the drive, followed by successive strokes to get to the green and putt the ball into the hole called the cup. However, the journey from the teeing area or teeing ground to the green is filled with different parts and hazards. There are parts of a hole called rough and some are fairway. Hitting a ball from the rough is different from the fairway. Then you have sand traps and other hazards. These different situations need different clubs; this is why all golfers need a golf bag.\n\nGolf bags contain all the clubs and equipment of a golfer which he or she needs in order to complete the whole 9 hole or 18 hole course. These golf bags make life of a golfer easier and much more comfortable so that they can concentrate on playing and enjoying the game. However, choosing the right bag that suits your needs is important to attain this comfort. You have three kinds of golf bags you can choose from. The first is the golf staff bags. These golf staff bags contain everything a golfer would want out of their bags. These kinds of golf bags are typically used by professional golfers and are the largest and heaviest bags. So if you are an average player who cannot use the services of a caddy then this bag is not for you.\n\nNext we have the golf stand bags. These are the smallest type of golf bags available in the market today. They are carried around while walking to the next hole or shot and when placed down they have a spring loaded stand. This bag is best for those who carry their own bags however this does not have the same capacity of the other two bags and have less pockets and space. Last we have the golf cart bag.\n\nA golf cart bag is smaller compared to the golf staff bags but is relatively larger than golf stand bags. They are designed to be placed on the back of golf carts so the player does not need to carry it while moving on to the next course and does not need a caddy to bring it. A golf cart bag also has a lot of room and pockets for all your golf equipments. You can walk short distances from the cart with this bag and you do not need to strain yourself with carrying the bag to each hole thus being able to avoid shoulder or back injuries and problems. \n\nBasically the small things about your golfing habits would determine which bag is best for you. If you are not a player who joins tournaments or who plays in large courses then a golf cart bag is the best choice for you. Golf bags should compliment your golfing style so that you can enjoy the wonderful game of golf. ",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item4",
                 "Famous golf courses",
                 "Famous golf courses",
                 "Famous golf courses: what makes them tick? Do you ever wonder what makes golf courses popular? Is it because of the world ranking pro golfers that tee off the greens or is the degree of difficulty of these courses that brings the best in every golfer.",
                 "Famous golf courses: what makes them tick? Do you ever wonder what makes golf courses popular? Is it because of the world ranking pro golfers that tee off the greens or is the degree of difficulty of these courses that brings the best in every golfer? Is it made famous by the natural scenery that makes golfing more enjoyable? Or is it because professional tournaments are always held in these country clubs? If you ask some of the renowned golf developers in the world, they would surely say that their creations are the best in the world. But is there a way for us to know which greens are more famous than others? And do these famous golf courses can also be considered as the best in the world?\n\nFor those that are not really familiar with the elite sport, there’s no telling whether a certain golf course is different from others. For them, every green is one and the same.  Yet even novice golfers would know the difference. The following are some of the well known golf courses that are famous for a lot of reasons.\n\nWhen people talk of golf destinations, Arkansas is always included in their discussion. The serene ambience and majestic beauty of the Natural State are simply the main factors why golf enthusiasts troop to Arkansas. They say the state’s natural beauty—a combination of hardwood forests, mountain lakes and water streams, and gentle rolling hills—complement the state’s numerous championship courses. These include The Legend at Arrowhead, Palm Valley, Scottsdale Silverado, Scottsdale C.C., and Pavilion Lakes, among others. And if the names of the famous designers like Robert Trent Jones Jr. and Edmund Ault were any indication, Arkansas’ golf courses naturally incorporated the sceneries of the state.\n\nThe search for the famous golf courses also takes us to Augusta, Georgia. Here is where Augusta National draws hordes of golf players every year since its opening in 1933, all eager to try its par 72 greens. Don’t be deceived by its seemingly easy first nine holes, because the game really starts on the 10th hole. This is where the fun begins. A lot of golf aficionados even consider the course as the world’s best known course because of the challenge it brings. \n\nThey say golf courses are only as good as the designers who created it. These words can only be the truth. In California, there is one golf course that was made famous by the creative genius of one man. Who would have thought that such beauty as The Pebble Beach in the Monterey Peninsula. Jack Neville is not really known in the golfing world. But The Pebble Beach proved to be a masterpiece that would bring his name to greater stature. Everyone was in awe seeing what he had done on that once desolate piece of property. Neville, being the humble man that he is, attributes the success of the country club to the natural landscape. According to him, all he had to do was to “put holes on the greens Of course, there are other famous golf courses out there. And the ones included here are just the tip of the iceberg. What’s certain is that there will be more, as golf landscapers will always be there to turn every isolated piece of land into a golf destination.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item5",
                 "Master the Art Of Golf",
                 "Master the Art Of Golf",
                 "Master the Art Of Golf Club Swing In golf, the swing can make or break your game. This means that if you are swinging the wrong way, you may as well say goodbye to your dream of becoming the next Tiger Woods. The proper golf club swing can only be mastered if you spend a lot of time practicing.",
                 "Master the Art Of Golf Club Swing In golf, the swing can make or break your game. This means that if you are swinging the wrong way, you may as well say goodbye to your dream of becoming the next Tiger Woods. The proper golf club swing can only be mastered if you spend a lot of time practicing. It just doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, it takes weeks, months or years to even get to the point where you are very comfortable in swinging your club. Watching professionals do it on television gives you the notion that swinging is just a simple body movement that allows you to hit the ball and let it fly onto the air and land to the green. Well, they are professionals and they really make it look that easy. The truth is that a proper golf club swing entails the correct positioning of the hands on the golf club, the awareness of the swing plane and the spine angle, and the use of the correct golf club. When all these factors combined, you will be able to hit the ball and send it to where you want it to land. \n\nTo perfect the golf club swing, you must have a clear understanding of the swing plane. This is quite a difficult golf concept to understand. The simplest explanation is that swing plane is the area in which your golf club can swing in a circular arc and be able to move in that plane. If you can keep your clubhead within that plane, you are will be able to make good contact at every swing. This does not mean that you should force your club into the swing plane. What it does encourage you is to use it as a means to test your swings and see where you need to improve on. No two players will have the same swing. This is because of the difference in height and body type. What this says is that if you are short, you shouldn’t try to copy a tall player’s swing, and vice versa. \n\nMost golfers turn to their coaches and trainers to help in their golf club swing. This is a good way to get feedback on your swing faults. Other golfers make use of software that analyzes their swings and compare them side by side other players’ swings. The advantage of this is that you will be able to have an immediate feedback of your swing and can easily find ways to improver your performance on subsequent swings. Recording your golf club swings when you go on practice will help you pinpoint the main source of faults. At times, your swing will be faulty because you are not following the right hand and body position. It is also important to pay particular attention to the position of the ball vis-à-vis your position. The distance will play a pivotal role in the way you hit the ball. A good body turn can also tell so much about the ball impact. If you make use of the proper swing techniques and utilize the right golf club, you will be able to master the art and science of swinging.