Ejemplo n.º 1
        //--------------- Internals Below -------------------

        static public b2Joint Create(b2JointDef def, object allocator)
            b2Joint joint = null;

            if (def.type == e_distanceJoint)
                //void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2DistanceJoint));
                joint = new b2DistanceJoint(def as b2DistanceJointDef);
            else if (def.type == e_mouseJoint)
                //void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2MouseJoint));
                joint = new b2MouseJoint(def as b2MouseJointDef);
            else if (def.type == e_prismaticJoint)
                //void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2PrismaticJoint));
                joint = new b2PrismaticJoint(def as b2PrismaticJointDef);
            else if (def.type == e_revoluteJoint)
                //void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2RevoluteJoint));
                joint = new b2RevoluteJoint(def as b2RevoluteJointDef);
            else if (def.type == e_pulleyJoint)
                //void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2PulleyJoint));
                joint = new b2PulleyJoint(def as b2PulleyJointDef);
            else if (def.type == e_gearJoint)
                //void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2GearJoint));
                joint = new b2GearJoint(def as b2GearJointDef);
            else if (def.type == e_lineJoint)
                //void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2LineJoint));
                joint = new b2LineJoint(def as b2LineJointDef);
            else if (def.type == e_weldJoint)
                //void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2WeldJoint));
                joint = new b2WeldJoint(def as b2WeldJointDef);
            else if (def.type == e_frictionJoint)
                //void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2FrictionJoint));
                joint = new b2FrictionJoint(def as b2FrictionJointDef);
            else if (def.type == e_ropeJoint)
                joint = new b2RopeJoint(def as b2RopeJointDef);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public override void SayGoodbye(b2Joint joint)
     if (test.m_mouseJoint == joint)
         test.m_mouseJoint = null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// Called when any joint is about to be destroyed due
 /// to the destruction of one of its attached bodies.
 public override void SayGoodbye(b2Joint joint)
     if (m_mouseJoint == joint)
         m_mouseJoint = null;
         // JointDestroyed(joint);
     Console.WriteLine("ByeBye Joint: {0}", joint);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public b2Joint(b2JointDef def)
            Debug.Assert(def.BodyA != def.BodyB);

            m_type             = def.JointType;
            Prev               = null;
            Next               = null;
            m_bodyA            = def.BodyA;
            m_bodyB            = def.BodyB;
            m_index            = 0;
            m_collideConnected = def.CollideConnected;
            m_islandFlag       = false;
            m_userData         = def.UserData;
            m_edgeA            = new b2JointEdge();
            m_edgeB            = new b2JointEdge();
Ejemplo n.º 5
 static public void Destroy(b2Joint joint, object allocator)
      * switch (joint.m_type)
      * {
      * case e_distanceJoint:
      *      allocator->Free(joint, sizeof(b2DistanceJoint));
      *      break;
      * case e_mouseJoint:
      *      allocator->Free(joint, sizeof(b2MouseJoint));
      *      break;
      * case e_prismaticJoint:
      *      allocator->Free(joint, sizeof(b2PrismaticJoint));
      *      break;
      * case e_revoluteJoint:
      *      allocator->Free(joint, sizeof(b2RevoluteJoint));
      *      break;
      * case e_pulleyJoint:
      *      allocator->Free(joint, sizeof(b2PulleyJoint));
      *      break;
      * case e_gearJoint:
      *      allocator->Free(joint, sizeof(b2GearJoint));
      *      break;
      * case e_lineJoint:
      *      allocator->Free(joint, sizeof(b2LineJoint));
      *      break;
      * case e_weldJoint:
      *      allocator->Free(joint, sizeof(b2WeldJoint));
      *      break;
      * case e_frictionJoint:
      *      allocator->Free(joint, sizeof(b2FrictionJoint));
      *      break;
      * default:
      *      b2Assert(false);
      *      break;
      * }*/
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public b2Joint(b2JointDef def)
            Debug.Assert(def.BodyA != def.BodyB);

            m_type = def.JointType;
            Prev = null;
            Next = null;
            m_bodyA = def.BodyA;
            m_bodyB = def.BodyB;
            m_index = 0;
            m_collideConnected = def.CollideConnected;
            m_islandFlag = false;
            m_userData = def.UserData;

            m_edgeA.Joint = null;
            m_edgeA.Other = null;
            m_edgeA.Prev = null;
            m_edgeA.Next = null;

            m_edgeB.Joint = null;
            m_edgeB.Other = null;
            m_edgeB.Prev = null;
            m_edgeB.Next = null;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public JObject B2n(b2Joint joint)
            JObject jointValue = new JObject();

