Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void AddBook(XmlNodeList authors, XmlNodeList reviews,
            string title, string webSite, decimal price, string isbn)
            if (title == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("BookTitle must not be null");

            BookStoreDB context = new BookStoreDB();

            Book newBook = new Book();
            foreach (XmlNode author in authors)
                string authorName = author.InnerText;
                newBook.Authors.Add(CreateOrLoadAuthor(context, authorName));

            foreach (XmlNode review in reviews)
                string authorName = null;
                XmlAttributeCollection atributes = review.Attributes;
                string reviewText = review.InnerText.Trim();
                if (review.Attributes.GetNamedItem("author") != null)
                    authorName  = review.Attributes.GetNamedItem("author").Value;
                string date = "";
                if (review.Attributes.GetNamedItem("date") != null)
                     date = review.Attributes["date"].Value;
                DateTime parsed;
                string dateFormat = "d-MMM-yyyy";
                  DateTime.TryParseExact(date, dateFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out parsed);
                newBook.Reviews.Add(CreateReview(context, parsed, authorName, reviewText));
            newBook.Title = title;
            newBook.Website = webSite;
            newBook.Price = price;
            newBook.Isbn = isbn;

Ejemplo n.º 2
 // Task 1 - 2 are in Code First aproach and I em using DataAnotattions Atributes for adding constraints
 public static void AddBook(string author,
     string title, string webSite, decimal price, string isbn)
     if (author == null || title == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("BookTitle and BookAuthor(s) must not be null");
     BookStoreDB context = new BookStoreDB();
     Book newBook = new Book();
     newBook.Authors.Add(CreateOrLoadAuthor(context, author));
     newBook.Title = title;
     newBook.Website = webSite;
     newBook.Price = price;
     newBook.Isbn = isbn;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static Author CreateOrLoadAuthor(
            BookStoreDB context, string authorName)
            Author existingAuthor =
                (from u in context.Authors
                 where u.Name == authorName
                 select u).FirstOrDefault();
            if (existingAuthor != null)
                return existingAuthor;

            Author newAuthor = new Author();
            newAuthor.Name = authorName;

            return newAuthor;