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-1-Item6",
                 "Choosing The Right Golf Clubs",
                 "Choosing The Right Golf Clubs",
                 "Choosing The Right Golf Clubs Equipment Golf is one of the most popular individual sports in the world. It is a sport that combines several elements together in order to be good at the game. It requires physical, mental, and emotional toughness in order to be very effective at the sports.",
                 "Choosing The Right Golf Clubs Equipment Golf is one of the most popular individual sports in the world. It is a sport that combines several elements together in order to be good at the game. It requires physical, mental, and emotional toughness in order to be very effective at the sports. Absence of one factor may affect your game significantly. It is important to condition yourself physically and mentally before each game. But that is just one aspect of the preparation. It is also important to have the necessary golf clubs equipment.  If you are keen on starting your career as a golfer, you have to know what kinds of club you need to bring to the game. It will take many experiments and trials before you can finally decide what golf clubs to use. No one but you can tell which set of equipment would help improve your golf performance. \n\nThe standard golf clubs equipment set consists of 10 irons, 3 woods, and a putter. You have to keep in mind that this is the standard set many years ago. Some golfers stick to the standard because it works for them, but that doesn’t mean you will just blindly follow what others are doing. The goal is to improve your game and that entails choosing the best golf clubs equipment that fit your play style. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced player, you will realize that each game will have different situations wherein your skills in decision-making will be tested. \n\nGolf requires you to develop skills in swinging and putting. In both cases, you will have to make some calculations on how hard or soft you would hit the ball. There are many considerations when making your calculations. If you are hitting from a tee, you will have to be aware of the wind conditions as well as the path where you want the ball to drop. You have to take into account all the possible obstacles that the ball will encounter as it flies onto the air. You will have to ask yourself many times which golf clubs equipment will work at different situations. Wood may do the job when you want a distance shot, but if weather condition is not on your side, the ball may end up hitting the rough. The key to determining which golf clubs to use is to try them all at different scenarios. You have to consider the trajectory of the ball when you use a specific type of golf club. Iron normally has low trajectory, but it can be useful in situations where you need the ball to land at a short distance. If you feel that none of clubs work, then you might want to opt for a hybrid golf club. It combines the good stuff of the wood and iron and can be very useful in certain situations. It’s not enough to just use any kind of golf clubs equipment, you need to break them in and determine if they are the right ones for your skill level. ",


             var group2 = new SampleDataGroup("Group-2",
                 "Perfect Golf",
                 "Perfect Golf",
                 "Golf competition is generally played for the lowest number of strokes by an individual, known simply as stroke play, or the lowest score on the most individual holes during a complete round by an individual or team, known as match play. Stroke play is the most commonly seen format at virtually all levels of play, although variations of match play such as skins games are also seen in televised events. Other forms of scoring also exist.");

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item1",
                 "Why Golf Course Finders are Helpful?",
                 "Why Golf Course Finders are Helpful?",
                 "Why Golf Course Finders are Helpful Tired of visiting the same old golf course that is located several hours away from your home? Itching for new sights, sounds and sceneries? You may find yourself too lazy or too busy to even consider looking for a new golf course to golf in with your usual buddies.",
                 "Why Golf Course Finders are Helpful Tired of visiting the same old golf course that is located several hours away from your home? Itching for new sights, sounds and sceneries? You may find yourself too lazy or too busy to even consider looking for a new golf course to golf in with your usual buddies, but the task is much easier than you imagine it to be. If you think that you're stuck in your current golf course for the rest of your life, think again. Problems like that are what golf course finders are for! Since it is not a widely used term, many people ask what a golf course finder is all about. Well, one thing you should know is that they come in all shapes and sizes -- literally! They are essentially directories that you can find in golfing guides online or in magazines, newspapers and other golf-relate publications. They help locate all the golf courses listed in the country (or in the entire continent), no matter how obscure. They are simple, but effective tools that can be used by golf enthusiasts anywhere in the country. Anyone who finds themselves in a foreign state can easily use a finder to locate the nearest golf course, so that he or she can go there and golf during their free time! That is only one of many opportunities that arise when one uses a golf course finder.\n\nThey list everything about golf courses, including the exact addresses, websites, postal codes and miscellaneous information concerning courses and clubs in the country you live in. By searching your area, you can easily discover the hidden golf courses you never knew about. After that, you can immediately call up the golf course or golf club and ask about getting to play there. Finders help golfers all over the country experience new courses constantly. They also help bring customers to the most obscure golf courses that need the publicity. Without golf course finders, most golfers would have no choice but to stick to one course every time, not getting to experience things differently in any way. This lifestyle could easily become too boring for a golfer.\n\nBut where can you find a golf course finder? Easy: the internet is the easiest source for information. Many websites are dedicated to listing all the closest golf courses in your country and area. You can also subscribe to golfing magazines or purchase golf-related books, which often list the details of good, reliable golf courses where you can practice or even take lessons. Some finders are more detailed, and even list the golf courses' features, rates and facilities. Access your own golf course finder today, and you will never have to worry about getting bored of golf ever again. The constant change of scenery will not only improve your skills, but your mood as well. You will get to play in all sorts of locations and get to meet golf lovers similar to you. It's an offer you can't refuse, so what are you waiting for? ",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-2-Item2",