            String jointName = GetJointName(joint);
            if (null != jointName)
                jointValue["name"] = jointName;

            int bodyIndexA = lookupBodyIndex(joint.GetBodyA());
            int bodyIndexB = lookupBodyIndex(joint.GetBodyB());
            jointValue["bodyA"] = bodyIndexA;
            jointValue["bodyB"] = bodyIndexB;
            if (joint.GetCollideConnected())
                jointValue["collideConnected"] = true;

            b2Body bodyA = joint.GetBodyA();
            b2Body bodyB = joint.GetBodyB();

            // why do Joint.getAnchor methods need to take an argOut style
            // parameter!?
            b2Vec2 tmpAnchor = new b2Vec2();

            switch (joint.GetJointType())
                case b2JointType.e_revoluteJoint:
                        jointValue["type"] = "revolute";

                        b2RevoluteJoint revoluteJoint = (b2RevoluteJoint)joint;
                        tmpAnchor = revoluteJoint.GetAnchorA();
                        VecToJson("anchorA", bodyA.GetLocalPoint(tmpAnchor), jointValue);

                        tmpAnchor = revoluteJoint.GetAnchorB();
                        VecToJson("anchorB", bodyB.GetLocalPoint(tmpAnchor), jointValue);

                        FloatToJson("refAngle", bodyB.Angle - bodyA.Angle - revoluteJoint.GetJointAngle(), jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("jointSpeed", revoluteJoint.GetJointSpeed(), jointValue);
                        jointValue["enableLimit"] = revoluteJoint.IsLimitEnabled();
                        FloatToJson("lowerLimit", revoluteJoint.GetLowerLimit(), jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("upperLimit", revoluteJoint.GetUpperLimit(), jointValue);
                        jointValue["enableMotor"] = revoluteJoint.IsMotorEnabled();
                        FloatToJson("motorSpeed", revoluteJoint.GetMotorSpeed(), jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("maxMotorTorque", revoluteJoint.GetMaxMotorTorque(), jointValue);

                case b2JointType.e_prismaticJoint:
                        jointValue["type"] = "prismatic";

                        b2PrismaticJoint prismaticJoint = (b2PrismaticJoint)joint;
                        tmpAnchor = prismaticJoint.GetAnchorA();
                        VecToJson("anchorA", bodyA.GetLocalPoint(tmpAnchor), jointValue);

                        tmpAnchor = prismaticJoint.GetAnchorB();
                        VecToJson("anchorB", bodyB.GetLocalPoint(tmpAnchor), jointValue);

                        VecToJson("localAxisA", prismaticJoint.GetLocalXAxisA(), jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("refAngle", prismaticJoint.GetReferenceAngle(), jointValue);
                        jointValue["enableLimit"] = prismaticJoint.IsLimitEnabled();
                        FloatToJson("lowerLimit", prismaticJoint.GetLowerLimit(), jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("upperLimit", prismaticJoint.GetUpperLimit(), jointValue);
                        jointValue["enableMotor"] = prismaticJoint.IsMotorEnabled();
                        FloatToJson("maxMotorForce", prismaticJoint.GetMaxMotorForce(), jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("motorSpeed", prismaticJoint.GetMotorSpeed(), jointValue);
                case b2JointType.e_distanceJoint:
                        jointValue["type"] = "distance";

                        b2DistanceJoint distanceJoint = (b2DistanceJoint)joint;
                        tmpAnchor = distanceJoint.GetAnchorA();
                        VecToJson("anchorA", bodyA.GetLocalPoint(tmpAnchor), jointValue);
                        tmpAnchor = distanceJoint.GetAnchorB();
                        VecToJson("anchorB", bodyB.GetLocalPoint(tmpAnchor), jointValue);

                        //TODO: UNKOWS METHODS
                        //FloatToJson("length", distanceJoint.GetLenght(), jointValue);
                        //FloatToJson("frequency", distanceJoint.GetFrequency(), jointValue);
                        //FloatToJson("dampingRatio", distanceJoint.GetDampingRatio(), jointValue);
                case b2JointType.e_pulleyJoint:
                        jointValue["type"] = "pulley";

                        b2PulleyJoint pulleyJoint = (b2PulleyJoint)joint;
                        VecToJson("groundAnchorA", pulleyJoint.GetGroundAnchorA(), jointValue);
                        VecToJson("groundAnchorB", pulleyJoint.GetGroundAnchorB(), jointValue);
                        tmpAnchor = pulleyJoint.GetAnchorA();
                        VecToJson("anchorA", bodyA.GetLocalPoint(tmpAnchor), jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("lengthA", (pulleyJoint.GetGroundAnchorA() - tmpAnchor).Length, jointValue);
                        tmpAnchor = pulleyJoint.GetAnchorB();
                        VecToJson("anchorB", bodyB.GetLocalPoint(tmpAnchor), jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("lengthB", (pulleyJoint.GetGroundAnchorB() - tmpAnchor).Length, jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("ratio", pulleyJoint.GetRatio(), jointValue);
                case b2JointType.e_mouseJoint:
                        jointValue["type"] = "mouse";

