Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()
                                  .AddSingleton <ITumblerService, TumblerService>()

            .GetService <ILoggerFactory>()

            // TODO: It is messy having both a BreezeD logger and an NTumbleBit logger
            var logger = serviceProvider.GetService <ILoggerFactory>()
                         .CreateLogger <Program>();

            logger.LogInformation("{Time} Reading Breeze server configuration", DateTime.Now);

            // Check OS-specific default config path for the config file. Create default file if it does not exist
            var configDir  = BreezeConfiguration.GetDefaultDataDir("BreezeD");
            var configPath = Path.Combine(configDir, "breeze.conf");

            logger.LogInformation("{Time} Configuration file path {Path}", DateTime.Now, configPath);

            var config = new BreezeConfiguration(configPath);

            var dbPath = Path.Combine(configDir, "db");

            logger.LogInformation("{Time} Database path {Path}", DateTime.Now, dbPath);

            var db = new DBUtils(dbPath);

            logger.LogInformation("{Time} Checking node registration on the blockchain", DateTime.Now);

            var registration = new BreezeRegistration();

            if (!registration.CheckBreezeRegistration(config, db))
                logger.LogInformation("{Time} Creating or updating node registration", DateTime.Now);
                var regTx = registration.PerformBreezeRegistration(config, db);
                if (regTx != null)
                    logger.LogInformation("{Time} Submitted transaction {TxId} via RPC for broadcast", DateTime.Now, regTx.GetHash().ToString());
                    logger.LogInformation("{Time} Unable to broadcast transaction via RPC", DateTime.Now);
                logger.LogInformation("{Time} Node registration has already been performed", DateTime.Now);

            logger.LogInformation("{Time} Starting Tumblebit server", DateTime.Now);

            db.UpdateOrInsert <string>("TumblerStartupLog", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), "Tumbler starting", (o, n) => n);

            var tumbler = serviceProvider.GetService <ITumblerService>();

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void ParseTransaction(Transaction tx, Network network)
            if (tx.Outputs.Count < 2)
                throw new Exception("Transaction does not have sufficient outputs");

            var breezeReg = new BreezeRegistration();

            // Assume the nulldata transaction marker is the first output

            //var firstOutputData = breezeReg.AddressToBytes(tx.Outputs[0].ScriptPubKey.GetDestinationAddress(network));

            // TODO: Validate that the marker bytes are present before proceeding

            // Peek at first non-nulldata address to get the length information,
            // this indicates if there will be a change address output or not

            var secondOutputData = breezeReg.AddressToBytes(tx.Outputs[1].ScriptPubKey.GetDestinationAddress(network));

            var protocolVersion = (int)secondOutputData[0];

            var headerLength = ((int)secondOutputData[2] << 8) + ((int)secondOutputData[1]);

            int numAddresses = headerLength / 20;

            if (headerLength % 20 != 0)

            if (tx.Outputs.Count < (numAddresses + 1))
                throw new Exception("Too few addresses in transaction output, registration transaction incomplete");

            var addressList = new List <BitcoinAddress>();

            for (var i = 1; i < (numAddresses + 1); i++)

            var bitstream = breezeReg.AddressesToBytes(addressList);

            // Need to consume X bytes at a time off the bitstream and convert them to various
            // data types, then set member variables to the retrieved values.

            // Skip over protocol version and header length bytes
            var position = 3;

            ProtocolVersion = protocolVersion;

            // Either a valid IPv4 address, or all zero bytes
            bool allZeroes = true;

            byte[] ipv4temp = GetSubArray(bitstream, position, 4);

            for (var i = 0; i < ipv4temp.Length; i++)
                if (ipv4temp[i] != 0)
                    allZeroes = false;

            if (!allZeroes)
                Ipv4Addr = new IPAddress(ipv4temp);
                Ipv4Addr = null;

            position += 4;

            // Either a valid IPv6 address, or all zero bytes
            allZeroes = true;
            byte[] ipv6temp = GetSubArray(bitstream, position, 16);

            for (var i = 0; i < ipv6temp.Length; i++)
                if (ipv6temp[i] != 0)
                    allZeroes = false;

            if (!allZeroes)
                Ipv6Addr = new IPAddress(ipv6temp);
                Ipv6Addr = null;

            position += 16;

            // Either a valid onion address, or all zero bytes
            allZeroes = true;
            byte[] onionTemp = GetSubArray(bitstream, position, 16);

            for (var i = 0; i < onionTemp.Length; i++)
                if (onionTemp[i] != 0)
                    allZeroes = false;

            if (!allZeroes)
                OnionAddress = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(onionTemp);
                OnionAddress = null;

            position += 16;

            var temp = GetSubArray(bitstream, position, 2);

            Port      = ((int)temp[1] << 8) + ((int)temp[0]);
            position += 2;

            temp = GetSubArray(bitstream, position, 2);
            var rsaLength = ((int)temp[1] << 8) + ((int)temp[0]);

            position += 2;

            RsaSignature = GetSubArray(bitstream, position, rsaLength);
            position    += rsaLength;

            temp = GetSubArray(bitstream, position, 2);
            var ecdsaLength = ((int)temp[1] << 8) + ((int)temp[0]);

            position += 2;

            EcdsaSignature = GetSubArray(bitstream, position, ecdsaLength);
            position      += ecdsaLength;

            // TODO: Validate signatures