Inheritance: CollectableValue
Ejemplo n.º 1
 public EventValue(string hostname, long timestamp, int nLevel, string title, string message, long id, string source)
     Level     = EventValue.levelToString(nLevel);
     Timestamp = timestamp;
     Title     = title;
     Message   = message;
     HostName  = hostname;
     Id        = id;
     Source    = source;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj == null || obj.GetType() != this.GetType())

            EventValue that = (EventValue)obj;

            return(this.Id == that.Id);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public EventValue(string hostname, long timestamp, int nLevel, string title, string message, long id)
            Level     = EventValue.levelToString(nLevel);
            Timestamp = timestamp;
            Title     = title;
            Message   = message;
            HostName  = hostname;
            Id        = id;

            PluginName         = "WindowsEvent";
            PluginInstanceName = "";
            TypeName           = "";
            TypeInstanceName   = "";
        public IList<CollectableValue> Read()
            // Only collect events and event metric every nth interval
            if (_intervalCounter++ % _intervalMultiplier != 0)
                return new List<CollectableValue>();

            IList<CollectableValue> collectableValues = new List<CollectableValue>();
            long totalEvents = 0;
            long collectionTime = (long)(Util.toEpoch(DateTime.UtcNow));

            List<long> recordIds = new List<long>();
            foreach (EventQuery eventQuery in _events)
                List<EventRecord> records = GetEventRecords(eventQuery.minLevel, eventQuery.maxLevel, eventQuery.log, eventQuery.source);

                // Filter the events - event ID must be in target range, description must match regex and we mustn't have already read this event record ID in another query
                Regex filterExp = new Regex(eventQuery.filterExp, RegexOptions.None);
                List<EventRecord> filteredRecords = records.FindAll(delegate(EventRecord record)
                    return !recordIds.Contains((long)record.RecordId) && record.Id >= eventQuery.minEventId && record.Id <= eventQuery.maxEventId && filterExp.IsMatch(record.FormatDescription());

                // Add these record IDs to dedupe list so we don't capture them again in a later query
                filteredRecords.ForEach(delegate(EventRecord record) { recordIds.Add((long)record.RecordId); });

                if (filteredRecords.Count <= eventQuery.maxPerCycle)
                    foreach (EventRecord record in filteredRecords)
                        // Timestamp from record is machine time, not GMT
                        long timestamp = (long)(Util.toEpoch(record.TimeCreated.Value.ToUniversalTime()));
                        long id = (long)record.RecordId;
                        string message = record.FormatDescription();
                        EventValue newevent = new EventValue(_hostName, timestamp, record.Level.Value, eventQuery.title, message, id);
                    // Too many events - summarise by counting events by application,level and code
                    Dictionary<string, int> detailMap = new Dictionary<string, int>();
                    int minLevel = 999; // used to get the most severe event in the period for the summary level
                    filteredRecords.ForEach(delegate(EventRecord record)
                        string key = string.Format("{0} in {1} ({2})", record.LevelDisplayName, record.ProviderName, record.Id);

                        if (record.Level.Value < minLevel)
                            minLevel = record.Level.Value;

                        if (detailMap.ContainsKey(key))
                            detailMap[key] = detailMap[key] + 1;
                            detailMap.Add(key, 1);

                    List<KeyValuePair<string, int>> detailList = new List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>();
                    foreach (string key in detailMap.Keys)
                        detailList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, int>(key, detailMap[key]));
                    detailList.Sort(delegate(KeyValuePair<string, int> pair1, KeyValuePair<string, int> pair2) { return -pair1.Value.CompareTo(pair2.Value); });

                    string[] messageLines = new string[detailList.Count];

                    int ix = 0;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> pair in detailList)
                        messageLines[ix++] = pair.Value + " x " + pair.Key;
                    string title = string.Format("{0} ({1} events)", eventQuery.title, filteredRecords.Count);
                    EventValue newevent = new EventValue(_hostName, collectionTime, minLevel, title, String.Join(", ", messageLines), 0);
                    totalEvents += filteredRecords.Count;

            // Add event count metric
            MetricValue eventCountMetric = new MetricValue
                HostName = _hostName,
                PluginName = "windows_events",
                PluginInstanceName = "",
                TypeName = "count",
                TypeInstanceName = "event_count",
                Values = new double[] { totalEvents },
                FriendlyNames = new string[] { "Windows Event Count" },
                Epoch = collectionTime

            return collectableValues;