                        b2MouseJoint mouseJoint = (b2MouseJoint)joint;

                        VecToJson("target", mouseJoint.GetTarget(), jointValue);
                        tmpAnchor = mouseJoint.GetAnchorB();
                        VecToJson("anchorB", tmpAnchor, jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("maxForce", mouseJoint.GetMaxForce(), jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("frequency", mouseJoint.GetFrequency(), jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("dampingRatio", mouseJoint.GetDampingRatio(), jointValue);
                case b2JointType.e_gearJoint:
                        jointValue["type"] = "gear";
                        b2GearJoint gearJoint = (b2GearJoint)joint;
                        int jointIndex1 = lookupJointIndex(gearJoint.GetJoint1());
                        int jointIndex2 = lookupJointIndex(gearJoint.GetJoint2());
                        jointValue["joint1"] = jointIndex1;
                        jointValue["joint2"] = jointIndex2;
                        jointValue["ratio"] = gearJoint.GetRatio();
                case b2JointType.e_wheelJoint:
                        jointValue["type"] = "wheel";
                        b2WheelJoint wheelJoint = (b2WheelJoint)joint;
                        tmpAnchor = wheelJoint.GetAnchorA();
                        VecToJson("anchorA", tmpAnchor, jointValue);
                        tmpAnchor = wheelJoint.GetAnchorB();
                        VecToJson("anchorB", tmpAnchor, jointValue);
                        //TODO: UNKNOWN METHOD
                        //VecToJson("localAxisA", wheelJoint.GetLocalAxisA(), jointValue);
                        jointValue["enableMotor"] = wheelJoint.IsMotorEnabled();
                        FloatToJson("motorSpeed", wheelJoint.GetMotorSpeed(), jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("maxMotorTorque", wheelJoint.GetMaxMotorTorque(), jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("springFrequency", wheelJoint.GetSpringFrequencyHz(), jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("springDampingRatio", wheelJoint.GetSpringDampingRatio(), jointValue);

                case b2JointType.e_weldJoint:
                        jointValue["type"] = "weld";

                        b2WeldJoint weldJoint = (b2WeldJoint)joint;
                        tmpAnchor = weldJoint.GetAnchorA();
                        VecToJson("anchorA", bodyA.GetLocalPoint(tmpAnchor), jointValue);
                        tmpAnchor = weldJoint.GetAnchorB();
                        VecToJson("anchorB", bodyB.GetLocalPoint(tmpAnchor), jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("refAngle", weldJoint.ReferenceAngle, jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("frequency", weldJoint.Frequency, jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("dampingRatio", weldJoint.DampingRatio, jointValue);
                case b2JointType.e_frictionJoint:
                        jointValue["type"] = "friction";

                        b2FrictionJoint frictionJoint = (b2FrictionJoint)joint;
                        tmpAnchor = frictionJoint.GetAnchorA();
                        VecToJson("anchorA", bodyA.GetLocalPoint(tmpAnchor), jointValue);
                        tmpAnchor = frictionJoint.GetAnchorB();
                        VecToJson("anchorB", bodyB.GetLocalPoint(tmpAnchor), jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("maxForce", frictionJoint.GetMaxForce(), jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("maxTorque", frictionJoint.GetMaxTorque(), jointValue);
                case b2JointType.e_ropeJoint:
                        // Rope joints are apparently not implemented in JBox2D yet, but
                        // when they are, commenting out the following section should work.

                        jointValue["type"] = "rope";

                        b2RopeJoint ropeJoint = (b2RopeJoint)joint;
                        tmpAnchor = ropeJoint.GetAnchorA();
                        VecToJson("anchorA", bodyA.GetLocalPoint(tmpAnchor), jointValue);
                        tmpAnchor = ropeJoint.GetAnchorB();
                        VecToJson("anchorB", bodyB.GetLocalPoint(tmpAnchor), jointValue);
                        FloatToJson("maxLength", ropeJoint.GetMaxLength(), jointValue);


                //case b2JointType.Motor:
                //    jointValue["type"] = "motor";
                //    MotorJoint motor = (MotorJoint)joint;
                //    tmpAnchor = motor.WorldAnchorA;
                //    VecToJson("anchorA", motor.LinearOffset, jointValue);
                //    //tmpAnchor = motor.WorldAnchorB;
                //    //VecToJson("anchorB", bodyB.GetLocalPoint(tmpAnchor), jointValue);
                //    FloatToJson("maxForce", motor.MaxForce, jointValue);
                //    FloatToJson("maxTorque", motor.MaxTorque, jointValue);
                //    FloatToJson("refAngle", motor.AngularOffset, jointValue);
                    Console.WriteLine("Unknown joint type : " + joint.GetJointType());

