Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal GearJoint(GearJointDef def)
            : base(def)
            JointType type1 = def.joint1.JointType;
            JointType type2 = def.joint2.JointType;

            //Debug.Assert(type1 == JointType.Revolute || type1 == JointType.Prismatic);
            //Debug.Assert(type2 == JointType.Revolute || type2 == JointType.Prismatic);
            //Debug.Assert(def.joint1.GetBodyA().GetType() == BodyType.Static);
            //Debug.Assert(def.joint2.GetBodyA().GetType() == BodyType.Static);

            _revolute1  = null;
            _prismatic1 = null;
            _revolute2  = null;
            _prismatic2 = null;

            float coordinate1, coordinate2;

            _ground1 = def.joint1.GetBodyA();
            _bodyA   = def.joint1.GetBodyB();
            if (type1 == JointType.Revolute)
                _revolute1     = (RevoluteJoint)def.joint1;
                _groundAnchor1 = _revolute1._localAnchor1;
                _localAnchor1  = _revolute1._localAnchor2;
                coordinate1    = _revolute1.GetJointAngle();
                _prismatic1    = (PrismaticJoint)def.joint1;
                _groundAnchor1 = _prismatic1._localAnchor1;
                _localAnchor1  = _prismatic1._localAnchor2;
                coordinate1    = _prismatic1.GetJointTranslation();

            _ground2 = def.joint2.GetBodyA();
            _bodyB   = def.joint2.GetBodyB();
            if (type2 == JointType.Revolute)
                _revolute2     = (RevoluteJoint)def.joint2;
                _groundAnchor2 = _revolute2._localAnchor1;
                _localAnchor2  = _revolute2._localAnchor2;
                coordinate2    = _revolute2.GetJointAngle();
                _prismatic2    = (PrismaticJoint)def.joint2;
                _groundAnchor2 = _prismatic2._localAnchor1;
                _localAnchor2  = _prismatic2._localAnchor2;
                coordinate2    = _prismatic2.GetJointTranslation();

            _ratio = def.ratio;

            _ant = coordinate1 + _ratio * coordinate2;

            _impulse = 0.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 2
		public Gears()
			Body ground = null;
				BodyDef bd = new BodyDef();
				ground = m_world.CreateBody(bd);

				EdgeShape shape = new EdgeShape();
				shape.Set(new Vec2(50.0f, 0.0f), new Vec2(-50.0f, 0.0f));
				shape.Density = 0;

				CircleShape circle1 = new CircleShape();
				circle1.m_radius = 1.0f;
				circle1.Density = 5;

				PolygonShape box = new PolygonShape();
				box.SetAsBox(0.5f, 5.0f);
				box.Density = 5;

				CircleShape circle2 = new CircleShape();
				circle2.m_radius = 2.0f;
				circle2.Density = 5;
				BodyDef bd1 = new BodyDef();
				bd1.type = BodyType._staticBody;
				bd1.Position.Set(10.0f, 9.0f);
				Body body1 = m_world.CreateBody(bd1);

				BodyDef bd2 = new BodyDef();
				bd2.type = BodyType._dynamicBody;
				bd2.Position.Set(10.0f, 8.0f);
				Body body2 = m_world.CreateBody(bd2);

				BodyDef bd3 = new BodyDef();
				bd3.type = BodyType._dynamicBody;
				bd3.Position.Set(10.0f, 6.0f);
				Body body3 = m_world.CreateBody(bd3);

				RevoluteJointDef jd1 = new RevoluteJointDef();
				jd1.Initialize(body2, body1, bd1.Position);
				Joint joint1 = m_world.CreateJoint(jd1);

				RevoluteJointDef jd2 = new RevoluteJointDef();
				jd2.Initialize(body2, body3, bd3.Position);
				Joint joint2 = m_world.CreateJoint(jd2);

				GearJointDef jd4 = new GearJointDef();
				jd4.bodyA = body1;
				jd4.bodyB = body3;
				jd4.joint1 = joint1;
				jd4.joint2 = joint2;
				jd4.ratio = circle2.m_radius / circle1.m_radius;

				CircleShape circle1 = new CircleShape();
				circle1.m_radius = 1.0f;
				circle1.Density = 5;

				CircleShape circle2 = new CircleShape();
				circle2.m_radius = 2.0f;
				circle2.Density = 5;
				PolygonShape box = new PolygonShape();
				box.SetAsBox(0.5f, 5.0f);

				BodyDef bd1 = new BodyDef();
				bd1.type = BodyType._dynamicBody;
				bd1.Position.Set(-3.0f, 12.0f);
				Body body1 = m_world.CreateBody(bd1);