                 "Good Golf Course Review",
                 "Good Golf Course Review",
                 "How to Write a Good Golf Course Review For any golf fanatic, it is perfectly natural to want to know as much as they can about golf courses. Like the saying says, one must be very familiar with the terrain or territory if they are striving to succeed.",
                 "How to Write a Good Golf Course Review For any golf fanatic, it is perfectly natural to want to know as much as they can about golf courses. Like the saying says, one must be very familiar with the terrain or territory if they are striving to succeed. This is why gold enthusiasts often take an interest in either writing or reading golf course reviews. Being updated on a golf course that they are planning to go to will make it easier for people to adjust, and they will know what to expect. It is also through golf course reviews that golfers can share their experiences in a certain golf course, and they will be informed of whether a certain golf course is worth visiting or not. How does one know what a good golf course review includes? In general, it should be informative and interesting, able to catch the eye of a reader and be comprehensive and up to date about the golf course being reviewed. The most important aspect of the review is that every fact should be truthful, and as much as possible, the review should be as objective and non-biased as possible. \n\nFirst of all, a proper golf course review should state the value of the golf course. It need not be specific about the costs and prices of the amenities and golf course facilities, but it should be honest about whether usage is overpriced. Secondly, it is good to be very descriptive when it comes to the golf course itself. The grass matters, and should be rated based on its quality, color (for aesthetic appeal) and even texture, for the sake of other golf afficionados. Also, one might want to specificy whether the course is family friendly or not, for casual golfers who might be going there as part of a family vacation. It is recommended that the important amenities and features of the golf course be specified. \n\nIt is integral that the service of the golf course be described in full detail as well. The caddies' performances and the qualities of rented golf carts, golf clubs and golf balls are worth mentioning. Any unique qualities of the golf course are helpful in attracting other people. Some readers might even want to know more about the course's scenery, pros and cons in general, or details about any hotel or resort that the golf course is part of. Lastly, the accomodation details, location and contact numbers for the golf course should be mentioned if one really wants to encourage others to try it out.\n\nAnyone can write their own golf course review after visiting one, just like how any person can do research and read reviews for other golf courses that they plan to visit. It is by reading such reviews that golfers can expand their horizons and be exposed to different places. By trying out recommended courses, any golfer can also heighten their golfing experience. Seemingly hidden but beautiful golf courses can be shared with the rest of the world, and people can compare and contrast their favorite places to golf in. ",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item3",
                 "Analyze Your Swing",
                 "Analyze Your Swing",
                 "Analyze Your Swing With A Gold Swing Software Golf is probably one of the best sports to engage in if you are looking for a total body exercise.",
                 "Analyze Your Swing With A Gold Swing Software Golf is probably one of the best sports to engage in if you are looking for a total body exercise. It is not as strenuous as a gym workout and it most certainly is not violent as boxing or American football, but what it does is to make your mind, body, and emotions work in unison.  It’s one of the few sports that test your mental and physical skills. It encourages you to have a lot of patience and lets you keep your emotions in check. The intricate balance of those factors can tell so much about your game performance. Of course, you also need to have the proper golf clubs to make things happen. When you feel that you are physically, mentally, and emotionally prepared to play golf, then the next thing to do is to practice your swing. The swing is what separates the men from the boys. It may look easy when you watch players on television, but when you’re finally there at the golf course; you will find yourself wondering why you can’t swing like Tiger Woods.\n\nSome golf trainers say that there are golfers who have the innate ability to swing like a professional. It takes little to no effort on their part to make that perfect swing. The problem is that not everyone has that ability. That’s not to say there’s no hope for ordinary people like us. In fact, swinging is a skill and just like any other skill, it can be learned, developed, and improved. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner, amateur, or advanced golfer; the truth remains, you need to practice, practice, and practice some more. Just keep in mind that everytime you practice, you need some kind of feedback from your trainer or coach. He or she should be able to evaluate your swing and let you know what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong. Unfortunately, not many people can afford to have a trainer each time they play. There are several ways to address this problem and one of those is to make use of a golf swing software. What it does is to record and analyze your swing so that you can improve your game. It’s like having a personal trainer but with more accurate feedback. \n\nA golf swing software will allow you to analyze your swing and even compare it side by side other people’s swing. It has comparison and drawing tools that will give you instant feedback. It’s also a great way to see how professionals do it and you can mimic what they do. Having an immediate visual feedback will help you improve on your game by avoiding swing habits that can ruin your game. With a golf swing software, you will have a better understanding of the swing plane. This way, you will know where the golf club should remain during takeaway up until impact. You will also learn where to properly position your hands in order to have a full swing. \n\nBelieve it or not, even professionals make you use of golf swing software to improve their game. So, there’s no need to feel silly about recording yourself while swinging. The best part of using a golf swing software is that you can see yourself in slow and reverse motion, so you will see the areas you need to work on.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item4",
                 "Practice With Your Golf",
                 "Practice With Your Golf",
                 "Practice With Your Golf Swing Trainer Many golfers believe that the perfect swing can be achieved with determination, patience, and a whole lot of practice. If you are seriously considering a career as a golfer, you must be physically, mentally, and emotionally prepared for any possible situation while in the golf course.",