            JArray customPropertyValue = WriteCustomPropertiesToJson(joint);
            if (customPropertyValue.Count > 0)
                jointValue["customProperties"] = customPropertyValue;

            return jointValue;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public override void JointDestroyed(b2Joint joint)
     for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
         if (m_joints[i] == joint)
             m_joints[i] = null;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public virtual void JointDestroyed(b2Joint joint)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public b2GearJoint(b2GearJointDef def)
            : base(def)
            m_joint1 = def.joint1;
            m_joint2 = def.joint2;

            m_typeA = m_joint1.GetJointType();
            m_typeB = m_joint2.GetJointType();

            Debug.Assert(m_typeA == b2JointType.e_revoluteJoint || m_typeA == b2JointType.e_prismaticJoint);
            Debug.Assert(m_typeB == b2JointType.e_revoluteJoint || m_typeB == b2JointType.e_prismaticJoint);

            float coordinateA, coordinateB;

            // TODO_ERIN there might be some problem with the joint edges in b2Joint.

            m_bodyC = m_joint1.GetBodyA();
            m_bodyA = m_joint1.GetBodyB();

            // Get geometry of joint1
            b2Transform xfA = m_bodyA.XF;
            float aA = m_bodyA.Sweep.a;
            b2Transform xfC = m_bodyC.XF;
            float aC = m_bodyC.Sweep.a;

            if (m_typeA == b2JointType.e_revoluteJoint)
                b2RevoluteJoint revolute = (b2RevoluteJoint)def.joint1;
                m_localAnchorC = revolute.GetLocalAnchorA();
                m_localAnchorA = revolute.GetLocalAnchorB();
                m_referenceAngleA = revolute.GetReferenceAngle();

                coordinateA = aA - aC - m_referenceAngleA;
                b2PrismaticJoint prismatic = (b2PrismaticJoint)def.joint1;
                m_localAnchorC = prismatic.GetLocalAnchorA();
                m_localAnchorA = prismatic.GetLocalAnchorB();
                m_referenceAngleA = prismatic.GetReferenceAngle();
                m_localAxisC = prismatic.GetLocalXAxisA();

                b2Vec2 pC = m_localAnchorC;
                b2Vec2 pA = b2Math.b2MulT(xfC.q, b2Math.b2Mul(xfA.q, m_localAnchorA) + (xfA.p - xfC.p));
                coordinateA = b2Math.b2Dot(pA - pC, m_localAxisC);

            m_bodyD = m_joint2.GetBodyA();
            m_bodyB = m_joint2.GetBodyB();

            // Get geometry of joint2
            b2Transform xfB = m_bodyB.XF;
            float aB = m_bodyB.Sweep.a;
            b2Transform xfD = m_bodyD.XF;
            float aD = m_bodyD.Sweep.a;

            if (m_typeB == b2JointType.e_revoluteJoint)
                b2RevoluteJoint revolute = (b2RevoluteJoint)def.joint2;
                m_localAnchorD = revolute.GetLocalAnchorA();
                m_localAnchorB = revolute.GetLocalAnchorB();
                m_referenceAngleB = revolute.GetReferenceAngle();

                coordinateB = aB - aD - m_referenceAngleB;
                b2PrismaticJoint prismatic = (b2PrismaticJoint)def.joint2;
                m_localAnchorD = prismatic.GetLocalAnchorA();
                m_localAnchorB = prismatic.GetLocalAnchorB();
                m_referenceAngleB = prismatic.GetReferenceAngle();
                m_localAxisD = prismatic.GetLocalXAxisA();

                b2Vec2 pD = m_localAnchorD;
                b2Vec2 pB = b2Math.b2MulT(xfD.q, b2Math.b2Mul(xfB.q, m_localAnchorB) + (xfB.p - xfD.p));
                coordinateB = b2Math.b2Dot(pB - pD, m_localAxisD);

            m_ratio = def.ratio;

            m_constant = coordinateA + m_ratio * coordinateB;

            m_impulse = 0.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public Wheel()

            this.Initialize = car =>

                wheel object 


                car - car this wheel belongs to
                x - horizontal position in meters relative to car's center
                y - vertical position in meters relative to car's center
                width - width in meters
                length - length in meters
                revolving - does this wheel revolve when steering?
                powered - is this wheel powered?

                var position = new double[] { x, y };

                //initialize body
                var def = new b2BodyDef();
                def.type = b2Body.b2_dynamicBody;
                def.position = car.body.GetWorldPoint(new b2Vec2(position[0], position[1]));
                def.angle = car.body.GetAngle();
                this.body = b2world.CreateBody(def);

                //initialize shape
                var fixdef = new b2FixtureDef();
                fixdef.density = 1;
                fixdef.isSensor = true; //wheel does not participate in collision calculations: resulting complications are unnecessary

                var fixdef_shape = new b2PolygonShape();

                fixdef.shape = fixdef_shape;
                fixdef_shape.SetAsBox(width / 2, length / 2);
                this.fix = body.CreateFixture(fixdef);

                var jointdef = new b2RevoluteJointDef();