				RevoluteJointDef jd1 = new RevoluteJointDef();
				jd1.bodyA = ground;
				jd1.bodyB = body1;
				jd1.localAnchorA = ground.GetLocalPoint(bd1.Position);
				jd1.localAnchorB = body1.GetLocalPoint(bd1.Position);
				jd1.referenceAngle = body1.GetAngle() - ground.GetAngle();
				m_joint1 = (RevoluteJoint)m_world.CreateJoint(jd1);

				BodyDef bd2 = new BodyDef();
				bd2.type = BodyType._dynamicBody;
				bd2.Position.Set(0.0f, 12.0f);
				Body body2 = m_world.CreateBody(bd2);

				RevoluteJointDef jd2 = new RevoluteJointDef();
				jd2.Initialize(ground, body2, bd2.Position);
				m_joint2 = (RevoluteJoint)m_world.CreateJoint(jd2);

				BodyDef bd3 = new BodyDef();
				bd3.type = BodyType._dynamicBody;
				bd3.Position.Set(2.5f, 12.0f);
				Body body3 = m_world.CreateBody(bd3);
				box.Density = 5;

				PrismaticJointDef jd3 = new PrismaticJointDef();
				jd3.Initialize(ground, body3, bd3.Position, new Vec2(0.0f, 1.0f));
				jd3.lowerTranslation = -5.0f;
				jd3.upperTranslation = 5.0f;
				jd3.enableLimit = true;

				m_joint3 = (PrismaticJoint)m_world.CreateJoint(jd3);

				GearJointDef jd4 = new GearJointDef();
				jd4.bodyA = body1;
				jd4.bodyB = body2;
				jd4.joint1 = m_joint1;
				jd4.joint2 = m_joint2;
				jd4.ratio = circle2.m_radius / circle1.m_radius;
				m_joint4 = (GearJoint)m_world.CreateJoint(jd4);

				GearJointDef jd5 = new GearJointDef();
				jd5.bodyA = body2;
				jd5.bodyB = body3;
				jd5.joint1 = m_joint2;
				jd5.joint2 = m_joint3;
				jd5.ratio = -1.0f / circle2.m_radius;
				m_joint5 = (GearJoint)m_world.CreateJoint(jd5);
Ejemplo n.º 3
		internal GearJoint(GearJointDef def): base(def)
			m_joint1 = def.joint1;
			m_joint2 = def.joint2;

			m_typeA = m_joint1.GetJointType();
			m_typeB = m_joint2.GetJointType();

			Utilities.Assert(m_typeA == JointType.e_revoluteJoint || m_typeA == JointType.e_prismaticJoint);
			Utilities.Assert(m_typeB == JointType.e_revoluteJoint || m_typeB == JointType.e_prismaticJoint);

			float coordinateA, coordinateB;

			// TODO_ERIN there might be some problem with the joint edges in Joint.

			m_bodyC = m_joint1.GetBodyA();
			m_bodyA = m_joint1.GetBodyB();

			// Get geometry of joint1
			Transform xfA = m_bodyA.m_xf;
			float aA = m_bodyA.m_sweep.a;
			Transform xfC = m_bodyC.m_xf;
			float aC = m_bodyC.m_sweep.a;

			if (m_typeA == JointType.e_revoluteJoint)
				RevoluteJoint revolute = (RevoluteJoint)def.joint1;
				m_localAnchorC = revolute.m_localAnchorA;
				m_localAnchorA = revolute.m_localAnchorB;
				m_referenceAngleA = revolute.m_referenceAngle;

				coordinateA = aA - aC - m_referenceAngleA;
				PrismaticJoint prismatic = (PrismaticJoint)def.joint1;
				m_localAnchorC = prismatic.m_localAnchorA;
				m_localAnchorA = prismatic.m_localAnchorB;
				m_referenceAngleA = prismatic.m_referenceAngle;
				m_localAxisC = prismatic.m_localXAxisA;

				Vec2 pC = m_localAnchorC;
				Vec2 pA = Utilities.MulT(xfC.q, Utilities.Mul(xfA.q, m_localAnchorA) + (xfA.p - xfC.p));
				coordinateA = Utilities.Dot(pA - pC, m_localAxisC);

			m_bodyD = m_joint2.GetBodyA();
			m_bodyB = m_joint2.GetBodyB();

