Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void RedrawWindowsSystemTrayArea()
                // Windows XP and earlier
                IntPtr hNotificationArea = Native.FindWindowEx
                    Native.FW(Native.FW(Native.FW(IntPtr.Zero, "Shell_TrayWnd"), "TrayNotifyWnd"), "SysPager"),
                    "Notification Area"

                // Windows Vista and later
                if ((hNotificationArea == IntPtr.Zero) || (hNotificationArea.ToInt32() == Native.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE))
                    hNotificationArea = Native.FindWindowEx
                        Native.FW(Native.FW(Native.FW(IntPtr.Zero, "Shell_TrayWnd"), "TrayNotifyWnd"), "SysPager"),
                        "User Promoted Notification Area"

                if ((hNotificationArea == IntPtr.Zero) || (hNotificationArea.ToInt32() == Native.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE))

                // Get the notification bounds
                Native.Rect rect = new Native.Rect();
                Native.GetClientRect(hNotificationArea, ref rect);

                // Wiggle the mouse over the notification area
                // Note: this doesn't actually move the mouse cursor on the screen -- this just sends a message to the system tray window
                //       that mouse movement occurred over it, forcing it to refresh.  Sending messages asking for a repaint or invalidated
                //       area don't work, but this does.
                for (UInt32 x = 0; x < rect.Right; x += 5)
                    for (UInt32 y = 0; y < rect.Bottom; y += 5)
                        Native.SendMessage(hNotificationArea, Native.WM_MOUSEMOVE, 0, (y << 16) | x);
            catch { }
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void ToggleWindowsTaskbarVisibility(Tools.Boolstate forced = Tools.Boolstate.Indeterminate)
                IntPtr hTaskBar = Native.FindWindow("Shell_TrayWnd", null);

                if ((hTaskBar.ToInt32() == Native.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || (hTaskBar == IntPtr.Zero))

                bool TaskBarIsCurrentlyVisible       = Native.IsWindowVisible(hTaskBar);
                bool WantToMakeWindowsTaskbarVisible = (forced == Tools.Boolstate.True) ? true : (forced == Tools.Boolstate.False) ? false : !TaskBarIsCurrentlyVisible;

                // For forced modes, if the taskbar is already visible and we're requesting to show it, then do nothing
                if (WantToMakeWindowsTaskbarVisible && TaskBarIsCurrentlyVisible)

                // For forced modes, if the taskbar is already hidden and we're requesting to hide it, then do nothing
                if (!WantToMakeWindowsTaskbarVisible && !TaskBarIsCurrentlyVisible)

                // If we're hiding the taskbar, let's take some notes on the original screen desktop work areas
                if (!WantToMakeWindowsTaskbarVisible)
                    foreach (Screen screen in Screen.AllScreens)
                        OriginalScreenInfo osi = new OriginalScreenInfo();
                        osi.screen          = screen;
                        osi.workarea        = new Native.Rect();
                        osi.workarea.Left   = screen.WorkingArea.Left;
                        osi.workarea.Top    = screen.WorkingArea.Top;
                        osi.workarea.Right  = screen.WorkingArea.Right;
                        osi.workarea.Bottom = screen.WorkingArea.Bottom;

                // Show or hide the Windows taskbar
                Native.ShowWindow(hTaskBar, (WantToMakeWindowsTaskbarVisible) ? WindowShowStyle.ShowNoActivate : WindowShowStyle.Hide);

                // Keep track of the taskbar state so we don't let the user accidentally close Borderless Gaming
                WindowsTaskbarIsHidden = !WantToMakeWindowsTaskbarVisible;

                if (WantToMakeWindowsTaskbarVisible)
                    // If we're showing the taskbar, let's restore the original screen desktop work areas...
                    foreach (OriginalScreenInfo osi in OriginalScreens)
                        Native.SystemParametersInfo(SPI.SPI_SETWORKAREA, 0, ref osi.workarea, SPIF.SPIF_SENDCHANGE);

                    // ...and then forget them (we don't need them anymore)

                    // And we need to redraw the system tray in case tray icons from other applications did something while the
                    // taskbar was hidden.  Simulating mouse movement over the system tray seems to be the best way to get this
                    // done.
                    // If we're hiding the taskbar, let's set the screen desktop work area over the entire screen so that
                    // maximizing windows works as expected.
                    foreach (OriginalScreenInfo osi in OriginalScreens)
                        Native.Rect rect = new Native.Rect();
                        rect.Left   = osi.screen.Bounds.Left;
                        rect.Top    = osi.screen.Bounds.Top;
                        rect.Right  = osi.screen.Bounds.Right;
                        rect.Bottom = osi.screen.Bounds.Bottom;
                        Native.SystemParametersInfo(SPI.SPI_SETWORKAREA, 0, ref rect, SPIF.SPIF_SENDCHANGE);

                        // Note: WinAPI SystemParametersInfo() will automatically determine which screen by the rectangle we pass in.
                        //       (it's not possible to specify which screen we're referring to directly)
            catch { }