                //create joint to connect wheel to body
                if (revolving)
                    jointdef.Initialize(car.body, body, body.GetWorldCenter());
                    jointdef.enableMotor = false; //we'll be controlling the wheel's angle manually
                    jointdef.Initialize(car.body, body, body.GetWorldCenter()
                        //, new b2Vec2(1, 0)
                    jointdef.enableLimit = true;

                    //jointdef.lowerTranslation = 0;
                    //jointdef.upperTranslation = 0;
                joint = b2world.CreateJoint(jointdef);

                #region setAngle
                this.setAngle +=
                    (angle) =>
                        this.rotation = angle.DegreesToRadians();

                        angle - wheel angle relative to car, in degrees
                        body.SetAngle(car.body.GetAngle() + angle.DegreesToRadians());

                #region getLocalVelocity
                Func<double[]> getLocalVelocity = delegate
                    /*returns get velocity vector relative to car
                    var res = car.body.GetLocalVector(car.body.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(new b2Vec2(position[0], position[1])));
                    return new double[] { res.x, res.y };

                #region getDirectionVector
                Func<double[]> getDirectionVector = delegate
                    returns a world unit vector pointing in the direction this wheel is moving

                    if (getLocalVelocity()[1] > 0)
                        return vectors.rotate(new double[] { 0, 1 }, body.GetAngle());
                        return vectors.rotate(new double[] { 0, -1 }, body.GetAngle());

                #region getKillVelocityVector
                Func<double[]> getKillVelocityVector = delegate
                    substracts sideways velocity from this wheel's velocity vector and returns the remaining front-facing velocity vector
                    var velocity = body.GetLinearVelocity();
                    var sideways_axis = getDirectionVector();
                    var dotprod = vectors.dot(new[] { velocity.x, velocity.y }, sideways_axis);
                    return new double[] { sideways_axis[0] * dotprod, sideways_axis[1] * dotprod };

                #region killSidewaysVelocity
                this.killSidewaysVelocity = delegate
                    removes all sideways velocity from this wheels velocity
                    var kv = getKillVelocityVector();

                    body.SetLinearVelocity(new b2Vec2(kv[0], kv[1]));


Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void SetCustomVector(b2Joint item, String propertyName, b2Vec2 val)
     GetCustomPropertiesForItem(item, true).m_customPropertyMap_vec2.Add(propertyName, val);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public b2World(b2Vec2 gravity)
            m_destructionListener = null;
            m_debugDraw = null;

            m_bodyList = null;
            m_jointList = null;

            m_bodyCount = 0;
            m_jointCount = 0;

            m_warmStarting = true;
            m_continuousPhysics = true;
            m_subStepping = false;

            m_stepComplete = true;

            m_allowSleep = true;
            m_gravity = gravity;

            m_flags = b2WorldFlags.e_clearForces;

            m_inv_dt0 = 0.0f;

            // setup up our default Contact Manager
            m_contactManager = new b2ContactManager();
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void SetCustomFloat(b2Joint item, String propertyName, float val)
     GetCustomPropertiesForItem(item, true).m_customPropertyMap_float.Add(propertyName, (float)val);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void SetCustomString(b2Joint item, String propertyName, String val)
     GetCustomPropertiesForItem(item, true).m_customPropertyMap_string.Add(propertyName, val);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public b2GearJoint(b2GearJointDef def)
            : base(def)
            m_joint1 = def.joint1;
            m_joint2 = def.joint2;

            m_typeA = m_joint1.GetJointType();
            m_typeB = m_joint2.GetJointType();

            Debug.Assert(m_typeA == b2JointType.e_revoluteJoint || m_typeA == b2JointType.e_prismaticJoint);
            Debug.Assert(m_typeB == b2JointType.e_revoluteJoint || m_typeB == b2JointType.e_prismaticJoint);

            float coordinateA, coordinateB;

            // TODO_ERIN there might be some problem with the joint edges in b2Joint.

            m_bodyC = m_joint1.GetBodyA();
            m_bodyA = m_joint1.GetBodyB();