                 "Practice With Your Golf Swing Trainer Many golfers believe that the perfect swing can be achieved with determination, patience, and a whole lot of practice. If you are seriously considering a career as a golfer, you must be physically, mentally, and emotionally prepared for any possible situation while in the golf course. Having the right set of golf clubs will definitely help improve your chances of winning a tournament or two. But the very core of the sports is the golf swing. Many people believe that the swing can make or break your game. The swing signals the start of the game and the moment your golf club hits the ball, you can immediately have an idea of how the game can turn out. Needless to say, a bad swing can ruin your game. That is why amateur and professional golfers are going through some great lengths just to master the art of the perfect swing. However, not everyone believes that there is no such thing as a perfect swing. There may be a germ of truth in this belief because if you watch golfers in tournaments, you will see that each of them has different swing. Even though some of their swings look awkward, the golfers are able to position the ball to the spot they wanted it to land. So, you might be able to conclude that a perfect swing will vary depending on the technique of the golfer. \n\nOne of the ways to improve your swing is to get a golf swing trainer.  Getting a coach or trainer to give you regular feedbacks will help you realize what you are doing wrong and what you are doing right. Once you figure out your bad swing habits, you can find ways to get rid of them and make use of the technique that you are most comfortable in. Not many people would believe that a great swing can be made in the most natural and most comfortable way. A golf swing trainer will tell you that a swing is simple to do but is made complicated by being overly conscious of your hand and body positions. This kind of attitude towards the swing will not only make the shot awkward, it will also make you feel less confident on each swing. Having the confidence at the very start will help get rid of negative thoughts about the act of swinging. Remember, mental toughness is also necessary in the game, so try not to entertain thoughts that can affect your game.\n\nThere are times when a coach may not be necessary especially if you are playing golf just for fun or just as a pastime. This should not be a problem because a golf swing trainer can also be a software. All you need is to record yourself while practicing your swings and the golf swing trainer will help you analyze your performance. It will give you instant feedbacks by showing you diagrams that pinpoints the areas where you need to improve on. There are also comparison tools that will show you how you fair against other players. Having a golf swing trainer is like having a coach with accurate feedback and calculations. It’s the next best thing to having the perfect swing.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item5",
                 "Hybrid Golf Club",
                 "Hybrid Golf Club",
                 "Swing Your Way to Victory! Playing golf involves an intricate balance of skills, equipment, weather, and mood. Without sufficient preparation, your game can be a disaster in the making. Whether you are participating in a tournament or just bonding with your mates, the game of golf requires you to be in a competitive state of mind.",
                 "Hybrid Golf Club: Swing Your Way to Victory! Playing golf involves an intricate balance of skills, equipment, weather, and mood. Without sufficient preparation, your game can be a disaster in the making. Whether you are participating in a tournament or just bonding with your mates, the game of golf requires you to be in a competitive state of mind. Winning is not everything, but in any sports, it is the ultimate goal. If you are able to manage your emotions and you are quite confident in your swinging and putting skills, then you have to focus your attention on your equipment. Not many players are aware of the subtle differences of various types of golf clubs. Knowing these differences can greatly improve your performance. The feel of a golf club is not enough indication that you are using the right kind of club. You should also take into consideration how you can hit the ball better in different situations and conditions. This could mean switching to different golf clubs depending on where the ball landed. Sometimes it can be a pain to constantly switch to different golf clubs. \n\nBack in the days, golfers only have to choose between an iron or wood, depending on preference and the level of expertise. Using either type of club exclusively can have some disadvantages. An iron club may have added power on every swing but low trajectory can be a problem. On the other hand, a wood has longer shaft that will require different swing techniques. In most cases, a ball hit by wood tends to skim over taller grasses instead of cutting to them. Advancement in technology has made it possible for manufacturers to create hybrid golf clubs.\n\nHybrid golf clubs are designed to hit golf balls better under certain situations or weather conditions. They basically combine all the best features of wood and iron. As such, they are able to address the problem of having to constantly switch clubs mid-game. This type of club not only benefits the professional golfers, it also helps improve the game of amateurs as well as enthusiasts. The first time you hold a hybrid golf club, you will immediately see the similarity to a fairway wood. The only difference is that it has a slight convex face. When you hit the ball, you will feel the “trampoline effect”, which causes the clubface to deform slightly and revert to its original shape. This effect is said to increase the impulse applied to the golf ball, which allows for higher trajectory but with more control. \n\nUsing hybrid golf clubs is actually getting the best of both worlds. They are very versatile that is why they are considered as utility golf clubs. You can use them to hit the ball onto the green, down the fairway, out of the rough, or into the air. They do a great job in various golf situations. Professional golfers swear by the versatility of the hybrid golf clubs.  They are not out to replace your lucky golf club, but there will come a time when you will find yourself in the middle of a tough golf situation. Hybrid golf clubs will be there to rescue you.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-2-Item6",
                 "Local Golf Courses",
                 "Local Golf Courses",
                 "Among the best in the world Some people think that golf is an elite sport and that playing it would mean that they have to spend a lot of money. After all, rich businessmen and top executives are the ones who play rounds of golf during their free time.",
                 "Local Golf Courses: Among the best in the world Some people think that golf is an elite sport and that playing it would mean that they have to spend a lot of money. After all, rich businessmen and top executives are the ones who play rounds of golf during their free time. It is also a common practice for them to meet with potential clients during a golf vacation. Yet one need not spend a lot or even go to different far-off places to play this game. In fact there are a lot of local golf courses that you can go to should you feel the need to try that golf swing you’ve been practicing for a long time. The US is home to great golf courses—some of them are even favorite venues for pro tours. Perhaps it is the variety of physical appearance and level of difficulty that made these golf courses famous not only here but in the international golfing community as well.\n\nA pro golfer will never exclude the Pebble Beach Golf Links in his or her top selections. Dating as far back as 1919, this critically acclaimed link course has become the hub where classic meets modern in landscape and facility. In fact, the golf magazine US’ Digest Golf included it in its top ranking golf courses in 2005. But what’s set this golf course apart is probably its awesome terrain or the rugged coastline that marks the boundaries of its greens. Jack Neville, the designer of this golf course, didn’t need to do much and just used the natural landscape to create a golf course like no other. Because of its innate beauty and world class facilities, The Pebble Beach golf course has been hosting some of the major golf tournaments in the country—one of which is the US Open Championships. Equally popular is the Pinehurst Resort and Country Club. One of the oldest golf courses in the country, Pinehurst is filled with proud traditions and rich history. And for those who prefer to stay here will be surprised that the 2,000-acre property has a total of eight different golf courses with different levels of difficulty. You’ll find everything here. You can take your whole family because there are great amenities that will cater to their needs while you play a round of golf. No wonder it is included in almost every best local golf courses list because it provides a total getaway for golfers and their friends and families. Guests will enjoy their stay whether they are playing golf under the sun or simply relaxing while sipping a drink or two.