Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the argument number in the current context
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Evaluate(IEvolutionState state, int thread, GPData input, ADFStack stack,
                                     GPIndividual individual, IProblem problem, int argument)
            // do I have that many Arguments?
            if ((argument >= Adf.Children.Length) || argument < 0)
            // uh oh
                individual.PrintIndividual(state, 0);
                state.Output.Fatal("Invalid argument number for " + Adf.ErrorInfo());

            // Am I an ADM or an ADF?
            //if (Adf == null)
            //    state.Output.Fatal("ADF is null for " + Adf.ErrorInfo());

            if (!(Adf is ADM)) // it's an ADF
            else // it's an ADM
                // get rid of my context temporarily
                if (stack.MoveOntoSubstack(1) != 1)
                    state.Output.Fatal("Substack prematurely empty for " + Adf.ErrorInfo());

                // Call the GPNode
                Adf.Children[argument].Eval(state, thread, input, stack, individual, problem);

                // restore my context
                if (stack.MoveFromSubstack(1) != 1)
                    state.Output.Fatal("Stack prematurely empty for " + Adf.ErrorInfo());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void Eval(IEvolutionState state, int thread, GPData input, ADFStack stack, GPIndividual individual, IProblem problem)
            // get a context and prepare it
            var c = stack.Take();

            c.PrepareADF(this, (GPProblem)problem);

            // evaluate my Arguments and load 'em in
            for (var x = 0; x < Children.Length; x++)
                Children[x].Eval(state, thread, c.Arguments[x], stack, individual, problem);

            // Now push the context onto the stack.

            // evaluate the top of the associatedTree
            individual.Trees[AssociatedTree].Child.Eval(state, thread, input, stack, individual, problem);

            // pop the context off, and we're done!
            if (stack.Pop(1) != 1)
                state.Output.Fatal("Stack prematurely empty for " + ToStringForError());
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void Eval(IEvolutionState state, int thread, GPData input, ADFStack stack, GPIndividual individual, IProblem problem)
            // get the current context
            var c = stack.Top(0);

            if (c == null)
                // uh oh
                state.Output.Fatal("No context with which to evaluate ADFArgument terminal " + ToStringForError()
                                   + ".  This often happens if you evaluate a tree by hand  which is supposed to only be an ADF's associated tree.");

            c.Evaluate(state, thread, input, stack, individual, problem, Argument);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks type-compatibility constraints between the ADF, its argument terminals,
        /// and the tree type of its associated tree, and also checks to make sure the tree exists,
        /// there aren't invalid argument terminals in it, and there are sufficient argument terminals (a warning).  Whew!
        /// </summary>
        public override void CheckConstraints(IEvolutionState state, int tree, GPIndividual typicalIndividual, IParameter individualBase)
            base.CheckConstraints(state, tree, typicalIndividual, individualBase);

            // does the associated tree exist?

            if (AssociatedTree < 0 || AssociatedTree >= typicalIndividual.Trees.Length)
                state.Output.Error("The node " + ToStringForError() + " of individual " + individualBase
                                   + " must have an associated tree that is >= 0 and < " + typicalIndividual.Trees.Length
                                   + ".  Value provided was: " + AssociatedTree);
                // is the associated tree of the correct type?  Issue an error.
                var initializer = ((GPInitializer)state.Initializer);

                if (!Constraints(initializer).ReturnType.CompatibleWith(initializer, typicalIndividual.Trees[AssociatedTree].Constraints(initializer).TreeType))
                    state.Output.Error("The return type of the node " + ToStringForError() + " of individual " + individualBase
                                       + "is not type-compatible with the tree type of its associated tree.");

                var funcs = typicalIndividual.Trees[AssociatedTree].Constraints(initializer).FunctionSet.Nodes;

                var validArgument = new ADFArgument[Children.Length];

                for (var w = 0; w < funcs.Length; w++)
                    // does the tree's function set have argument terminals
                    // that are beyond what I can provide?  (issue an error)

                    var gpfi = funcs[w];
                    for (var x = 0; x < gpfi.Length; x++)
                        if (gpfi[x] is ADFArgument)
                            var argument = (ADFArgument)(gpfi[x]);
                            var arg      = argument.Argument;
                            if (arg >= Children.Length)
                            // uh oh
                                state.Output.Error("The node " + ToStringForError() + " in individual "
                                                   + individualBase +
                                                   " would call its associated tree, which has an argument terminal with an argument number ("
                                                   + arg + ") >= the ADF/ADM's arity ("
                                                   + Children.Length
                                                   + ").  The argument terminal in question is "
                                                   + gpfi[x].ToStringForError());
                                if (validArgument[arg] != null && validArgument[arg] != argument)
                                // got one already
                                    state.Output.Warning("There exists more than one Argument terminal for argument #" +
                                                         + " for the node " + ToStringForError() + " in individual " +
                                    validArgument[arg] = argument;

                                // is the argument terminal of the correct return type?  Issue an error.
                                if (
                                    state.Output.Error("The node " + ToStringForError() + " in individual " +
                                                       " would call its associated tree, which has an argument terminal which is not type-compatible with the related argument position of the ADF/ADM.  The argument terminal in question is "
                                                       + gpfi[x].ToStringForError());

                // does the tree's function set have fewer argument terminals
                // than I can provide? (issue a warning)

                for (var x = 0; x < Children.Length; x++)
                    if (validArgument[x] == null)
                        state.Output.Warning("There is no argument terminal for argument #" + x
                                             + " for the node " + ToStringForError() + " in individual " + individualBase);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void Eval(IEvolutionState state, int thread, GPData input, ADFStack stack, GPIndividual individual, IProblem problem)
            // prepare a context
            var c = stack.Push(stack.Take());


            // evaluate the top of the associatedTree
            individual.Trees[AssociatedTree].Child.Eval(state, thread, input, stack, individual, problem);

            // pop the context off, and we're done!
            if (stack.Pop(1) != 1)
                state.Output.Fatal("Stack prematurely empty for " + ToStringForError());