            // Get geometry of joint1
            b2Transform xfA = m_bodyA.XF;
            float       aA  = m_bodyA.Sweep.a;
            b2Transform xfC = m_bodyC.XF;
            float       aC  = m_bodyC.Sweep.a;

            if (m_typeA == b2JointType.e_revoluteJoint)
                b2RevoluteJoint revolute = (b2RevoluteJoint)def.joint1;
                m_localAnchorC    = revolute.GetLocalAnchorA();
                m_localAnchorA    = revolute.GetLocalAnchorB();
                m_referenceAngleA = revolute.GetReferenceAngle();

                coordinateA = aA - aC - m_referenceAngleA;
                b2PrismaticJoint prismatic = (b2PrismaticJoint)def.joint1;
                m_localAnchorC    = prismatic.GetLocalAnchorA();
                m_localAnchorA    = prismatic.GetLocalAnchorB();
                m_referenceAngleA = prismatic.GetReferenceAngle();
                m_localAxisC      = prismatic.GetLocalXAxisA();

                b2Vec2 pC = m_localAnchorC;
                b2Vec2 pA = b2Math.b2MulT(xfC.q, b2Math.b2Mul(xfA.q, m_localAnchorA) + (xfA.p - xfC.p));
                coordinateA = b2Math.b2Dot(pA - pC, m_localAxisC);

            m_bodyD = m_joint2.GetBodyA();
            m_bodyB = m_joint2.GetBodyB();

            // Get geometry of joint2
            b2Transform xfB = m_bodyB.XF;
            float       aB  = m_bodyB.Sweep.a;
            b2Transform xfD = m_bodyD.XF;
            float       aD  = m_bodyD.Sweep.a;

            if (m_typeB == b2JointType.e_revoluteJoint)
                b2RevoluteJoint revolute = (b2RevoluteJoint)def.joint2;
                m_localAnchorD    = revolute.GetLocalAnchorA();
                m_localAnchorB    = revolute.GetLocalAnchorB();
                m_referenceAngleB = revolute.GetReferenceAngle();

                coordinateB = aB - aD - m_referenceAngleB;
                b2PrismaticJoint prismatic = (b2PrismaticJoint)def.joint2;
                m_localAnchorD    = prismatic.GetLocalAnchorA();
                m_localAnchorB    = prismatic.GetLocalAnchorB();
                m_referenceAngleB = prismatic.GetReferenceAngle();
                m_localAxisD      = prismatic.GetLocalXAxisA();

                b2Vec2 pD = m_localAnchorD;
                b2Vec2 pB = b2Math.b2MulT(xfD.q, b2Math.b2Mul(xfB.q, m_localAnchorB) + (xfB.p - xfD.p));
                coordinateB = b2Math.b2Dot(pB - pD, m_localAxisD);

            m_ratio = def.ratio;

            m_constant = coordinateA + m_ratio * coordinateB;

            m_impulse = 0.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public DumpShell()

            b2Vec2 g = new b2Vec2(0.000000000000000e+00f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
            m_world.Gravity = g;
            b2Body[] bodies = new b2Body[3];
            b2Joint[] joints = new b2Joint[2];
                b2BodyDef bd  = new b2BodyDef();
                bd.type = b2BodyType.b2_dynamicBody;
                bd.position.Set(1.304347801208496e+01f, 2.500000000000000e+00f);
                bd.angle = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                bd.linearVelocity.Set(0.000000000000000e+00f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                bd.angularVelocity = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                bd.linearDamping = 5.000000000000000e-01f;
                bd.angularDamping = 5.000000000000000e-01f;
                bd.allowSleep = true;
                bd.awake = true;
                bd.fixedRotation = false;
                bd.bullet = false;
                bd.active = true;
                bd.gravityScale = 1.000000000000000e+00f;
                bodies[0] = m_world.CreateBody(bd);

                    b2FixtureDef fd = new b2FixtureDef();
                    fd.friction = 1.000000000000000e+00f;
                    fd.restitution = 5.000000000000000e-01f;
                    fd.density = 1.000000000000000e+01f;
                    fd.isSensor = false;
                    fd.filter.categoryBits = 1;
                    fd.filter.maskBits = 65535;
                    fd.filter.groupIndex = 0;
                    b2PolygonShape shape = new b2PolygonShape();
                    b2Vec2[] vs = new b2Vec2[8];
                    vs[0].Set(-6.900000095367432e+00f, -3.000000119209290e-01f);
                    vs[1].Set(2.000000029802322e-01f, -3.000000119209290e-01f);
                    vs[2].Set(2.000000029802322e-01f, 2.000000029802322e-01f);
                    vs[3].Set(-6.900000095367432e+00f, 2.000000029802322e-01f);
                    shape.Set(vs, 4);

                    fd.shape = shape;

                b2BodyDef bd  = new b2BodyDef();
                bd.type = b2BodyType.b2_dynamicBody;
                bd.position.Set(8.478260636329651e-01f, 2.500000000000000e+00f);
                bd.angle = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                bd.linearVelocity.Set(0.000000000000000e+00f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                bd.angularVelocity = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                bd.linearDamping = 5.000000000000000e-01f;
                bd.angularDamping = 5.000000000000000e-01f;
                bd.allowSleep = true;
                bd.awake = true;
                bd.fixedRotation = false;
                bd.bullet = false;
                bd.active = true;
                bd.gravityScale = 1.000000000000000e+00f;
                bodies[1] = m_world.CreateBody(bd);