			// Get geometry of joint2
			Transform xfB = m_bodyB.m_xf;
			float aB = m_bodyB.m_sweep.a;
			Transform xfD = m_bodyD.m_xf;
			float aD = m_bodyD.m_sweep.a;

			if (m_typeB == JointType.e_revoluteJoint)
				RevoluteJoint revolute = (RevoluteJoint)def.joint2;
				m_localAnchorD = revolute.m_localAnchorA;
				m_localAnchorB = revolute.m_localAnchorB;
				m_referenceAngleB = revolute.m_referenceAngle;

				coordinateB = aB - aD - m_referenceAngleB;
				PrismaticJoint prismatic = (PrismaticJoint)def.joint2;
				m_localAnchorD = prismatic.m_localAnchorA;
				m_localAnchorB = prismatic.m_localAnchorB;
				m_referenceAngleB = prismatic.m_referenceAngle;
				m_localAxisD = prismatic.m_localXAxisA;

				Vec2 pD = m_localAnchorD;
				Vec2 pB = Utilities.MulT(xfD.q, Utilities.Mul(xfB.q, m_localAnchorB) + (xfB.p - xfD.p));
				coordinateB = Utilities.Dot(pB - pD, m_localAxisD);

			m_ratio = def.ratio;

			m_constant = coordinateA + m_ratio * coordinateB;

			m_impulse = 0.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal GearJoint(GearJointDef def) : base(def)
            m_joint1 = def.joint1;
            m_joint2 = def.joint2;

            m_typeA = m_joint1.GetJointType();
            m_typeB = m_joint2.GetJointType();

            Utilities.Assert(m_typeA == JointType.e_revoluteJoint || m_typeA == JointType.e_prismaticJoint);
            Utilities.Assert(m_typeB == JointType.e_revoluteJoint || m_typeB == JointType.e_prismaticJoint);

            float coordinateA, coordinateB;

            // TODO_ERIN there might be some problem with the joint edges in Joint.

            m_bodyC = m_joint1.GetBodyA();
            m_bodyA = m_joint1.GetBodyB();

            // Get geometry of joint1
            Transform xfA = m_bodyA.m_xf;
            float     aA  = m_bodyA.m_sweep.a;
            Transform xfC = m_bodyC.m_xf;
            float     aC  = m_bodyC.m_sweep.a;

            if (m_typeA == JointType.e_revoluteJoint)
                RevoluteJoint revolute = (RevoluteJoint)def.joint1;
                m_localAnchorC    = revolute.m_localAnchorA;
                m_localAnchorA    = revolute.m_localAnchorB;
                m_referenceAngleA = revolute.m_referenceAngle;

                coordinateA = aA - aC - m_referenceAngleA;
                PrismaticJoint prismatic = (PrismaticJoint)def.joint1;
                m_localAnchorC    = prismatic.m_localAnchorA;
                m_localAnchorA    = prismatic.m_localAnchorB;
                m_referenceAngleA = prismatic.m_referenceAngle;
                m_localAxisC      = prismatic.m_localXAxisA;

                Vec2 pC = m_localAnchorC;
                Vec2 pA = Utilities.MulT(xfC.q, Utilities.Mul(xfA.q, m_localAnchorA) + (xfA.p - xfC.p));
                coordinateA = Utilities.Dot(pA - pC, m_localAxisC);

            m_bodyD = m_joint2.GetBodyA();
            m_bodyB = m_joint2.GetBodyB();

            // Get geometry of joint2
            Transform xfB = m_bodyB.m_xf;
            float     aB  = m_bodyB.m_sweep.a;
            Transform xfD = m_bodyD.m_xf;
            float     aD  = m_bodyD.m_sweep.a;

            if (m_typeB == JointType.e_revoluteJoint)
                RevoluteJoint revolute = (RevoluteJoint)def.joint2;
                m_localAnchorD    = revolute.m_localAnchorA;
                m_localAnchorB    = revolute.m_localAnchorB;
                m_referenceAngleB = revolute.m_referenceAngle;

                coordinateB = aB - aD - m_referenceAngleB;
                PrismaticJoint prismatic = (PrismaticJoint)def.joint2;
                m_localAnchorD    = prismatic.m_localAnchorA;
                m_localAnchorB    = prismatic.m_localAnchorB;
                m_referenceAngleB = prismatic.m_referenceAngle;
                m_localAxisD      = prismatic.m_localXAxisA;

                Vec2 pD = m_localAnchorD;
                Vec2 pB = Utilities.MulT(xfD.q, Utilities.Mul(xfB.q, m_localAnchorB) + (xfB.p - xfD.p));
                coordinateB = Utilities.Dot(pB - pD, m_localAxisD);

            m_ratio = def.ratio;

            m_constant = coordinateA + m_ratio * coordinateB;

            m_impulse = 0.0f;