\n\nNow, who said that Las Vegas is all about casinos? There’s one that has been a favorite destination among golf enthusiasts and it is Shadow Creek.  Actually if you are staying in an MGM property, you’ll get to play for free in this golf course as it is often included as a package. But anyone can book for a round of golf at Shadow Creek while you are in Vegas. Once the reservation has been made, you’ll be surprised that a limousine will pick you up whichever hotel in Vegas you are staying. It’s just one of the many perks of playing in Shadow Creek.\n\nPlay in one of these local golf courses and you’ll surely feel like a pro. Despite of the game’s elite reputation, everyone can play the game. All it takes is guts that you can be as good as the pro golfers.",

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public SampleDataSource()
            String ITEM_CONTENT = String.Format("Item Content: {0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}",
                        "Curabitur class aliquam vestibulum nam curae maecenas sed integer cras phasellus suspendisse quisque donec dis praesent accumsan bibendum pellentesque condimentum adipiscing etiam consequat vivamus dictumst aliquam duis convallis scelerisque est parturient ullamcorper aliquet fusce suspendisse nunc hac eleifend amet blandit facilisi condimentum commodo scelerisque faucibus aenean ullamcorper ante mauris dignissim consectetuer nullam lorem vestibulum habitant conubia elementum pellentesque morbi facilisis arcu sollicitudin diam cubilia aptent vestibulum auctor eget dapibus pellentesque inceptos leo egestas interdum nulla consectetuer suspendisse adipiscing pellentesque proin lobortis sollicitudin augue elit mus congue fermentum parturient fringilla euismod feugiat");

            var group1 = new SampleDataGroup("Group-1",
                 "Refinancing may refer to the replacement of an existing debt obligation with a debt obligation under different terms. The terms and conditions of refinancing may vary widely by country, province, or state, based on several economic factors.");

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item1",
                 "Refinancing may refer to the replacement of an existing debt obligation with a debt obligation under different terms. The terms and conditions of refinancing may vary widely by country, province, or state, based on several economic factors.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRefinancing may refer to the replacement of an existing debt obligation with a debt obligation under different terms. The terms and conditions of refinancing may vary widely by country, province, or state, based on several economic factors such as, inherent risk, projected risk, political stability of a nation, currency stability, banking regulations, borrower's credit worthiness, and credit rating of a nation. In many industrialized nations, a common form of refinancing is for a place of primary residency mortgage.If the replacement of debt occurs under financial distress, refinancing might be referred to as debt restructuring.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-1-Item2",
                 "Most fixed-term loans have penalty clauses (call provisions) that are triggered by an early repayment of the loan, in part or in full, as well as closing fees. There will also be transaction fees on the refinancing.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMost fixed-term loans have penalty clauses (call provisions) that are triggered by an early repayment of the loan, in part or in full, as well as closing fees. There will also be transaction fees on the refinancing. These fees must be calculated before embarking on a loan refinancing, as they can wipe out any savings generated through refinancing. Penalty clauses are only applicable to loans paid off prior to maturity. If a loan is paid off upon maturity it is a new financing, not a refinancing, and all terms of the prior obligation terminate when the new financing funds to pay off the prior debt.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item3",
                 "Refinancing lenders often require a percentage of the total loan amount as an upfront payment. Typically, this amount is expressed in points (or premiums). 1 point = 1% of the total loan amount.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRefinancing lenders often require a percentage of the total loan amount as an upfront payment. Typically, this amount is expressed in points (or premiums). 1 point = 1% of the total loan amount. More points (i.e. a larger upfront payment) will usually result in a lower interest rate. Some lenders will offer to finance parts of the loan themselves, thus generating so-called negative points (i.e. discounts).",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item4",
                 "No Closing Cost",
                 "No Closing Cost",
                 "Borrowers with this type of refinancing typically pay few if any upfront fees to get the new mortgage loan. This type of refinance can be beneficial provided the prevailing market rate is lower than the borrower's existing rate by a formula determined by the lender offering the loan.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBorrowers with this type of refinancing typically pay few if any upfront fees to get the new mortgage loan. This type of refinance can be beneficial provided the prevailing market rate is lower than the borrower's existing rate by a formula determined by the lender offering the loan. Before you read any further do not provide any lender with a credit card number until they have provided you with a Good Faith Estimate verifying it is truly a 0 cost loan. The appraisal fee cannot be paid for by the lender or broker so this will always show up in the total settlement charges at the bottom of your GFE.\n\nThis can be an excellent choice in a declining market or if you are not sure you will hold the loan long enough to recoup the closing cost before you refinance or pay it off. For example, you plan on selling your home in three years, but it will take five years to recoup the closing cost. This could prevent you from considering a refinance, however if you take the zero closing cost option, you can lower your interest rate without taking any risk of losing money.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item5",
                 "Cash out refinancing",
                 "Cash out refinancing",
                 "Cash out refinancing (in the case of real property) occurs when a loan is taken out on property already owned, and the loan amount is above and beyond the cost of transaction, payoff of existing liens, and related expenses.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCash out refinancing (in the case of real property) occurs when a loan is taken out on property already owned, and the loan amount is above and beyond the cost of transaction, payoff of existing liens, and related expenses.\n\nStrictly speaking all refinancing of debt is cash-out, when funds retrieved are utilized for anything other than repaying an existing lien. In the case of common usage of the term, cash out refinancing refers to when equity is liquidated from a property above and beyond sum of the payoff of existing loans held in lien on the property, loan fees, costs associated with the loan, taxes, insurance, tax reserves, insurance reserves, and in the past any other non-lien debt held in the name of the owner being paid by loan proceeds.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-1-Item6",
                 "Nonrecourse debt",
