Ejemplo n.º 1
 void HandleItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e)
     if (e.SelectedItem != null)
         //unselect item in ListView
         beerStylesList.SelectedItem = null;
         //Seclected Item will be an object, this declares that object as a BeerStyle
         BeerStyle selected = e.SelectedItem as BeerStyle;
         Navigation.PushAsync(new BeerStyleDetailScrollPage(selected));
        public CommercialBeersDetailPageXAML(BeerStyle selected)
            //Break passed-in Model BeerStyle Commercial Beers into string array
            string[] commercialBeers = selected.CommercialExamples.Split(',');

            StyleId = "CommercialBeersPage";

            //Call method to populate TableSection and assign it to TableRoot
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void OnItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e)
     //Make sure a row is selected
     if (e.SelectedItem != null)
         //Clear the selected item
         beerStylesList.SelectedItem = null;
         //Store the selected item
         BeerStyle selected = e.SelectedItem as BeerStyle;
         //Pass the selected item into a new page: BeerStyleDetailScrollPageXAML
         Navigation.PushAsync(new BeerStyleDetailScrollPageXAML(selected));
        public BeerStyleDetailScrollPageXAML(BeerStyle selected)
            beerSelected = selected;

            Title   = beerSelected.Style;
            StyleId = beerSelected.Style;


            //Take srmRange from BeerStyle and split into Low and High
            string[] srmRange = selected.SRM.Split('-');
            srmLow.Text  = "Low SRM : " + srmRange [0];
            srmHigh.Text = "High SRM : " + srmRange [1];

            //Pass srmLow and srmHigh Labels into Calculator to have Background colors changed to beer colors
            srmCalculator.SRMColorCalculator(srmLow, srmHigh);

            commercialBeersButton.HeightRequest = (double)(App.ScreenHeight * 0.1);
            commercialBeersButton.WidthRequest  = (double)(App.ScreenWidth * 0.8);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public CommercialBeersDetailPage(BeerStyle selected)
            //Set the title on the navigation bar to the selected hop
            Title = "Commercial Beers";
            //Set the StyleId for Xamarin Test Cloud
            StyleId = "CommercialBeersPage";

            //Create Commercial Beer Examples TableView
            TableView commercialBeers = new TableView();

            commercialBeers.BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent;

            //Split commercial beers from the passed in selected beer style
            string[] beers = selected.CommercialExamples.Split(',');

            //Create root and section for TableView
            TableRoot    list    = new TableRoot();
            TableSection section = new TableSection();

            //Foreach item in the commercial beers string, create a label and add it to TableView.
            foreach (string beer in beers)
                WhiteTextColorLabel beerName = new WhiteTextColorLabel {
                    Text     = beer,
                    FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Small, typeof(Label)),
                    YAlign   = TextAlignment.Center,
                    XAlign   = TextAlignment.Center
                //Add Viewcell containing commercial beers to TableSection of TableView
                section.Add(new ViewCell {
                    View = beerName
            //Add TableSection to Root
            //Assign TableView Root to Commercial Beers TableView
            commercialBeers.Root = list;

            Content = commercialBeers;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public BeerStyleDetailScrollPage(BeerStyle selected)
            _selected = selected;

            //Set the title on the navigation bar to the selected hop
            Title = selected.Style;
            //Set the StyleId for Xamarin Test Cloud
            StyleId = selected.Style + "Page";

            //Create button to navigate to commercial beers of beer style
            commercialBeers = new HopThemedButton {
                StyleId      = "commercialBeersOfThisStyleButton",
                Text         = "Commercial Beers of this style",
                WidthRequest = Device.OnPlatform(
                    (double)(App.ScreenWidth * 0.8)),
                BorderColor   = Color.Transparent,
                BorderRadius  = Device.OnPlatform(0, 0, 0),
                HeightRequest = 50,
                Font          = Font.SystemFontOfSize(NamedSize.Large)