                    b2FixtureDef fd = new b2FixtureDef();
                    fd.friction = 1.000000000000000e+00f;
                    fd.restitution = 5.000000000000000e-01f;
                    fd.density = 1.000000000000000e+01f;
                    fd.isSensor = false;
                    fd.filter.categoryBits = 1;
                    fd.filter.maskBits = 65535;
                    fd.filter.groupIndex = 0;
                    b2PolygonShape shape = new b2PolygonShape();
                    b2Vec2[] vs = new b2Vec2[8];
                    vs[0].Set(-3.228000104427338e-01f, -2.957000136375427e-01f);
                    vs[1].Set(6.885900020599365e+00f, -3.641000092029572e-01f);
                    vs[2].Set(6.907599925994873e+00f, 3.271999955177307e-01f);
                    vs[3].Set(-3.228000104427338e-01f, 2.825999855995178e-01f);
                    shape.Set(vs, 4);

                    fd.shape = shape;


                b2BodyDef bd  = new b2BodyDef();
                bd.type = b2BodyType.b2_staticBody;
                bd.position.Set(0.000000000000000e+00f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                bd.angle = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                bd.linearVelocity.Set(0.000000000000000e+00f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                bd.angularVelocity = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                bd.linearDamping = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                bd.angularDamping = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                bd.allowSleep = true;
                bd.awake = true;
                bd.fixedRotation = false;
                bd.bullet = false;
                bd.active = true;
                bd.gravityScale = 1.000000000000000e+00f;
                bodies[2] = m_world.CreateBody(bd);

                    b2FixtureDef fd = new b2FixtureDef();
                    fd.friction = 1.000000000000000e+01f;
                    fd.restitution = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                    fd.density = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                    fd.isSensor = false;
                    fd.filter.categoryBits = 1;
                    fd.filter.maskBits = 65535;
                    fd.filter.groupIndex = 0;
                    b2EdgeShape shape = new b2EdgeShape();
                    shape.Radius = 9.999999776482582e-03f;
                    shape.Vertex0 = new b2Vec2(0.000000000000000e+00f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                    shape.Vertex1 = new b2Vec2(4.452173995971680e+01f, 1.669565200805664e+01f);
                    shape.Vertex2 = new b2Vec2(4.452173995971680e+01f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                    shape.Vertex3 = new b2Vec2(0.000000000000000e+00f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                    shape.HasVertex0 = false;
                    shape.HasVertex3 = false;

                    fd.shape = shape;

                    b2FixtureDef fd = new b2FixtureDef();
                    fd.friction = 1.000000000000000e+01f;
                    fd.restitution = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                    fd.density = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                    fd.isSensor = false;
                    fd.filter.categoryBits = 1;
                    fd.filter.maskBits = 65535;
                    fd.filter.groupIndex = 0;
                    b2EdgeShape shape = new b2EdgeShape();
                    shape.Radius = 9.999999776482582e-03f;
                    shape.Vertex0 = new b2Vec2(0.000000000000000e+00f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                    shape.Vertex1 = new b2Vec2(0.000000000000000e+00f, 1.669565200805664e+01f);
                    shape.Vertex2 = new b2Vec2(0.000000000000000e+00f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                    shape.Vertex3 = new b2Vec2(0.000000000000000e+00f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                    shape.HasVertex0 = false;
                    shape.HasVertex3 = false;

                    fd.shape = shape;

                    b2FixtureDef fd = new b2FixtureDef();
                    fd.friction = 1.000000000000000e+01f;
                    fd.restitution = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                    fd.density = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                    fd.isSensor = false;
                    fd.filter.categoryBits = 1;
                    fd.filter.maskBits = 65535;
                    fd.filter.groupIndex = 0;
                    b2EdgeShape shape = new b2EdgeShape();
                    shape.Radius = 9.999999776482582e-03f;
                    shape.Vertex0 = new b2Vec2(0.000000000000000e+00f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                    shape.Vertex1 = new b2Vec2(0.000000000000000e+00f, 1.669565200805664e+01f);
                    shape.Vertex2 = new b2Vec2(4.452173995971680e+01f, 1.669565200805664e+01f);
                    shape.Vertex3 = new b2Vec2(0.000000000000000e+00f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                    shape.HasVertex0 = false;
                    shape.HasVertex3 = false;

                    fd.shape = shape;

                    b2FixtureDef fd = new b2FixtureDef();
                    fd.friction = 1.000000000000000e+01f;
                    fd.restitution = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                    fd.density = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                    fd.isSensor = false;
                    fd.filter.categoryBits = 1;
                    fd.filter.maskBits = 65535;
                    fd.filter.groupIndex = 0;
                    b2EdgeShape shape = new b2EdgeShape();
                    shape.Radius = 9.999999776482582e-03f;
                    shape.Vertex0 = new b2Vec2(0.000000000000000e+00f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                    shape.Vertex1 = new b2Vec2(0.000000000000000e+00f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                    shape.Vertex2 = new b2Vec2(4.452173995971680e+01f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                    shape.Vertex3 = new b2Vec2(0.000000000000000e+00f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                    shape.HasVertex0 = false;
                    shape.HasVertex3 = false;