                 "Nonrecourse debt",
                 "Non-recourse debt or a non-recourse loan is a secured loan (debt) that is secured by a pledge of collateral, typically real property, but for which the borrower is not personally liable. If the borrower defaults, the lender/issuer can seize the collateral, but the lender's recovery is limited to the collateral. ",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNon-recourse debt or a non-recourse loan is a secured loan (debt) that is secured by a pledge of collateral, typically real property, but for which the borrower is not personally liable. If the borrower defaults, the lender/issuer can seize the collateral, but the lender's recovery is limited to the collateral. Thus, non-recourse debt is typically limited to 50% or 60% loan-to-value ratios,[citation needed] so that the property itself provides overcollateralization of the loan. The incentives for the parties are at an intermediate position between those of a full recourse secured loan and a totally unsecured loan. While the borrower is in first loss position, the lender also assumes significant risk, so the lender must underwrite the loan with much more care than in a full recourse loan. This typically requires that the lender have significant domain expertise and financial modeling expertise.",


             var group2 = new SampleDataGroup("Group-2",
                 "Debt restructuring is a process that allows a private or public company – or a sovereign entity – facing cash flow problems and financial distress, to reduce and renegotiate its delinquent debts in order to improve or restore liquidity and rehabilitate so that it can continue its operations.");

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item1",
                 "Debt restructuring",
                 "Debt restructuring",
                 "Debt restructuring is a process that allows a private or public company – or a sovereign entity – facing cash flow problems and financial distress, to reduce and renegotiate its delinquent debts in order to improve or restore liquidity and rehabilitate so that it can continue its operations.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDebt restructuring is a process that allows a private or public company – or a sovereign entity – facing cash flow problems and financial distress, to reduce and renegotiate its delinquent debts in order to improve or restore liquidity and rehabilitate so that it can continue its operations.Replacement of old debt by new debt when not under financial distress is referred to as refinancing. Out-of court restructurings, also known as workouts, are increasingly becoming a global reality.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-2-Item2",
                 "Mortgage loan",
                 "Mortgage loan",
                 "A mortgage loan is a loan secured by real property through the use of a mortgage note which evidences the existence of the loan and the encumbrance of that realty through the granting of a mortgage which secures the loan. However, the word mortgage alone, in everyday usage, is most often used to mean mortgage loan.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA mortgage loan is a loan secured by real property through the use of a mortgage note which evidences the existence of the loan and the encumbrance of that realty through the granting of a mortgage which secures the loan. However, the word mortgage alone, in everyday usage, is most often used to mean mortgage loan.The word mortgage is a French Law term meaning death contract, meaning that the pledge ends (dies) when either the obligation is fulfilled or the property is taken through foreclosure.\n\nA home buyer or builder can obtain financing (a loan) either to purchase or secure against the property from a financial institution, such as a bank or credit union, either directly or indirectly through intermediaries. Features of mortgage loans such as the size of the loan, maturity of the loan, interest rate, method of paying off the loan, and other characteristics can vary considerably.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item3",
                 "Refinancing risk",
                 "Refinancing risk",
                 "In banking and finance, refinancing risk is the possibility that a borrower cannot refinance by borrowing to repay existing debt. Many types of commercial lending incorporate balloon payments at the point of final maturity; often, the intention or assumption is that the borrower will take out a new loan to pay the existing lenders.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIn banking and finance, refinancing risk is the possibility that a borrower cannot refinance by borrowing to repay existing debt. Many types of commercial lending incorporate balloon payments at the point of final maturity; often, the intention or assumption is that the borrower will take out a new loan to pay the existing lenders.\n\nA borrower that cannot refinance their existing debt and does not have sufficient funds on hand to pay their lenders may have a liquidity problem. The borrower may be considered technically insolvent: even though their assets are greater than their liabilities, they cannot raise the liquid funds to pay their creditors. Insolvency may lead to bankruptcy, even when the borrower has a positive net worth.\n\nIn order to repay the debt at maturity, the borrower that cannot refinance may be forced into a fire sale of assets at a low price, including the borrower's own home and productive assets such as factories and plants.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item4",
                 "Refunding occurs when an entity that has issued callable bonds calls those debt securities from the debt holders with the express purpose of reissuing new debt at a lower coupon rate. In essence, the issue of new, lower-interest debt allows the company to prematurely refund the older, higher-interest debt.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRefunding occurs when an entity that has issued callable bonds calls those debt securities from the debt holders with the express purpose of reissuing new debt at a lower coupon rate. In essence, the issue of new, lower-interest debt allows the company to prematurely refund the older, higher-interest debt. On the contrary, NonRefundable Bonds may be callable but they cannot be re-issued with a lower coupon rate. i.e. They cannot be refunded.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item5",
                 "Yield Spread Premium",
                 "Yield Spread Premium",
                 "A yield spread premium (YSP) is the money or rebate paid to a mortgage broker for giving a borrower a higher interest rate on a loan in exchange for lower up front costs, generally paid in Origination fees, Broker fees or Discount Points. This “may [be used to] wipe out or offset other loan costs, like Loan Level Pricing Adjustments",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA yield spread premium (YSP) is the money or rebate paid to a mortgage broker for giving a borrower a higher interest rate on a loan in exchange for lower up front costs, generally paid in Origination fees, Broker fees or Discount Points. This “may [be used to] wipe out or offset other loan costs, like Loan Level Pricing Adjustments (instituted by FNMA).\n\nThe YSP is derived through the realization of a market 'price' for a loan that is above 100%. For example, a $300,000 loan with a price when sold of 101.00% would 'yield' a 1% rebate to the originator. It is important to understand that the term 'originator' refers to either a retail bank or mortgage broker. The characteristics of a loan contribute to the price offered, such as the interest rate attached, the credit score of the borrower, purchase money versus a cash-out refinance, or a streamline refinance (which lowers the price because it is typically not accompanied by a property appraisal). Higher credit scores may add 0.25% to the price, while a lower one may cost up to 3.00% - which requires the borrower to either pay a discount fee to cover the loss to the lender when the mortgage is sold, or increasing the interest rate to absorb the risk for the mortgage security investor.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-2-Item6",