            //Create Aroma labels and details
            CenteredBoldWhiteTextColorLabel aromaLabel = new CenteredBoldWhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = "Aroma"
            WhiteTextColorLabel aroma = new WhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = selected.Aroma

            //Create Appearance labels and details
            CenteredBoldWhiteTextColorLabel appearanceLabel = new CenteredBoldWhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = "Appearance"
            WhiteTextColorLabel appearance = new WhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = selected.Appearance

            //Create Flavor labels and details
            CenteredBoldWhiteTextColorLabel flavorLabel = new CenteredBoldWhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = "Flavor"
            WhiteTextColorLabel flavor = new WhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = selected.Flavor

            //Create Ingredients labels and details
            CenteredBoldWhiteTextColorLabel ingredientsLabel = new CenteredBoldWhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = "Ingredients"
            WhiteTextColorLabel ingredients = new WhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = selected.Ingredients

            //Create Comments labels and details
            CenteredBoldWhiteTextColorLabel commentsLabel = new CenteredBoldWhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = "Comments"
            WhiteTextColorLabel comments = new WhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = selected.Comments

            //Create srm Label
            CenteredBoldWhiteTextColorLabel srmColorLabel = new CenteredBoldWhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = "Beer Color Range"

            //Stack all of the labels in a StackLayout
            StackLayout description = new StackLayout {
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                Children    =

            //Create Labels to label beer style specifications
            WhiteTextColorLabel ibuLabel = new WhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = "IBU:", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End
            WhiteTextColorLabel ogLabel = new WhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = "Original Gravity:", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End
            WhiteTextColorLabel fgLabel = new WhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = "Final Gravity:", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End
            WhiteTextColorLabel abvLabel = new WhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = "Alcohol Percent:", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End

            //Stack all of the labels vertically to create a left half StackLayout
            StackLayout labels = new StackLayout {
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                Children    =

            //Create labels to hold the beer style specifications
            WhiteTextColorLabel ibu = new WhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = selected.IBUs
            WhiteTextColorLabel og = new WhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = selected.OG
            WhiteTextColorLabel fg = new WhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = selected.FG
            WhiteTextColorLabel abv = new WhiteTextColorLabel {
                Text = selected.ABV + " %"

            //Stack all of the specs vertically to create a right half StackLayout
            StackLayout values = new StackLayout {
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                Children    =

            //Stack the two vertical layouts together to align the labels to the specifications
            StackLayout specs = new StackLayout {
                Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                Children          =

            //split the srm range (ex. 10 - 24) to create a low SRM and High SRM.
            //The SRM calculator will use this string to change the background color of the low/high SRM labels
            string[] srmRange = selected.SRM.Split('-');

            //Low SRM label created to pass into SRMColorCalculator
            WhiteTextColorLabel srmLow = new WhiteTextColorLabel {
                StyleId           = "lowSRMLabel",
                Text              = "Low SRM : " + srmRange [0],
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                HeightRequest     = 30,
                WidthRequest      = 150,
                YAlign            = TextAlignment.Center,
                XAlign            = TextAlignment.Center
            //High SRM label created to pass into SRMColorCalculator
            WhiteTextColorLabel srmHigh = new WhiteTextColorLabel {
                StyleId           = "highSRMLabel",
                Text              = "High SRM : " + srmRange [1],
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                HeightRequest     = 30,
                WidthRequest      = 150,
                YAlign            = TextAlignment.Center,
                XAlign            = TextAlignment.Center

            //Pass both the low and high SRM labels into the calculator
            //The calculator will change the background color of the labels.
            srmCalculator.SRMColorCalculator(srmLow, srmHigh);

            //Put the colored srm labels next to each other
            StackLayout srmLabels = new StackLayout {
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                Children    =

            //Put all of the elements together to create the fullStack
            StackLayout halfStack = new StackLayout {
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                Padding     = new Thickness(10, 10, 10, 10),
                Children    =

            StackLayout fullStack = new StackLayout {
                Children =

            //Wrap the fullStack in a scrollview
            Content = new ScrollView {
                Content = fullStack