                    fd.shape = shape;


                b2PrismaticJointDef jd = new b2PrismaticJointDef();
                jd.BodyA = bodies[1];
                jd.BodyB = bodies[0];
                jd.CollideConnected = false;
                jd.localAnchorA.Set(0.000000000000000e+00f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                jd.localAnchorB.Set(-1.219565200805664e+01f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                jd.localAxisA.Set(-1.219565200805664e+01f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                jd.referenceAngle = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                jd.enableLimit = true;
                jd.lowerTranslation = -2.000000000000000e+01f;
                jd.upperTranslation = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                jd.enableMotor = true;
                jd.motorSpeed = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                jd.maxMotorForce = 1.000000000000000e+01f;
                joints[0] = m_world.CreateJoint(jd);
                b2RevoluteJointDef jd = new b2RevoluteJointDef();
                jd.BodyA = bodies[1];
                jd.BodyB = bodies[2];
                jd.CollideConnected = false;
                jd.localAnchorA.Set(0.000000000000000e+00f, 0.000000000000000e+00f);
                jd.localAnchorB.Set(8.478260636329651e-01f, 2.500000000000000e+00f);
                jd.referenceAngle = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                jd.enableLimit = false;
                jd.lowerAngle = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                jd.upperAngle = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                jd.enableMotor = false;
                jd.motorSpeed = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                jd.maxMotorTorque = 0.000000000000000e+00f;
                joints[1] = m_world.CreateJoint(jd);

Ejemplo n.º 18
        protected void readCustomPropertiesFromJson(b2Joint item, JObject value)
            if (null == item)

            if (value["customProperties"] != null)

            int i = 0;
            JArray propValues = (JArray)value["customProperties"];
            if (null != propValues)
                int numPropValues = propValues.Count;
                for (i = 0; i < numPropValues; i++)
                    JObject propValue = (JObject)propValues[i];
                    String propertyName = propValue["name"].ToString();
                    if (propValue["int"] != null)
                        SetCustomInt(item, propertyName, (int)propValue["int"]);
                    if (propValue["float"] != null)
                        SetCustomFloat(item, propertyName, (float)propValue["float"]);
                    if (propValue["string"] != null)
                        SetCustomString(item, propertyName, propValue["string"].ToString());
                    if (propValue["vec2"] != null)
                        SetCustomVector(item, propertyName, this.jsonToVec("vec2", propValue));
                    if (propValue["bool"] != null)
                        SetCustomBool(item, propertyName, (bool)propValue["bool"]);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 protected int lookupJointIndex(b2Joint joint)
     int? val = m_jointToIndexMap[joint];
     if (null != val)
         return val.Value;
         return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public void SetJointName(b2Joint joint, String name)
     m_jointToNameMap.Add(joint, name);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 /// Called when any joint is about to be destroyed due
 /// to the destruction of one of its attached bodies.
 public abstract void SayGoodbye(b2Joint joint);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public static b2Joint Create(b2JointDef def)
            b2Joint joint = null;

            switch (def.JointType)
            case b2JointType.e_distanceJoint:
                joint = new b2DistanceJoint((b2DistanceJointDef)def);

            case b2JointType.e_mouseJoint:
                joint = new b2MouseJoint((b2MouseJointDef)def);

            case b2JointType.e_prismaticJoint:
                joint = new b2PrismaticJoint((b2PrismaticJointDef)def);

            case b2JointType.e_revoluteJoint:
                joint = new b2RevoluteJoint((b2RevoluteJointDef)def);

            case b2JointType.e_pulleyJoint:
                joint = new b2PulleyJoint((b2PulleyJointDef)def);

            case b2JointType.e_gearJoint:
                joint = new b2GearJoint((b2GearJointDef)def);

            case b2JointType.e_wheelJoint:
                joint = new b2WheelJoint((b2WheelJointDef)def);

            case b2JointType.e_weldJoint:
                joint = new b2WeldJoint((b2WeldJointDef)def);

            case b2JointType.e_frictionJoint:
                joint = new b2FrictionJoint((b2FrictionJointDef)def);

            case b2JointType.e_ropeJoint:
                joint = new b2RopeJoint((b2RopeJointDef)def);


Ejemplo n.º 23
 public void Add(b2Joint joint)
     Debug.Assert(m_jointCount < m_jointCapacity);
     m_joints[m_jointCount++] = joint;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public String GetJointName(b2Joint joint)
     if (m_jointToNameMap.ContainsKey(joint))
         return m_jointToNameMap[joint];
     return null;