                 "Interest rate",
                 "Interest rate",
                 "An interest rate is the rate at which interest is paid by borrowers for the use of money that they borrow from a lender. Specifically, the interest rate (I/m) is a percent of principal (P) paid a certain amount of times (m) per period (usually quoted per annum).",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAn interest rate is the rate at which interest is paid by borrowers for the use of money that they borrow from a lender. Specifically, the interest rate (I/m) is a percent of principal (P) paid a certain amount of times (m) per period (usually quoted per annum). For example, a small company borrows capital from a bank to buy new assets for its business, and in return the lender receives interest at a predetermined interest rate for deferring the use of funds and instead lending it to the borrower. Interest rates are normally expressed as a percentage of the principal for a period of one year.",

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public SampleDataSource()
            String ITEM_CONTENT = String.Format("Item Content: {0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}\n\n{0}",
                        "Curabitur class aliquam vestibulum nam curae maecenas sed integer cras phasellus suspendisse quisque donec dis praesent accumsan bibendum pellentesque condimentum adipiscing etiam consequat vivamus dictumst aliquam duis convallis scelerisque est parturient ullamcorper aliquet fusce suspendisse nunc hac eleifend amet blandit facilisi condimentum commodo scelerisque faucibus aenean ullamcorper ante mauris dignissim consectetuer nullam lorem vestibulum habitant conubia elementum pellentesque morbi facilisis arcu sollicitudin diam cubilia aptent vestibulum auctor eget dapibus pellentesque inceptos leo egestas interdum nulla consectetuer suspendisse adipiscing pellentesque proin lobortis sollicitudin augue elit mus congue fermentum parturient fringilla euismod feugiat");

            var group1 = new SampleDataGroup("Group-1",
                 "Modern Furniture",
                 "Modern Furniture",
                 "Furniture is the mass noun for the movable objects intended to support various human activities such as seating and sleeping. Furniture is also used to hold objects at a convenient height for work (as horizontal surfaces above the ground), or to store things.");

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item1",
                 "Bean Bag",
                 "Bean Bag",
                 "Designed by an Italian company named Zanotta in 1969 beanbags have become a globally recognised piece of furniture. The first beanbag chairs were called Soccos which were pear-shaped leather bags filled with styrofoam beans and are still in production today.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDesigned by an Italian company named Zanotta in 1969 beanbags have become a globally recognised piece of furniture. The first beanbag chairs were called Soccos which were pear-shaped leather bags filled with styrofoam beans and are still in production today.\n\nPiero Gatti, Cesare Paolini and Franco Teodoro are credited with being the original designers at Zanotta, it's said they noticed that staff would sit on bags filled with styrofoam during their coffee and cigarette breaks.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-1-Item2",
                 "Chaise Longue",
                 "Chaise Longue",
                 "In modern French the term chaise longue can refer to any long reclining chair such as a deckchair. A literal translation in English is long chair. In the United States the term lounge chair is also used to refer to any long reclining chair.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAncient Greek art depicts gods and goddesses lounging in this type of chair. The modern Greek word symposion comes from sympinein, which means to drink together. In ancient Greece this word conveyed the idea of a party with music and conversation. The principal item of furniture for a symposium is the kline, a form of daybed. The Greeks changed from the normal practice of sitting at a table to the far more distinctive practice of reclining on couches as early as the 8th century BC.\n\nThe Romans also used a daybed for reclining in the daytime and to sleep on at night. Developed from the Greek prototype, the Roman daybed was designed with legs carved in wood or cast bronze. The Romans also adapted a chaise longue style chair for the accubatio (the act of reclining during a meal). At Roman banquets, the usual number of persons occupying each bed was three, with three daybeds forming three sides of a small square, so that the triclinium (the dining-room of a Roman residence) allowed for a party of nine. The Romans did not practice upholstery, so the couches were made comfortable with pillows, loose covers and animal skins.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item3",
                 "An ottoman is a piece of furniture consisting of a padded, upholstered seat or bench, usually having neither a back nor arms, often used as a stool or footstool, or in some cases as a coffee table. Ottomans are often sold as coordinating furniture with armchairs or gliders.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe ottoman was brought to Europe from Turkey in the late 18th century. The word ottomane to refer to furniture appeared by at least 1729 in French. The first known recorded use in English occurs in one of Thomas Jefferson's memorandum books from 1789 Paid. for an Ottomane of velours d'Utrecht. \n\nIn Turkey, an ottoman was the central piece of family seating, and was piled with cushions. In Europe, the ottoman was first designed as a piece of fitted furniture that wrapped around three walls of a room. The ottoman evolved into a smaller version that fit into the corner of a room.\n\nOttomans took on a circular or octagonal shape through the 19th century, with seating divided in the center by arms or a central, padded column that might hold a plant or statue. As night clubs became more popular, so did the ottoman which began to have hinged seats underneath to hold magazines.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item4",
                 "A stool is one of the earliest forms of seat furniture. It bears many similarities to a chair. It consists of a single seat, without back or armrests, on a base of either three or four legs.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA stool is one of the earliest forms of seat furniture. It bears many similarities to a chair. It consists of a single seat, without back or armrests, on a base of either three or four legs. A stool is distinguished from chairs by their lack of arms and a back. Variants exist with any number of legs from one to five. Some people call these various stools backless chairs.The origins of stools are lost in time although they are known to be one of the earliest forms of wooden furniture. Percy Macquoid claims that the turned stool was introduced from Byzantium by the Varangian guard, and thus through Norse culture into Europe, reaching England via the Normans.\n\nTable and stools from Bulgaria.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-1-Item5",
                 "A recliner is an armchair or sofa that reclines when the occupant lowers the chair's back and raises its front. It has a backrest that can be tilted back, and often a footrest that may be extended by means of a lever on the side of the chair, or may extend automatically when the back is reclined.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA recliner is an armchair or sofa that reclines when the occupant lowers the chair's back and raises its front. It has a backrest that can be tilted back, and often a footrest that may be extended by means of a lever on the side of the chair, or may extend automatically when the back is reclined.\n\nA recliner is also known as a reclining chair, lounger and an armchair.\n\nModern recliners often feature an adjustable headrest, lumbar support and an independent footstool that adjusts with the weight and angle of the user's legs to maximize comfort. Recliners that are wheelchair accessible are also available.",

            group1.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-1-Item6",
                 "A fauteuil is made of wood, and frequently with carved relief ornament. It is typically upholstered on the seat, the seat back and on the arms (manchettes). Some fauteuils have a valenced front seat rail which is padding that extends slightly over the apron. The exposed wooden elements are often gilded or otherwise painted.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA fauteuil is made of wood, and frequently with carved relief ornament. It is typically upholstered on the seat, the seat back and on the arms (manchettes). Some fauteuils have a valenced front seat rail which is padding that extends slightly over the apron. The exposed wooden elements are often gilded or otherwise painted.\n\nA fauteuil is a style of open-arm chair with a primarily exposed wooden frame originating in France in the early 18th century.",


             var group2 = new SampleDataGroup("Group-2",
                 "Perfect Furniture",
                 "Perfect Furniture",
                 "Furniture has been a part of the human experience since the development of non-nomadic cultures. Evidence of furniture survives from the Neolithic Period and later in antiquity in the form of paintings, such as the wall Murals discovered at Pompeii; sculpture, and examples have been excavated in Egypt and found in tombs in Ghiordes, in modern day Turkey.");

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item1",
                 "Conventional Household",
                 "Conventional Household",
                 "Traditional furniture includes different styles of furniture with a variety of styles overlapping each other.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTraditional furniture includes different styles of furniture with a variety of styles overlapping each other. Generally, traditional furniture is made from darker woods plus more ornate in design. Scroll work and also detailed carving generally go with this type of furniture and traditional furniture is a favorite of many creative designers due to the artistic design. Types of furniture that might be considered traditional are Chippendale and Queen Anne varieties of furniture.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-2-Item2",
                 "Transitional Furniture",
                 "Transitional Furniture",
                 "Transitional furniture is exactly what its name suggests. Transitional furniture is a style or type of furniture which mixes both modern and traditional elements collectively.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTransitional furniture is exactly what its name suggests. Transitional furniture is a style or type of furniture which mixes both modern and traditional elements collectively to give you a pleasant mixture of performance, form and style of both styles. While holding somewhat to standard materials however leaning towards contemporary styling, transitional furniture can be a great balance for a smaller home that might turn out to be overwhelmed with the detail along with ornateness of traditional furniture.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item3",
                 "Daybeds are used as beds as well as for lounging, reclining and seating in common rooms. Their frames can be made out of wood, metal or a combination of wood and metal.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaybeds are used as beds as well as for lounging, reclining and seating in common rooms. Their frames can be made out of wood, metal or a combination of wood and metal.They are a cross between chaise longue, couch and a bed.\n\nDaybeds typically feature a back and sides and come in Twin Size (39 in × 75 in = 99 cm × 191 cm). Often daybeds will also feature a trundle to expand sleeping capacity.\n\nMany of today's daybeds employ a linkspring as the support system for the mattress. The linkspring is a rectangular metal frame (roughly the footprint of the mattress) with cross supports. A wire or polyester / nylon mesh held in place by a network of springs lays across the top of the linkspring. The linkspring design provides support and creates clearance underneath a daybed for storage.\n\nA recent development in infant beds is a bed that converts into a daybed by the removal of one side, ensuring the furniture is useful for more than a couple of years.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item4",
                 "A futon is traditional Japanese bedding consisting of padded mattresses and quilts pliable enough to be folded and stored away during the day, allowing the room to serve for purposes other than as a bedroom.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA futon is a flat mattress with a fabric exterior stuffed with cotton, wool, or synthetic batting that makes up a Japanese bed. Futons are sold in Japan at speciality stores called futon'ya as well as at department stores. They are often sold in sets that include the futon mattress (shikibuton), a comforter (kakebuton) or blanket (mōfu), a summer blanket resembling a large towel ( taoruketto), and a pillow ( makura) generally filled with beans, buckwheat chaff, or plastic beads.[citation needed] Futons are designed to be placed on tatami flooring, and are traditionally folded away and stored in a closet during the day to allow the tatami to breathe and to allow for flexibility in the use of the room. \n\nFutons must be aired in sunlight regularly, especially if not put away during the day. In addition, many Japanese beat their futons regularly to prevent the padding from matting. They use a futon tataki , a special instrument, traditionally made from bamboo, resembling a Western carpet beater",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Big-Group-2-Item5",
                 "A hammock is a sling made of fabric, rope, or netting, suspended between two points, used for swinging, sleeping, or resting. It normally consists of one or more cloth panels.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA hammock is a sling made of fabric, rope, or netting, suspended between two points, used for swinging, sleeping, or resting. It normally consists of one or more cloth panels, or a woven network of twine or thin rope stretched with ropes between two firm anchor points such as trees or posts. Hammocks were developed by native inhabitants of Central and South America for sleeping.\n\n Later, they were used aboard ships by sailors to enable comfort and maximize available space, and by explorers or soldiers traveling in wooded regions. Today they are popular around the world for relaxation; they are also used as a lightweight bed on camping trips. The hammock is often seen as symbol of summer, leisure, relaxation and simple, easy living.",

             group2.Items.Add(new SampleDataItem("Small-Group-2-Item6",
                 "The headboard is a piece of furniture that attaches to the head of a bed. Historically, they served to isolate sleepers from drafts and cold in less insulated buildings, and thus were made of wood, which is less conductive than stone or brick.",
                 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe headboard is a piece of furniture that attaches to the head of a bed. Historically, they served to isolate sleepers from drafts and cold in less insulated buildings, and thus were made of wood, which is less conductive than stone or brick. Constructed to create space from the wall (via thicker end pillars) they allowed falling colder air to sink to the floor rather than onto the bed.\n\nToday in better heated and insulated residences headboards serve chiefly aesthetic and utilitarian functions. They may include storage space for books and personal items, and conveniences such as lights and telephone. Those of hospital beds may incorporate critical care functions. A headboard may often be complemented by a footboard for aesthetic balance.",
